TPT game has appeared in lobby. Wed 8pm kick off. £5-50 buy in bounty hunter deepstack usual pw. I'll pm a link and pw to new members as soon as I finish winning this deepstack
3rd in small bounty hunter this afternoon while trying to get over my hangover for £89.98
Thats a little something back after losing about £300 in the early hours playing small stakes cash when drunk lol ( prob some sort of a record to lose that much playing 20nl and 30nl in about 2 hours ).
Never learn me
All the best for new year and gl to any of you playing tonight
hope the new year gets better this from the mini tonight got 1 head
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceTREBOR12 Small blind 400.00 400.00 6305.00 r1badboy17 Big blind 800.00 1200.00 37842.00 Your hole cards A A DREAMHUNTE Fold steelrod Raise 1600.00 2800.00 3350.00 Richiegone Call 1600.00 4400.00 17955.00 changling Call 1600.00 6000.00 6370.00 TREBOR12 Fold r1badboy17 Call 800.00 6800.00 37042.00 Flop 2 K 2 r1badboy17 Check steelrod All-in 3350.00 10150.00 0.00 Richiegone Fold changling Call 3350.00 13500.00 3020.00 r1badboy17 Fold steelrod Show A A changling Show Q K Turn J River K changling Win Full House, Kings and 2s 13500.00 16520.00 not the best way to end the year lol gl all
happy new year to all TPTers hope 2014 brings everyone health wealth and happiness, I still cant play as much as I was at the minute but have been running good when I have played. 1 from tonights main Richiegone1133154.30 MAXMAX123116047.62 sumner075440798.08 cdfgtyujk04£327.50biggs9105£275engy06£222.50
What is the password for the private game guys? Appreciate if someone could inbox me it please. Unsure if I can play, but I will try. £500 BH 4:30 DoubleAAA 0 17 £5.66 + £6.69 Head Prizes 3 Posted by DoubleAAA
Just a short note to say sorry to jjjack, chris, mylena and dangerdai who I was playing with in the TPT game tonight. unfortunately during the game I got a phone call from Birmingham telling me that my uncle Michael had passed away in hospital and I thought that it was only right that I stop playing out of respect for Mick, As I did not want to put a dampener on the game I thought it best to put it here instead of on the chat box,
2nd in a omaha 1st jan HAPPY NEW YEAR ALL played badly in all the deepys tonight let martin have my head in the TPT private game he's in the top 3 good luck martin 1bobbyf340001£8.50WHEELS716102£5.1001yakiT03£3.40
Hello all, happy new year. Just a short note to say sorry to jjjack, chris, mylena and dangerdai who I was playing with in the TPT game tonight. unfortunately during the game I got a phone call from Birmingham telling me that my uncle Michael had passed away in hospital and I thought that it was only right that I stop playing out of respect for Mick, As I did not want to put a dampener on the game I thought it best to put it here instead of on the chat box, Again sorry jjjack, chris, mylena and dangerdai. Dermot Posted by tomred64
Hello all, happy new year. Just a short note to say sorry to jjjack, chris, mylena and dangerdai who I was playing with in the TPT game tonight. unfortunately during the game I got a phone call from Birmingham telling me that my uncle Michael had passed away in hospital and I thought that it was only right that I stop playing out of respect for Mick, As I did not want to put a dampener on the game I thought it best to put it here instead of on the chat box, Again sorry jjjack, chris, mylena and dangerdai. Dermot Posted by tomred64
so sorry to here that mate condolences to you and your family..
Hello all, happy new year. Just a short note to say sorry to jjjack, chris, mylena and dangerdai who I was playing with in the TPT game tonight. unfortunately during the game I got a phone call from Birmingham telling me that my uncle Michael had passed away in hospital and I thought that it was only right that I stop playing out of respect for Mick, As I did not want to put a dampener on the game I thought it best to put it here instead of on the chat box, Again sorry jjjack, chris, mylena and dangerdai. Dermot Posted by tomred64
Sorry to hear about your loss my condolences go out to your family.Martin.
