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    edited February 2014
    OK, another resonable day, here are the stats...

    DYM £5.50
    W - 8
    L - 4
    Total £14
    Total Poker Points - 320

    Lost a few on the bubble, but hey ho, at least I'm in profit !!!
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    Thanks JC, possibly the most informative and detailed analysis to a hand I've posted, I will definatly take your advice on board, thanks again for taking the time. I did OK in a tourney yesterday, so have today moved to the £5.50 DYMs, I might also add my end of day stats to this thread like yourself JC, as long as you don't mind? I figure this would help motivate me, my br currently stands at  £147.50, with the help of this thread, I hope to turn a nice profit, but only time will tell haha. I play quite a few DYMs in a morning, but struggle to find liquidity, I can only play 1 table at a time, because hardly anyones playing, do you find that, or do you sometimes mix up the buyin levels so you can always multi table?
    Posted by MISTER_B
    Hi Mister_B, hope you're enjoying the DYMs still, thanks for the updates please keep them coming sir. Just in regards to your question, it depends. If it's like a 10-15 minute wait I would probably lean more towards just waiting as I don't want to drop down a level where I have to play 2 games for the same price/points etc. But if it's really hard to get a game which I suspect you mean it is, I would definately load up some lower stakes games to get more in. I like to have the poker points ticking over as much as possible. Like if I was you, now, in the £5.50s i would definately be happy to throw in some £3.30s if I had to, I would even go in the £2.25s if need be as they're pretty soft but the rake is of course a touch higher.
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    hi jc.i came across your abc of dym,s three weeks ago whilst browsing and i was instantly hooked.although it was quite late at night,just finished 4nl cash session.i knew instantly this was going to be the path i,d be taking.     the next day i read it again and making notes to refer to,i was ready to play!  i played 2x30p to get the ball rolling,won 40p.then played 15x60p,w7 l8,lost £ day moved up to £1.15 won 4,+£3.40.   so far so good,moved up to £2.25 level,now playing 6 tables.still winning most sessions,9 from 10 one night +£13.50. only had 2or 3 losing sessions,the worst being -£ including nov c4p £15 i am in total up £81    so,i just wanted to say to you "thank you very much,i really mean it,because if you hadn,t taken the time and effort in writing the post,i would still be struggeling i,m sure on the 4nl cash tables."my b/roll is currently standing at £291.62,(i,ve withdrawn £300)so total profit since starting summer 2010....£591.62.thanks again jc,you never know,one day the apprentise could be taking on the master!he,ll keep you posted,if that,s ok!
    Posted by devonfish5
    Hi devonfish, thanks very much for this post, posts like this really make it feel worth while writing the blog. I'm happy to see you're making such good progress and would look forward to meeting you on the tables in the future. Yes please to keeping us posted, will look forward to it!
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    edited February 2014

    Running bad at moment - cant win a flip/get lucky.

    £10 dym sng We are four handed, the short stack starts hand with 1445 and posts  bb 200 - other stacks approx 2-3k.  

    I pick up 55 utg and shove for 2025  - action folds round to bb who calls with AJs  (and makes aces up of course)
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    edited February 2014

    To help my assessment of bubble situations. 

    - You are 4 handed in a 6 player dym sng and are first to act utg and remaining players are roughly equal in chips

    - You believe they will call a shove with  99+  AQs  AK ( top 4.2% of range )  

    Is it correct to say there is 3 x 4.2%   or   12.6% chance one of remaining players will hold a hand they can call with?
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    edited February 2014
    Absolutely awfull day today, played 19...
    w - 8
    l - 11
    Poker points - 420

