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Ask Tikay?



  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Only you. or the other people involved in the hand, can look at the hand history. Tikay doesn't have any special privileges that allow him to look at them. If you post the hand in the "Poker Strategy" section, I'm sure that lots of people will comment on it.
    Posted by MereNovice

    MereDonkey is 100% correct.

    If you think about it, I share my time here as a Player, & a sort of odd-job man for Sky Poker. So it would be wholly improper if I were able to see other Players Hand-Histories. The Conspiracy Theorists & "usual suspects" would have a field day. And quite right too, as they'd be right, for once.

    I get a lot of questions, both on this Thread, & via PM, asking me to look at Hand-Histories. I hate saying "I can't" to anyone, but I can't. 


    If you do as Mere suggests, & Post the hand details, you'll get plenty of responses, & I'll chime in with my usual nonsense, too.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi tikay last night i lost trip kings to quad eights. and tonight i lost kings full over aces to aces full over nines the nine came on the river am i playing these hands wrong
    Posted by muggy19
    Errm .... I don't get how you can have Trip kings V's Quad 8's? to get Quad 8's there must have been at least 2 of them on the board possibly 3 which would give you a house of Kings over 8's against quad 8's

    Both hands are difficult to get away from (The Kings full to quads is impossible i think) but the later hand it depends, Did you have pocket kings and let A 9 in cheap? if so then that maybe could have been taken care of pre-flop
  • edited January 2010

    1,000 Posts on this thread, wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!

    I'm slightly embarrassed that I'm a few days behind with the replies (& a week or more behind with PM's), but please keep the questions coming.

    Big thanks, too, to all those who help out with the "standard" answers. It's much appreciated.

    Here's to the next 1,000 Posts.
  • edited January 2010
    This is one PHAT thread. Or should I say Plump? Nice to have such a big useful thread & one that isn't full of moaning.
    Here's to the next 1,000 too :)
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    This is one PHAT thread. Or should I say Plump? Nice to have such a big useful thread & one that isn't full of moaning. Here's to the next 1,000 too :)
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    Extract from the "Ask tikay" Thread Terms & Conditions.

    Clause 27c;- NO WHINGE BUCKETS. All Whinge Buckets will be shot. Slowly.
  • edited January 2010
    Ok Mr Tikay ......... a question for you.

    Where was I on Sunday?

    There was a Station Cat who had his own ''cat fund'' collection dish in the Waiting Room.

    There were 2 Steam Engines and a small diesel engine for the kiddies (and me as it happens)

    They have a great range of old time signalling equipment and memorabilia on show.

    The booking office and waiting rooms are all pre-Beecham and beautifully restored.

    It's about 2 hours from where I live (due south'ish).

    It's right next door to a modern working railway station.

    We all had a great day there including the KIDDS.
  • edited January 2010

    hi tikay 
                i hit quad sevens off the flop got all the chips in against full house tens over sevens and he rivered the case ten for higher quads can you tell me the odds of that occuring plz. I'm also going to be a phone guest on the sunday night primo on the 7th of feb any tips on nerves or can you fix me to get aces every four hands


  • edited January 2010

    What do you think of a land based cash game featuring SkyPoker players? The hole cards could be exposed to card-cams and the play analysed by SkyPoker presenters and analysts, including yourself, and then shown on the skypoker channel. It would be great viewing to watch some of the well known faces on the SkyPoker tables battle it out against each other. The format I would suggest would be a £2.50/5/ game with a £1 ante and no maximum buy-in.

  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Tikay What do you think of a land based cash game featuring SkyPoker players? The hole cards could be exposed to card-cams and the play analysed by SkyPoker presenters and analysts, including yourself, and then shown on the skypoker channel. It would be great viewing to watch some of the well known faces on the SkyPoker tables battle it out against each other. The format I would suggest would be a £2.50/5/ game with a £1 ante and no maximum buy-in. Browndog
    Posted by BrownnDog
    Brownndog whilst i appreciate what you are saying i think the level at which you are suggesting is a bit elitist to be honest dont you how many of the run of the mill everyday players can play at these levels i for one when i play live cash i play 1/2 nl or pl but online i rarely venture above 50/1 just a thought mate great idea but too high i believe
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Brownndog whilst i appreciate what you are saying i think the level at which you are suggesting is a bit elitist to be honest dont you how many of the run of the mill everyday players can play at these levels i for one when i play live cash i play 1/2 nl or pl but online i rarely venture above 50/1 just a thought mate great idea but too high i believe
    Posted by mabsue

    Ok that's a fair point mate. Well I't doesn't have to be set in stone. It could vary or there could be multiple stakes. I just think a televised skypoker cash game would be good to watch and good for the community. I'd like to see it happen.

