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Hhamza162 Diary



  • Options
    edited May 2017
    I dont usually get annoyed at hands but this hand annoyed me. Only because the villain took absolutely ages to make the river call as if he had a decision... just think its bad etiquette.

    BlixSmall blind £0.15£0.15£44.03
    hhamza162Big blind £0.30£0.45£34.77
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    LowfieldsRaise £0.90£1.35£32.63
    hhamza162Raise £3.00£4.35£31.77
    LowfieldsCall £2.40£6.75£30.23
    • 2
    • 4
    • 9
    hhamza162Bet £5.06£11.81£26.71
    LowfieldsCall £5.06£16.87£25.17
    • 5
    hhamza162Bet £8.44£25.31£18.27
    LowfieldsCall £8.44£33.75£16.73
    • 10
    hhamza162All-in £18.27£52.02£0.00
    LowfieldsAll-in £16.73£68.75£0.00
    hhamza162Unmatched bet £1.54£67.21£1.54
    • A
    • A
    • 10
    • 10
    LowfieldsWinThree 10s£65.41 £65.41
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    edited May 2017
    Unlucky mate - think this was likely multi tabling rather than a deliberate slowroll though. 

    Even if it was, can't let it tilt you, as on a small site like this some players will twig and use it against you to make you tilt off - bit of a grey area tactic but as they say it's a jungle out there 
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    edited May 2017
    Lowfields berated me in chat recently for a call I made vs a weaker player, openly calling the player a fish in chat. Used my go to move and offered him heads up, obviously this was quickly declined.

    Wouldn't be surprised if it was a slowroll, but don't let poor etiquette from bad regs annoy you mate. 

    Good luck this week at the tables.
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    Lowfields berated me in chat recently for a call I made vs a weaker player, openly calling the player a fish in chat. Used my go to move and offered him heads up, obviously this was quickly declined. Wouldn't be surprised if it was a slowroll, but don't let poor etiquette from bad regs annoy you mate.  Good luck this week at the tables.
    Posted by kimdongun
    Do lower stakes cash regs on sky have etiquette? It may have existed in the past but angle shooting, chat berating and other things are prevalent on modern day sky do exist. OP is skating on thin ground imo, I have seen him hit and run, button and change seats in game to take position on recs. Personally, I never used to do these things but now with certain players won't think twice about it. With other regs such as splashies who always takes action, I would never dream of stooping that low. The geezer is a class act and will play anyone. 

    With regards to chat, poker affects people in different ways and can make a normal person quite spikey. Try not to let it get to you, most regs do. 
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    Unlucky mate - think this was likely multi tabling rather than a deliberate slowroll though.  Even if it was, can't let it tilt you, as on a small site like this some players will twig and use it against you to make you tilt off - bit of a grey area tactic but as they say it's a jungle out there 
    Posted by IH8UButler
    It was definitely a slowroll, he joked about it in the chat box after. Yeah I agree just got to carry on I guess, thanks for the advice.
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    Lowfields berated me in chat recently for a call I made vs a weaker player, openly calling the player a fish in chat. Used my go to move and offered him heads up, obviously this was quickly declined. Wouldn't be surprised if it was a slowroll, but don't let poor etiquette from bad regs annoy you mate.  Good luck this week at the tables.
    Posted by kimdongun
    Yeah I can understand heated words in the chat box more than slowrolling someone, but yeah I agree, sometimes easier said than done not to get annoyed but we move on. Thank you, gl to you too.
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary : Do lower stakes cash regs on sky have etiquette? It may have existed in the past but angle shooting, chat berating and other things are prevalent on modern day sky do exist. OP is skating on thin ground imo, I have seen him hit and run, button and change seats in game to take position on recs. Personally, I never used to do these things but now with certain players won't think twice about it. With other regs such as splashies who always takes action, I would never dream of stooping that low. The geezer is a class act and will play anyone.  With regards to chat, poker affects people in different ways and can make a normal person quite spikey. Try not to let it get to you, most regs do. 
    Posted by ACEGOONER
    I think etiquette still exists and should..It can get heated in the chat box at times which I don't mind as much but slowrolling etc is just plain bad etiquette. Im no exception to making comments in the chat box now and then but I try my best not to. I haven't really noticed any regs hit and they will be back at the tables at some point so it doesn't bother me as much. Hit and runs are only bad when a player doubles up and then never returns imo. I've had instances when I have already pressed the stand button and doubled up on my last hand of the session which has nothing to do with my opponent. I try my best to stay 5-10 minutes longer on the table if I have doubled up against someone but can't always be done. Yeah i try my best not to let it get to me, thanks for your post
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    edited May 2017
    Good evening all,
    I was directed towards this thread by one of the regs at the tables this evening (who shall remain nameless) who thought it was amusing, as did some others........
    Anyway, Hamza - apologies and hands up, it was a slow roll 100%, we had had words 5 minutes earlier in chat, when IMHO you had played a hand pretty badly and got a runner runner miracle to stack me, it happens, and I shouldnt of bit.
    So yes, the slowroll was payback, and was intended as mentioned to enable some tilt in yourself.
    Again, apologies.

