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  • Options
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    Almost forgot, targets for November: - Move upto £11 DYMs (so BR of £220) - 3,000 Poker Points - Top 30 League Position (target of being in the top 4 by the end of Dec looks a little unlikely but we will see)
    Posted by JohnConnor
    This is how I ended November:

    Bankroll - £371.02 + £50 C4P =£421.02
    3,000 Poker Points
    Top 30 League Position (just)

    So all targets were met in November which I'm really pleased with, particularly the bankroll increase although my target might have been a touch on the conservative side. A bit disappointed with my league position but that is what it is to be honest, there a few real grinders out there now so it takes a lot of volume to be right up there and I'm pretty busy at the moment.

    December targets:

    Originally my targets were going to be to move up to £22s and earn 4,000 Poker Points but as I have only just gotten around to setting them, I obviously need to adjust these as I will be starting £22s tomorrow anyway. So my targets will be:

    Move upto £33 DYMs (so increase bankroll to at least £660)
    Earn 6,000 poker points

    I think these targets could be quite difficult to meet, particularly if I need to drop straight back down to £11s and £16.50s. Then again, with a bit of run good they may be quite easily achieved, we will have to see, obviously hoping for the latter.

    I wish everyone the best of luck with your own December goals and hope it is a prosperous month for us all!
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    Really weird night tonight in the £11s and £16.50s. The games were really soft and I played well I thought but ran really poorly. I saw some really weird boards run out in favour of short-stacks who were all but dead on the flop and constantly encountered big stacks who were intent on doubling up short stacks as well. These are my biggest DYM bug-bears, really, so I was quite frustrated at times if I'm honest. The result was OK, though, although I felt it could have been better. These stats might be slightly out as I was pretty tired at times: Played 8 £16.50s W 4 L 4 Played 18 £11s W 12 L 6 Bankroll - £481.02 So tomorrow I will be kicking off some £22s which I'm really looking forward to...
    Posted by JohnConnor
    Looks like you havn't quite been following your 22buyin guide ;)

    Otherwise winning 2 £16.50s and losing 2 would mean you didn't have the roll for the £22s lol

    So I guess you were just playing both levels for volume?
  • Options
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR : Looks like you havn't quite been following your 22buyin guide ;) Otherwise winning 2 £16.50s and losing 2 would mean you didn't have the roll for the £22s lol So I guess you were just playing both levels for volume?
    Posted by Poker_Fail
    Hi PF, for the purposes of this challenge I've been using the slightly more aggressive approach of 20 buy-ins throughout. I thought I had made this clear at the outset but looking back what I actually said was 20-22, so thanks for pulling that up. So yeah I'm using 20 buy-ins which will be quite aggressive for the £22s onwards to be honest. IF, touch wood, this challenge ends successfully then I will revert back to being quite conservative in my BRM as I will be looking to play quite seriously again then.
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    edited February 2014
    An unhappy start in the £22s just then:

    Played 5 £22s W 1 L 4
    Played 2 £16.50s W 1 L 1
    Bankroll - £408.02

    Back to the £11s or £16.50s for me for a while :-(
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    edited February 2014
    Things picked up a bit later today, fortunately:

    Played 16 £11s W 10 L 7
    Played 7 £16.50s W 6 L 1
    Played 6 £22s W 4 L 2
    Bankroll - £513.52
    Poker Points - 935
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    edited February 2014
    Awesome stuff JC!
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    edited February 2014
    Quick update from last session as I start a few games now:

    Played 12 £22s W 7 L 5
    Bankroll - £529.52
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    edited February 2014
    Just had a quick look to see ur progress very impressed that your up to £500 already, u are truly are awesome JC hope not to run into u at the tables.

    Most of all GL
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    edited February 2014
    Thanks YG, appreciate that.

