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Jimis New Year



  • edited December 2016
    I am rubbish at keeping things updated, completely forgot to moan the last couple of days.....

    Watched the last skypoker tv show last night, great line up, it was like going back in time, really sad to see it go and I hope all involved go onwards and upwards.

    The 'you had one job' award of the day goes to my wife....

    She took daughter to swimming and was entrusted the task of bringing in our treat for the week (takeaway chinese).

    Being a creature of habit I always go to the same place and we order a tried and tested combination, so naturally she takes it upon herself to go to a completely new takeaway and change the order with the help of darling daughter........I mean really!

    Bought two bags of donuts (one jam filled and one custard filled) for £1 in The CO OP, yes really£1......... if I go into Krispy Kreme they won't even let me smell a donut for that price. (this is a semi positive post to offset some of my moaning)

  • edited December 2016
    I bought an premium scotch egg from Waitrose. There was no egg inside it.
  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    I bought an premium scotch egg from Waitrose. There was no egg inside it.
    Posted by Jac35
    That's my kind of diet-just Scotch then :)
  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    [QUOTE]I bought an premium scotch egg from Waitrose. There was no egg inside it.
    Posted by Jac35

    Perhaps they thought the additional calories would ruin your intelligence?
  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    I didnt  buy a premium scotch egg from Waitrose. 
    Posted by Jac35
  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar : [QUOTE ]I bought an premium scotch egg from Waitrose. There was no egg inside it. Posted by Jac35
    Perhaps they thought the additional calories would ruin your intelligence?
    Posted by hhyftrftdr

    Execellent quoting skills btw. Wp
  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar : Fyp
    Posted by mumsie
    Ty :)
  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar : [QUOTE ]I bought an premium scotch egg from Waitrose. There was no egg inside it. Posted by Jac35
    Perhaps they thought the additional calories would ruin your intelligence?
    Posted by hhyftrftdr

    Sound advice from Sky Poker's calorie correspondent.
  • edited December 2016
    Stuck behind a bin truck in traffic.(down wind)
  • edited December 2016
    ^^ Bin trucks^^......add to that delivery trucks that decide to deliver at 8.30 in the morning.

    Obviously switching on hazard lights makes it fine, doesn't affect rush hour traffic flow at all.
  • edited December 2016
  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    Drama queens.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr

    banter on a poker table......behave
  • edited December 2016
    Cheaters accusing cheaters 

    Players moaning about bad beats in freerolls .

    People moaning about pennys and points.

    How lucky they are that the worse thing in their lives are missing out of a freeroll or a promotion not suited to them.

    Read a diary from Tom or the loss of a trooper like ice tiger to see what maters.

    Could go on but you should get the point.

    Be happy and thank your lucky stars every day if that is the worst of your problems.

  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    Cheaters accusing cheaters  Players moaning about bad beats in freerolls . People moaning about pennys and points. How lucky they are that the worse thing in their lives are missing out of a freeroll or a promotion not suited to them. Read a diary from Tom or the loss of a trooper like ice tiger to see what maters. Could go on but you should get the point. Be happy and thank your lucky stars every day if that is the worst of your problems.
    Posted by day4eire76

    Sounds like someone I know.
  • edited December 2016
    Excellent thread!

    I have missed a few days so will try to catch up.

    To quote LmfaoAllin the things that "drive me to near Michael Douglas in Falling Down" are...

    1. The automated Tesco cashier telling me my Clubcard points 'add up'. Do they really think I do not know this?

    2. The automated Tesco cashier telling me to enter my item from the menu or "have a browse". How many levels of mad would you look if you chose your shopping by browsing the categories on the checkout machine? This is just bad advice, don't listen to him!

    3. Being told to "Put your PIN in and press enter". I know I may look utterly stupid but even I have actually figured out how the 'chip n pin' machine process goes down!

    4. Automated Tesco cashier voices that assume you have a single digit IQ.

    The absolute winner though that never ceases to drive me bat sh!t crazy...

    5. Holding the door open for someone and they walk straight past you without so much as a 'Ta' like I am their sodding butler. If I were Michael Douglas a la 'Falling Down', I would rip the door off it's hindges and chuck it at them.