    Kimdong - we also had a few "words" in chat didnt we, and yes you did offer me to HU, which as i said at the time, isnt exactly original, and when youre playing 10 tables of 6max, why would you shut them down to play HU? (especially when HU is not your game), but by the end of the "chat" we were having a laugh and seemed ok.

    Acegooner - "skating on thin ground" - well where do we begin here....... The last time I spoke to you, you were playing on your mobile on the coach going to Preston to watch Arsenal in the FA cup, and the chat was friendly and fine, talked about Denton etc, wished you luck and to enjoy your day, weve never had crossed words since?
    You say I hit and run? errrrrrr, no I dont, never have, the incident you are harping on about is about a year old now, we were on a table that suddenly died, and we were the only ones left, I clicked "stand" as you do, and the last hand i was dealt a strong hand on the button, you folded your blind, and I took it and left, whats "hit and run" about that? should I just limp a good hand in position and let you see a free flop?? you then went on and on about it on the other table we were playing, seriously, WTF?
    You say I get postion on weaker players? Yes, absolutely 110%, why the hell wouldnt you?? This is low stakes cash play, you take every advantage you can take, why would you sit out of position to the fish?

    Anyway, hope this explanation helps, GL at the tables chaps.

    (TBH, im a bit disappointed, I expected a lot more abuse than I got.)

  • Options
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    Good evening all, I was directed towards this thread by one of the regs at the tables this evening (who shall remain nameless) who thought it was amusing, as did some others........ Anyway, Hamza - apologies and hands up, it was a slow roll 100%, we had had words 5 minutes earlier in chat, when IMHO you had played a hand pretty badly and got a runner runner miracle to stack me, it happens, and I shouldnt of bit. So yes, the slowroll was payback, and was intended as mentioned to enable some tilt in yourself. Again, apologies. Kimdong - we also had a few "words" in chat didnt we, and yes you did offer me to HU, which as i said at the time, isnt exactly original, and when youre playing 10 tables of 6max, why would you shut them down to play HU? (especially when HU is not your game), but by the end of the "chat" we were having a laugh and seemed ok. Acegooner - "skating on thin ground" - well where do we begin here....... The last time I spoke to you, you were playing on your mobile on the coach going to Preston to watch Arsenal in the FA cup, and the chat was friendly and fine, talked about Denton etc, wished you luck and to enjoy your day, weve never had crossed words since? You say I hit and run? errrrrrr, no I dont, never have, the incident you are harping on about is about a year old now, we were on a table that suddenly died, and we were the only ones left, I clicked "stand" as you do, and the last hand i was dealt a strong hand on the button, you folded your blind, and I took it and left, whats "hit and run" about that? should I just limp a good hand in position and let you see a free flop?? you then went on and on about it on the other table we were playing, seriously, WTF? You say I get postion on weaker players? Yes, absolutely 110%, why the hell wouldnt you?? This is low stakes cash play, you take every advantage you can take, why would you sit out of position to the fish? Anyway, hope this explanation helps, GL at the tables chaps. (TBH, im a bit disappointed, I expected a lot more abuse than I got.)
    Posted by Lowfields
    Perhaps it is me that has become confused - it has been known - but Acegooner referred to the "OP" as skating on thin ice. The OP is not you, it's the Diary author.

