Logdons [Annie] ban.
It seems that logdon as got banned.I know i joke about a bit but im serious now, but what on the earth is this world coming to? Surely out of all the posts that Annie put up that made a lot of people laugh and started them off on a good day must make up for the post [whatever it were]that got her banned? I forgot now who…
£5/£10 action gl the zing
rare u get a 5/10 game going gl to the zing meister
Not happy just had a dilemma playing frenzys heres the story
well 3 players left pays top 2 1st is a £33 seat 2nd is £26.40 ok 15 started down to 3 players blinds up every minute 1 guy has 30 k in chips so booked hes seat now heres the question and im not happy rebuys have stopped guy in the small blind has 30 k guy in big blind has 2k blind levels are 10k/20k i have exactly the…
double ya monies me and dohhh having a convo
Im started to play these again afetr a break and i said i reckon i can cash in 7 out of 10 games he said thats impossible over a long period i said how can it be i think its easily done i said well u need to cash in 6-10 just to break even but he said 7-10 win rate is %40 roi i didnt know that but i think it can easily be…
Just played in a £20 DYM by mistake!
Thought it was a £2 game (had a bit to drink), did not realise until it was too late. Flippin won as well (ok i came 3rd but still). Jeez, i won't make that mistake again.
why can I not post a hand on here but it is ok in the poker clinic
Hi guys when I copy and paste the hand on here all I get is this but comes out on in the poker clinic it is ok what am I doing wrong MUTTZNUTZSmall blind £0.25£0.25£52.51jendelk9Big blind £0.50£0.75£52.62 Your hole cards* https://www.skypoker.com/img/site/diamond.gif'); background-color: #ffffff; display: block; border:…
after withdrawing money....
does anyone else get this once they have withdraw money (that is profit from what they deposited)out of there account,they get no luck what so ever and get beat no matter what how u play and what cards u have.i know it happens sometime in poker as been playing the game for years but its like 8 out of 10 times i do this i…
Cash 4 points boost for DYM plyers
Ive noticed that cash players get alot more than DYM players ie, the early bird promotion fro 50% more cash 4 points and also the sky happy hour which gives the same, why dont DYM players get the same?? Ive been wondering it for ages, why cant sky give the same 4 DYM players as alot of regs grind the dyms to get cash 4…
just want to ask the grinders out there how do you do your sessions? i like to play an hour or 2 then stop for a while if i get three 2 hour sessions in im happy do you prefer long sessions or short sessions?
No Sats
Morning all, There don't appear to be any satellites for tonight's ME? Appreciate most skypoker peeps are at DTD for the Grand Final, but would appreciate if someone could take a butcher's. Cheers
**** Lobby Icon Change ****
Skypoker has been concerned about the ineffective use of the "TV" icon in the lobby. Players simply do not realise that the way to see your play televised is to register in a tournament with a TV Icon. From today, skypoker will use the new "TD" Icon. This represents no technical change, it is just an alert that TommyD, or…
Another bankroll question, but slightly different.
I could do with some advice from people here please, either positive or negative. Firstly some background: I'm 21, recently graduated from Uni - taking a year out to gain some teaching experience for me to undertake a PGCE next 'academic year'. I consider myself an adequate poker player, in particular live but also on the…
Friday Orfordable League (September Week 1) Win a Re-Buy Open Seat - All Welcome
Hi all The Friday Orfordable League (September Week 1) is this Friday 7th september. Its runs for 4 weeks and you only need to post 2 valid scores. Everyone is Welcome to join in. This Friday 7th September. If you HAVEN'T already done so, Post your names in this thread if you wish to be entered into the August league and…
Is this normal? (prob gonna look stupid here)
I've just 6 tabled nl30 for a couple of hours. I came off about +£70. I've searched HH's and I lost 1 pot above £8. that was £30. I've searched HH's for pots won above £8. 11 of them, came to £150 total. 150 -30 = 120. - 70 = £50...... Have I really lost £50 in pots <£8 @ nl30? If I have, is this normal? Do winning players…
Freeroll Free bet tokens
I played the football freeroll last week and my team drew 2-2. (Stoke)According to the promotions page Here’s what you win: £10 free bet with Sky Bet if your team wins£5 free bet for every goal your team scores – win, lose or draw! I thought I would get 2 x £5 bets.I have received 1 x £10 bet.Obviously it's the same amount…
Down load not loading. Any ideas?
