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how should we spend OUR money?



  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    ahhhh 7-30 this morning I finished playing !!!-300 at one point managed to drag it back and finish up.... Will give my head abit of time to stop spinning then have a read over this again :)  MORNING ALL! BTW
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH

    OH YOU TOO eh?!?!?!.... LOL My hubby finished his last cash game at about 7.30 am this morning after starting at 5pm on sunday eve, got through a fair few tables and then ended his night with a few cash tables to top a good night of..... or so it seemed anyway LOL I dont know for sure how good/bad he done as long as he is smiling I am cool with how  ever he does on the tables is,... after all it gives me time to answer ALL the posts on here LOL

    Hope your night AND morning of poker was a good one......

    Rest well......seems to be a bit of a brain drain this late night poker stuff huh? LOL

    Good evening :0)

  • edited April 2010
    Getting a bit much for me....I am off to Tesco to grab some Tangerines to help me study for my NVQ (level 2) in Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation.
  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money? : garbage----did the kids make Thamesmead---Moss side--- ect ect ect ect???----eh? Have you seen any ghetto's in Tunbridge wells?
    Posted by oynutter

    well the kids did not make moss side, but they do have a hand in how it runs now im sure!!
    BUT your right in saying that young people dont ask to be delt the cards that life gives them...... so thats WHY i say WE SHOULD give them MORE CHOICE... dont you agree? take a look at my reply to DOHHHHH when he asks what it is we ( aka Youth workers) do that schools dont do,... what do you reckon to this theory?

    I look forward to your reply

    Happy monday :0)

  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    Getting a bit much for me....I am off to Tesco to grab some Tangerines to help me study for my NVQ (level 2) in Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation.
    Posted by emilyegg

    PMSL......   happy studying LOL

    shame you dont feel the need to keep adding, or even have that urge for the bullet theory anymore,... was always a good point in the deep debate, the words rang loud and clear.... SHOOT EM!!! LOL erm..... sorry I still have to disagree with that one though

    Happy shopping


  • edited April 2010
    Smiler!!!! You do a great job, and are obviously an amazingly caring person, to give so much, to what is in my opinion, a losing battle.....
    posted by DOHHHHHHH

    THANK YOU....
    i reckon im up there with the rest of the good folk in the world....

  • edited April 2010
    GIVE EM A CHOICE, give em ownership of their issue and empower them to take control of their life and I KNOW we will see a better future for them all, despite their background, upbringing etc etc.

    now lads and lasses, does this sound just a tiny bit more productive than bashing thier fluppin brains in?

    If violence is the answer, both at home and in prison, what do they learn?
  • edited April 2010
    I obviously arn't saying that kids make the ghettos as in they had trowels and bricks in their hands and were plumbers, architects and sparkys SO LETS NOT SPLIT HAIRS HERE.

    There are not gangs of adults hanging round the streets vandalising stuff, robbing pensioners, egging cars and windows and generally making peoples lives a misery. Therefore in my opinion the kids run down the estates and make them scruffy and bad places to live which is my description of a ghetto.

    I also commented very very carefully so that i could make it clear that i was only talking about the badly behaved, violent and disrespectful kids. IS THAT NOW CRYSTAL CLEAR!!!!!!!!  At no point that i am aware have i said ALL KIDS. Do you think i am thick? Are you some kind of psychologist nutter coming on here telling me how to think? Well don't bother.

    It is also obvious that not all trains and places to live and shops and towns and busses in the entire UK are plagued with out of control kids. I was merely on about Bradford where i live and a lot of other inner city areas. I also know that badly behaved kids come from posh families as well as poor ones. Stop making out that i am some kind of unreasonable out of touch none educated right wing nut job.

    The trouble with kids being the way they are today did start as a result of physical discipline and corporal punishment being replaced with softly softly lets kiss their poor little misunderstood little tushes instead whether you like it or not.

    I don't think that kids should suffer from over exited and irrational uncalled for whackings and i know that it doesn't work with some kids but in the main the fear of a clip round the ear from teachers, parents, or any other figures of authority acted as a very effective deterrent not just a punishment. Hopefully everyone will behave and no kids will cop a smack at all. (dream)

    You said that you were doing research and wanted to know the publics opinion so don't go thinking you can talk down to me or anyone else for giving it. It is clear that you think you know it all already so nuff said from me on the subject because your patronising is getting on my wick.

    Hope i helped lol.

  • edited April 2010
    Airwalker makes some fair points there.

