The Friday Fred
What’s your plans then? I’ve got 6 hours of motorway driving today – on a FRIDAY, sigh – but follow that with an all night Dealers Choice cash game tonight. Some good, some bad….. Tomorrow, a £100 Tourney in Nottingham. I had to miss the big jamboree there last week, due to work, but I’m not overly keen on the place when…
More like hes joined the loon squad.
FREE Tournament Tokens up for grabs! Facebook Giveaway.
Hi all, Enter our FREE Facebook competition here to be in the draw to win one of these great prizes: 1st - £22 Tournament Token 2nd - £11 Tournament Token 3rd- £5.50 Tournament Token All winners names will be announced here shortly after 5pm. Good luck!
Team 51 Rule The Orfordable
As many of you know Friday nights Orfordable starts at 7.10,most of the people in the know understand this is a true test of poker ability,10 handed,there is a subtle team aspect but all are welcome...... there are some prizes if you post 2 good scores in one month period,but lets face it ,no body will ever beat Team…
FAO Sky - HU Suffle issue
Ok im lead to believe in this that HU shuffle matches mean different opponents every time it shuffles. However i just played the £3.30 one which started at 15.45 2 matches in i come across a playyer who i believe i have no edge over. Ok opinion was just get through it alive wait for the shuffle. We swapped seats. sigh, ok…
Sky Poker Challenge (two prizes!)
Consecutive HU STT wins.
2.20 @ 2.20
ok yesterday was a little disappointing we dropped to 29 runners. Really wana see this incresing, back in the days this tourny was nearly double that and its still the same fantastic tournament. Would be really good to see it taking off. 1 hr and 40 mins to go so plenty of time.
Is it ok to use holdem manager on here?
If its legal is it good sortware or can anyone recommend something else?
Anyone know what's happened to Trevor? I thought he was such a gent and very good analyst. Any info much appreciated.
DTD Grand Prix Day 1a
I've just bought in for this and wondered if any other Sky players are going to this Sunday?
HU Shuffles
I see there are currently 2 HU Shuffles in the lobby today.. 7.35pm £5.50 £500 Gtd8.30pm £22 £1000 Gtd How about some £1.10, £2.20 or £3.30's running in the afternoon? Pretty Please :)
Now for a completely DIFFERENT sort of Trial......
We have seen threads today about...... ROI Shuffly-Wuffly HeadsUp Well tonight, there is ANOTHER Trial........
Focus, Disciple, Concentration - My £1 to £100 challenge diary
I will be depositing £5.50 every Monday in order to play the forum DTD as I don't want to miss these tourneys, however I'll withdraw any winnings from these tourneys so my overall roll is not affected
Thursday night Live Show avec Fowler, Jen Mason and special guest Adam Latimer *****official show th
In Response to Re: Thursday night Live Show avec Fowler, Jen Mason and special guest Adam Latimer *****official show thread****ch865:Lets see...Anna Fowler & Jen Mason, squeeeze play? Nope I got nothing! ;-( Posted by Glenelg ;) bring it on!!
how many times
hi guys how many times should a player be prepaired told reload his or hers bankroll. i play mtts and sit an gos buys in at 5quid 10 quid sometimes a bit bigger just come back to sky on an other site been running in the money but not that deep to give my bankroll a boost .I have made mistakes which im getting to grips with…
is any1 else having problems with viruses on this site???? i played a game last nite and logged out but wen i went 2 log in again it wouldnt let me my security system said i had 2 open poker in SANDBOX????? yet this morning it opened ok!!!!!
Chat at the table.
Dear all.I have used a bit of colourful chat in my time at the tables.(nothing personal or insulting I might add). Most of the folk I have encountered in my short time at the tables are reasonable and chatty,however some have in my mind overstepped the mark.Is it best to ignore them and let them stew?I certainly dont wanna…
Hi would like everyones thoughts on playing satelites. During the day there is normally 7 or 8 players playing in the satelites with 1st place winning entry and runner up receiving some money. Whereas later in the evening around 6 or 7 before a main event there could be perhaps 70 in the satelites. Do you think its better…
Multitabling on Sky
I'm looking for some advice, I'm going to be spending some money on my poker setup with a view to having something alot more suitable for multi-tabling than my current laptop on my knee sat on the sofa using the laptop mousepad. Pretty sure this is -VE My question is... on Sky is the only way to 'tile' tables by using mini…
Cash 4 points cash tables
Hi Guys. Just looking for some info.I know points are awarded after every 20 hands.My question is if im multitabling say 4 tables how are my points calculated is it every 20 hands per table or 20 hands between the four tables?Hope this makes sense. Thanks
Tikays post
Do you find yourself reading Tikays post to yourself in your head but you can hear Tikay talking it! Or is that just me :)
Heads-Up Shuffle - the Real Deal!
Thank you to all those people who took part in our trial today - see here. Tonight we're going to run a real money game at 7:35pm - the £500 HU Shuffle It will be £5.50 buy in and huge fun based on how the trial went!
Tuesday night live with Sarah Champion, Stuart Rutter and Phil the Tower! *****Official show thread*
Evenin' all! Looking forward to tomorrow nights show as we get to pick the brains of the brilliant Stuart Rutter *who incase you didn't know has won a GUKPT title, final tabled a WSOP event and amassed almost 500,000 in tournament earnings! (he doesn't like to talk about it ;-)*Our special guest is Phil Heald aka Phil the…
why are their no 3 or 4 grand guaranteed tourneys on this site???? other sites have them why not sky poker??/ i can go onto other sites and enter 3 grand tourneys for 5 dollars or less can sky poker not do this?? i really like this site pity thers no tourneys that suit a small stakes player like me!!!!!!
2.20 @ 2.20 once again
Ok on day 1 we got 31 runners and yesterday we got 34 runners. I rekon we can all beat that again, and with the much loved extra value of a fish called the don in there who can resist surley.
Not really payed too much attention to it before but when playing cash tables how many raked hands do you think you would see per hour. bearing in min Sky offer a no flop, no drop policy - it does what it says on the tin - NO FLOP - NO RAKE How big is teh flux when comapring tight versus loose tables mmmmmmm woda ya think
Now THAT is a decent ROI.
The stuff we all dream about :-)
Moving on up now...
How do you take shots at a higher level once your bankroll permits? Do you just sit down with 100bb and see how you get on? Do you top up? How many buy-ins do you set aside? And so on. Ta
first day back since jan after break form sky poker
hi guys first games this morning of 5 10 nl since jan.ive come to the conclusion either im very very BAD ....... at poker or my lucks very bad . i lost 3 hands running TRIP QEENS .QJ1098 45678 ALL THE HANDS .IWAS big fav to win till the dam river card .well three good hands about 5mins 45quid lose
Srsly u guise. You guise. Srsly. (no actual serious post)
Aside from the levity in the thread title this is kind of a serious question. I dont really care about chatbox bad manner or whatever, but what is the protocol for reporting it. Not sensitive at all but some of the stuff I've been hit with has been pretty brutal. Innaccurate (racial slurs, sexism (even though am actually…