    Just played a few games and managed to note down a couple of hands. The first was one was really interesting at the time and had me in the tank a bit:
    sb Small blind  25.00 25.00 1210.00
    xxxBig blind  50.00 75.00 3860.00
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • 9
    mitchuk14 Fold     
    What_if Fold     
    JohnConnor Raise  150.00 225.00 2130.00
    sbCall  125.00 350.00 1085.00
    xxx Call  100.00 450.00 3760.00
    • 5
    • A
    • Q
    xxx Bet  50.00 500.00 3710.00
    JohnConnor Call  50.00 550.00 2080.00
    sbCall  50.00 600.00 1035.00
    • 2
    xxx Bet  50.00 650.00 3660.00
    JohnConnor Call  50.00 700.00 2030.00
    sbCall  50.00 750.00 985.00
    • 9
    xxx All-in  3660.00 4410.00 0.00
    JohnConnor Fold     
    xxx Muck     
    xxx Win  750.00  750.00
    xxx Return  3660.00 0.00 4410.00
    This is a standard button raise, the sb has been playing extremely loose passive and I haven't seen xxx do anything noteworthy yet. It's obviously a good flop for me but I am a bit confused by the min donk bet out so elect to call for pot control. I could have raised for information and folded to a shove but went for pot control on what I saw as a miles ahead or miles behind situation. I was not at all worried about the sb as he was extremely loose passive, calling down with A8 high earlier. I think there's a good chance I have him almost dead here. The turn's a brick and I elect for pot control again for the same reasons as on the flop. I intend to either call a decent bet on the river or make a small raise if he min bets again, medium pot for a medium hand kind of idea. The 9 on the river looked to be a superb card for me as I now went ahead of all As except AQ. I'm calling anything upto a pot sized bet here and raising any smaller bets that look weak. But then xxx shoves and I go into the tank. Eventually I time-out fold, thinking that he must have 555 or AQ and was min betting to induce raises on the fop and turn. Of course it helped that I had a solid stack with blinds at 25/50.

    The next hand is my exit hand in the same game to the same player. It supports my read in the above hand, looking at the post-flop play. Unfortunately I might have copied this hand no. down wrong but I cannot find it searching manually either so maybe there is problem with some HHs at the moment (??). Basically I min raised the button with AQ at 75/150 and he flats in the BB again. He then min donks the Q-7-x flop and I shove to be snapped by Q7. I noted in a later game, as well, that the same player open shoved 2000 from early position in level 1 with A3o.

    The third I don't know if there's too much to discuss, I guess there's plenty who get it in here but with no fold equity and a chance that the top end of my straight draw is dead I prefer to just sit this one out, despite the great pot odds. Probably a spot, for me, where 'DYM odds' override standard pot odds. The hand probably goes someway to explaining why I never get straight flushes :-(
    peteAA Small blind  75.00 75.00 1725.00
    JohnConnor Big blind  150.00 225.00 1875.00
     Your hole cards
    • 4
    • 5
    Ace_Adgit Call  150.00 375.00 1550.00
    121285 Fold     
    CharlieWin Call  150.00 525.00 4795.00
    peteAA Call  75.00 600.00 1650.00
    JohnConnor Check     
    • 7
    • 6
    • 9
    peteAA Check     
    JohnConnor Check     
    Ace_Adgit Bet  600.00 1200.00 950.00
    CharlieWin Call  600.00 1800.00 4195.00
    peteAA Fold     
    JohnConnor Fold     
    • 4
    Ace_Adgit All-in  950.00 2750.00 0.00
    CharlieWin Call  950.00 3700.00 3245.00
    Ace_Adgit Show
    • K
    • 10
    CharlieWin Show
    • 8
    • 9
    • 3
    Ace_Adgit Win Flush to the King 3700.00  3700.00
    The final hand shows a situation I mention in the blog of taking advantage of players who raise too much (ie 3x late on), this is a great source of chips for me. I know I'm well ahead of this players range here and I do actually have more FE than it would appear (I have notes that the guy can 3x/fold here). Luckily I hold:
    Ace_Adgit Small blind  150.00 150.00 4445.00
    121285 Big blind  300.00 450.00 2310.00
     Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 9
    xxxRaise  900.00 1350.00 1945.00
    JohnConnor All-in  1950.00 3300.00 0.00
    Ace_Adgit Fold     
    121285 Fold     
    xxxCall  1050.00 4350.00 895.00
    • A
    • 8
    JohnConnor Show
    • 9
    • 9
    • 7
    • 4
    • 10
    • 10
    • 3
    JohnConnor Win Two Pairs, 10s and 9s 4350.00
    Anyway, session stats:

    Played 8 £22s W 4 L 4
    Played 3 £16.50s W 1 L 2
    Bankroll - £494.02

    So not the best session but I am very happy with the way that I am playing at the moment. I am going to expect a few swings now that I'm up the levels a bit again. There were a few tough opponents today (to be expected during the day) which isn't ideal but still just about enough weaker players to make the games profitable, imo. Still going to look more forward to the evenings rather than the day sessions, I think.
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    edited February 2014
    Really disappointing finish tonight in the £22s, was 5-1 up but somehow managed to end the session 6-6 :-(

    Bankroll - £470.02
    Poker Points - 1600
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    edited February 2014
    "This is a standard button raise, the sb has been playing extremely loose passive and I haven't seen xxx do anything noteworthy yet."