    When Kids go out and wreak general havoc (criminal damage, robbing cars etc) what is the punishment?

    Sadly it seems to be a sticky-bun and a day trip to Alton Towers.

    For the Kids that CHOOSE to behave in this way, there seems to be very little to deter them.
  • edited April 2010
    imo--the problem is simple--Too many poor people in one place--inner cities and overcrowded housing estates create these problems. The distribution of wealth in England is responsible for the amount of poor people (over 50% of wealth is owned by 10% of the nation)--Poor people know this, they are angry about it, its not fair.

     Put 20,000 poor people in 1 square mile of high density housing, there will be trouble---simples
  • edited April 2010
    "some kind of unreasonable out of touch none educated right wing nut job"

    lol--nice one airwalker--There's a lot of it about you know, I'm glad you dissociate yourself from this kind of person.
  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money? :
    "Church taught us help others, be thankful for what we had, to consider other people, to help old people and  neighbours, to be non violent, right from wrong, a sense of good community, non racism." The church taught you to be a normal human being did it?-- I wonder what you were before that happened? Posted by oynutter ????  dont get what your pointing at here??? can u reply with more detail to make your point a bit  clearer for us all please thanks debbe
    Posted by smiler271
    I was making the point that the church is not required to teach people to be good, because we are born good, and that it is quite wrong to imply that kids having "no religion" is partly to blame for them going off the rails.
  • edited April 2010
    "...... Wicked, evil, naughty, bad, out of order, fierce, nasty, dirty great, monster, deadly ect  these are words that kids use to describe anything that is good. Is this right? IMO No it is not."

    jesus christ !-- bloody marvellous that is!
  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    "...... Wicked, evil, naughty, bad, out of order, fierce, nasty, dirty great, monster, deadly ect  these are words that kids use to describe anything that is good. Is this right? IMO No it is not." jesus christ !-- bloody marvellous that is!
    Posted by oynutter


    short and to the point..

  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    I obviously arn't saying that kids make the ghettos as in they had trowels and bricks in their hands and were plumbers, architects and sparkys SO LETS NOT SPLIT HAIRS HERE. There are not gangs of adults hanging round the streets vandalising stuff, robbing pensioners, egging cars and windows and generally making peoples lives a misery. Therefore in my opinion the kids run down the estates and make them scruffy and bad places to live which is my description of a ghetto. I also commented very very carefully so that i could make it clear that i was only talking about the badly behaved, violent and disrespectful kids. IS THAT NOW CRYSTAL CLEAR!!!!!!!!   At no point that i am aware have i said ALL KIDS. Do you think i am thick? Are you some kind of psychologist nutter coming on here telling me how to think? Well don't bother. It is also obvious that not all trains and places to live and shops and towns and busses in the entire UK are plagued with out of control kids. I was merely on about Bradford where i live and a lot of other inner city areas. I also know that badly behaved kids come from posh families as well as poor ones. Stop making out that i am some kind of unreasonable out of touch none educated right wing nut job. The trouble with kids being the way they are today did start as a result of physical discipline and corporal punishment being replaced with softly softly lets kiss their poor little misunderstood little tushes instead whether you like it or not. I don't think that kids should suffer from over exited and irrational uncalled for whackings and i know that it doesn't work with some kids but in the main the fear of a clip round the ear from teachers, parents, or any other figures of authority acted as a very effective deterrent not just a punishment. Hopefully everyone will behave and no kids will cop a smack at all. (dream) You said that you were doing research and wanted to know the publics opinion so don't go thinking you can talk down to me or anyone else for giving it. It is clear that you think you know it all already so nuff said from me on the subject because your patronising is getting on my wick. Hope i helped lol. Airwalker.
    Posted by AIRWALKER

    You said that you were doing research and wanted to know the publics opinion so don't go thinking you can talk down to me or anyone else for giving it. It is clear that you think you know it all already so nuff said from me on the subject because your patronising is getting on my wick. Hope i helped lol. Airwalker. 
    1)TALK DOWN to you??never, not in my nature!!

    2)I DO not state I know it all, or i would NOT be still studying this topic!!!

    3)when i said NO kids did NOT build moss side etc, I meant in the way of subcultures, and NOT by bricks and mortar

    4) as i stated I was giving you a different view THATS ALL..... TRYING to get a reaction, but NOT in the way you seem to think!!More along the lines of deeper thinking, outside the box etc etc

    5) NO i do NOT think your thick!!!!! I have never once said or implied that!!  MAYBE now I think you are stubborn though BUT NOT THICK!!!! LOL

    6) you never stated ( as far as i can recall anyway) that you were merely speaking of BRADFORD as a subject matter.... I took that you were talking of all areas from Industrialisation citys to leafy suburbs.

