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    edited February 2014
    thanks stretch,yes i do remember  seeing you on my tables
    how are you doing yourself? ok, i hope

    see you again,know doubt

    cheers buddy!
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR : Hi mate, I have just downloaded spreadsheet, it will be extremely useful so thankyou very much!  Sorry I haven't replied sooner, have only played a handful of games this week. See you on the tables, Nick
    Posted by stretch83
    No problem Nick, glad to be of help

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    edited February 2014
    Well not a good day... here are the stats

    Played - 9
    Won - 4
    Lost - 5
    Total for the week - -£20
    Poker Points - 670

    Maybe I'll have a better week next week. Hope it doesn't continue, I really don't want to have to move down a level.

    In total I've played 80 games this week, won 42 and lost 38, this isn't very good, it's about a 52% win rate, need to improve. BUT once again, out on the bubble in quite a lot of games.

    Never mind, there's always tomorrow.

    Also, does a guy called wrongjohn1 ever post here, he plays tons of tables whenever I log on, he must get some serious table time in, also his scope looks pretty good...
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    edited February 2014
    I'm hoping this thread isn't dying! Sounds about right though, as soon as I post, everyone leaves lol!

    Good couple of days.

    Yesterday managed to win 4 with only 1 loss.

    Today managed a straight 3 game win, then thought I'll leave it there because I don't often get winning streaks (if you can call it a streak haha)

    BR is now up to £210, so I can feel the £11 coming, hopefully... few more wins required first.
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    edited February 2014
    Hey all, apologies for the lack of updates, I haven't managed to play at all since my last post with one thing or another. Nice to see all your updates, though. I will hopefully get a few games in soon, just checked the STT league and I look to be around 33rd so will need a little push to claw back into the top 30 to get a seat in the TSP freeroll!
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    Hey all, apologies for the lack of updates, I haven't managed to play at all since my last post with one thing or another. Nice to see all your updates, though. I will hopefully get a few games in soon, just checked the STT league and I look to be around 33rd so will need a little push to claw back into the top 30 to get a seat in the TSP freeroll!
    Posted by JohnConnor

    Hey there JC!  Regarding the STT league, there is a link under it which states the current month points, but the link doesn't work.  Do you know where the correct link is for this??


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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR : Hey there JC!  Regarding the STT league, there is a link under it which states the current month points, but the link doesn't work.  Do you know where the correct link is for this?? Cheers, Ian
    Posted by ian1976
    Hi, it works for me on the standalone sky poker program, under my account then poker league!
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    edited February 2014
    Good day today.

    Played 9
    Won - 6
    Lost - 3
    That's £10.50 profit for the day, up to £220 now woo hoo!
    Enjoying the run of good form, hope it lasts just a little longer.

    Total poker points for the month 790.
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR : Hi, it works for me on the standalone sky poker program, under my account then poker league!
    Posted by MISTER_B
    Hi Mister_B!  Yes but that shows the 3 months in total, not the month of December?
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR : Hi Mister_B!  Yes but that shows the 3 months in total, not the month of December?
    Posted by ian1976
    I believe it's measured over a 3 month basis, not monthly. Poker points (cash 4 points) are monthly, poker league is quarterly !
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    edited February 2014
    Phew! What a day, started by playing 4 DYMs, and lost all 4 in a row, for a loss of £22, thought it was game over.
    Pulled myself together and played another 5, to win the lot, for a 0.50p profit, not much, but profits profit and I'm so happy to be in this position especially after earlier!!!

    Played - 9
    Won - 5
    Lost - 4
    Profit - 0.50p
    Poker Points - 800
    Total Weeks Profit - £37
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    Also, does a guy called wrongjohn1 ever post here, he plays tons of tables whenever I log on, he must get some serious table time in, also his scope looks pretty good...
    Posted by MISTER_B
    Never seen him post on the forums, I always see him playing £5.50 DYM's though. 
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    edited February 2014
    Hi John, great read but i have i question. It relates to making it into the money, i have just bubbled when i called an all in, my AK suited against A4 suited, runner runner and i loose to a flush. My question is this, should you fold here and look for a better spot as all stacks were relatively the same or was it the right call and thats just poker and you gotta make your move at some point?
    It would be great to here your opinion
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    edited February 2014
    Well a great start to christmas NOT.

    Played 15
    Won - 6
    Lost - 9
    Total for the day - MINUS £22.50
    Total for the week - £15
    Poker Points - Around 900 ish

    Well, don't try cash tables after a huge 6 game losing streak. It was sooooo painful, then thought, I'll have a quick go at 4NL and lost my £4 buyin quite quickly, guess you could say tilt, perhaps??