  • edited January 2010
    Tikay  Have you heard how Compo is doing in Vegas.  One of his colleagues on ATR was saying he is playing there as a pro?

  • edited January 2010
    3rd time lucky -any advice pls tikay before march 6th - see previous posts (don,t worry - i know your a busy man) MP33
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Can  just askTikay again what advice he would give to someone who's played online for a few years and in my local pub, but never played a live tournament .As I have qualified for Luton any advice would be appreciated? Thx 
    Posted by MP33
    Hi MP3, you are a sound player, & apologies for the delay in replying.

    That's a very wide question indeed!

    But briefly, if you have not played in a "proper" (Licensed) Venue before.......

    1) All Tables will be Dealer-dealt. The Dealer is in charge. If you disagree with something a Dealer does, just say "can I have a Ruling, please?" & the Floor-Man will come over & sort it out.

    2) NEVER act out of turn, even if you are the Button, & you intend to Pass - do NOT act untul it's your turn to act. Ever. By doing so, you are disadvantaging or giving advantage to other players unfairly.

    3) Do NOT - EVER - touch the chips "in the pot, or middle". They are not yours, even if you have won the hand. The Dealer will push them to you - that's THEIR job.

    4) Do not mess around asking other players for "change" if you only have large denom chips, it just delays the game & wastes other people's time. If it's 200 to Call, & you only have a 500 chip, place the 500 chip across the line, the Dealer will sort it out. You will get your change before the Pot is awarded to the winner.

    5) If you wish to Bet, or Raise, (which are TOTALLY different things), make eye-contact with the Dealer & tell them what you plan to do BEFORE putting your chips in the middle. That avoids misunderstandings. Many players struggle to see the difference between.... 

    I raise 1,000.

    I raise to 1,000

    I make it 1,000 to go.

    ALL of which are different things. So just say what you want to do BEFORE you act. 

    6) Protect your hole cards by placing a card-marker, or your (real) hands on your cards AT ALL TIMES. If you do not do his, the Dealer may well accidentally "muck" your hand. And if they do, you have no redress - it's YOUR FAULT.

    7) Live Poker is the greatest fun you can have with your clothes on if your table is "sociable", & most SPT Tables are. Say Hi to the Dealer, & to your Table companions when you first sit down. It makes a huge difference.

    8) If the Dealer is a well-constructed & nubile female, try not to ogle her. This has caused me some difficlties in the past.

    9) Before the Event starts, there will be some "fun" Master Classes run by the Sky Poker Presenters to help you get used to Live Poker ettiquette. Come & see me when you arrive, & I'll sort one out for you. I promise.

    10) The rudeness & abuse you sometimes see Online will not happen Live. The brain-dead bad losers are not quite so brave face to face..... 

    11) Remember you will NOT be admitted to Luton G-Casino if you are wearing TRAINERS or SPORTS APPAREL. Them's the Rules, & G-Luton impose them strictly on EVERYONE.

    Congrats on qualifying - you will have a BALL.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    3rd time lucky -any advice pls tikay before march 6th - see previous posts (don,t worry - i know your a busy man) MP33
    Posted by MP33
    Hi MP33,

    It might be an idea to find your local casino and see if they do a cheap buy-in tourney. Some casinos do beginners tourneys that are about £5/10 to enter, or most do a £20 re-buy. This, along with Tikay's advice will help you before the SPT.
    DO digest Tikays post fully, but the difference will be atmosphere, as the SPT is about poker and fun.

