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Hhamza162 Diary



  • Options
    edited May 2016

    So last night went horrendously bad. Lost 400 just when things were going okay which is annoying to say the least. Has anyone had one of those nights where you literally cannot win a hand? Hit the worst end of variance last night I guess but just recieved cooler after cooler and lost every flip. The worst thing about it was I wasn't even playing bad so another night like that could easily happen again. Anyways I'm full of negativity after last night so I'll end this, will try and post some hands below.


    Current balance: £454.58


    Priority bonus: +£230.41

    Cash rewards: +£56.78

    Cash: -£384.89

    Points: 1103

    Total Points for the month: 1103

    Profit/loss for the month: -£97.70

    Profit/loss for the year: +£747.84


  • Options
    edited May 2016
    Milos1010Small blind £0.15£0.15£14.05
    F_E_R_GBig blind £0.30£0.45£29.70
     Your hole cards
    • 7
    • A
    Dan7282Call £0.30£0.75£7.74
    hhamza162Call £0.30£1.05£58.59
    Milos1010Call £0.15£1.20£13.90
    • 8
    • 4
    • 2
    hhamza162Bet £0.90£2.10£57.69
    Milos1010Raise £1.80£3.90£12.10
    hhamza162Call £0.90£4.80£56.79
    • 9
    Milos1010Bet £0.30£5.10£11.80
    hhamza162Raise £2.40£7.50£54.39
    Milos1010Raise £4.20£11.70£7.60
    hhamza162Raise £4.20£15.90£50.19
    Milos1010Call £2.10£18.00£5.50
    • 9
    Milos1010All-in £5.50£23.50£0.00
    hhamza162Call £5.50£29.00£44.69
    • 2
    • 2
    • 7
    • A
    Milos1010WinFull House, 2s and 9s£27.55 £27.55
    <td style="margin:0px;padding:7px 5px;vertical-align:middle;font-family:v
    hhamza162Small blind £0.15£0.15£33.69
    Time4HerosBig blind £0.30£0.45£42.18
    YumeiSit out    
    mrblackAnte £0.15£0.60£18.15
     Your hole cards
    • Q
    • 8
    DonttelmumRaise £0.90£1.50£32.29
    hhamza162Call £0.75£2.25£32.94
    • 7
    • 10
    • 7
    DonttelmumBet £1.20£3.45£31.09
    hhamza162Raise £3.53£6.98£29.41
    DonttelmumCall £2.33£9.31£28.76
    • 6
    hhamza162Bet £6.00£15.31£23.41
    DonttelmumCall £6.00£21.31£22.76
    • 9
    hhamza162Bet £10.66£31.97£12.75
    DonttelmumAll-in £22.76£54.73£0.00
  • Options
    edited May 2016
    Ended up posting quite a few hands there without realising and looking back maybe I could have folded a few more hands but it gives you a summary of the kind of night I had.
  • Options
    edited May 2016


    Current balance: £603.70


    MTT: +£92.50

    Cash: -£343.38

    Points: 3599

    Total Points for the month: 4702

    Profit/loss for the month: -£348.58

    Profit/loss for the year: +£496.96

  • Options
    edited May 2016

    Had a nice recovery over the last week so back in profit for the month after the shocking start. Hopefully it continues, need to put in more hours to try and hit priority by the end of the month.


    Current balance: £444.90


    Cash: +£641.20

    Points: 2395

    Total Points for the month: 5994

    Profit/loss for the month: +£292.62

    Profit/loss for the year: +£1138.16

  • Options
    edited May 2016
    Very nice buddy nice turn around.
    Gl for the rest of the month
  • Options
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    Very nice buddy nice turn around. Gl for the rest of the month
    Posted by TimmyRaRa
    Thanks for the kind words mate you too.
  • Options
    edited May 2016
    Just when it was going well

