BR 316... about -£3 today... donked at 4NL cash tables all day, played bad ran bad then donked on 2 £3.30 dyms, £20 down... went back to where i know i can win after a break (3.30 dym), won 7/8... played good ran good, so ended the day only 3 quid down. i need to play good all the time... more consistency.
stake - £2/£3 dym's br - £105 profit - £80.40 av. roi - 16% (being new to the game what would you say is a good roi??) won last 7 out of 8 dyms. br down a bit due to some sports betting at weekend!!! think i will just stick to gambling with poker!! Posted by donkeyplop
With £2/£3 DYM's your ROI should be more than 12.5% just to cover the rake so 16% is fine (means you're manking a 3.5% profit overall). You should probably be aiming for a ROI of 25-30% to show a decent return but this will come with time so don't get too hung up on it.
And don't go down to the £1 DYMs or lower! The rake on these is extortionate. If you find the need to go down a level, try the heads up games, only 5% rake.
BR... £345.08... +£29.08 since last post today i was up £26.29, 5/5 £3 dym cashes and +3 BI at NL4. Now on a streak of 10 £3 dym cashes, today i think i ran VERY well and played well on both cash and dym, i was patient and it eventually paid off.
im on a bad run today losing all 3 dym! been playing real bad!! not sure whats going wrong? im not getting the cards and i think im getting frustrated and making silly calls!! any advice?? Posted by donkeyplop
i can offer a little advice although i do tend to suck at DYM's (in fact i think it's going to be my mission this month to grind some of these and generally up my game on them)
DON'T CALL - In a nutshell
Sit tight, your playing for 3rd and no higher. Let others get it down to 4 by doing the work. Once your there it's not about the cards you get (well not completly anyway) it's about the situations you see.
You can easily go the first three levels without needing to play, maybe even 4. You need to use this time to figure out who is going to give up their blinds, who is going to raise you light as you have a tight image and who not to push against because they will call your bluff.
Once your at 4 you can start to preasure unopened pots without needing cards as your image should be rock like. Steal enough to keep you in the game but let the others take on each other where possible.
thanks for the advice!! just came 1st in a £3 dym taking your advice!!! you are right ive been calling too much lately! Posted by donkeyplop
Glad to be of help, i think you knew where you were going wrong but a second opinion never hurts. I'm going to grind a bunch of these after 6 so you never know... we may meet over the virtual felt (if we do, stay clear of my blind lol)
ok will look out for you!! just lost a dym where 1 guy was sat out until his chips were down to about 800 then suddenly he came back went all in and doubled up which annoyed the remaining 3 players including myself. then we went all in again i had better hand but he won!! is what he was doing cheating?? or is it just being very unsporting?? this tactic happened the same yesterday with exactly the same outcome!! very frustrating!! Posted by donkeyplop
It's neither cheating nor unsporting. It's a fairly common "tactic" employed by DYM players. The merits of this style of play can be debated. In this instance he needed to double up twice to be "back in the game". It's a risky strategy in my opinion but many successful players adopt it.
ok will look out for you!! just lost a dym where 1 guy was sat out until his chips were down to about 800 then suddenly he came back went all in and doubled up which annoyed the remaining 3 players including myself. then we went all in again i had better hand but he won!! is what he was doing cheating?? or is it just being very unsporting?? this tactic happened the same yesterday with exactly the same outcome!! very frustrating!! Posted by donkeyplop
Some people class it as un-sporting i suppose but here is the truth of it. If he wasn't sat out and just ran his timer down and folded then people would just class him as a Rock. His game plan wouldn't have changed if he was sat in, it would have just slowed the rest of the game down. It's not cheating, it's a legitimate strategy (although i think most would have been back in before as low as 800). It can get on your nerves but the best thing to do in this situation i find is if losing the all in to short stack will damage you too much then let him keep doing it until someone else calls him or you have him crushed. Don't call these in a marginal situation. If one of the other 2 players calls then if the Short Stack doubles it damages one of your oponents and not you. Keep it tight and try to be the raiser in unopened pots not the caller to the Short Stacks all-in
thats my exact opinion acesover8's. treat them as a rock, its a style rather than unsporting although i find it abit annoying and tilt call sometimes inwhich case showing the style actually does work gl in future dym's
aaaaaarrrrrggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! MASSIVE DOWNTURN ALERT!!!!!!!! LOL im on such a bad run right now im getting situations like this too freqeuntly!
This is a kind request to please try and refrain from degenerating this thread into a bad beat thread. I appreciate we all run bad sometimes but find somewhere else to vent your frustratration.
An example of the spreadsheet I made to keep track. Played NL10 and got coolered once and bad beat once (stacked off set under set, AK TPTK against a rivered 2pair raggy ace) which explains the -£25. Ran good again when I moved back down and had a £25 day. Also runnin quite well today.
BR 4NL: £87.80 (+£17.28)
donked at 4NL cash tables all day, played bad ran bad
went back to where i know i can win after a break (3.30 dym), won 7/8... played good ran good, so ended the day only 3 quid down. i need to play good all the time... more consistency.
br - £105
profit - £80.40
av. roi - 16% (being new to the game what would you say is a good roi??)
won last 7 out of 8 dyms.
br down a bit due to some sports betting at weekend!!! think i will just stick to gambling with poker!!
played 4/4 dym cashed all today so got back weekends loss!
going for 5 in a row and get knocked out pure bad beat style. was short stacked and pushed with queens got busted with his straight!
Hand History #227204019 (15:16 25/01/2010)
And don't go down to the £1 DYMs or lower! The rake on these is extortionate. If you find the need to go down a level, try the heads up games, only 5% rake.
today i was up £26.29, 5/5 £3 dym cashes and +3 BI at NL4.
Now on a streak of 10 £3 dym cashes, today i think i ran VERY well and played well on both cash and dym, i was patient and it eventually paid off.
not sure whats going wrong?
im not getting the cards and i think im getting frustrated and making silly calls!!
any advice??
DON'T CALL - In a nutshell
Sit tight, your playing for 3rd and no higher. Let others get it down to 4 by doing the work. Once your there it's not about the cards you get (well not completly anyway) it's about the situations you see.
You can easily go the first three levels without needing to play, maybe even 4. You need to use this time to figure out who is going to give up their blinds, who is going to raise you light as you have a tight image and who not to push against because they will call your bluff.
Once your at 4 you can start to preasure unopened pots without needing cards as your image should be rock like. Steal enough to keep you in the game but let the others take on each other where possible.
just came 1st in a £3 dym taking your advice!!!
you are right ive been calling too much lately!
just lost a dym where 1 guy was sat out until his chips were down to about 800
then suddenly he came back went all in and doubled up which annoyed the remaining 3 players including myself.
then we went all in again i had better hand but he won!!
is what he was doing cheating?? or is it just being very unsporting??
this tactic happened the same yesterday with exactly the same outcome!! very frustrating!!
It's a fairly common "tactic" employed by DYM players.
The merits of this style of play can be debated.
In this instance he needed to double up twice to be "back in the game".
It's a risky strategy in my opinion but many successful players adopt it.
beaten by del boy lol
Hand History #227732449 (09:54 27/01/2010)
Stake: 4NL/£1-£5DYM
BR: £77 (-4 from last time)
Goal: build my stake back up 2 £100 by end of the week, gonna be tough, got a busy week!
Long Term Plan: Slowly build up my BR to eventually start playing higher stakes.