    Anyway, the tough thing is not to play anymore, maybe until tomorrow or boxing day, because I can't bear to lose again, and the way it was going I would. Loads of bad beats, and it seemed every flip was going against me, but thats varience.
    Plus, tough tables tonight, games were just going to levels 6/7/8 before anyone was getting knocked out, frustrating!!!

    I suppose I'll have to wait a little longer before I can have a shot at the £10 DYM's.

    Just a quick plus for the forum... it's great to have it here as a way of venting off steam, because I feel so much better now!!

    It's done no good for my overall stats, as I'm now pretty much a losing player with a win rate of 54.6%

    Let's hope it's just a run of bad luck !!!

    GL and Merry Christmas all.
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    edited February 2014
    back from a week off poker

    no change,still grinding at £3.30

    won 15  lost 8.    won £14.10

    balance £328.82

    still going the right way!

    hope you all had a good xmas day

    and good luck for 2012!
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    edited February 2014
    been reading this with interest and decided to have a re-look at DYMs for a bit over the next few weeks while not able to do any cash sessions of length just to play some poker.
    only 30p NLHE and Omaha initially to get back into them.
    after 2 initial small loss sessions now on a 7 cash run until i stopped. so far 9 wins 4 losses.
    finding them tougher than they were. people seem tighter now even at this level! I wonder if they've been reading any blogs!!
    A few more at this level i think, maybe, but not sure how many. Then move to 60p and up where the rake % is less of a hinderance. We'll see how far I get.

    good luck
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    edited February 2014
    just another day,just another session;

    won 18  lost 5

    profit  £32.10

    balance £360.92

    looks like my £500 target is in my sights now.


    the devonfish
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    edited February 2014
    not a great nite

    won 20  lost 16

    profit £1.20   big deal.

    still,a w,s a w

    c4points  929
    so at least £15 is on the way

    balance £362.12

    back tomorrow

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    edited February 2014
    bad nite

    won 21
    lost 24

    lost £22.50

    not the end of the world though.
    knew it was only a matter of time!

    balance £335.12

    still £117 up
    since starting dym,s

    so no worries

    back tomorrow know doubt

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    edited February 2014
    Hi everyone, hope you all had a great Christmas, I did. No poker, though, which was the only downside. Should be able to steal a couple of hours before the new year, though. I just have one session to update which was my last, played 23rd Dec, I think:

    Played 4 £16.50s W 3 L 1
    Played 7 £22s W 5 L 2
    Bankroll - £568.52
    Poker Points 2,765

    This morning I look to be about 500 league points off a top 30 finish. I think I'll have a little push at that but will be hard now, depends mainly on the other guys I guess...

    Hope you all run well for what's left of 2011...
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    Hi John, great read but i have i question. It relates to making it into the money, i have just bubbled when i called an all in, my AK suited against A4 suited, runner runner and i loose to a flush. My question is this, should you fold here and look for a better spot as all stacks were relatively the same or was it the right call and thats just poker and you gotta make your move at some point? It would be great to here your opinion Mike
    Posted by GEE_BURT
    Hi Mike, really sorry I haven't replied sooner. It's a tough question without the actual stack sizes, blinds etc but AK is a huge hand and I think you probably just got really unlucky. Please post hands in the clinic or in this thread as I'm sure you will get lots of really helpful replies from the guys on here.
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    bad nite won 21 lost 24 lost £22.50 not the end of the world though. knew it was only a matter of time! balance £335.12 still £117 up since starting dym,s so no worries back tomorrow know doubt nite
    Posted by devonfish5
    Really impressive progress there mate, some excellent volume as well. Nice that you can take the knock backs too, reminds me a bit of myself, I always came back to the DYMs in the morning no matter how they had treated me the day/night before :-s
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    edited February 2014
    thanks jc.
    i thank you.
    the way i see it is you are happy enough taking the money
    when you win,
    so i just except it when i lose,
    you are only giving back some of what you,ve won anyway.

    as long as the plusses
    are bigger than the minuses overall,
    you,ve haven,t really got much to moan about,have you!

