Tweet of the Week?
Sky Poker, & even me, get quite a few Tweets. Some are interesting, some are just bad beats, disguised or otherwise, “guess what the idiot called with?”, (which is kinda lol, because it implies it is not our fault we lost!), many are ironic or sarcy, but lots of them are really rather interesting. This one came in to the…
Is sky tv tapping the tank?
A few years ago, before Sky poker tv got to be a good place to learn how to play poker, there were loads of loonie's!!-----Nearly every table on the site had a loonie!--- Nowadays, playing "spot da loonie" is much less profitable than it used to be. Stop tapping the tank, and bring back da loonies!!
C4P Question
I'll probbaly get an answer here quicker How many c4p do you get in relevant DYM's and CASH levels I have no idea :s
iPad 2 thread creation ignore
Yes it seems to can start a new thread on an iPad2
Longest online session?
What is the longest online poker session you've done? You can includes ones which have a quick 15 minute break for grabbing of food, etc. Personally, I have done 14 hours. Was playing a big deepstack tournament and final tabled it (yeah, gotta get the brag in), and had about 5-6 tables of cash going for pretty much all of…
Guys & Gals lets hear it for the mannnnnnnn Del560 / Derek he has finished up with a incredible
ITS OVER!!! posted at 12/11/2011 10:33 PM GMT on SkyPoker.com DEL560 Posts: 12 First: 18/9/2011 Last: 13/11/2011 My run just ended!! Was playing two games at once so think it finished on 50? Totally, totally weird! The Leaderboard on a 50 winning streak our DEL560 >>>> EDITED : 31/10/2011 6:47 PM Hi DEL560 , YOUR WIN HAS…
2.20 @ 2.20
Step right up folkes. Adding a little value to this as ill be in it. We got 31 runners yest can we beat that today.
spt cardiff
do we know when and if seats for the cardiff leg of the spt tour will go on general sale soon ?
New SkyPoker user.. Advice Welcome :)
Hey all ... As i stated im new to sky poker ... i have deposited £5 ( lol i know ) ... i would appreciate any advice on ways i can build a bankroll ... I do enjoy playin MTT so i will be hoping to meet many of ye throughout them :)
just read UKIPT nottigham was the first to use this software. Im confused didnt sky use this for the UK cash game?
Poker Points - Help required
Ok so im curious as to how they work / how i can earn them / and is there a way f getting more ??
“Phil Laak makes a dreadful fold. The Pot was €63,750.
Hi All, If anyone would like to look at Phil Laak's fold here is the link;- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7iEUiMROts All the best TV TEAM
is this the end for tracking sites?
this is taken from another forum, but could this level the playing field ? http://pokerfuse.com/news/law-and-re...table-ratings/
Just wanted to applaud The_Don.
zomg you were there on 1b? you didn't come and say haro rofl. I was there with my avatar on my head (for most of the days play).
First time writing a blog post, need to know if OK.
Sorry if this is against T&C I'll delete post if it is, and I'm not trying to promote my blog just genuinely looking for some constructive criticism, views etc. It's the first time I've ever wrote anything more than a few lines in a forum post so just wanting to know if im on the right track or not. So if you dont mind…
Forum DTD Monday 16/4/2012 - Tonights Winner Was FREDSGIRL (IND)
Missing Players
I haven't read anything about Acebarry since March there may well have been a thread i've missed. Does anyone know how he is?
Online Coaching Blog Session 1
OK, Guys, I have finally got around to writing and posting up the Blog. After the stuff that kicked off on my last thread about this subject (Which resulted in Sky having to close the thread), I had decided to just post a thread with a link to the Blog and hten close it immediately. After things have calmed down a bit I…
Hi all. I'm relatively new to this site.(8 months or so). I just wanted to say that for the responses I got from previous posts and chat while playing over the past few months, I think my game has started to improve. This is no coincidence because prior to my 1st few posts I was losing hand over fist. I am still running a…
The Poker Points Widget has arrived. (The WHAT?)
Within the next few minutes, the Cash 4 Points "Widget" wil be switched on for ALL players. I could describe what it looks like, & what it does - but you will be able to see for yourself shortly. To see it working, on YOUR Account, just go to the Home Page, it is sort of middley top right hand side. Cool, or what? It tells…
2.20 @ 2.20
Used to be my fav tourny on sky, heard it doesnt get the numbers anymore which is a massive shame. So therefore, im offering everyone to come and play with the added value of myself, the fish that i am. 35 mins to go, so want to see this brimming with players. You know you want to, ;)
where's shaun84 leaving thread gone?
Answers on a postcard please..mods???
Challenge to prove NL10 is easy-money;)..To be continued soon!....£37 in profit so far....
good luck in your challenge m8 may see you at the tables
Need Cardiff info pls
What are the all the timings of the event, start, finish, anything else important? How far is the uni from the casino? I'll be able to stay with a friend if it's not too far away. Hopefully I can actually make it there : ) good luck to all going
**** MacMonster UKIPT Final Day ****
good luck Ian. take it down
mtt advice
hi guys i play on couple of diiferent sites.i can run deep in the games i think im picking the game up slow but sure .what my problem is when im in the money i play a lot tighter waiting for the better hands aa kk qq ak aq that sort of hands im getting very bored as the amount of times im getting busted out is unreal like…
Downswinging like a monkey with one arm!
Hi all i need some advice as slowly losing the will here, i am currently experiencing a horrible downswing in holdem it crushing my poker soul. I have gone over hundreds of hands in MTT's and i am constantly getting it in ahead but just never coming out on top. The last 27 MTT exits i got it in behind 3 times and 2 times…
when are all these updates coming to the site
any one know
new monitor much required
Hi guys, in my need of a new monitor with a budget of around £100. Current monitor has a very small resolution (1024/768) which isnt ideal for poker, and the old one i had, did have a better resolution but the screen is too dark. As a result, im looking for something with a decent res and decent colour quality. Best i have…
Why is the 21:30 Bounty Hunter now £22? It was one of the most popular tournaments on Sky.
I have just noticed that the very popular 21:30 Bounty Hunter has been changed to £22 buy-in from £11 with the same guarantee on the prizepool. The much less popular 21:00 Bounty Hunter has been changed from a £22 buy-in to an £11 buy-in Bounty Hunter Rebuy event. Why bother changing the popular tournament that was meeting…