    7)  dont be so darn angry..... the "KIDS" will pick up on it and rebel, or just play up to it to pee you off....
    Think back to when you were this tear away you spoke of, did you ever just do stff to annoy adults coz u knew they would hate it?? LOL well..... maybe just maybe!>!?!?! .. ( see my point here? LOL)

    8)  i am a nice person, as you may or may not see, and i never once intended to upset or anger you in anyway..i could go on to form a full blow argument after reading your post BUT.. I am a bigger person than that and sense you are upset by my lines of questioning.... I appologise if you seen me as patronising..... I WAS NOT doing that at all, its just the way I speak/type etc, thats the trouble with doing this type of convo via a computer, u neevr get to see the body language, facial expressions or tone of voice is always silenced..... so MAYBE just MAYBE if you were to  re-read what I had posted to you and others, and kept in mind that word called HUMOUR  or maybe even sarcasm in a humorous way,....then you MAY see what i typd in a different light

    IF NOT,well.......... what can i say apart from Thats a debate for ya,.... you never get the answers you want to get nor is your point ALWAYS accepted by everyone or anyone.....

    SORRY for offending you

    Kind regards



  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    GIVE EM A CHOICE, give em ownership of their issue and empower them to take control of their life and I KNOW we will see a better future for them all, despite their background, upbringing etc etc. now lads and lasses, does this sound just a tiny bit more productive than bashing thier fluppin brains in? If violence is the answer, both at home and in prison, what do they learn?
    Posted by oynutter
    THANK YOU for your comment

    I was starting to sense some major hatred coming my way ALL because I TRY to see ALL sides of an issue and then TRY to see the reason behind an issue before making a assumption on how to fix it...
    This choice theory is NOT one that came about over night, its one that the young people came up with themselve! THEY SEEN WHAT THEY NEEDED TO CHANGE and asked for ways to change it. SLOW process, but we WILL get there in the end,.... I WONT give up on em anyway.....
    Maybe im to stubborn to just accept thats what the world is today!?!?!? duno... i just try to help and promote change, BUT SOME see me as bad, patronising and a hatter of other comments IM NOT.......HONESTLY!!


    Thanks for all your posts by the way :)

  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    imo--the problem is simple--Too many poor people in one place--inner cities and overcrowded housing estates create these problems. The distribution of wealth in England is responsible for the amount of poor people (over 50% of wealth is owned by 10% of the nation)--Poor people know this, they are angry about it, its not fair.  Put 20,000 poor people in 1 square mile of high density housing, there will be trouble---simples
    Posted by oynutter

    BRILLIANT POINT!!!!    well put !!!!

  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    Getting a bit much for me....I am off to Tesco to grab some Tangerines to help me study for my NVQ (level 2) in Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation.
    Posted by emilyegg

    NOTE TO ALL YOUNG people in your area,...... ALL wear a helmet, body armour and watch for the tanks coming soon, This lady wants to destroy you.......LOL :0)

    at what level would you start the shoot out though Emily? Shop lifting or arson?
    Truancy,....what would that get,? A FULL Magazine or just a few 2.2 pellets in the head??LOL

    (JUST BRINGING HUMOUR to the table here hun) PLEASE DONT SHOOT!!!! lol ;)

  • edited April 2010
    "Are you some kind of psychologist nutter coming on here telling me how to think? Well don't bother."

     Perhaps you could just remind me of where I told you how to think, I can't find that bit.
  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    Getting a bit much for me....I am off to Tesco to grab some Tangerines to help me study for my NVQ (level 2) in Auto-Erotic Asphyxiation.
    Posted by emilyegg
    And it is much more exciting than ANY river card, I can tell you.
  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    "Are you some kind of psychologist nutter coming on here telling me how to think? Well don't bother."  Perhaps you could just remind me of where I told you how to think, I can't find that bit.
    Posted by oynutter

    seems you took me wrong there.... I WAS AGREEING with your posts!!.....