    I think in this spot if ive seen to aggro players to go and looking at the BB stack, with 2.1k i,d have to think about raising but might fold in the hope of them getting involved togethor

    what stacks are you making this raise with?  eg 600 - 4k and is that where i,m going wrong - by playing to tight at this level as i,d probably  only do it with less than 1900-2k

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    edited February 2014
    Just read all 22 pages, and wow, this is a brilliant resource.

    Massive congrats and well done to JC, keep it up, I hope this thread stays alive as it's such a wealth of info and certinally has got me motivated to have ago, i've got £100 so might have ago at some £3.30's for starters.
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR : Overall I am happy around about october 20th I deposited £15 and I am sitting with £55.93  in my account, however I have got stuck at £2.25 level.  I really regret not keeping a tracker of my performance, as I have no real idea of how I am doing. I seem to run well, and then run really bad and end up at the £1.15s and grind my way back to £2.25's.  I know this is down to inexperience, however I seem to be improving recently after buying Colin Moshman guide to SNG's. How are you doing mate? 
    Posted by stretch83
    Hi Stretch

    I've just set up a spread sheet, for this very reason,  that works out games played, won & lost then gives a total of the week. This gives  me a clear picture of how i'm running. PM me your email and i'll send you a copy.


    Edit: Let me know what level you play, so i can work the formula's out.
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    edited February 2014
    Just played 2 £3.30's this morning, not much but hardly any liquidity at this time on a Saturday. It seems a lot easier today than on a weekday, pity I can't get many games yet.
    Won both, but it was close on the 2nd, on the bubble and card dead, not a good mix lol

    One thing I like to do is get a sharkscope of all my opponents, so I know roughly what they're about, if anyone wants there own sharkscope graphs etc, just give me a shout
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    edited February 2014
    Question JC...

    May have been answered in this thread elsewhere, even though I've read it, i've already forgotten bits lol
    How many tables can you properly play at once, and what size monitor do you have?
    I can just about manage 3 cash at the moment, but can't fit anymore than 4 anyway because I have a standard laptop.

    Thanks and keep up the good form...
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    edited February 2014
    Wow the challenge has come a long way very quickly now! how many C4Ps do you expect thic month ?
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    edited February 2014
    Promise this is the last question, I won't hijack this thread much more lol, I just want to run some HH past you all first, I've played 5 £3.30 today and won 4, using JC's guide, I'm more used to playing cash so this is taking a bit of getting used to!!!
    Quite a few HH here, but I won't become an annoying person who constantly posts them, I promise. It's my first full day playing DYM's and I just want to check with you experts that I'm on the right path!
    So away we go...

