Mods I'll just keep starting the same thread! LAG due to Grand National Freeroll spilling over into
I had a thread up where others were experiencing the same problem as me buyt Sky saw fit to move it to the back of beyond to hush it up! The Grand national Freeroll had more players than the Sky software could handle and it was spilling over into my Main Event. I have now had to keep pre clicking all in and eventually went…
Friday Orfordable League - APRIL (FREE Entry to 6K Re-Buy Open)
***Easter Bounty Hunt - Leaderboard***
Hi folks, Do you fancy yourself as an egg-shellent Bounty Hunter? If you're not already aware. We've got a new massive promotion for this festive period. There are some great prizes up for grabs including a VLV GRAND FINAL SEAT and a seat in a £1,000 Freeroll! Click here for the details. The purpose of this thread is to…
Ooooh, Friday 13th!
Anyone superstitious? What are your superstitions?
How many hands???
Hi all does anyone know, Is there any way to find out how many hands you have played on the site and also is it poss to review HH from last year cos i only seem to be able to view HH as far back as 1st of Jan 2012. Thanks in advance;-)
Anyone else experiencing Super Lag on Grand National Freeroll?
I have missed my hand and been sat-out and the lag is that severe that I click the 'I'm Back' button but it is still running so slow that it is auto-folding every hand. Why?
Why Close The Thread When We Were Chatting On It?
We were having a laugh and chatting on the thread Sky Poker just closed. It didn't answer the query in the OP and the thread had developed beyond that to a friendly chat. Its getting a little annoying how frequently the threads are getting closed. Is it worth starting one anymore or should all threads be sent to Sky for…
5K Bounty Hunter Semi - Problem?
The 4K BH Semi at 7pm Tonight should be 1 in 5 places, however, its showing 1st place payout only1st £682
Any observations on my Sharkscope Graphs? All the superstars on here must have an opinion.lol
www.sharkscope.com/SharkScope/DisplayGraph?GraphType=UserHistory&u1=shaun84&Network=sky&Username=sswebsite&Password=&Currency=USD&TimeZone=8&ClientTimeZoneValue=UTC+0100&searchTag=631.663436463506&GraphWidth=540&GraphHeight=420&nocache=1334337526705&version=356&DecimalSeparator=.&Filter= Sch. Only&GeneralSearchType=SCHO"…
Facebook Giveaway Friday the 13th
Hello again! It must be Friday because we are giving away FREE tournament tokens on our Faceboook page! All you have to do is click here and answer the question correctly to be entered into the free prize draw. The 3 lucky winners will win the following: 1st - £22 Tournament Token2nd - £11 Tournament Token3rd - £5.50…
7pm CH865 Live show with Fowler, Spittles and John Tabatabai ****official show thread*****
Hello poker peeps, Hope you are all doing well, and enjoyed you Easter break and the fact that this week was a 4 day week :) I had quite possibly the least restful, most stressful Easter ever, but despite this I did get a good amount of chocolate in my tummy! I have now started my holiday bikini diet and am extremely bad…
Forum SnG
https://www.skypoker.com/secure/poker/sky_lobby?action=go_tnmt_lobby&game_id=6170668&guid=fde9ee0c-6298-4228-8b47-9862acd0013a Any1 fancy a Sng?
Grand National Freeroll
Details here It was really popular and huge fun last year. Make sure you saddle-up and join in! Thanks Sky Poker
maybe a stupid question do the new analysts get paid for being on sky poker
do the analysts get paid for being on sky poker few names mentioned i hope they dnt mind like scotty 77 stuart rutter and lolufold they do a great job may i add but if they are poker professionals y would they need to other job when they earn enough money what they do on cash tables im just curious
Roll Up, Roll Up!!
For the Sky £5k Roller tonight! Yes there's massive value2nite folks cos a fish called Jingle has managed to bink a seat. There was another fish called Doh who also qualified, but he had to pull out cos his local offie ran out of Diamond White or something. It's not a complete donkfest though, there's some great players…
Thewie in WPT mag
Just read Julians article in this months WPT magazine. It takes you though his strategy when he took down the SPT Luton. Great Read Julian, well done
A big thanks to customer services today for helping me out when I had conection problems and letting common sence prevail :-)
Total Disatifaction
I've just played a bounty hunter, via sky broadband, and I believe i've lost several good hands due to slow broadband speed. I found this terribly frustrating as I was with B.T and had no problem. I will in future look other internet providers, and other poker sites.
Player screen names on sky poker
Just wondering if a players alias is monitored when they first choose it or not ? Reason i am asking is because i have just seen 2 players with rather dodgy screen names 1 of which seemed to be racist and the other what basically just said F . . . O F F ( without the missing letters) Just seems rather strange that names…
New Blog - First Coaching session tonight
Hi Guys, I have decided to try something, I thought it might be of interest to you so I am writing a few Blogs about it. The first one is now up in the Blog Section. It's just an intro into what I am about to do Hope you find it interesting. here's a link to it. Wish I knew how to make the links just have a name, they look…
Ok, I'll bite - The Tuesday Kind of Announcement
During Chatbox on Tuesday one of the news items was the announcement of plans for a new show with no details other than it's a live cash game and that James Hartigan wouldn't be playing in it. Now despite the sudden lack of value the latter part of that information presents, I'm still massively intrigued and excited by the…
cash for points
not a discussion boys and girls, just a question. when do they get paid in and does it show up on my account page. was due some and not sure if its gone in. thanks
I think its fate this was going to be my last tourney tonight but.....
I had a free entry in toniughts thews at ten as came 2nd in heads up comp and i came 2nd in it toinight for £200 so this maybe not the last time u have seen this donk i like to say a big thanyou to paul lambert for reminding tikay to put me in this tourney and thanks for tikay for registering me in it some how seems like…
Ask Orford?
The place to come and Ask Orford (our resident Sky Poker TV presenter) any questions you may have. No question is too big or too small and Orford will always be happy to help(*). so... ask away!... (*)Terms and Conditions apply - participation of Orford is pending since I just made this thread up.
Thanks for the apology on the table there. Not many are man enough to say sorry to a lady (sad fact) so thanks you gent.
PLO Players VS NLH Players
I undestand (and maybe most of us here) that the NLH tables have been toughest than they were couple of years ago due to many reasons. That's why I think more and more pros/players start playing Omaha. My question is: Can someone be a winner at Omaha and be a losser at Holdem?
Another 'OWT' - how do you play?
Another 'One Word Thread' (OWT) - this time the question is... ... describe your playing style! Remember, one word answers only please and we'll get Tikay to judge the winner of this (who will get a Thews at Ten seat). Hint - try to avoid the obvious - 'tight', 'aggressive' etc.
Super Roller - WOW!
Just like to thank everyone involved in the tournament tonight/this morning! I somehow managed to luckbox my way to 3rd place. Was a fantastic experience from the excellent live show to the die hard rail providing nothing but encouragement. A brilliant advert for the site and the structure allowed for a great amount of…
Day time connection problems
Hi all, this post is as it says on the tin 'day time connection probs' has anybody else noticed this? I don't recall ever loosing my connection to sky in the evening/night time but it can happen 4/5 or even more times during the day even though the traffic is considerably less, It is defo not my internet connection as…
Bye Bye sky poker its been an experience
After my thews at ten which i got a free seat into next week as i got to final heads up against fail who played well may i add i have decided to try another site out i have been on this site over 2 years now and have enjoyed every minute of it getting great feed back in poker clinic and playing great players also like to…