What is the email address for the tv show 865
What is the email address for the tv show 865
pocet pairs
it cant just be me that seems to get days/weeks where pocket pairs no matter how played or who has them they just cost so much money from kk beat by qq to you ak meeting 10s on a ak10 flop anoying as ****
disconection protection
i was shocked to find out that sky doesnt have this and i think it defo something they should put in. i turned the nut flush and river comes blank and guy bets into me with £30 in the pot and some1 betting into me i was about to push and boom internet (sky broadband to add humour) cuts out for a split second and i return…
Best main event of the week?
Thought it'd be interesting to see what everyone's favourite 8pm main event is :) I voted for the Rebuy Open as you start 200bb deep if you take the rebuy straight away, with the addon and 12 minute blinds you can be in this forever, best value for money and best structure IMO.
Jackpot Promotion?
Due to the Primo not been on tonight, if someone was to win 25k Sky Roller and Mini Primo would they win the Jackpot Promition?
before someone else asks about primo
take it the primo won`t be on the tournie list as you have the BIGGY 25K SUPER ROLLER ON AT 8PM
How does this happen? Tournment winner has 237582.50 chips
118 runners started this tournament with 2,000 chips each. Surely the winner should have ended up with 236,000 chips. So where did the extra 1,582.50 come from? https://www.skypoker.com/secure/poker/sky_lobby?action=go_tnmt_lobby&game_id=6139123&guid=245e51cf-a742-4655-9427-553839c9b63c murcal237582.501£318.60 + £206.66…
Suuuuuper Roller FRENZY!
Loads of budget satellites all afternoon to tonight's £25,000 Guaranteed SUPER ROLLER! You gotta be in it to win it......
m/e bounty hunter addon
i was in last nite b/hunter and even though i had funds to addon for some reason it would not let me, i had around 13/14000ish chips and around the 6th pos. so do you have to a certain amount off chips to adddon or was this and error ?? to be honest i wouldn`t rebuy or addon in any circumstances, this was just something i…
5k bounty hunter sats
im sure its an over sight can you please put some sats to the 5k bouthy hunter thanks
Has the forum helped your poker
We all strive to get better at poker and play a much better game. This takes time and there are many ways of doing it. Some read books, some learn from experience, some have training or watch channel 865, but some may find they use the forum and gain advice from other players or post things themselves whether it be in the…
I pad freeroll - anyone else had the same weird experience
I received email inviting to join this tourney. I followed the link which took me to tourney lobby where I reg'd with over 600 others. I logged into sky at 7 and the tourney kicked off without me. somehow I had been removed. there was just 300 odd runners. I checked tourney history and of course this tourney doesn't…
personally i like the old poker on channel 865
any 1 else agree i prefer watching edd giggings and trevor harris they were great and used to watch all the time dnt watch it as much now kinda have to get used to the new people and studio i guess
Hi lo cash tonight.
Having a hi lo cash game tonight if anyone is interested.Start around 9ish and it's on 2/4p table.Gl at the tables guys.
NL Omaha!
Hey peeps just thinking i usually play quite abit of omaha when i can but one irritating thing i find is limp limp limp RAISE call call call its extremely annoying in the finest way!! Yea the pots build dramatically but getting ppl to fold pre is like impossible usually 4 way flop most hands and you no with it bein the…
disconected when about to double up
was playing in the 8.15 deep stack mtt when after 2hf hours i got my chips to 20,000 bb only900 when i got AA 5,000 in middle flop comes 8c 5s 2d the other guys bets 2,400 i raise to 4,800 he goes all in when i go to go all in i get disconected then it comes right back for next hand would have put me on 40,000 with the…
Help and Advice
Hi everyone hope you can help I have been playing now for 7 months, played all dyms, tourneys, but i back to cash 2/4p i find it more entertaining, and i think my game has improved 100%, but that wasn't hard when you start from scratch. i now think its time to move on, i am still having problems with my bet sizing, i am…
Timed tournaments
Hi. New to the site and played my first 2 timed tournaments tonight which i really enjoyed playing but in the last level i couldnt find out how much time was left to play as i couldnt find a clock anywhere. Have i missed something or should i be checking somewhere else in the main lobby ? Just seemed to spoil it a bit for…
Easter Bounty Hunter Promotion...
In case you had not seen, here's our amazing promotion over easter: https://www.skypoker.com/secure/poker/sky_lobby/poker-promotions/easter-bounty-hunterCollect as many Bounty Hunter hat-tricks as you can! Win the most bounties over Easter and win a Viva Las Vegas Final seat, worth £1,100! Take three or more bounties in…
sky poker channel
used to love watching the sky poker channel but bit by bit it is turning into complete dross. on certain days its very watchable the likesof channing thew tikay and other poker experts make the programm worth watching but the lack of poker being shown is a concern and some sky poker players drooning on about nothing makes…
Friday Orfordable League (April) FREE ENTRY to 6K Re-Buy Open up for Grabs
I'll be playing on This Friday 36th April ?? ;-) cheers Team 51
Poker books on Amazon for under £10?
Got a £10 Amazon gift card for Xmas, keep forgetting I have it and it will eventually expire if I don't use it - Wondering if anyone could recommend any Poker books on Amazon for under £10?
The End of the Blogs :(
As a few (ok very few) of you know, I have been submitting blogs to Sky for a year or two now. A surprising amount of thought and effort goes into them. I make attempts to keep them informative (where indicated) and amusing (where possible). I think, in general, they are well received, and that keeps me doing them. Nothing…
Facebook Competition Results Thread.
Hi all, If you haven't already, LIKE us on Facebook here and enter our FREE competition right now! We have the following up for grabs: 1st place - £22 tournament token2nd place - £11 tournament token3rd place - £5.50 tournament token Results will be posted here shortly after 5pm today! Good Luck!
i feel i`ve been kicked in gut`s with primo semi
I will try and word this as best i can but first thankyou c/care for the understanding and help. Sunday just gone i qualified for the semi from £2.64 i try this one every Sunday ( once only) but this time i tried 2nd time and made semi. Now in the semi 33 players through to main and 34th cash for £11, now as we all know…
Where to next?
Hi i joined Sky Poker 3 weeks ago and have build my bankroll up to £660 from an intial £50 deposit. I have been focusing on dym £11 and £16.50. I have been playing on mastercash this week when it was on live but i know this isnt a good idea for my bankroll management! I like to take the occasional shot in the sky…
poker tracker software
is there any software out there that i can use to track my hands
I'm leaving
my coat at home today as the sun is shining, be back here to play some poker later though.
i am........................ speechless
THIS WAS LAST NITE £33 B/HUNTER 225 CHIPS LEFT, IN BLIND (200) SO ONLY HAVE 95 BEHIND. CHIPS, PLUS BOUNTY = TIME FOR THE VULTURES TO SWOOP AND PICK THE BONES. Hand History #501881121 (20:49 05/04/2012) PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancewelp Small blind 75.00 75.00 3087.50 spornybol Big blind 150.00 225.00 95.00 Your hole…