    Either way, life's too short guys, just move on.
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    edited May 2017
    Thought he was referring to kimdongun myself but might be confused as well! 
    Ultimately there are some "grey areas" in poker, which may increase your winrate but lose you some friends and it's up to each player where they set their line. if you want to maximise your winrate you can use every edge out there (within the rules). 
    But it's like des'ree said: "money don't make my world go round, I'm reaching out to a higher ground"
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    edited May 2017

    Ha, glad it is just not me that is confused.

    Always makes me a little sad when players fall out over poker. That's not the idea of the game at all.
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    Ha, glad it is just not me that is confused. Always makes me a little sad when players fall out over poker. That's not the idea of the game at all.  
    Posted by Tikay10

    Yeah, just seems like a lot of schoolboys in this thread
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary : Yeah, just seems like a lot of schoolboys in this thread
    Posted by MattBates

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    edited May 2017
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    edited May 2017

    Looks like I owe Acegooner an apology in that case, probably came charging in as someone had mentioned in the chat about Gonners comment "skating on thin  ground".
    Thought it a bit strange as like I say, last time we spoke it was good natured.

    Anyway, GL all......
  • Options
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    Good evening all, I was directed towards this thread by one of the regs at the tables this evening (who shall remain nameless) who thought it was amusing, as did some others........ Anyway, Hamza - apologies and hands up, it was a slow roll 100%, we had had words 5 minutes earlier in chat, when IMHO you had played a hand pretty badly and got a runner runner miracle to stack me, it happens, and I shouldnt of bit. So yes, the slowroll was payback, and was intended as mentioned to enable some tilt in yourself. Again, apologies. Kimdong - we also had a few "words" in chat didnt we, and yes you did offer me to HU, which as i said at the time, isnt exactly original, and when youre playing 10 tables of 6max, why would you shut them down to play HU? (especially when HU is not your game), but by the end of the "chat" we were having a laugh and seemed ok. Acegooner - "skating on thin ground" - well where do we begin here....... The last time I spoke to you, you were playing on your mobile on the coach going to Preston to watch Arsenal in the FA cup, and the chat was friendly and fine, talked about Denton etc, wished you luck and to enjoy your day, weve never had crossed words since? You say I hit and run? errrrrrr, no I dont, never have, the incident you are harping on about is about a year old now, we were on a table that suddenly died, and we were the only ones left, I clicked "stand" as you do, and the last hand i was dealt a strong hand on the button, you folded your blind, and I took it and left, whats "hit and run" about that? should I just limp a good hand in position and let you see a free flop?? you then went on and on about it on the other table we were playing, seriously, WTF? You say I get postion on weaker players? Yes, absolutely 110%, why the hell wouldnt you?? This is low stakes cash play, you take every advantage you can take, why would you sit out of position to the fish? Anyway, hope this explanation helps, GL at the tables chaps. (TBH, im a bit disappointed, I expected a lot more abuse than I got.)
    Posted by Lowfields

    Fair play, no love lost here. GL all the tables. Glad to see the diary is causing controversy

  • Options
    edited June 2017
    Been a brutal week for cash, probably the worst I've had in a while..a combination of tilt and run bad means I end the month on a low which is annoying, not even sure if I'm in profit. Will post updates with figures later today.
  • Options
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    Whoops. Looks like I owe Acegooner an apology in that case, probably came charging in as someone had mentioned in the chat about Gonners comment "skating on thin  ground". Thought it a bit strange as like I say, last time we spoke it was good natured. Anyway, GL all......
    Posted by Lowfields
    Yes was a misunderstanding OP refers to original poster, I didn't mean you but I love Matt Bates banter. Very funny for a shorty !

    Poker can be a spiky game, doesnt make us nasty people away from the tables (well I hope not). My problem is those who actually form their opinions from what happens on a poker table. Now that is sad!!!
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    edited June 2017

    So here are the shocking results with cash. Recovered 200 last night so slightly better but 10er down for the month... hopefully much better month for june, annoying.

    Current balance: £667.97


    Cash: -£720.83

    Cash Rewards: +£68.84 

    Points: 5856

    Priority bonus: +£230.01


    Total Points for the month: 13572

    Profit/loss for the month: -£10.61

    Cash bonus for for the month: +£450.55

    Cash for the month: -£461.16

    Profit/loss for the year (starting May 1st): -£10.61

    Cash bonus for the year: +£450.55

  • Options
    edited June 2017
    At the risk of looking a complete numpty here........
    I see in your results you post your poker points, Ive been playing at sky for a few years, and never really took any notice of them, but it seems I have 110,000, can I use these for anything worthwhile?