    All confudled now....awe well..... never mind

  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money? : And it is much more exciting than ANY river card, I can tell you.
    Posted by emilyegg

    lol i bet it is :0)
  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money? : seems you took me wrong there.... I WAS AGREEING with your posts!!..... !?!?!??! All confudled now....awe well..... never mind
    Posted by smiler271
    lol--no---I thought airwalker was refering to me when he used the word "nutter"---lol---the quote was from airwalker
  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money? : lol--no---I thought airwalker was refering to me when he used the word "nutter"---lol---the quote was from airwalker
    Posted by oynutter

    PHEW   LOL
  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money? : lol--no---I thought airwalker was refering to me when he used the word "nutter"---lol---the quote was from airwalker
    Posted by oynutter

    I THINK the reason I got soooo vexed at his post is that I was oe of those young THUGS he finds so easy to label... one of those who will never amount to anything, those who MADE THEIR LIFE THAT WAY........BULL!!!! I NEVER MADE my life that way, it happened through circumstance as you so rightly said early on...
    BUT many years later, and a few extra miles on my clock, i am sat nearing the end of a BSc HONS degree..... this is from a girl who dropped outta school at 14 NOT 1 GCSE, not even able to read and write properly....little did i know that I was dyslexic,... MAYBE some see that as an excuse for BAD behaviour or deviant acts, well I assure you and all others who read and post that IT WAS NOT any excuse for me, I didnt even know about it till i was in my mid 30's.
    I only got my GCSE's at 34/35 years old, and now at 37 I am at the end of my 2nd year at Uni... So in reply to the comments of THEY WONT CHANGE and IT WILL NEVER CHANGE EM, even if we give them choice,....well I sit here as proof that they can AND DO

    WOW Maybe i should write a book PMSL

    THANK YOU so much oynutter for all your posts on here, I have "got your point from the start, shame that not many others are able to see beyond the fog called narrow
    Have a good evening

  • edited April 2010
    thanks for that Debbie, and it is great, and very refreshing to see that there are still good people that care with a passion, and not just a wage packet. You're doing great work!-

    sorry more to come, have to register for tournie
  • edited April 2010
    In Response to Re: how should we spend OUR money?:
    thanks for that Debbie, and it is great, and very refreshing to see that there are still good people that care with a passion, and not just a wage packet. You're doing great work!- sorry more to come, have to register for tournie
    Posted by oynutter

    WAGE PACKET and youth work,....well they are RRELY in the same sentence....
    I worked all my 1st year at uni, for free,....voluntree work in this profession is like liquid gold for the agencies, they get so much more work done for the folk that matter, and they would not get anywhere near as much money as needed if they had to pay all these folk.
    Both me and My hubby are in this line of work, and both so passionate about what we do, an the young folk who get LABELED before they have had a chance to live a little, well these are the folk we try so hard to defend on a daily basis....but I NEVER ONCE said that they are angels,JUST INCASE someone decides to pounce on me AGAIN and comment on this section LOL.....
    THANK YOU for your nice words.
    good luck in your tourny

    i need to log of soon, I WAS meant to be doing an essay that is due soon..OOOOPS I ALWAYS get cought up on here, ( EXACTLY what My 1st thread was about, and here is your proof now LOL)

    I will pop back later to see any new posts, OR at the latest tomorrow morning.

    have a good evening
    good luck too
  • edited April 2010
    good night all.....

    I will pop back tomorrow to read any new posts...... of to do some uni work now, I see my hubby looking at me over the top of his lap top, and wondering.....why is she typing so fast and doesnt even have a single book open LOL...... throwing a cheeky grin back at him as he gets on with his tourny....

    so uni work now, later......

    nite all

  • edited April 2010
    Good Stuff Debbie and everyone else....

    It IS great that people DO care but even the most dedicated people must realise that not EVERYBODY of that age wants help, even if it is blatantly clear that they need it.

    I have worked in some of the most deprived areas in the country and have witnessed some awful things whilst doing so.

    I still believe that you can fairly apportion Blame and Sympathy in equal amounts to each individual case, but flogging (or shooting) a dead horse benefits nobody and undermines the help that could be available to others who could use the help given more productively to improve their lives.
  • edited April 2010
    I know there are people that care, and do want to give these youngsters a chance, but we hear so much negativity on this subject in the media and socially, that we tend to forget you exist out there--lol

      A lot of young people do grow up disadvantaged by circumstances beyond their control, and it is easy to see how they can make the wrong choices, People in your position can, and will make a massive difference to a lot of young lives, and every one that takes a new direction because of your efforts represents a whole family of the next generation that could have taken the wrong road. Poverty is the real issue that we need to tackle, but you show young people that there is an escape route, and there is people prepared to support them and give them the chance to shine. Hope is what they need first, and someone that cares as you do will give them that hope---great work debbie!!!    
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