    I guess you would always shove here, but the fact their was a tight raiser early, what do you think? Yes I got lucky lol
    MISTER_B Small blind   75.00 75.00 1870.00
    Enigma10 Big blind   150.00 225.00 3515.00
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    playcards Fold        
    xxxx Raise   300.00 525.00 1190.00
    SCHOF78 Fold        
    MISTER_B All-in   1870.00 2395.00 0.00
    Enigma10 Fold        
    xxxx All-in   1190.00 3585.00 0.00
    MISTER_B Unmatched bet   455.00 3130.00 455.00
    MISTER_B Show
    • Q
    • Q
    xxxx Show
    • A
    • A
    • 7
    • 4
    • 3
    • K
    • Q
    MISTER_B Win Three Queens 3130.00   3585.00
    Right, I'm kicking myself about this, great hand to start but should have folded post flop raise, look at the straight potential, would you have played any differently pre? My 1 loss of the day, and in my eyes could definatly have been avoidable!!!
    Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance
    MISTER_B Small blind   25.00 25.00 3120.00
    Dudeskin8 Big blind   50.00 75.00 1415.00
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • A
    lockett12 Fold        
    dazkirk Fold        
    xxxx Call   50.00 125.00 1360.00
    MISTER_B Raise   225.00 350.00 2895.00
    Dudeskin8 Fold        
    xxxx Call   200.00 550.00 1160.00
    • 8
    • 9
    • Q
    MISTER_B Bet   275.00 825.00 2620.00
    All-in   1160.00 1985.00 0.00
    MISTER_B Call   885.00 2870.00 1735.00
    MISTER_B Show
    • K
    • A
    xxxx Show
    • K
    • Q
    • 5
    • K
    xxxx Win Two Pairs, Kings and Queens 2870.00   2870.00
    Do you agree with this play at these levels? I thought I was gambling too much..
    Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance
    MISTER_B Small blind   150.00 150.00 2025.00
    AJaX99 Big blind   300.00 450.00 3650.00
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • 10
    pokergirlz Fold        
    xxxx All-in   1210.00 1660.00 0.00
    Flossy25 Fold        
    MISTER_B Call   1060.00 2720.00 965.00
    AJaX99 Fold        
    MISTER_B Show
    • A
    • 10
    • 6
    • 7
    • 3
    • 5
    • J
    • J
    • 10
    MISTER_B Win Two Pairs, Jacks and 10s 2720.00   3685.00
    Another one, am I gambling too much, or would you play this hand like this?
    Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance
    MISTER_B Small blind   75.00 75.00 2065.00
    AJaX99 Big blind   150.00 225.00 2425.00
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • K
    pokergirlz Fold        
    Flossy25 Fold        
    xxxx Call   150.00 375.00 1085.00
    MISTER_B Raise   675.00 1050.00 1390.00
    AJaX99 Fold        
    xxxx Call   600.00 1650.00 485.00
    • 3
    • 7
    • 10
    MISTER_B All-in   1390.00 3040.00 0.00
    xxxx All-in   485.00 3525.00 0.00
    MISTER_B Unmatched bet   905.00 2620.00 905.00
    MISTER_B Show
    • Q
    • K
    xxxx Show
    • 4
    • 8
    • 9
    • 10
    MISTER_B Win Pair of 10s 2620.00   3525.00
    Right, I hope you can advise whether I'm on the right track with some of my decisions, and thanks for any help guys!
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR : Hi Stretch I've just set up a spread sheet, for this very reason,  that works out games played, won & lost then gives a total of the week. This gives  me a clear picture of how i'm running. PM me your email and i'll send you a copy. Paul Edit: Let me know what level you play, so i can work the formula's out.
    Posted by -Typhoon-
    Hi Typhoon,

    I am back to playing the £3.30s now, I can't get my PM to work for some reason.  But would love a copy of your spreadsheet.  Could you try to PM me with your email address then I can send you an email?