    Okay, weight off! Maybe, just maybe, I can now survive this upcoming visit to Tesco :)
  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    Excellent thread! I have missed a few days so will try to catch up. To quote LmfaoAllin the things that "drive me to near Michael Douglas in Falling Down" are... 1. The automated Tesco cashier telling me my Clubcard points 'add up'. Do they really think I do not know this? 2. The automated Tesco cashier telling me to enter my item from the menu or "have a browse". How many levels of mad would you look if you chose your shopping by browsing the categories on the checkout machine? This is just bad advice, don't listen to him! 3. Being told to "Put your PIN in and press enter". I know I may look utterly stupid but even I have actually figured out how the 'chip n pin' machine process goes down! 4. Automated Tesco cashier voices that assume you have a single digit IQ. The absolute winner though that never ceases to drive me bat sh!t crazy... 5. Holding the door open for someone and they walk straight past you without so much as a 'Ta' like I am their sodding butler. If I were Michael Douglas a la 'Falling Down', I would rip the door off it's hindges and chuck it at them. Okay, weight off! Maybe, just maybe, I can now survive this upcoming visit to Tesco :)
    Posted by markycash

    Annoying as it it we have to remember a lot of people need a lot of help, a small but vocal number of people support that team from glasgow that play in Tesco colours, so I guess its aimed at them ;-)

  • edited December 2016
    Seems ages since I last posted.......simply not many things annoying me enough to warrant posting, this is of course worrying as it likely means something major is going to happen soon.....

    On the poker front, I find it equally amusing and annoying to see peoples reactions when they post something for discussion, whether it be a stark truth filled response or something tongue in cheek. If you don't want answers or advice why bother posting?

    Anyway, hope tomorrow is rubbish so I have something to post about.
  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    Seems ages since I last posted.......simply not many things annoying me enough to warrant posting, this is of course worrying as it likely means something major is going to happen soon..... On the poker front, I find it equally amusing and annoying to see peoples reactions when they post something for discussion, whether it be a stark truth filled response or something tongue in cheek. If you don't want answers or advice why bother posting? Anyway, hope tomorrow is rubbish so I have something to post about.
    Posted by HENDRIK62

      See you on the plo8 tables later mate, see if I can hit a few 1 outers, just to help the thread.
  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar :   See you on the plo8 tables later mate, see if I can hit a few 1 outers, just to help the thread.
    Posted by pomfrittes

    very altruistic of you Bill, for the good of the thread.....:-)
  • edited December 2016
    The seasonal appearance of Ferrero Rocher. Nice wrapper.Inside, bland, disappointing poo.
    Still, there are other choices.
  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    The seasonal appearance of Ferrero Rocher. Nice wrapper.Inside, bland, disappointing poo. Still, there are other choices.
    Posted by chilling

    Agree, very overrated, I much prefer those guelian (not sure if that the correct spelling).
  • edited December 2016
    'Canned' Laughter in sit-coms.
  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    'Canned' Laughter in sit-coms.
    Posted by tomgoodun
    Definitely, if I think its funny i will laugh, i dont need to be told when.

  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    'Canned' Laughter in sit-coms.
    Posted by tomgoodun
    I really don't get why they need to shove canned laughter in our faces....if it's funny we should decide...American comedies are the worst for this.
  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar : I really don't get why they need to shove canned laughter in our faces....if it's funny we should decide...American comedies are the worst for this.
    Posted by Snuffer


  • edited December 2016
    The seasonal splatterings of puke on the paths.  Nice colours, shame about the smell.
  • edited December 2016
    Don't go until tomorrow but London prices are already winding me up.
  • edited December 2016
    Early moan today....

    Bought a bacon roll on way in to work, someone collared me as I got out the car, 2 hours later I remembered the roll was still on the passenger seat......
  • edited December 2016
    + 3 for Tony Blair

    Players trying to bluff into a dead pot, when trying to eliminate the short stack in a DYM then moaning when they don,t cash

    Footballers diving for penaltys

    Politicians going off on a tangent rather than just giving a straighforward answer to the question

    BBC news and mainstream media in general

    Preston Busses
    Strangers in town asking for 80p toward their train fare (day after day)

    Jeremy Kyle

    EDIT : can,t beleive i forgot to mention helplines for social security benefits (and four seasons by Antonio Vilvadi)

  • edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Jimis Advent calendar:
    + 3 for Tony Blair Players trying to bluff into a dead pot, when trying to eliminate the short stack in a DYM then moaning when they don,t cash Footballers diving for penaltys Politicians going off on a tangent rather than just giving a straighforward answer to the question BBC news and mainstream media in general Preston Busses                   Strangers in town asking for 80p toward their train fare (day after day) Jeremy Kyle EDIT : can,t beleive i forgot to mention helplines for social security benefits (and four seasons by Antonio Vilvadi)
    Posted by MP33
    I think this bit should go into the happy thread.
    A player was sat out in a dym last night. I was the short stack and we got to the bubble. Obviously we don't say anything ourselves but hope that common sense prevails. I was delighted when the big stack said that we should all play sensibly. Less so when he then opened every single pot. The away player came back and it was game on again.
    I have to admit that I took great pleasure in doubling up through the big stack and then busting him 2 minutes later..
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