    alancarr12Small blind £0.25£0.25£112.74
    LARSON7Big blind £0.50£0.75£52.71
     Your hole cards
    • 6
    • 6
    hhamza162Raise £1.50£2.25£54.75
    legend672Call £1.50£3.75£20.73
    alancarr12Raise £6.25£10.00£106.49
    hhamza162Call £5.00£15.00£49.75
    • 6
    • 5
    • J
    alancarr12Bet £7.00£22.00£99.49
    hhamza162Call £7.00£29.00£42.75
    • 10
    alancarr12Bet £15.50£44.50£83.99
    hhamza162All-in £42.75£87.25£0.00
    alancarr12Call £27.25£114.50£56.74
    • 10
    • 10
    • 6
    • 6
    • 9
    alancarr12WinThree 10s£112.70 £169.44
    davylar24Small blind £0.15£0.15£31.67
    splashiesBig blind £0.30£0.45£57.19
     Your hole cards
    • 8
    • 5
    hhamza162Raise £0.90£1.35£31.88
    KingPushRaise £2.70£4.05£30.19
    hhamza162Call £1.80£5.85£30.08
    • 9
    • J
    • 7
    KingPushBet £3.00£8.85£27.19
    hhamza162Call £3.00£11.85£27.08
    • 10
    KingPushBet £6.30£18.15£20.89
    hhamza162All-in £27.08£45.23£0.00
    KingPushCall £20.78£66.01£0.11
    • 8
    • 5
    • A
    • 4
    • J
    KingPushWinFlush to the Ace£64.21 £64.32
    <td class="hhamt" style="marg
    kichensinkSmall blind £0.15£0.15£7.26
    ClaytovBig blind £0.30£0.45£29.70
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
  • Options
    edited May 2016
    Poker variance is such a sh it. It's a wonder there aren't more broken laptops / computer parts or kicked cats due to the frustrations of those times the games slap us about for no good reason!

    This one (below) must have eased the pain a little though?  It certainly helped me feel less down about my own run-bad last night!  The guy who hit quads was on another table and not long after this hand got it in set vs under set only to lose to rivered quads. Always somebody somewhere running worse :)

    Hope the BR didn't take too much of a hit and you're running it back up already.
    stuc92 Small blind  £0.10 £0.10 £46.32
    hhamza162 Big blind  £0.20 £0.30 £39.80
      Your hole cards
    • 6
    • 9
    shakinaces Fold     
    UTG+1           Raise  £0.60 £0.90 £16.50
    CO           Call  £0.60 £1.50 £12.50
    WUBBLE Fold     
    stuc92 Fold     
    hhamza162 Call  £0.40 £1.90 £39.40
    • 3
    • 3
    • 7
    hhamza162 Check     
    UTG+1           Bet  £1.43 £3.33 £15.07
    CO           Call  £1.43 £4.76 £11.07
    hhamza162 Call  £1.43 £6.19 £37.97
    • 10
    hhamza162 Bet  £3.10 £9.29 £34.87
    UTG+1           Call  £3.10 £12.39 £11.97
    CO           All-in  £11.07 £23.46 £0.00
    hhamza162 Call  £7.97 £31.43 £26.90
    UTG+1           All-in  £11.97 £43.40 £0.00
    hhamza162 Call  £4.00 £47.40 £22.90
    hhamza162 Show
    • 4
    • 6
    UTG+1           Show
    • 3
    • 3
    CO           Show
    • 8
    • A
    • 5
    hhamza162 Win Straight Flush to the 7 £45.60  £68.50
  • Options
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    Poker variance is such a sh it. It's a wonder there aren't more broken laptops / computer parts or kicked cats due to the frustrations of those times the games slap us about for no good reason! This one (below) must have eased the pain a little though?  It certainly helped me feel less down about my own run-bad last night!  The guy who hit quads was on another table and not long after this hand got it in set vs under set only to lose to rivered quads. Always somebody somewhere running worse :) Hope the BR didn't take too much of a hit and you're running it back up already. Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance stuc92 Small blind   £0.10 £0.10 £46.32 hhamza162 Big blind   £0.20 £0.30 £39.80   Your hole cards 6 9       shakinaces Fold         UTG+1           Raise   £0.60 £0.90 £16.50 CO           Call   £0.60 £1.50 £12.50 WUBBLE Fold         stuc92 Fold         hhamza162 Call   £0.40 £1.90 £39.40 Flop     3 3 7       hhamza162 Check         UTG+1           Bet   £1.43 £3.33 £15.07 CO           Call   £1.43 £4.76 £11.07 hhamza162 Call   £1.43 £6.19 £37.97 Turn     10       hhamza162 Bet   £3.10 £9.29 £34.87 UTG+1           Call   £3.10 £12.39 £11.97 CO           All-in   £11.07 £23.46 £0.00 hhamza162 Call   £7.97 £31.43 £26.90 UTG+1           All-in   £11.97 £43.40 £0.00 hhamza162 Call   £4.00 £47.40 £22.90 hhamza162 Show 4 6       UTG+1           Show 3 3       CO           Show 8 A       River     5       hhamza162 Win Straight Flush to the 7 £45.60   £68.50
    Posted by shakinaces
    haha I was actually going to post this hand but you got there before me. The bad play from me got rewarded there felt so sorry for the guy. Thanks mate fingers crossed.
  • Options
    edited May 2016
    Thats Pretty brutal mate.