    thanks again jc
    and good luck yourself for 2012

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    edited February 2014
    Think I best update today's play before I go to bed so I don't forget. I'm pretty tired so hope it makes sense.
    I think today's session has been the most draining of all the lot so far on this challenge. I played a few this morning and ran really horribly so stopped early for lunch. In the afternoon I clawed things back a bit but was still down for the day. I was pleased, though, after the morning session where I couldn't win a hand it seemed. Then this evening I came on to play and watch the live show and it started really well and looked like it could be a really profitable day. Then from nowhere I think I lost ~9 games in a row and felt myself getting tired and a bit tilty. That was about 10pm and I really wasn't sure whether playing anymore tonight would be a good idea. I decided that I was still playing well enough though, Thursday is a good night and I was enjoying the live show, so I made a quick drink and decided to play one more lot of 6 games. I managed to win 5 of these and end the day £5.50 down. I'm absolutely delighted with this, to be honest, as I haven't had a day as testing as this for a good while now, since before this challenge I would say. If I had forgotten, today has definately reminded me how swingy DYMs are once you move up a couple of levels.

    These are the stats I have recorded for the day and I've certainly made a couple of mistakes here as I think these add up to a small profit when I am definately down £5.50:

    Played 17 £11s W 9 L 8
    Played 7 £16.50s W 4 L 3
    Played 16 £22s W 9 L 7
    Bankroll - £563.02
    Poker Points 3370

    So as I said I'm delighted with that small loss. Also really happy with 605 poker points for the day as it's been a while since I put any decent session in and I still had loads of time off this afternoon. I will be aiming for 4,000 poker points, which I should easily manage if I can get on tomorrow night and Saturday afternoon for a couple of hours each. A top 30 in the STT league looks a little unlikely still, but we will see.

    Thanks for reading what's probably been a long and fairly boring post. Sorry if it has, but it has been the hardest day yet and it only felt right to document it rather than leave off and forget it. As ever, hope you run well everyone!
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    edited February 2014
    just read your post jc,
    off to bed myself shortly.

    i had to have tonight off as feeling tired

    yes,some sessions can realy drain you can,t they,
    especially once you get down a few and you really are grinding
    just to try and get somewhere near level!

    at least you,ve got the thought that your c4p,s are giving you something back.

    keep up the good work

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    edited February 2014
    Another depressing night to say the least, this time with no happy ending really. Don't think I'm running that well at the moment so hopefully things will pick up soon. Still need 400 or so points tomorrow before I go out for the night so that could be a bad session if it gets off to a bad start. I won't know whether to continue for 4k points or just give up for this month. Hopefully I'll hit the ground running though instead :-)

    Played 8 £16.50s W 4 L 4
    Played 7 £22s W 2 L 5  :-(
    Bankroll - £477.02
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    edited February 2014
    never mind jc
    c4p on the way.

    a little better 4 me 2nite

    won 26  lost 20

    won £4.20

    balance £339.32
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    never mind jc c4p on the way. a little better 4 me 2nite won 26  lost 20 won £4.20 balance £339.32
    Posted by devonfish5
    Nice one devon, onwards and upwards. Another horrible, horrible day on the tables for me. The less said the better to be honest, lost quite a few ~90% hands and feeling quite tilted. On the other hand, I kind of don't mind because that was just about as bad as it gets in one session and still ended up only a few buy-ins down. Would make a small fortune if every day played like today, lol. In the end I scraped over the 4,000 point mark and ran from the tables as quickly as I could. Looking forward to a fresh start in the new year, albeit with a diminshed bankroll thanks to this last couple of sessions. Lost track of my stats for today as spent alot of it looking for things to kick lol.

    Bankroll - £422.52
    Poker points - 4,025
    Missed out on the top 30 in the STT league by around 100pts I reckon, a lesson there for the next quarter!

    Anyway, happy new year everyone, run well at the tables in 2012!!
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    edited February 2014
    hi jc

    it,s not a straight run to the finish line is it?
    oh,the joys of poker.
    just a thought,what do you think about droping a level
    when the going gets tough?
    even if it,s just for a session or two
    until it passes and you,re back on that winning road again!

    anyway,happy new year everyone

    see you in 2012

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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    hi jc it,s not a straight run to the finish line is it? oh,the joys of poker.   just a thought,what do you think about droping a level when the going gets tough? even if it,s just for a session or two until it passes and you,re back on that winning road again! anyway,happy new year everyone see you in 2012 devon
    Posted by devonfish5
    Hi devon, thanks mate. I have no problems at all dropping down a level or two when the going gets tough. I'll be dropping down from the £22s for a little while as I have slipped below 20 buy-ins now. Hopefully it won't be for too long but it will be for as long as it takes.
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