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HitSquad goin to Cardiff!!!
Hey hitman rv, ill like to put my name forward for the selection process for "elite hitsquad" just starting to use the forum alot more now and sounds like a lot of fun to join a team, love the banter side of it.
was at leeds for my first SPT and had a great time, at both the tables and the bar. didnot go to deep but hope to make a mense in style in cardiff lol. got my seat to cardiff on friday so will be making a long weekend of it i think.
im a 29 year old leeds fan from preston, have a young family 2 boys aged 2 and one month old will also be comeing down to cardiff with the mrs, she even said she will come and watch this one, will be the first time she has stepped foot in a casino if she does lol.
if you wana no anything else bout me just ask! talk soon mate barber!
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This Elite 'HitSquad' started when Four of us went to our first ever SPT at LUTON just over a year ago, we were alll Rabbish then, but have focused on gettin better!!
Now we have heard there is another Hitsquad [Praz etc], we are detemined to knock them off their perch, along with Sky 'superstars' TKP!! lol , and even the Famous Team Sky LOL !!
Original Members HITMANRV, Monkey123, sicswans, marc2000, and 'adopted' at the Luton Bar, Mohican, have laid low for a year building our poker skills, we are now ready to unleash on the Poker world, startin with Cardiff SPT !!
First 'Sky' person we ever met was the ever polite Machka, at our Luton hotel, so this has gone round full circle. Now TKP has developed fully into The premier Sky 'team' lol so to speak!!
We Shall be CONDUCTING INTERVIEWS for other POSSIBLE TEAM MEMBERS over the next few weeks!!
There will be some intense tests & a suitabilty scrutiny will have to be carried out, so that insanity is proven etc!!
From past experiance, we would like a couple of forum members to put themselves forward, as they seem to have the correct mix of Charisma & Madness to join our 'Elite HitSquad', [and they railed me last nite, in vegas semi, 3rd lolol.. ARRR!!!]
So please come forward for selection interview.............DIGGERMAN,, [The Tree IS King]
.............SighKO, [Name speaks for itself]
.............RichOrford [The Gus interview clinched it!]
...............Lucy4 [to toast to absent friends]
...............DOHHHHHH [nuff said]
...............YoungGun & aussie09 [Team Red comrades]
................Bananadog & Candi & LML [ma ol housemates]
We have also a secret selection list we are workin on, but if you wish to be considered please dont be shy put your name forward on ths thread!!
We are also lookin for volenteers for the positions of 'Team HitSquad EyeCandy', as we seem to be rather short in that area], at present, [apart from me of course]!! , [Anna,SkyMandy,xFallenx, consider pls lol]
I Thank You
Comrade Hitman
Team Updates in runnin...............
HitSquad Members so far ........
[*,Playin Cardiff SPT]..Well done Comrades 11!!
[**,Railin, Alternating SPT]... Brilliant Comrades 3!!
Barry monkey123** [Team CanGod}
Matt sic-swans * [Team, 'in your face mother']
Carl Mohican * [Team Hair!]
Paul BARBIE59 * [& Girlfriend Zoe**, Team Couple]
Rob EmilyEgg [ Team Exile ]
John Young Gun [ Team Protegee']
Father Terry Vaigret [Team Chaplain]
Chris DiggerMan * [Team Tree, its Rubber, BOOING BOOING !!]
Colin golden238 * [Team Shrek]
Wynne wynne1938 [Team Wise Man]
Mr Jones sighKO [ Team Pyscho Jones]
Rob aussie09 * [ Team Antipodean]
cantplay20 [Team CanPlay ??]
David DAIBOOT * [Team Boyo]
JJ DOHHHHHHH [ Team Guest,actually Team DOHHHHHH, capt]
Ashley delaney09 [Team Irn Bru]
Martyn Splashies [Team Cobbler]
Lucy Lucy4 [Team Concealer] or [Team Lucy2]
Robin harding09 [Team Blue Moon]
Robert RAB! RAB642 [Teab RAB, ?????. but it drinks buckfast and tiger]
Anna Fowles !! [ Team Glama Anna ].....Yes, Honestly!!
Dave Wacko90 [Team Wacko?]
