The consolation of playing micro stakes - a timely reminder.
Here's one that reminds me why I stick to the micros for entertainment value, and why I have (so far at least) avoided the temptation to play at higher stakes. After the 6c hit the board I put player B on a set of 6s. It did occur to me that he might be chasing a flush, and I'm sure he hoped that's what I was thinking, but…
Thanks Dazler!!
Cheers for ko in bounty hunter! Thought i was in front here. PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceEL_BAYLEAF Small blind 20.00 20.00 987.50 Dazler Big blind 40.00 60.00 4857.50 Your hole cards * K * K seagull029 Call 40.00 100.00 1805.00 CalluDown Fold davelufc Raise 160.00 260.00 1900.00 stratton04 Fold EL_BAYLEAF Fold Dazler…
sometimes you just gotta take the rough with the smooth
saw this guy making some very questionable plays and knew that if i hit a good flop i could get hes money, maybe should have slowed down on turn, but from what i saw of him i was certain i was ahead when the flop came. maybe i should just stick to mtts, i dont run too good in cash lol…
here is a nice donk
make notes, this guy is not for real... PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancechristg121 Small blind 25.00 25.00 2080.00 gremli22 Big blind 50.00 75.00 1875.00 Your hole cards * Q * J bigal36903 Raise 100.00 175.00 1795.00 Boothy179 Call 100.00 275.00 1415.00 BOBIDAZLER Call 100.00 375.00 2485.00 AT_MEEEEEE Fold christg121 Fold…
Sigh, 3 hands in 3 minutes
HU match vs Scotty77; 15-49 PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancescotty77 Small blind 15.00 15.00 225.00 GaryQQQ Big blind 30.00 45.00 730.00 Your hole cards * K * 7 scotty77 All-in 225.00 270.00 0.00 GaryQQQ Call 210.00 480.00 520.00 scotty77 Show * K * 5 GaryQQQ Show * K * 7 Flop * 9 * 5 * K Turn * 2 River * 4 scotty77 Win…
Bizarre hand
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancekano47Small blind £0.02£0.02£3.60bastBig blind £0.04£0.06£4.56 Your hole cards6A liannemc21Call £0.04£0.10£0.50niice71Call £0.04£0.14£0.28KYZACall £0.04£0.18£3.00thethirdpoCall £0.04£0.22£5.86kano47Call £0.02£0.24£3.58bastCheck Flop 523 kano47Check bastBet £0.04£0.28£4.52liannemc21Fold…
no hole cards!!
Just played the £500 guaranteed. Limped into 7th place, but quite an achievment. In 2 and a half hours my only paired hole cards were AA (very late on, all-in, no-one took me on) 55 and 77!!
Oh so this is run good, I like it :)
goody2sh29 Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £8.35 alfonz Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £8.59 Your hole cards * K * K squeebz11 Fold silentbob Fold Dudeskin8 Raise £0.30 £0.45 £9.72 floakes Raise £0.70 £1.15 £7.03 goody2sh29 Fold alfonz Call £0.60 £1.75 £7.99 Dudeskin8 Raise £2.10 £3.85 £7.62 floakes All-in £7.03 £10.88 £0.00 alfonz Fold…
Always on the river.....
Exit hand in Survivor, 5 days of hell for this, not good.jdan24 Small blind 50.00 50.00 1785.00 Dudeskin8 Big blind 100.00 150.00 1880.00 Your hole cards * K * K LoserVille Fold eirrabs04 Fold daniel1945 Raise 300.00 450.00 2790.00 jdan24 All-in 1785.00 2235.00 0.00 Dudeskin8 All-in 1880.00 4115.00 0.00 daniel1945 Fold…
brag post i hit royal flush never done this before shame i didnt go on and win after still came 2nd
Hand History #418144481 (16:09 25/09/2011)
Im so fed up of people calling with rubbish drawing cards pre flop it sooooo nice when you stick it too um when they hit there cra ppy flush SATISFYING AS F.E.C.K :) BOOM THIS IS MY FAVORITE HAND IVE HAD IN AGES PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance Dazler Small blind 75.00 75.00 6375.00 VERT69 Big blind 150.00 225.00 9262.50…
And another bubble
fo, seriously, just fo One time? I'll take my one time for a hand fin holding upbandini Small blind 200.00 200.00 2800.00 Bawfizzle Big blind 400.00 600.00 17765.00 Your hole cards * A * K pensi Fold brandygirl All-in 3887.50 4487.50 0.00 mental Fold bandini All-in 2800.00 7287.50 0.00 Bawfizzle Fold brandygirl Unmatched…
Yeah, ok!
Give me AA any day of the week!!! (Who says they never win?)
These are 3 consecutive hands last night from the TSP Classic where i picked up AA 3 times in a row and got paid on all 3. Maybe could have got more from the 2nd hand by not shoving turn, but i was amazed by their flat preflop... PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancemrlogic Small blind 300.00 300.00 48333.50 juntela Big blind…
Super mini short stack shoves
Is it just me or do you find that when you have litteraly no chips and shove with any 2 cards or the other way round you call a really short stack that they always hit 2 pair or FH, i see this over and over again, these were in the space of 20min (1st one not so short stacked to be fair but kinda happens like this with…
Worst live board/beat I've had pleasure to see.