Late reg needs sorted out
Anybody else had enough of registering late for say a satellite then having to wait sometimes 20 min' plus to be seated then being at a big dissadvantage because blind levels have risin so much that your bassically committed any hand you want to play but when you regged you should of sat down with 20+ big blinds. Something…
Football Freeroll
Afternoon everybody, This evenings Football Freeroll will run as usual. If you win a Premier League team, then you will carry the team on to next weeks fixtures (15th and 16th September) Hope that answers any questions regarding this :) Thanks, Joe
...is now a proud father! Congratulations, Sir!
Facebook Giveaway - FREE tournament tokens up for grabs!
Hi all, Enter our FREE Facebook competition here to be in the draw to win one of these great prizes: 1st - **£33 Tournament Token**2nd - £11 Tournament Token3rd- £5.50 Tournament Token All winners names will be announced here shortly after 5pm. Good luck!
Football freeroll
Does anyone know how the teams will be allocated this week because there are no Premier League games this weekend.No Championship either.Will they allocate a team for next wekend's games instead.Or even this week's League 1(old school 3rd division). EDITSky Joe has now answered this in another post.
Hi, IDONK made it to the final of the HU Comp recently and the prizes agreed with Sky_Dave were an £11 Friday night ME seat for each finalist (I've already had my seat in the Friday for getting to the final). Normally, Sky_Dave would sort this for me, but I assume he aint been in the office and won't be for a little while…
a question about priority?
How many tables do u play and how many hours a day do u have to get to make priority for instance if i play 4 tables of 10 nl a day for 6 hrs a day and use the the happy hour promotion could i get priority at the end of this or am i miles of ? could some 1 give me a rough idea how much volume u have to put in thanks
Hi, This was just going to be a question on the forum to start with about "Bet Sizing" but I thought why not take this opportunity to introduce myself to the players of Sky Poker. As a quick potted history I am male, 54years old & have been playing online poker for the past 3 years. I first played poker as a 15/16 year old…
£500 Re-buy tournament- 5pm
Hey everyone, Today we are trialing a new tournament at 5pm. The £500 Guaranteed Re-buy tournament will be £5.50 to enter, and have LATE REGISTRATION for 30 minutes. There will be unlimited re-buys for the first hour with one add-on in the add-on period. Go to the lobby now to try it out. This is a trial run and hopefully…
When is the big WEIGH IN????????????????????
have i played this hand like a div or what?
I recently was in a hand where i had pocket aces on the button, when the action came round to me i put a min raise in and was called by one person, the flop came KKK my opponant checked as did i, the turn came a 6 he checked so did i again, obviously i want my opponant to hit some kind of house to get some action, the…
SPT last chance satellite tonight.
Is there going to be one????
Thurs night Live Show Ch861 7pm with Fowler and Tikay
Good day all, I am back :) I woud say with a tan that would rival Carlo, excpet I am alredy peeling.... what's up with that!? I want my money back!Lovely to be back on the show tonight, and most glad to be joined by the godfather of SkyPoker himself...Tikay :) ) We shall be kicking off the show tonight at 7pm sharp 7pm…
Anyone else having problems?
is anyone else having lag problems tonight? Basically when i get around 12 tables open, the site starts lagging like a b**ch!. Just got a new imac today aswell so i could play more tables. Just loaded up 'stars and that was running fine, like you would expect from a good poker site with good software (hint hint SKY get…