    One word of warning in a re-buy only go with the amount of re-buys, if any, that you can afford. When i played my very first game, it was a £20 re-buy, and i said i would do only 1 re-buy, but didn't need to and came 2nd, so play steady and enjoy.
    There will be a bunch of us at the bar around 12.30(as usual), don't be shy wander around and introduce yourself. See you there m8.
  • edited January 2010
    Tikay, check this hand out. A guy at my table hit a rare royal flush! hand i.d: #227773352
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Tikay, check this hand out. A guy at my table hit a rare royal flush! hand i.d: #227773352
    Posted by -ultimate-

    Only you. or the other people involved in the hand, can look at the hand history.
    Tikay doesn't have any special privileges that allow him to look at them.
    You will need to post the hand yourself if you wish people to see it.
  • edited January 2010
    Hi tikay,

    My friend who plays on here on a regular basis (general1) has been self excluded for 5years by friends, this was soppose to be a prank while he was using the loo.. LOL.  He has tried to make an appeal but sky say that there is no way to prove that this was done by friends and not by himself. Can you please explain if there is any other possibilties which he can make another appeal. If sky has a look at his track record they can find out for themself that he isnt a player that would self exclude himself. the most that the general lost in the last year alone is £600! surely sky has to take this into account?
  • edited January 2010
    find it hard to think they will overturn theyr decision as when i excluded myself for 2 years i tried everything to get back on once id got over tilt. i know this is diff circumstances but just giving you my experience. GL tho hope it works out :)
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Hi tikay, My friend who plays on here on a regular basis (general1) has been self excluded for 5years by friends, this was soppose to be a prank while he was using the loo.. LOL.  He has tried to make an appeal but sky say that there is no way to prove that this was done by friends and not by himself. Can you please explain if there is any other possibilties which he can make another appeal. If sky has a look at his track record they can find out for themself that he isnt a player that would self exclude himself. the most that the general lost in the last year alone is £600! surely sky has to take this into account?
    Posted by -GENERAL-
    Hi General,

    Ouch, that's nasty.


    1) I cannot help, & I'd get in a heap of grief if I tried to.

    2) He must engage with Customer Care, & explain the circumstances.

    If I were a betting man, I'd say he was a VERY long shot to get the Self-Excluude lifted.

    Sky Poker take these sort of things, & their responsibilities to Responsible Gambling, extremely seriously. At the bottom of this & every page, there is a Link to GamCare & "Gambling Therapy", for example.

    There is a lot nonsense directed at Sky Poker as to their integrity, but be assured, Sky Poker are THE most compliant organisation you will ever encounter, EVERYTHING has to be legally "just so". I don't get to see who is & who is not self-excluded, but I personally know quite a few who are. And I don't know of a single instance where a Self-Exclude has been overturned before it has run it's time.

    Your mate's pals have a lot to answer for. Luckily, I don't have "friends" like that.

    Sorry, I can't help, but he must go via the correct channels.
  • edited January 2010
    I have just watched replay of saturdays mastercash, and intend to get the RSPP on the case!
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    I have just watched replay of saturdays mastercash, and intend to get the RSPP on the case!
    Posted by penguin7

    Err, it was Orford's idea.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi General, Ouch, that's nasty. OK. 1) I cannot help, & I'd get in a heap of grief if I tried to. 2) He must engage with Customer Care, & explain the circumstances. If I were a betting man, I'd say he was a VERY long shot to get the Self-Excluude lifted. Sky Poker take these sort of things, & their responsibilities to Responsible Gambling, extremely seriously. At the bottom of this & every page, there is a Link to GamCare & "Gambling Therapy", for example. There is a lot nonsense directed at Sky Poker as to their integrity, but be assured, Sky Poker are THE most compliant organisation you will ever encounter, EVERYTHING has to be legally "just so". I don't get to see who is & who is not self-excluded, but I personally know quite a few who are. And I don't know of a single instance where a Self-Exclude has been overturned before it has run it's time. Your mate's pals have a lot to answer for. Luckily, I don't have "friends" like that. Sorry, I can't help, but he must go via the correct channels.
    Posted by Tikay10
    my friend says, and I quote ''muhhahahahahahahahahhahhahaahahahhahahahahaahhahhahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahahahhaahhahahahhaahhahahaahahaahahahahahahahahaahhaahhaahaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahhahahaha''
    ''I WILL BE BACK''
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : my friend says, and I quote ''muhhahahahahahahahahhahhahaahahahhahahahahaahhahhahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhaahahahhaahhahahahhaahhahahaahahaahahahahahahahahaahhaahhaahaahahahahahahahahahahhahahahaahhahahaha''   ''I WILL BE BACK'' ''WHERE THERE'S A WILL, THERE'S A WAY'' 
    Posted by -GENERAL-
    I hope he will. I'm just answering your question, honestly.
  • edited January 2010