    Hope things turn around for you, gl for the rest of the month.
  • Options
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    Thats Pretty brutal mate. Hope things turn around for you, gl for the rest of the month.
    Posted by LmfaoAllin
    Thank you mate hope your well.
  • Options
    edited May 2016
    I used to play quite a lot on Sky Poker between 20nl-100nl. I always thought you were one of the better players that I played against. 

    Good luck to you mate. 
  • Options
    edited May 2016
    That Quad 3's vs Nut Flush vs Straight Flush hand is incredible.
  • Options
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    I used to play quite a lot on Sky Poker between 20nl-100nl. I always thought you were one of the better players that I played against.  Good luck to you mate. 
    Posted by kimdongun

    Thank you mate appreciate it good luck to you too

  • Options
    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    That Quad 3's vs Nut Flush vs Straight Flush hand is incredible.
    Posted by AndyMitch

    Haha yeah crazy!
  • Options
    edited May 2016


    Current balance: £500.00


    Cash: +£112.44

    Points: 2019

    Total Points for the month: 8013

    Profit/loss for the month: +£405.06

    Profit/loss for the year: +£1250.60

  • Options
    edited May 2016

    Havent played as much as I would have hoped over the past few days so it looks like I may struggle to make priority now. Still going to go for it. Won't have time to play tonight so will have to try and make priority over the next couple of days. Will be watching the Champions League Final tonight so my money will be going on that instead of poker tonight, fingers crossed for Real Madrid!


    Current balance: £536.83


    Cash: +£107.09

    Points: 628

    Total Points for the month: 8641

    Profit/loss for the month: +£512.15

    Profit/loss for the year: +£1357.69

  • Options
    edited June 2016

    So I was struggling to hit priority and needed to make around 1500 points in 2 days. Ended up making 2100 in two days but it came at a price. Decided that I needed to move up to 50nl to make the points but ran awful and lost around 350. So yes I ended up making priority but the cons outweighed the pros. Learnt from it I guess and wont be doing that again. The poker balance is just constantly rollercoastering (if thats a word) up and down, need to hit a steady profit streak. June targets is to hit priority and keep my discipline by sticking to 20 and 30nl stakes.

    May Results

    Current balance: £238.83


    Cash: -£358.00

    Points: 2280

    Total Points for the month: 10921

    Profit/loss for the month: +£154.15

    Profit/loss for the year: +£999.69

  • Options
    edited June 2016
    Was asked to post this hand in the Diary. Heres some terrible poker play. 

    Chrissy_CSmall blind £0.25£0.25£69.36
    CHIVALINOBig blind £0.50£0.75£25.27
     Your hole cards
    • 4
    • 4
    hhamza162Raise £1.50£2.25£86.65
    SJspanky1Call £1.50£3.75£78.61
    • 2
    • 7
    • 8
    hhamza162Bet £2.81£6.56£83.84
    SJspanky1Call £2.81£9.37£75.80
    • 7
    hhamza162Bet £7.03£16.40£76.81
    SJspanky1Call £7.03£23.43£68.77
    • K
    hhamza162Bet £17.57£41.00£59.24
    SJspanky1All-in £68.77£109.77£0.00
    hhamza162Call £51.20£160.97£8.04
    • 4
    • 4
    • Q
    • Q
    SJspanky1WinTwo Pairs, Queens and 7s£159.17 £159.17
    I can't decide whether this was tilt or not but at some point, whether it was a for a few seconds, I genuinely believed I was ahead with 4s. Ah well, that didnt help with losses
  • Options
    edited June 2016

    I guess that does seem like a spot that can be considered for a hero call, presuming you put him on either flush or straight draw.

    My naïve brain is more confused with QQ shoving river here.  Seems quite fine move for value and not sure what better hands it could bluff you off (AA / AK / KcQc / Kc/Jc?) and not sure you call with much worse unless this is a levelling thing where you have player notes that suggest they bluff lots of rivers and therefore they know you will often hero call with worse?

    Would be way more used to seeing a FH or busted draw... although that may be indicative that most of my poker if NL10-20!

  • Options
    edited June 2016
    Yeah im assuming he tried to get me off hands you suggested and maybe didnt want to just call with queens there and see my cards have spiked a king. I don't think he would expect me to hero call with anything worse than his hand but his eyes must have lit up when saw my very brave 44s. 
  • Options
    edited June 2016
    Ahhh this variance is just never ending. Getting very disheartening now...