  • Options
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    At the risk of looking a complete numpty here........ I see in your results you post your poker points, Ive been playing at sky for a few years, and never really took any notice of them, but it seems I have 110,000, can I use these for anything worthwhile? Cheers.
    Posted by Lowfields
    You have already "used them", in that we get paid each week for earning these poker points. Once we have received that cash (&/or entitlement to join Freerolls & the like) the points are "spent" & have no further use or value.
    The Rewards System is HERE
  • Options
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary : You have already "used them", in that we get paid each week for earning these poker points. Once we have received that cash (&/or entitlement to join Freerolls & the like) the points are "spent" & have no further use or value.   The Rewards System is HERE
    Posted by Tikay10
    Or they could play 11,000 of the 10 point buy in £20 guaranteed freerolls :)

    Might take a while...
  • Options
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    At the risk of looking a complete numpty here........ I see in your results you post your poker points, Ive been playing at sky for a few years, and never really took any notice of them, but it seems I have 110,000, can I use these for anything worthwhile? Cheers.
    Posted by Lowfields
    I have 514,000 points, I think sky should credit £1 a point.
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    edited June 2017

    Better set of results for this week, really happy with the turn around. Hopefully can continue throughout the month, aim is to hit 1.5k profit by the end of the month. 

    Current balance: £850.84


    Cash: +£545.69

    Cash Rewards: +£87.18

    Points: 1814


    Total Points for the month: 1814

    Profit/loss for the month: +£632.87

    Cash bonus for for the month: +£87.18

    Cash for the month: +£545.69

    Profit/loss for the year (starting May 1st): +£622.26

    Cash bonus for the year: +£537.73

  • Options
    edited June 2017
    Fold or call?
    hhamza162Small blind £0.20£0.20£51.63
    BluffbabeBig blind £0.40£0.60£99.00
     Your hole cards
    • 6
    • 7
    pappy10Call £0.40£1.00£27.86
    J1MM1Call £0.40£1.40£17.45
    hhamza162Call £0.20£1.60£51.43
    BluffbabeRaise £1.60£3.20£97.40
    pappy10Call £1.60£4.80£26.26
    J1MM1Call £1.60£6.40£15.85
    hhamza162Call £1.60£8.00£49.83
    • 3
    • 10
    • 9
    BluffbabeBet £4.80£12.80£92.60
    J1MM1Call £4.80£17.60£11.05
    hhamza162Call £4.80£22.40£45.03
    • 3
    BluffbabeBet £11.20£33.60£81.40
    hhamza162Call £11.20£44.80£33.83
    • 7
    BluffbabeAll-in £81.40£126.20£0.00
    BluffbabeWin £43.00 £43.00
    BluffbabeReturn £81.40£1.80£124.40
  • Options
    edited June 2017
    I'm the worst at cash so I'm calling it my thinking is they were raising pre then half pots on flop and turn like they were using their big stack to bully so it was probably a fh or quads :-)
  • Options
    edited June 2017

    So it's been another shocking week again. Results below.

    Current balance: £382.47


    Cash: -£732.29

    Cash Rewards: +£83.92 

    Points: 4236


    Total Points for the month: 6050

    Profit/loss for the month: -£15.50

    Cash bonus for for the month: +£171.10

    Cash for the month: -£186.60

    Profit/loss for the year (starting May 1st): -£26.11

    Cash bonus for the year: +£621.65

    Cash for the year: 647.76

  • Options
    edited June 2017
    Oof, brutal. Run better, dude. 
  • Options
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Hhamza162 Diary:
    Oof, brutal. Run better, dude. 
    Posted by SR23
    Thanks mate you too
  • Options
    edited June 2017


    Current balance: £401.66


    Cash: -£26.89

    Cash Rewards: +£46.08

    Points: 2285


    Total Points for the month: 8335

    Profit/loss for the month: +£3.69

    Cash bonus for for the month: +£217.18

    Cash for the month: -£213.49

    Profit/loss for the year (starting May 1st): -£6.92

    Cash bonus for the year: +£667.73

    Cash for the year: -£674.65

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