    Not good at all, seemed to be a massive run of bad luck, in half of the games I lost, I was on the bubble shoving with the best hand, really frustrating day!!!
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: Assistance please for the mathematically challenged!:
    Absolutely awfull day today, played 19... w - 8 l - 11 Poker points - 420 Not good at all, seemed to be a massive run of bad luck, in half of the games I lost, I was on the bubble shoving with the best hand, really frustrating day!!!
    Posted by MISTER_B
    Had the same recently aswell, tough game when it goes like this.
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    edited February 2014
    quick up date.lost £4.25 wed afternoon playing £2.25. started fresh again at 7.30pm,thought i,d give £3.30 a go 4 the 1st time.started badly 7-3 down picked myself&my game up loaded up a £1.15 & £2.25 along the way by mistake,in the end £10.40 up...hoooray.a big nite,proved to myself i.m ready 4 the nxt level,fingers crossed!balance now £298.22.
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    edited February 2014
    what u do when u have a bad run?
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    edited February 2014
    not sure if that question is for me or my post was the last posted i.ll answer anyway.haven,t hit a bad run since i started playing dym,s nearly a month ago,but have had them playing cash.what i did was take a few days off to start with then funnily enough i played some 30p&60p dym,s just for a change from seemed to do the trick but i do know those bad runs can go on for what seems like forever,but they do end eventually. ..i just tried making poker fun again and not all about the money,after all if it,s not fun then why are we all here night after night?winning money is obviously what we are all aiming for but i still think it doesn,t hurt to get those bad runs occasionally,it let,s you know firstly you are human and you can lose just like everybody else,secondly it tests your character on how you deal with you just give in to it or do you find a way to work through it and come out the other side.any way, hope that may be of some use martin 111......are you on a bad run yourself at the moment?   or was it simply a question!
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    edited February 2014
    Hey Devon you post some great stuff but it would really help if you used paragraphs as it's very hard to read what you've put.

    Thanks, Carl. 
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    edited February 2014
    thanks Carl.i have tried but i cant seem to be able to do it .can u help?
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    edited February 2014
    Well everytime you have a new point to say start a paragraph so in the last post you could start a new pargraph when you begin this sentence,  "i just tried making poker fun", 

    It just makes it easier on the eye. 
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    edited February 2014
    hi Carl,been messing about,think i,ve cracked it,,let,s see
    yep now i,ve got it,at last
    thanks buddy
    can,t stop using it now.
    you,ll have to excuse me...i am an old duffer after all!,

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    edited February 2014
     you post came up just after i posted mine
    i just didn,t know which button to press on keyboard
    as u can see,i,ve got it now
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    edited February 2014
    Great stuff mate, you really do post stuff I want to read and hate when I can't so hopefully it's all sorted now. :)
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    edited February 2014
    OK, really bad start, pulled it back a bit towards the end for a small loss, I'm really struggling with bad beats at the moment, hopefully the downswing will only be temporary.

    £5.50 DYM
    Played - 16
    Won - 8
    Lost - 8
    Poker Points - 505
    Total for the week - -£14
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    edited February 2014
    thanks Carl.that,s nice of you to say so :) ....sometimes you can feel like you are just rambleing on a bit,
    so it,s nice to know at least one person(hopefully a few more),are finding some of what i,ve got to say at least a little bit interesting!
    note,new paragraph, see.....i am listening too!
    MISTER B,...just a thought.if it were me ,i would drop down a level or two whilst things aren,t going so well.
    but that,s just me....carefull!
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    thanks Carl.that,s nice of you to say so :) ....sometimes you can feel like you are just rambleing on a bit, so it,s nice to know at least one person(hopefully a few more),are finding some of what i,ve got to say at least a little bit interesting! note,new paragraph, see.....i am listening too! MISTER B,...just a thought.if it were me ,i would drop down a level or two whilst things aren,t going so well. but that,s just me....carefull!
    Posted by devonfish5
    Thanks Devon, I'm currently rolled for the £5.50 DYMs, and still have a bit of lee-way at this level, but rest assured if I drop below the 22 buy-in threshold, I'll drop down a level.
    I'm getting a new sony laptop today, perhaps that will bring me some good luck!
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    OK, really bad start, pulled it back a bit towards the end for a small loss, I'm really struggling with bad beats at the moment, hopefully the downswing will only be temporary. £5.50 DYM Played - 16 Won - 8 Lost - 8 Poker Points - 505 Total for the week - -£14
    Posted by MISTER_B

      Played on a couple of tables with you last night MisterB and the only observation i would make is curb the 
      aggression a tad early doors. Not saying there is anything wrong with preflop aggro but in a dym the aim is 
      to finish in top 3, you dont have to have the most chips at the end. Now, you may well have been picking
      up monsters pre but no point shoving, you need to get paid with your good hands, not just pick up the blinds.
      Hope this helps.

      PS Binking a 9 when all in with k9 v my k10 is not very sporting either LOL.