  • Options
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    Hi all, I am in desperate need of some help, I moved upto the £5.50s and had some normal progress slow and steady upto a B.R of £250.  In 24 hours I have lost £50 and am running so bad I can't play anymore.  I know that I am not playing my a-game, and I feel so nervous about getting my chips in good because of the beats I have taken.  How can I shrug this off, I have tried playing through it and have just continued to lose. If you look at this post and send me some feedback, even if it is I have played like a complete $£"$!£" donk, I need to know as it is driving me completely insane, lol.
    Posted by stretch83
    I've had a go at them all, best reply on that thread stop this going off topic. ;)
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    "This is a standard button raise, the sb has been playing extremely loose passive and I haven't seen xxx do anything noteworthy yet." I think in this spot if ive seen to aggro players to go and looking at the BB stack, with 2.1k i,d have to think about raising but might fold in the hope of them getting involved togethor what stacks are you making this raise with?  eg 600 - 4k and is that where i,m going wrong - by playing to tight at this level as i,d probably  only do it with less than 1900-2k MP
    Posted by MP33
    Hi MP33, quite tough to answer but I guess I'm raising there with a stack size of 1300-2500ish. Less than 1300 and I can't afford to play without being committed I don't think and over 2500 and I'm abit more comfortable, playing a little tighter for a while.
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    Question JC... May have been answered in this thread elsewhere, even though I've read it, i've already forgotten bits lol How many tables can you properly play at once, and what size monitor do you have? I can just about manage 3 cash at the moment, but can't fit anymore than 4 anyway because I have a standard laptop. Thanks and keep up the good form...
    Posted by MISTER_B
    Hi Mister_B, thanks for your kind words above sir. I am currently playing around 6 tables at a time, my own limit is probably 8-9 but my monitor fits 12. It's a Hanns G 28" monitor, one of the best things I ever bought.
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    Wow the challenge has come a long way very quickly now! how many C4Ps do you expect thic month ?
    Posted by Poker_Fail
    Hi PF, 6,000 points is my target for this month which looks about right as a target just at the moment as I'm currently just north of 2,000.
  • Options
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    Promise this is the last question, I won't hijack this thread much more lol, I just want to run some HH past you all first, I've played 5 £3.30 today and won 4, using JC's guide, I'm more used to playing cash so this is taking a bit of getting used to!!! Quite a few HH here, but I won't become an annoying person who constantly posts them, I promise. It's my first full day playing DYM's and I just want to check with you experts that I'm on the right path! So away we go... I guess you would always shove here, but the fact their was a tight raiser early, what do you think? Yes I got lucky lol Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance MISTER_B Small blind   75.00 75.00 1870.00 Enigma10 Big blind   150.00 225.00 3515.00   Your hole cards Q Q       playcards Fold         xxxx Raise   300.00 525.00 1190.00 SCHOF78 Fold         MISTER_B All-in   1870.00 2395.00 0.00 Enigma10 Fold         xxxx All-in   1190.00 3585.00 0.00 MISTER_B Unmatched bet   455.00 3130.00 455.00 MISTER_B Show Q Q       xxxx Show A A       Flop     7 4 3       Turn     K       River     Q       MISTER_B Win Three Queens 3130.00   3585.00 Right, I'm kicking myself about this, great hand to start but should have folded post flop raise, look at the straight potential, would you have played any differently pre? My 1 loss of the day, and in my eyes could definatly have been avoidable!!! Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance MISTER_B Small blind   25.00 25.00 3120.00 Dudeskin8 Big blind   50.00 75.00 1415.00   Your hole cards K A       lockett12 Fold         dazkirk Fold         xxxx Call   50.00 125.00 1360.00 MISTER_B Raise   225.00 350.00 2895.00 Dudeskin8 Fold         xxxx Call   200.00 550.00 1160.00 Flop     8 9 Q       MISTER_B Bet   275.00 825.00 2620.00 xxxx All-in   1160.00 1985.00 0.00 MISTER_B Call   885.00 2870.00 1735.00 MISTER_B Show K A       xxxx Show K Q       Turn     5       River     K       xxxx Win Two Pairs, Kings and Queens 2870.00   2870.00 Do you agree with this play at these levels? I thought I was gambling too much.. Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance MISTER_B Small blind   150.00 150.00 2025.00 AJaX99 Big blind   300.00 450.00 3650.00   Your hole cards A 10       pokergirlz Fold         xxxx All-in   1210.00 1660.00 0.00 Flossy25 Fold         MISTER_B Call   1060.00 2720.00 965.00 AJaX99 Fold         MISTER_B Show A 10       xxxx Show 6 7       Flop     3 5 J       Turn     J       River     10       MISTER_B Win Two Pairs, Jacks and 10s 2720.00   3685.00 Another one, am I gambling too much, or would you play this hand like this? Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance MISTER_B Small blind   75.00 75.00 2065.00 AJaX99 Big blind   150.00 225.00 2425.00   Your hole cards Q K       pokergirlz Fold         xxxx Fold         Flossy25 Fold         xxxx Call   150.00 375.00 1085.00 MISTER_B Raise   675.00 1050.00 1390.00 AJaX99 Fold         xxxx Call   600.00 1650.00 485.00 Flop     3 7 10       MISTER_B All-in   1390.00 3040.00 0.00 xxxx All-in   485.00 3525.00 0.00 MISTER_B Unmatched bet   905.00 2620.00 905.00 MISTER_B Show Q K       xxxx Show 4 8       Turn     9       River     10       MISTER_B Win Pair of 10s 2620.00   3525.00 Right, I hope you can advise whether I'm on the right track with some of my decisions, and thanks for any help guys!
    Posted by MISTER_B
    Hi again Mister_B,

    First of all, please feel completely free to post any of your DYM hands/questions/topics in this thread, it's what it's here for.

    So to the first hand. I think we're always shoving QQ there with that stack, it would take a very special read not to. Just unlucky, well played.

    The second hand becomes awkward on the flop because of the villains stack. I really like your pre-fop raise though and the c-bet on the flop. The only mistake I think in that hand is calling off the shove. I think he has enough chips to make you fold there. You can't be ahead there on that flop.

    The A10 is really awkward aswell, mainly due to the shove being 4BBs and only half your stack. I fold here to be honest, but then I am on the tight side. I'm sure there are some extremely competent DYMers on here who would advise you to re-ship all-in. Flat calling isn't really an option to be honest, OK it's clear you're not goin anywhere but just stick the lot in to be sure.

