Connection Error
Playing the £4K sat that started at 6PM and lost connection when 2nd and only 10 players left at 6.45PM. when connection restored lost half my chips and eventually went out in 7th. Not happy Sky !!!!!! :(
hands per hour
How many hands per hour do you think you get through on a stnadard 6-max cash game?
YEAH!!!!! Won a tourney.
60p 1 min roulette lol.9 runners.£2.50 1st prize! HA
Lacking Motivation
I recently read an article in Poker Player magazine about beating PLO25. I don't really have any interest in beating PLO25, but I paid for the magazine so I was going to get my money's worth. The main thing that jumped out at me was a very simple point, but one that it's worth reminding ourselves every now and again. When…
Heads up cash coaching
Anyone coach heads up cash or is willing to? Not expecting any replys just worth a shout. Will give more info about myself in a pm. Thanks for reading
Any 1 else getting problems today on cash tables?
I have tried to sit down on a cash table keep gettin a error message saying it seems u have insufficiant poker points for this tournament buy in as such u will be unable to participate in this particular event ? what the heck i wanna play cash and wont let me
When do they get paid, Im sure there was a thread saying this but cant find it. sigh.
£4,000 Bounty Hunter TONIGHT!
Hey everyone, Tonight there will be an additional tournament in the lobby. The £4,000 Bounty Hunter will take place at 9pm! The direct buy-in is £55 but there are plenty of options to satellite in for less. Let us know what you think. Remember that Thursday evening will be the very last time that you will be able to get…
RuMbLe In ThE JuNgLe :) me and paul lambert 180 are in heads up final will be playing tonight if any
In the heads up competition me and lambert180 are playing 2nite around 9 ish if any 1 wants to rail would be great for your support tbh i would say i am the underdog as lambert has more experiance but can never write of the underdog in the blueeeeeeeeeeee corner from oxfordshire the tom dwan lookalike paul lambert :) and…
wot's goin on ere then!!!!!!!
well to be honest it's not really ere but there's something goin on in the shed click HERE to find out more
Reporting for duty T.H.S
Managed to bink top 20 in jackpot freeroll with just 1k starting stack
So it is worth doing the main and mini just for this tourney never thought id cash as alot of players started with 5 k chips another incentive to play both the main and mini welldone sky another great addition i forgot i was in the tourney till table popped up lol
Refer a friend how 2 claim bonus?
Hi i have just reffered 2 of my m8es to play on this site how do i go about claiming my bonus ? any help be much appreciated thanks
forum cash game 4nl any 1?
forum cash game 4nl any 1 ?
Android 4.1 update - will it now play Sky?
Hello all For anyone with an Android tablet I just wanted to make people aware that the browser now seems happy running Sky Poker. I have not played yet but have observed tables and all loaded fine. At first the table was too big for the screen (I'm using a Motorola Xoom) but simply going to portrait view then back into…
New to Sky Poker.... the Sunday Super Stack!
Wow Fantastic format. Brilliant Dave
Although I haver been a member of Sky Poker almost from the very beginning,this is the first time I have ever felt the need to post on the forum.In my opinion there are now far too many bounty hunter tournaments and less and less "proper" tournies.Although the BH tournies are good fun they do not promote good tournament…
Not Being Able to SEE CARDS!!!
This is a problem I am experiencing more and more, twice already today. I know others experience this as I see the comments in the chat box. It usually happens when the tables are balanced or possibly when everyone is moved to a new table. The only way I know to get round this is by closing the table and launching the…
New All in sat's are they worth it?
Hi all Recently i've had a few shots at the new all in sat's sky have started this past week or so to no joy may I add and was wondering on what everyones opinions where. I myself think it's not a bad idea and a good way to save a yourself a few quid if you can run good, but i can't see them beening very popular here and…
I'm trying to decide weather there is any point in staying as a reg on the forum. why because it seems you now need a prove reader before posting anything. I defend the right for sky to protect their business and their clients from abuse from trolls and the like. but I'm afraid it seems to me its going way beyond that. we…
Ouch! That's gotta hurt......
As you may know, there is a huge Event going off in Nottingham, they are playing to a winner today, the winner will get a very tidy £110,000. (Not a typo - ONE HUNDRED & TEN GRAND!). 22 players returned today, some travelled a very long way. On the very first hand, this went off...... Geezer goes all in for 700,000 (Blinds…
Sunday Night on Channel 861 LIVE with Rich and Redmond ***official show thread***
This happened to my brother and friend they were coming in to land at Stanstead as the plane approached to touch down suddenley the pilot applied full throttle and went around again they came in to land agian only for the same thing to happen again after a third failed attempted it was annoced they would have to go to…
The O word...
Sssshhh... https://www.skypoker.com/secure/poker/sky_lobby?action=go_tnmt_lobby&game_id=6829444 £750 GTD, currently 43 players. Got to be a sniff of an overlay there, right?
sirngo isnt launching
i just joined a 2 player sitngo and the table hasnt launched and im wa=tching my chips disappear in the lobby!! wtf! Help anyone/
Sky Poker Internet gangstas
why is it that there are so many people on this site that feel its safe to call you names cos there sat at home on there pc its really quite sad that i had to post this but i think if the people that were doing this were banned for periods of time it would be a much more plesant site to play on and perhaps people might…
#SkyPokerPics - £50 for the Winner!
Following us on Twitter? If so, you will have seen numerous Tweets this week referring to a new promotion '#SkyPokerPics' Well here are the details... Every Wednesday, we will ask you to send in pictures of yourself playing poker (online or live, it's up to you) then the following Tuesday we will judge the funniest/most…
SPT Sats
I've just seen that the SPT Quarter final sats are in the lobby giving 1 in 5 entry to the SPT semi at 9.30 on Sunday. As the SPT will be down to the final table by that stage won't it give anyone who wins the Semi this sunday an unfair advantage?
FAO Sky_Dave Sky_Someone Sky_Anyone
Myself and some others i know have been eagerly waiting for the software updates to come about. I just mentioned in another thread that it would be great if Sky could consider putting up some of the updates to the software online in picture format or via the youtube channel. This would be great for whetting the appetite…
Who is the real me?
Well on the tables and on the net Im Donut64 a risk taking extravert that believes he can improve himself, Donut64 is indeed a extended version of a part of Stephen Lodge (me) that passed away many years ago. In real life Im Stephen Lodge a man with a troubled mind full of self doubt, who feels the need to hide in the…
How reliable is the Hand History facility on Sky Poker?
Hi, I've never really been a big user of this facility until recently so I don't know how reliable it is. Is it 100% accurate? How often are hands missing from your logs? When hands do go missing, is it normally 1 or 2 randomly, or maybe like a 5 min period where there's no record of any hands? Thnx.