Played really well in the Turbo 8k tonight, but ran into a brick wall twice, with a crazy runner runner house which set me right back and then exited with KK vs an A10 flush draw, he called my shove on the turn, pot odds 3-1 not sure what the odds are to spike flush on the river, someone here will know......I gues he is right to call.
ickle ickle cash in Deepie scotty368 376614.74 45ten 97676.40 gomez123 30708.86 buzzer57 0 4 £8.53 legslipper 0 5 £7.27 HENDRIK62 0 6 £6.26 dubmaster 0 7 £5.20 Played really well in the Turbo 8k tonight, but ran into a brick wall twice, with a crazy runner runner house which set me right back and then exited with KK vs an A10 flush draw, he called my shove on the turn, pot odds 3-1 not sure what the odds are to spike flush on the river, someone here will know......I gues he is right to call. Posted by HENDRIK62
Hendrik you may find this stat interesting. I never realised it was such a longshot. From an online poker site so I assume it's correct Chances of hitting flush with 2 suited cards . Flop 118/1 (0.18%) River 15/1 (6.4%)*
* These odds don't apply to Irishrose as she's willing to gamble 3/4 of her stack on an Ace flush draw hitting in the river as she proved last night in the Stars game Loves ya really Rose.
I knew it was a longer shot than most believe, but I guess dependant on the situation its a judgement call from him (losing this would have effectively put him into the ''clinging on for dear life category'')....If I can ever figure out how to post hands properly here I will put the hand up for you to see.
I have done it before(posted a hand), but now it seems to come up in the wrong format, and I have no idea why.
ickle ickle cash in Deepie scotty368 376614.74 45ten 97676.40 gomez123 30708.86 buzzer57 0 4 £8.53 legslipper 0 5 £7.27 HENDRIK62 0 6 £6.26 dubmaster 0 7 £5.20 Played really well in the Turbo 8k tonight, but ran into a brick wall twice, with a crazy runner runner house which set me right back and then exited with KK vs an A10 flush draw, he called my shove on the turn, pot odds 3-1 not sure what the odds are to spike flush on the river, someone here will know......I gues he is right to call. Posted by HENDRIK62
Hi Hendrik It really depends on what cards were on the flop & turn........
If he is holding 2 higher cards than the board, then it's not just about hitting his flush draw......his hand becomes much stronger because as well as the flush draw he is also drawing to 2 over cards versus top pair to the board, 9+3+3 = 15 outs - So this gives us an extra 6 outs (If you have paired the board)
This is always worth considering if we have 2 overs to the board & the flush draw.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : I'm In....... I'm also in the donk-a-fun password = truehitters.............. I'm also in the FOSP Tourney Posted by POKERTREV
Hey guys. Sorry, forgotten the password for the tpt game. can anyone help me out?
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Hey guys. Sorry, forgotten the password for the tpt game. can anyone help me out? ta Posted by mattprawn
Thanks guys, I knew it was a longer shot than most believe, but I guess dependant on the situation its a judgement call from him (losing this would have effectively put him into the ''clinging on for dear life category'')....If I can ever figure out how to post hands properly here I will put the hand up for you to see. I have done it before(posted a hand), but now it seems to come up in the wrong format, and I have no idea why. Neil Posted by HENDRIK62
Very Unlucky have to use Internet Explorer to post hands........Google Chrome defo doesnt work.
Well Done on all your cashes everyone.......I was ticking along in Mega until my AQ ran into AK and the underdog didnt win !!!!!! Sky Poker changing?????? (:D}
Looking forward to playing tomorrow nights Mini for the Team......thanks Guys
well done to my mate Duncan in the tpt game and bladey who knocked me out twice in the tpt game an the pound deepy which I finished 7th for £5.30 gl all tonight
Unfortunately I've just gone out of my FREE mini tourney.. .........Sorry everyone. Lost with Aces to Kings.....he hit....I didnt.......night night.
Actually I do seem to be struggling with Bounty Hunters at the moment, I havent cashed in one for ages. Every time I get a decent hand I min. raise and everyone folds, so i've tried just calling but dont win many chips, and a couple of times I've been bullied off showdowns, not wanting to lose my tourney life. Any ideas anyone as in the past I've had my best cashes in Bounty Hunters but dont seem to be playing them right at the moment, though I must admit I now do better with Deepys.....(probably coz there's more chips)
GOOD LUCK to everyone playing tonight, and as ALWAYS.........