    Boyler8Small blind£0.15£0.15£29.85
    hhamza162Big blind £0.30£0.45£46.04
     Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    Chrissy_CRaise £0.90£1.35£92.96
    hhamza162Raise £2.55£3.90£43.49
    Chrissy_CRaise £6.60£10.50£86.36
    hhamza162Call £4.65£15.15£38.84
    • A
    • 6
    • 6
    • Q
    hhamza162Bet £7.58£22.73£31.26
    Chrissy_CAll-in £86.36£109.09£0.00
    hhamza162All-in £31.26£140.35£0.00
    Chrissy_CUnmatched bet £47.52£92.83£47.52
    • Q
    • Q
    • A
    • K
    • A
    Chrissy_CWinFull House, Aces and 6s£91.03 £138.55

    slaz745Small blind £0.15£0.15£18.34
    Chrissy_CBig blind £0.30£0.45£97.21
     Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    hhamza162Raise £0.90£1.35£32.85
    slaz745Call £0.75£2.10£17.59
    Chrissy_CCall £0.60£2.70£96.61
    • 10
    • 4
    • 8
    slaz745All-in £17.59£20.29£0.00
    hhamza162All-in £32.85£53.14£0.00
    hhamza162Unmatched bet £15.26£37.88£15.26
    • A
    • 8
    • K
    • K
    • A
    • 7
    slaz745WinTwo Pairs, Aces and 8s£36.08 £36.08

    <td class="hhamt" style="margin:0px;padding:7px 5px;vert
    Chrissy_CSmall blind £0.15£0.15£62.38
    Boyler8Big blind £0.30£0.45£29.70
     Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    momo123299Call £0.30£0.75£43.86
    hhamza162Raise £1.35£2.10£47.43
    darryl1976Call £1.35£3.45£48.99
  • Options
    edited June 2016


    Current balance: £493.99


    Priority Bonus: +£161.03

    Cash Rewards: +£73.46

    Cash: +£170.67


    Points: 2133

    Total Points for the month: 2133

    Profit/loss for the month: +£405.16

    Profit/loss for the year: +£1404.85

  • Options
    edited June 2016
    Some pretty horrid coolers there had a similar year to you tbh been a tough one. Just gotta look at the hands and think could I have ever folded or got away there? And I think nearly all them you cant do anything different so gotta power through it!
  • Options
    edited June 2016
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    Some pretty horrid coolers there had a similar year to you tbh been a tough one. Just gotta look at the hands and think could I have ever folded or got away there? And I think nearly all them you cant do anything different so gotta power through it!
    Posted by BigHawk89
    Yeah it's been tough. I guess so mate, see you on the tables.
  • Options
    edited June 2016

    So not much to report. 8 days later and only made 1,000 points so volume has been pretty poor. Going to be tough to hit priority this month but that's the aim. Slow progress


    Current balance: £506.20


    Cash Rewards: +£14.41

    Cash: +£173.38


    Points: 1042

    Total Points for the month: 3175

    Profit/loss for the month: +£592.95

    Profit/loss for the year: +£1592.64

  • Options
    edited June 2016

    So huge profits, up £1 if you include the cash rewards. Plan is to put in good volume all week as will struggle to hit priority otherwise. Don't want to make priority my main reason for putting in volume but I want to try and put some hours in any way. Aim is still 1k profit by the end of the month. 


    Current balance: £506.20


    Cash Rewards: +£44.98

    Cash: -£43.82


    Points: 1952

    Total Points for the month: 5127

    Profit/loss for the month: +£594.11

    Profit/loss for the year: +£1593.80

  • Options
    edited June 2016
    A rash hand that has just kept me in profit. Villain was quite a loose aggro player so thought gamble gamble. 

    patrickbSmall blind £0.25£0.25£72.95
    dub1Big blind £0.50£0.75£51.08
     Your hole cards
    • 7
    • 3
    target42Call £0.50£1.25£16.10
    kcxyzCall £0.50£1.75£49.50
    hhamza162Call £0.50£2.25£91.90
    patrickbRaise £1.75£4.00£71.20
    kcxyzCall £1.50£5.50£48.00
    hhamza162Call £1.50£7.00£90.40
    • 6
    • 4
    • 6
    patrickbBet £3.50£10.50£67.70
    hhamza162Raise £10.50£21.00£79.90
    patrickbAll-in £67.70£88.70£0.00
    hhamza162Call £60.70£149.40£19.20
    • Q
    • K
    • 7
    • 3
    • 3
    • J
    hhamza162WinTwo Pairs, 6s and 3s£147.60 £166.80

  • Options
    edited July 2016

    So it's been a good month, just off the target profit mark but it's been my best month of the year. Managed to just hit priority too...hopefully can have a similar or better month in July.

    June Results

    Current balance: £668.73


    Cash Rewards: +£65.00

    Cash: +£197.53


    Total Points for the month: 10016

    Profit/loss for the month: +£856.64

    Profit/loss for the year: +£1856.33

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