Steve Bigbiker22 [Team Biker]
Andy Shipdchips * tba
Sharon Shazallin [Team Eye-Candy]
Ken kennybad [ Team Villain]
Mike maggiesdad * [Team Kidder]
Dean 1nitro1 [Team Aslan]
Lisa lisar83 [Team Erica Roe]
Patrick 123456789 * [Team Numbers]
DonkeyPlops donkeyplop **
Simon Lightwood [Team Potter]
Ed WWFCblue [Team Chair ??]
John Dunonriver
Joe yuranASSet [Team BatShatMad!!]
Callum iBLUFF [Team Bluffer]
Once more unto the Baize , dear , Comrades once more;
Or close the wall up with our HitSquad dead.
In peace there's nothing so becomes a man
As modest stillness and humility:
But when the blast of Poker blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood,
Disguise Your Hand with hard-favour'd rage;
Then lend the eye a terrible aspect;
Let pry through the portage of the head
Like the brass cannon; let the brow o'erwhelm it
As fearfully as doth a galled Limp
O'erhang and jutty his confounded base,
Swill'd with the wild and wasteful ocean.
Now set the teeth and stretch the nostril wide,
Hold hard the breath and bend up every spirit
To his full height. On, on, you noblest HitSquad.
Whose blood is fet from fathers that be Bluff-proof!
Fathers that, like so many Alexanders,
Have in these parts from morn till even fought
And sheathed their Pocket Pairs for lack of argument:
Dishonour not your mothers; now attest
That those whom you call'd fathers did beget you.
Be copy now to men of grosser blood,
And teach them how to RAISE And you, good Squaddies,
Whose limbs were, made on SkyPoker show us here
The mettle of your pasture; let us swear
That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
For there is none of you so mean and base,
That hath not noble lustre in your eyes.
I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game's afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
Cry 'God for Harry, SkyPoker, and The HitSquad!'
William Shakespeare & The Hitman" alt="" />Barbie..............YOU'RE IN !!!! First to reply gets put striaight in the 'Squad LOL
Will Be A little 'intro yourself' questions we a gonna put up later, but u virtually done that already so Welcome Comrade!!
list thus far of defo Cardiff HitSquad attendees.....[i promise i aint wearing ma Pink suit, sooo 2010 dahrlins]
2,SEX M/F...............[optional]
4,Football Team........
5,Fav Drink, [or not]
6,Special Powers....[like the X-Men, what could you add to The HitSquad]
7,If you were not a member of the Famous HitSquad what would you rather be?
8, What odds do you think u will be to win the cardiff SPT [160 runners]
If you can post up the anwsers to these questions, you will be put forward to the secret committee ballot for membership, Good Luck
1, Dave Hitman Harvey, [HITMANRV, lol]
2, Male, [Do confess to a likeing for Pink attire tho lol]
3, Courts still out at Mo, Doctors mark me as Unclassifiable
4, Fulham for Life !! COYW's
5, Red wine, But anything in the rite company, ie HitSquad
6, Nutter Magnet!!
7, A down & out !! My lifes ambition!!
8, 300-1, [because i always Final Table the fri nite 4-1 & then celebrete too hard]
2.Sex-Not since Wifey got preggers 10 months ago
3.Sane/insane- have a certifcate from the asylum stating I'm now sane.
4.Football team- Man up and play a real game,rugby.
5.Fav drink- Guinness with a lambs navy rum chaser.
6.Special powers-Limbs can turn to rubber(especially if i'm drinking No5)
7.If you were not a member of the Famous HitSquad what would you rather be? HitSquad or death
8.What odds do you think u will be to win the cardiff SPT [160 runners]- The Devil will Iceskate to work before I win.
3, sane when sober after a few its debatable
5, fosters going on to JD and coke in the wee hours
6, can make a pint dissapeare faster than my chips, or was that the other way round lol?
7,a member of team sky poker would be my 2nd choice lol
8, 66/1 shot back me e/w
You never Know, there may be an event in which TKP has no representation & Team HitSquad is appearing.
Also we would politely ask if we can have the 'Back Room' at Al's Bar available Once a month for our HitLodge meetings LOL, all guns to be left securley at the door! I feel sure Other HitSquad members would love to drink in your Bar,[in The Shed] & we can help to keep those Mods out lolol, [when not wanted]!!
If This is acceptable to you please do fill in a form, and mark it at top..