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    edited February 2014
    hope the new laptop brings you some good luck MISTER B.
    personally,i think that the 22 buy-ins for a level is a little on the low side,
    as you only need 1 or 2 bad sessions and you really feel those losses.
    i am currently playing £3.30 level and my b/roll is just under £300,
    so even if i lost a session say 11-1 which= £30 ISH,,s only 10% of my roll
    which i can live with.
    if for example i moved up to the £5.50 level and lost 11-1....£50 ish,thats 1/6
    of my roll,then it just starts hurting.
    but i guess i,m a bit of a nit.anyway,just saying!
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    edited February 2014
    I currently use the 22 BI rule but that's mainly because I'm just starting out and have just progressed into the £3.30's.

    Also on JC's blog he mentions it as a way to move up, get to 22 BI's have your 2 shots if it goes well you keep going if you lose both you step down and get to 22 again simple.

    I myself as readers of my 'Diary' will know I'm currently very close to having to drop down but it doesn't faze me at all as I know I'm playing well and it's just a matter of time before I get the run to send me into proper safety zone.

    Of course I could stay at £2.25 till my roll for £3.30 is 30-40 Bi's but because of the rake it just ain't worth it imo and I'd like to play as few more games at that level as possible.
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR :   Played on a couple of tables with you last night MisterB and the only observation i would make is curb the    aggression a tad early doors. Not saying there is anything wrong with preflop aggro but in a dym the aim is    to finish in top 3, you dont have to have the most chips at the end. Now, you may well have been picking   up monsters pre but no point shoving, you need to get paid with your good hands, not just pick up the blinds.   Hope this helps.   PS Binking a 9 when all in with k9 v my k10 is not very sporting either LOL.    GL
    Posted by pomfrittes
    Thanks Pomfrittes, yes noticed you on some tables last night, I take the points on board, I agree perhaps too aggressive, the reason for the shoving is because I've had such a run of bad luck, I couldn't do with getting called and then the villain picking up a flush or straight, which is usually happening.

    I understand though, that playing like this would probably be -EV in the long run, so will use tonights session to try and curb it a bit.

    Sorry about the bad beat, it's a nice change for me right now lol

    Also, we'll see how the new laptop works out, it's a lot quicker now, so coupled with my 22" external monitor, we should be rolling haha
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    edited February 2014
    yes Dudeskin8 it,s not a bad way of doing it,
    i guess if it,s good enough for jc,
    it,s good enough for us all!

    i,m just an old nit i suppose

    i myself would rather be properly rolled for each level
    that way i know i have beaten that level
    and then move up!
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    edited February 2014
    Better day today, not much profit, but profits profit eh?

    £5.50 DYM
    Played - 15
    Won - 9
    Lost - 6
    Total +£7.50
    Total Poker Points - 585

    Still about JC? How's your DYM coming along?
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    edited February 2014
    Still here guys, only managed one session since my last update which was a rather frustrating W 4 L6, leaving me with a BR of £505.02. Struggling to find much time just lately but all being well I will be able to get a few games in tomorrow night. I will also update after that session. Great to see a few people getting involved at the moment I wish you all the very best of luck with your progress!
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    edited February 2014

    just finnished a real grind 2nite,
    went down again  7-2,7-3 something like that.
    ended up ok,  23-13 up
    won £16.50.....phew
    b/roll over the £300 mark at,£314.72....hoooooray!

    thanks again jc
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    Still here guys, only managed one session since my last update which was a rather frustrating W 4 L6, leaving me with a BR of £505.02. Struggling to find much time just lately but all being well I will be able to get a few games in tomorrow night. I will also update after that session. Great to see a few people getting involved at the moment I wish you all the very best of luck with your progress!
    Posted by JohnConnor
    Going well John, you will find the time soon, but you are over the half way to £1000 mark!!
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    just finnished a real grind 2nite, went down again  7-2,7-3 something like that. ended up ok,  23-13 up won £16.50.....phew b/roll over the £300 mark at,£314.72....hoooooray! thanks again jc
    Posted by devonfish5
    Awesome progress Devonfish, I played a few games with you where I think we both cashed!
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    edited February 2014
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR:
    In Response to Re: ABC of DYM's, by JOHNCONNOR : Hi mate PM's not working, give me a shout on, "" I'll send you a copy
    Posted by -Typhoon-
    Hi mate,

    I have just downloaded spreadsheet, it will be extremely useful so thankyou very much!  Sorry I haven't replied sooner, have only played a handful of games this week.

    See you on the tables,

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