TPT game has appeared in lobby. Wed 8pm kick off. £5-50 buy in bounty hunter deepstack usual pw. I'll pm a link and pw to new members as soon as I finish winning this deepstack
Edited: PM's have now been sent to new members with the password. Please drop by even if you don't play it's a great way to get to meet the team.
Thats a little something back after losing about £300 in the early hours playing small stakes cash when drunk lol ( prob some sort of a record to lose that much playing 20nl and 30nl in about 2 hours
Never learn me
All the best for new year and gl to any of you playing tonight
Staying in at the tables all!
hope the new year gets better
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceTREBOR12 Small blind 400.00 400.00 6305.00 r1badboy17 Big blind 800.00 1200.00 37842.00 Your hole cards A A DREAMHUNTE Fold steelrod Raise 1600.00 2800.00 3350.00 Richiegone Call 1600.00 4400.00 17955.00 changling Call 1600.00 6000.00 6370.00 TREBOR12 Fold r1badboy17 Call 800.00 6800.00 37042.00 Flop 2 K 2 r1badboy17 Check steelrod All-in 3350.00 10150.00 0.00 Richiegone Fold changling Call 3350.00 13500.00 3020.00 r1badboy17 Fold steelrod Show A A changling Show Q K Turn J River K changling Win Full House, Kings and 2s 13500.00 16520.00
not the best way to end the year lol gl all
Happy new year everyone..
Richiegone1133154.30 MAXMAX123116047.62 sumner075440798.08 cdfgtyujk04£327.50biggs9105£275engy06£222.50
Hope it's a great one.
See you at the tables soon
the pub I go lol
£500 BH 4:30
DoubleAAA017£5.66 + £6.69 Head Prizes3
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceronnie2313 Small blind 50.00 50.00 4170.00 steelrod Big blind 100.00 150.00 14700.00 Your hole cards K K _PANDORA_ Fold dave84209 Fold cobaw Raise 300.00 450.00 15120.00 brozie604 Fold ronnie2313 Fold steelrod Raise 600.00 1050.00 14100.00 cobaw Call 400.00 1450.00 14720.00 Flop Q 5 3 steelrod Bet 1100.00 2550.00 13000.00 cobaw Call 1100.00 3650.00 13620.00 Turn 7 steelrod Bet 800.00 4450.00 12200.00 cobaw Raise 2400.00 6850.00 11220.00 steelrod Call 1600.00 8450.00 10600.00 River 9 steelrod Check cobaw All-in 11220.00 19670.00 0.00 steelrod All-in 10600.00 30270.00 0.00 cobaw Unmatched bet 620.00 29650.00 620.00 steelrod Show K K cobaw Show 2 A cobaw Win Flush to the Ace 29650.00 30270.00
2 cashes from me
£500 BH
Gl at the tables all
Just a short note to say sorry to jjjack, chris, mylena and dangerdai who I was playing with in the TPT game tonight. unfortunately during the game I got a phone call from Birmingham telling me that my uncle Michael had passed away in hospital and I thought that it was only right that I stop playing out of respect for Mick, As I did not want to put a dampener on the game I thought it best to put it here instead of on the chat box,
Again sorry jjjack, chris, mylena and dangerdai.
small cash in 7.15 deep from me tonight
jjjach700001£17.50 + £19.04 Head Prizes5 Jeffter02£10.50 + £2.34 Head Prizes1 dabossman03£7 + £5.64 Head Prizes3 dangerdai04£4.22 Head Prizes2 aiken200105 0 ZOED06£1.88 Head Prizes1 Chris_Mc07£1.88 Head Prizes1 tomred6408 0 POKERTREV09 0 Mylena010 0 FlyingDagg011 0 WHEELS7161012 0 Andy_Horns013 0 IrishRose014 0