Poker Buddies and Poker Study
In Response to Poker Buddies and Poker Study:Okay brief Summary: December 2011 seriously spinal injury (2 x operations). Now having to leave work on manageable ill health pension. But ---- during the last 6 months have seriously got into Poker and now studying the fine art as if its an MSc course. Every hand analysed,…
SPT Super Sats
Will any of these be running this weekend???
Thursday Night Live with Sarah Champion and Ryan Spittles *****official show thread*****
Hullo! How's your 4 day week so far!? Sarah Champion and Ryan Spittles with you tonight, here's what we've got lined up... 7pm-8pm Live coverage of TV Timed tournament 600 GTD, £5.50 buy in, starts at 7:10pm 8pm-9pm Poker Clinic YOUR hand requests from the TV tables, email your hand ID to skyopen@bskyb.com 9pm-10pm Poker…
FOLDED KK - it was a BRILLIANT FEELING - but now I realise it was wrong - I think!!!!
welldone :) it is a feel good factor when u fold kings and some 1 has aces i only done it once in a cash game 20 nl 10p/20p blinds this guy limped utg then folded round to me big blind with kings i raise to a £1 then the guy who limped 20p just went all in full buy in £20 i thought to myself u might aswell have ya hand…
cash 4 points problems?
hi all my c4p widget is not moving up as it should also my c4p is incorrect anyone else having problems? dev
PLEASE NOTE - IF YOU HAVE RECIEVED AN EMAIL OFFERING ENTRY INTO A £1000 FREEROLL IF YOU DEPOSITED BEFORE MIDNIGHT THURSDAY - THIS IS ANOTHER ERROR . I have had various communications with customer services regarding this tonight and they have confirmed that the email is incorrect and that it refers to the £500 depositors…
Quick reminder.......
.....that August Cash for Points ends at MIDNIGHT TONIGHT. Check your current total, check the payment thresholds, a little effort might just get you over the next step. The special thresholds for August's "Super C4P" are HERE The Happy Hours will run as normal today, ditto Eerly Bird, these can help you accelerate your…
Resizeable tables?
When are they coming, said something about it on the tv channel but it lagged and i didnt get to hear???!!
i registered
I registered for the 1am freeroll and my table never launched!! Why?
I just played a 30 min timed and hit quads twice and won most of my flips. Just thought I would share some happy instead of bad beat moans. Onwards and upwards :-))
Cash TV Tables
Hello, I am just wondering can sky bring in some normal 100BB cash tables with the TV icon, does anyone else want this or just me lol?
Here we go again - Diary of a losing recreational player (part 3)
Oh no not again I hear you all say, but yes it is back, not by popular demand may I add. I have had a rollercoaster few months since I left SKY poker a few months ago, in terms of poker and worklife.When doing my previous diary I was working as a night trading manager for Asda and as a result made the decision to ply my…
free bets
when do we get free bets for football freeroll please .
sky poker tour final
i was just wondering if priority players were having a free turnnament into d.t.d like last year
Wason heads up semi final today im free all day
Wason heads up semi final today im free all day
I have been watching the repeats on 861 today and saw Tikay asking for input on the upcoming mini-UKOPS. I think its a great idea. I would go with 1 tournament a night and would prefer the inclusion of at least one PLO and one Hi-Lo event. Keep the whole buy-in below £30 and everyone has a chance to compete if they can…
Hyper Heads-up Championship - Series 3 ------ Semi-Finals! ------ 1 Game Left To Play!! LAMBERT180 F
In Please
The end is nigh.........
Well not quite - but remember that tomorrow (Friday) is the last day of the month, & so the last day of the "Super Cash for Points" promotion. So you have today & tomorrow to reach your month end C4P target. If you are a bit shy of your target, don't forget the three daily "Happy Hours", the "Early Bird", & that…
Signed in 1.32am - No MTT,s for half an hour (2am)
Surely some timed tournaments or something camn be put in there - Just fancied an MTT but don,t want to wait half an hour Plus you,d get more dosh (Sky) - I think theres anough traffic on the site which will fill those games (gaps) Not sure if its same at weekend but thats an even busier time MP
4nl hu
t keith is anyone is onit
Any 1 watch prem league poker last nite?
Any 1 watch prem league poker last nite ? i sky plussed it but for some reason missed 1st hour of it
Where have all the posters gone
I have just returned to playing on Sky poker after a short spell elsewhere and I am amazed how many of the regular posters from these forums seem to have dissappeared in just 2 months. When I was on here 2 months ago the front page of the forum would completely change every 24 hrs, now it seems that there are only 3 or 4…
Have YOU voted yet?
Mr Kendall is up for a couple of awards and Sky Poker also get a couple of nods. http://www.thebritishpokerawards.com/ I used most of my votes on Neil Channing though.
Late Registration - Ridiculous amount of time taken to be seated.
Not sure if the is in the right place or not , sure SKY will move it if not . Entered a micro sat for tonights 4k Bounty Hunter , took advantage of the late reg option and was registered at level 3 with blinds of 50/100 then waited for the best part of 20 mins to get seated by which time blinds were now at 400/800 so its…
Edited your post to remove the alias. This is a simple one, report to customer care and it will be looked at. Sky Poker
SPT Side Events DTD
Hi, Unfortunately I dont think I will be able to make the Sunday if I was lucky enough to progress in the main event. Could you please advise what side events you are running on Saturday, times and buyins please, cheers
Prize to BI ratio...seems askew....
Hi guys Could you explain why there is such a disparity between the prize and the buy in....... £110 £5000 Roller(thurs) £55 £10000 Primo(sun) £33 £12000 Sports Bh (thurs) The disparity between a buy-in and prize pool seems too great There was even the Super Roller recently which had £110 entry yet the prize pool was…
Add on at the start of the £11 rebuy
At the start of the £11 open you cannot get your addon until after the first hand. An that other site you can get it right at the start before the first hand is played. Therefore in theory it makes since to open fold AA on the 1st hand as if you win a small pot of 100 chips you will have 2100 chips as opposed to open…
Still Struggling With Poker Odds
I have studied poker odds and i understand everything fine, i just dont have them come into effect enough when im playing so im wondering if im looking at it correctly. For instance if i got 2 flush cards on the flop and my hole cards are 2 flush cards, i have 9 outs. around 36% chance, 1:2.5? so if the pot is £6 the…
Sky Poker Software, & "IT"
Hi, There is a “Software Changes” Thread on the Forum, asking various questions, it also states numerous facts, many of which are incorrect, or based on wrong assumptions. So I thought I might set out a few things which may help everyone understand a little better how these things work. Sky Poker is a business – and a very…