    Big thx for that Tikay (gr8 reply) - I don't know where you get "i,m a sound player" from but cheers - Ive printed that off and will look you up when i get there - -Thx to Mr mbro as well and yes I will come early and introduce myself - Thanks again for settling a few nerves there . Bring on March 6th. Really looking forward to the whole experience and meeting some of you lot who I watch all the time on ch 865.
    Ps Ive made a note of number 8 (ogling theh dealer) , but its not the dealer i,m worried about or this secret glamour model. How are you you supposed to concentrate if lisa Marie's there - (I,ll have to gety over this crush -its not healthy)
    Thx again

  • edited January 2010

    Any idea what stakes will be covered on the show tomorrow?


  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Tikay, Any idea what stakes will be covered on the show tomorrow? Cheers, Wilhelm
    Posted by Wilhelm
    Hi VilHelm,

    No, I'm afraid I don't yet. When I see Posh Bird 'Ling tomorrow, just after midday, I'll ask her, & post up the answer.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    Big thx for that Tikay (gr8 reply) - I don't know where you get "i,m a sound player" from but cheers - Ive printed that off and will look you up when i get there - -Thx to Mr mbro as well and yes I will come early and introduce myself - Thanks again for settling a few nerves there . Bring on March 6th. Really looking forward to the whole experience and meeting some of you lot who I watch all the time on ch 865. Ps Ive made a note of number 8 (ogling theh dealer) , but its not the dealer i,m worried about or this secret glamour model. How are you you supposed to concentrate if lisa Marie's there - (I,ll have to gety over this crush -its not healthy) Thx again
    Posted by MP33
    Hi MP3 Playa,

    There are SOME benefits to ogling the Dealer, it must be said. You get better cards, deffo. But you are so busy drooling, you struggle with your hands.

    I'll be there from midday onwards (& probably the Friday evening, too), but I have to disappear mid-afternoon & get across to the Sky Poker Studios to do the Final Episode of Total Player.  Then, when it's done, I'll be shooting straight back to Luton, & bringing Orford-Donk with me. He's the SNG Valoooooooo.

    See you there.
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi VilHelm, No, I'm afraid I don't yet. When I see Posh Bird 'Ling tomorrow, just after midday, I'll ask her, & post up the answer.
    Posted by Tikay10
    Ta bossman
  • edited January 2010
    hi tikay, how do i enter the live torny? r there any satelites?
    when does the tk vs   start again? and is there any other comunity stuff to enter/join ?

    m struggling finding info on all these tornys n stuff i keep hearing about them on the tv?

    its doin my head in help??????????????????????????????
  • edited January 2010
    In Response to Re: Ask Tikay?:
    hi tikay, how do i enter the live torny? r there any satelites? when does the tk vs   start again? and is there any other comunity stuff to enter/join ? m struggling finding info on all these tornys n stuff i keep hearing about them on the tv? its doin my head in help??????????????????????????????
    Posted by THELEGION_
    Hi Mr Legion,

    1) The Luton SPT Live Tourney is sold out I'm afraid. After Luton, we go to Glasgow, & Satellites for that will be plentiful & daily on Sky Poker.

    2) If you mean the next TKO, I don't know really, but if they do one, it will be in late Feb or early March I guess. Keep an eye on your incoming e-Mails from Sky Poker.

    3) The best way to keep in touch is to peruse the Forum every day. If it's on Sky Poker, it'll be on the Forum somewhere. If not ask, the Forum is chock-full of mostly friendly folks, always ready to help. 
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