"Associate, [member TKP]",
Yours faithfully
The Hitman, [Membership Secretary, amongst other things]
I think there is one thing that we can agree on. Both teams are mad as hatters lol. And both team captains wont take any b/s!
Its all about the fun innit, and i cant wait till Cardiff!
You coulda had me Dave, but unfortunatley, or fortunatley! TKP got me first!
TKP FTW Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
1,Name............... John Bevan
2,SEX M/F...............[optional] MALE
4,Football Team........ cough ' CHARLTON ATHLETIC FC'
5,Fav Drink, [or not] Jaegerbombs probably but i drink anything
6,Special Powers....[like the X-Men, what could you add to The HitSquad]
Sex Appeal obv
7,If you were not a member of the Famous HitSquad what would you rather be? A Lonesome Sniper no other team worth joining obv
8, What odds do you think u will be to win the cardiff SPT [160 runners]
10-1 at most i'll defo kick @ss if i get there
Hi HitmanRV,
Not going to Cardiff but if you need me for any team comp on here first I'm up for it.
Name - Terry "Father " Dadds
Sex- yes please
Football Team-Ipswich "we have produced the two most successful England Managers" Town
Fav Drink-Pernod and lemonade
Special Powers- The ear of GOD
Not a member of the hitman squad, what would you rather be- Incontinent
Odds at Cardiff- 1m to 1
Father Vaigret
3,SANE/INSANE.....My sanity was removed at birth to make way for an over-inflated ego!
4,Football Team......Some of us like to think the Baggies are a football team now!
5,Fav Drink....Tea or Coke! Oh, the perils of being tee-total! "sigh"
6,Special Powers....The ability to make people believe that The Tree Is King!!!!
7,If you were not a member of the Famous HitSquad what would you rather be.....A Traction Engine
8, What odds do you think u will be to win the cardiff SPT [160 runners].....Well I'm definitely playing in it so that's a bonus! I reckon it's about even money that I'll make past the first hand and then you never know.
See you all in Cardiff!!!
The HitSquad Selection Commitee worked thru the nite, Ballotted early this mornin, [Sunrise as in the traditional ceremony], like Kunta Kinte holding up Kisse to the Dawning Sun!!
The results as follows....
New HitSquad Members, Young Gun & Vaigret[bless u Father]...But still to qualify for Cardiff i believe!
New HitSquad Members, Diggerman & goldenb238, both already qualified for Cardiff BRILLIANT !!
Don90 is hereby invited to join, if he would like to fill in a form[seconded by monkey123], we look forward to his softly spoken, concise analysis !!
& monkey123 & goldenb238 still need to post there forms up please to satisfy Squad regulations!!
The HitSquad is growing in numbers & quality!!
6 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1,Name...............Barry Moody aka Monkey123
2,SEX M/F...............M
3,SANE/INSANE.......... Ermmmmmmm Insane FTW
4,Football Team........ Man Utd , obvious soft spot for Fulham and QPR
5,Fav Drink, To MANY as long as it gets you drunk im on it.
6,Special Powers... Original member and Previous cashes in spt plus im a good bar runner to keep every 1 refreshed/drunk while playing
7,If you were not a member of the Famous HitSquad what would you rather be? NO COMMENT
8, What odds do you think u will be to win the cardiff SPT [160 runners]
Hmmmm final table last time out so must be short lol about 33/1 plus a few zeros
6 From the HIT SQUAD already going to cardiff i like it SURE many more to come. how many in from TKP?
So hitman rv whats the plan on how to out shine all that orange at cardiff? lol pink tops?? or do you have something else up your sleve?
Seems there is a big crossover between TKP, Al's Bar Regulars & HitSquad potentials, I'll have to draw a pie-chart thingy......then eat it with some Worcester Sauce and a nice Chianti.....supsupsupsup!! lol
In past We have done Pink Carnation Buttonhole's and Red Rose buttonhole's close to ST. Georges Day, They were nice and subtle lol!! [Re see the Mi name is Interviews]
Am open to suggestions, could easily do a flower again to keep tradition going LOL, could bring easily in ma car for all !! Other 'Tradition' will be a tray of shots 'in play' lol !!
While we are talkin, WE are defo goin on the fri pm to play in the fri nite tourney, we are lookin at possibly staying at the holiday inn for 2 nites!!