Guy 4 bets from the button with 10's, BB 5 bets allin £600 pot @ 50/£1. Button shows 10's. BB shows AA. Ac5s9h 10h 10s. A's didnt even bat an eyelid :)
Too much variance?
Hi all. Basically i've been playing the 30p DYM's, got my roll up to where i could move up to the 60p DYM's.....competition is pretty much the same, and all of a sudden i start losing to really bad beats, and have had to drop back down to 30p DYM's. With the competition being similar, and me playing the same (ultra…
Don't play much Omaha, this normal???;)
Same! This guy took 6 BI's off me in four consecutive hands after jumping on my table as everyone else left. He hit str, str, house and flush...Never seen anything like it!! Then he typed HAHA and left... Needless to say I won't be playing him again lol! xx
10 mins of hell
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceCandid Small blind £0.05 £0.05 £13.68 BURNShurtz Big blind £0.10 £0.15 £9.90 Your hole cards * 3 * 6 * 3 * 9 BackToMe Raise £0.35 £0.50 £13.34 Candid Call £0.30 £0.80 £13.38 BURNShurtz Call £0.25 £1.05 £9.65 Flop * 2 * 5 * 4 Candid Check BURNShurtz Bet £1.05 £2.10 £8.60 BackToMe Call £1.05…
why do they do it and hit silly
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalance Ludovician Small blind 200.00 200.00 18600.00 med Big blind 400.00 600.00 16340.00 Your hole cards * 10 * J Dazler Raise 800.00 1400.00 11660.00 Ludovician Fold med Raise 2000.00 3400.00 14340.00 Dazler Call 1600.00 5000.00 10060.00 Flop * J * 7 * 7 med Bet 5000.00 10000.00 9340.00 Dazler…
DYM Advice Worked
Just like to say, i read a blog posted by DOHHHHHH the other day, i think someone else wrote it, but it was about succeeding at DYM SitnGo's up to £11. I must say, whilst sticking to the levels my bankroll dictate, and heeding the advice, my roll is slowly building. I also cashed in my last 2 freerolls. Just like to say,…
never quite sure how to play 4s
gra57Small blind 100.00100.003030.00pod1Big blind 200.00300.003940.00 Your hole cards44 brass777Raise 600.00900.007448.75fredkru100Call 600.001500.005377.50gra57Fold pod1Call 400.001900.003540.00Flop 474 pod1Check brass777Bet 1425.003325.006023.75fredkru100Fold pod1Call 1425.004750.002115.00Turn 7 pod1Check…
Don`t believe it!
I`m not bad with chips, down to last 4 in a DYM. The villain shoves for his stack! Why me again?!!!!PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceKK_MAN Small blind 400.00 400.00 3495.00 SKINDOH73 Big blind 595.00 995.00 0.00 Your hole cards * A * A wrongjohn1 Fold davelufc Raise 2400.00 3395.00 1130.00 archer0970 Fold KK_MAN Fold…
Odds on this hand please....
3 handed Final table. AA v KK v KK. Aces held shock. This was in a pub game and we all tried to slow play them, lol. I had one of KK hands. Pub poker is rigged, init!
doyle brunson dont know what hes talking about!
pod1Small blind 600.00600.0016325.00hywdeallusBig blind 1200.001800.0015620.00 Your hole cardsQA ZZCopRaise 3600.005400.0012655.00pod1All-in 16325.0021725.000.00hywdeallusAll-in 15620.0037345.000.00ZZCopFold pod1Unmatched bet 105.0037240.00105.00pod1ShowQA hywdeallusShowJJ Flop QAQ Turn A River 2 pod1WinFull House, Aces…
How to quituple up
Hand ID #396274436this hand I called everyones all in with JT and won you have to see it
Destroyed by variance all day... may as well play a £210 SnG.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancelolufold Small blind 15.00 15.00 1262.50 nagrom Big blind 30.00 45.00 2692.50 Your hole cards * K * J lolufold Raise 45.00 90.00 1217.50 nagrom Call 30.00 120.00 2662.50 Flop * K * K * 8 nagrom Bet 90.00 210.00 2572.50 lolufold Call 90.00 300.00 1127.50 Turn * 6 nagrom Bet 225.00 525.00…
One to gag on? Fortunately it wasn't me...
Was watching the Sky Channel the other night, and the cash tables prog. The programme got around to the five cash hands of the week. Not me of course - at the level I play at you're never going to see my avatar on the tube. This one was a hand where a reknown Sky online player was sitting at a £1.50/£3.00 table, and was…
Vengence is sweet
Bounty Hunter final table; 6-53pm If my cards hold I'll bust this tough opponent, win his bounty and a take a decent chip lead. As it happens he sucks-out on the river and I'm left adrift in 6th place with only 8 big blinds;PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancecoleman125 Small blind 800.00 800.00 30748.36 stuart771 Big blind…
When you just know it's going to be a bad day!
See here, LOLkingweez31 Small blind 100.00 100.00 2347.00 wp123 Big blind 200.00 300.00 270.00 Your hole cards * K * K Red_King All-in 515.00 815.00 0.00 RED123RED All-in 2568.00 3383.00 0.00 kingweez31 Fold wp123 Fold RED123RED Unmatched bet 2053.00 1330.00 2053.00 Red_King Show * K * K RED123RED Show * Q * Q Flop * J * 6…