    The KQs at the end I would fold. I can see what you're doing with it and I really like the idea in principle (KQs should be crushing if he's limping alot) but I just think he has a few too many chips to make the play in this spot. If he has a few less, I'm absolutely fine with the play.

    That's some views from me, hope they help a bit. My own conclusion would be that you're already a very competent DYMer as most of those spots are marginal and only some pretty fine-tuning is needed, in my opinion. You expressed a bit of concern over gambling too much and I would probably say that you are, just a touch. I think the A-10 and KQs hands show this (also the AK but I think that's more of an actual mistake, to be honest). I would just tighten up a little. When I was learning DYMs I spent alot of time thinking about the nature of DYMs (survival) and how some hand ranges play vs each other. Think about the hands you want your opponent to turn over (dominated ones I would say) and how many chips you should really be risking in spots when your opponent could easily be around 40%.
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    edited February 2014
    OK, so 2 sessions to update. The first didn't start too well and I played a few £11s as well as £22s and ended up OK:

    Played 10 £22s W 6 L 4
    Played 5 £11s W 4 L 1

    Unfortunately, I forgot to note my BR here but it was definately around £515.

    Then tonight I had a good night, the games were good and I ran pretty well throughout. Apart from 3 exits being AA vs unpaired undercards in for huge pots that would have left me comfortable. Funny how these things work, as I say I ran pretty well overall:

    Played 25 £22s W 15 L 10
    Bankroll - £565.02
    Poker points - 2,370

    Obviously happy at the moment as the BR is at it's highest point again, which is always nice. I might not be on at all tomorrow so run well everyone who is.
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    edited February 2014
    Thanks JC, possibly the most informative and detailed analysis to a hand I've posted, I will definatly take your advice on board, thanks again for taking the time.

    I did OK in a tourney yesterday, so have today moved to the £5.50 DYMs, I might also add my end of day stats to this thread like yourself JC, as long as you don't mind? I figure this would help motivate me, my br currently stands at  £147.50, with the help of this thread, I hope to turn a nice profit, but only time will tell haha.

    I play quite a few DYMs in a morning, but struggle to find liquidity, I can only play 1 table at a time, because hardly anyones playing, do you find that, or do you sometimes mix up the buyin levels so you can always multi table?
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    edited February 2014
    Not a good day...

    £5.50 DYM
    W - 2
    L - 6

    Lost 5 in a row, all on the bubble I think, and all coolers. Depressing.
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    edited February 2014
    Right, been at it again, got a bit of money back but still down overall, won my last 3 so feel a bit better. I was due to have a bit of varience what with the run of luck I've had recently in touneys etc...

    DYM £5.50
    W - 5
    L - 7
    Total -£16
    Total for the week -£8.50
    Total Poker Points - 260

    Try again tomorrow folks.
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR : Hi Typhoon, I am back to playing the £3.30s now, I can't get my PM to work for some reason.  But would love a copy of your spreadsheet.  Could you try to PM me with your email address then I can send you an email? Stretch
    Posted by stretch83
    Hi mate

    PM's not working, give me a shout on, ""
    I'll send you a copy

  • Options
    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR : Hi mate PM's not working, give me a shout on, "" I'll send you a copy
    Posted by -Typhoon-
    Thanks for my copy Typhoon, absolutely just what I wanted, works great!
  • Options
    edited February 2014
    hi jc.i came across your abc of dym,s three weeks ago whilst browsing and i was instantly hooked.although it was quite late at night,just finished 4nl cash session.i knew instantly this was going to be the path i,d be taking.     the next day i read it again and making notes to refer to,i was ready to play!  i played 2x30p to get the ball rolling,won 40p.then played 15x60p,w7 l8,lost £ day moved up to £1.15 won 4,+£3.40.   so far so good,moved up to £2.25 level,now playing 6 tables.still winning most sessions,9 from 10 one night +£13.50. only had 2or 3 losing sessions,the worst being -£ including nov c4p £15 i am in total up £81    so,i just wanted to say to you "thank you very much,i really mean it,because if you hadn,t taken the time and effort in writing the post,i would still be struggeling i,m sure on the 4nl cash tables."my b/roll is currently standing at £291.62,(i,ve withdrawn £300)so total profit since starting summer 2010....£591.62.thanks again jc,you never know,one day the apprentise could be taking on the master!he,ll keep you posted,if that,s ok!
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