Sorry to see the show finishing, like all the players on sky the show and the community made sky stand out from the others. Been good to meet hosts at live events and had pleasure of sharing tables with tikkay online and live. Always a highlight to see you play a head well and the experts in the studio analysing your play. Been lots of great moments over the years on the show, also love to hear tikkay rambling confusing all of us listening haha, I will be in attendance this weekend in Newcastle with lots of the sky community for the live dtd get together, hope to see you's all at future events and all the best to all that has helped the show over the years, you's all done a great job, good luck going forward
Oh no Anna you cannot weep otherwise we will all fall like dominoes, speaking of Dominoes how quick is Rich driving his moped tonight cos im hungry.
Fave moment from the channel? Well has to be when I had my royal flush shown and Anna mis-pronounced it as a Royal THRUSH Plus most moments from Anna and RyRy - please upload lots of old shows to Youtube so we can enjoy them again, 1 show a week is just not going to be enough for us I fear!
Hi Anna and Tikay was very sad when i heard this will be the last show. It was the tv channel that brought me to sky poker and the fasination with having my hands shown on the television.
So for that my favourite memory from channel 861 will always be mastercash from when i first started and enjoyed doing a few live phone calls on a few occasions. For me playing on the tv was the unique selling point for the site. I wish everyone connected with the channel all the best in the future.
I joined the party late on - having only started playing on the site in 2013.
Played at many poker sites before then and never felt any loyalty to a particular site brand. But I have developed a loyalty to the SKY poker brand, which I can directly trace to the great personalities on the CH861 SKY Poker show.
Hi. I've never written in to a tv show before, so I hope you read this out.
I think this poker show is a good idea. You should do more. :-)
I had a look at the Twitter hashtag thingy for the first time tonight. Wow! You get some real overshare on there, don't you? One fellow in particular... he's not shy. :-/
Very well done all for some lovely stuff over the years, I have really enjoyed it.
My favourite moment on the channel? I forget the name but the special guest who both wore sunglasses for the whole show and seemed to wander in and out of the studio at will. Good times.
I'm just posting to wish all at Sky Poker TV the very best in the future. I'm gutted that the show is ending but I'm also well aware that some people are possibly losing jobs/incomes so really I have nothing to complain about in comparison.
I loved Sky Poker TV since I saw the very first show - but never expected to hear my name called out when I started playing the bigger buy in games. My only worry then was that my hubby would realise that IrishRose from Staines was his wife lol.
Got the tissues handy now so if you all run short I'll drop some up to Osterley xxxx
best of luck guys for the future, there have been some great presenters over the years, and good to meet some of you at the SPT Swansea a few years back - others, hope continue to see you on sky sports - failing that the big breakfast must be due a comeback.
not at my wittiest for the caption - 100 lines orford says tikay - it's rude to point!
I, like many others, only signed up to Sky and started playing poker again (after years away from the game) after stumbling across 865 one night. Without that strong community feel I'd definitely never have put even 1% of the effort I have put in to improving my game and wouldn't be where I am today.
It's been a great few years of 865/861, so thank you to all the presenters, analysts and guests who've made it so entertaining and informative. Best of luck for the future to all the Sky crew in front of and behind the cameras.
I have that horrible feeling in my stomach that I havent felt since my dog died.
I'm going to really miss the show. No matter how many buys in I was losing the show always cheered me up. You guys always remain so chirpy for the whole 5 hours, which really is a challenge.
Anna your not the only one with a little tear in your eye. I hope you will still be associated with sky poker aswell as all the presenters and analysts.
I will never forget the night James hartigan corpsed reading a post about the monkey dressed as a sailor being confused with a Frenchman. Poor stapes didn't know what to do.
As a very well planned and timed tribute to Sky Poker, the DTD boys have organised a live event this Saturday at Aspers in Newcastle. The event is full, but I am sure, that if any of the SkyPoker crew wishes to participate, someone will offer you a seat.
I'll be there too, and would love to meet some of the real stars...
good luck on tonights show so sad to see the channel go
hope to see all in the future
the thing i loved most about the show is all the friendly faces and also getting all the great advice about poker. although the don taught me the basics i got most of my learning from the show.
i loved seeing all the guests on the show, but the best one is neil channing because i just think hes a really great guy.
my all time favourite sky presenters are anna and tikay
mini don is 2 years old next month time flies so fast
My wife has a "bit of a thing" for Orford, she is loving the flat pack version you have on the show tonight - if you auction him off for charity I bid £5 - that should be the wining bid.....
Favourite moment on 861 might seem a bit self centered, but was only a few months after I started playing poker and found myself going for the Jackpot.
Tikay was cheering me on the whole way on TV which in turn brought in a heap of people onto my tables to wish me good luck. Even though I didnt go on to win the Jackpot, that was the moment I felt the full power of the Sky community and knew Skypoker would be the place id play my poker.
Sad to see the channel go. It was the catalyst which got me started in the game and thats why i'll miss it.
Fave moment from the channel? Well has to be when I had my royal flush shown and Anna mis-pronounced it as a Royal THRUSH
Best wishes to all at CH861,
I joined the party late on - having only started playing on the site in 2013.
Played at many poker sites before then and never felt any loyalty to a particular site brand. But I have developed a loyalty to the SKY poker brand, which I can directly trace to the great personalities on the CH861 SKY Poker show.
You will be sorely missed
Very Best Regards
Very well done all for some lovely stuff over the years, I have really enjoyed it.
My favourite moment on the channel? I forget the name but the special guest who both wore sunglasses for the whole show and seemed to wander in and out of the studio at will. Good times.
not at my wittiest for the caption - 100 lines orford says tikay - it's rude to point!
It's been a great few years of 865/861, so thank you to all the presenters, analysts and guests who've made it so entertaining and informative. Best of luck for the future to all the Sky crew in front of and behind the cameras.
p s thanks for the last 8 years
p p s keep telling the limpers not be numptys
Tikay, I didnt think youd take such drastic measures to try and get rid of him!
Tikay was cheering me on the whole way on TV which in turn brought in a heap of people onto my tables to wish me good luck. Even though I didnt go on to win the Jackpot, that was the moment I felt the full power of the Sky community and knew Skypoker would be the place id play my poker.
Sad to see the channel go. It was the catalyst which got me started in the game and thats why i'll miss it.
Have a good show guys.