Nice results Captain. Andy and Jonny. Unfortunately I've just gone out of my FREE mini tourney.. .........Sorry everyone. Lost with Aces to Kings.....he hit....I didnt.......night night. Actually I do seem to be struggling with Bounty Hunters at the moment, I havent cashed in one for ages. Every time I get a decent hand I min. raise and everyone folds, so i've tried just calling but dont win many chips, and a couple of times I've been bullied off showdowns, not wanting to lose my tourney life. Any ideas anyone as in the past I've had my best cashes in Bounty Hunters but dont seem to be playing them right at the moment, though I must admit I now do better with Deepys.....(probably coz there's more chips) GOOD LUCK to everyone playing tonight, and as ALWAYS......... ........MAY the CASH be with you ALL Posted by MISTY4ME
I would also like help in Bounty Hunters, played in the main tonight and just couldn't get going, took one bounty for £11.25 and that was it, the guy to my right was a maniac called with anything if there was a bounty up for grabs, showed utter junk and kept that the secret? I just can't seem to loosen up enough or i get pushed and pushed then shove ie my exit hand had about 12 BB and shoved K10 suited only to be called with 33 which of course held (they nevere seem to for me)
Hi Guys I'm away until monday as its my bro's Birthday & we will be celebrating his 50th in Blackpool. Bounty Hunter Strategy Help.................. I will put a post on here on Monday regarding this - I will play three games on tuesday for you to follow. I have had a lot of success in these tournies and it somewhat goes against the grain of ordinary MTT's but as long as we adhere to the basic principles, then it should improve your game in BH's. So I will post a short intro to how my strategy will work. I will also enter a BH and let you know what time & what buy-in are involved and you can come along for the ride and watch it play out in real time - I will also post any hands which I am unable to show at the table due to giving away information. Chances of making a profit .....imo - 65/35 - If the first one can follow my next - same principles will apply. results will vary, dependent on players at any given table but overall you will see your BH results improve. DO NOT attempt this in MTT's - it will ruin your game. I will attempt this at £5.50....£11.00 and either £22.00 or £55.00 in the same evening and post my results along with any hands which are of interest or address any questions you have for a particular hand. I don't do this often cause i'm not too articulate at expressing what it is I actually do differently and most peeps would say it's a losing strategy anyway - Which in a standard MTT I would have to agree with - but in a Bounty Hunter, it's all about giving false representation . More info to follow. false representation - this will be your first lesson in BH Strategy. Look forward to accomplishing this at my first attempt and helping you all progress. Wish me luck & I hope I can help. Posted by POKERTREV
Thanks Kapitano Trev,
I really look forward to following this, already intrigued.
Hi Guys I'm away until monday as its my bro's Birthday & we will be celebrating his 50th in Blackpool.
Bounty Hunter Strategy Help..................
I will put a post on here on Monday regarding this -
I will play three games on tuesday for you to follow.
I have had a lot of success in these tournies and it somewhat goes against the grain of ordinary MTT's but as long as we adhere to the basic principles, then it should improve your game in BH's. So I will post a short intro to how my strategy will work.
I will also enter a BH and let you know what time & what buy-in are involved and you can come along for the ride and watch it play out in real time - I will also post any hands which I am unable to show at the table due to giving away information.
Chances of making a profit .....imo - 65/35 -
If the first one can follow my next - same principles will apply.
results will vary, dependent on players at any given table but overall you will see your BH results improve.
DO NOT attempt this in MTT's - it will ruin your game.
I will attempt this at £5.50....£11.00 and either £22.00 or £55.00 in the same evening and post my results along with any hands which are of interest or address any questions you have for a particular hand.
I don't do this often cause i'm not too articulate at expressing what it is I actually do differently and most peeps would say it's a losing strategy anyway - Which in a standard MTT I would have to agree with - but in a Bounty Hunter, it's all about giving false representation. More info to follow.
false representation - this will be your first lesson in BH Strategy.
Look forward to accomplishing this at my first attempt and helping you all progress. Wish me luck & I hope I can help.
Edited Ive chosen Tuesday to do this as we play Forum DTD on Mondays, so Tusday I will be able give it more attention. Plus I hate Turbo Tuesdays Now theres a game I do need a better strategy with
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Thanks Kapitano Trev, I really look forward to following this, already intrigued. Neil Posted by HENDRIK62
Hi Hendrik.
I see a lot of peeps strugling with the Bounty Hunter Format, so hopfully I can help.
Whats the worst that can happen? - well it could all go belly up on the night I suppose but i'm confident I can make it happen.
I've chosen 3 levels £5.50 - £11.00 & £22 or £55.00 just to try & prove we can make it work at all levels.
Someone mentioned the other night that they found it difficult at the £55.00 level due to the quality of players, but imo we can take advantage of this too.
Chances of hitting flush with 2 suited cards . Flop 118/1 (0.18%) River 15/1 (6.4%)*
* These odds don't apply to Irishrose as she's willing to gamble 3/4 of her stack on an Ace flush draw hitting in the river as she proved last night in the Stars game
Loves ya really Rose.
= /> 11 of the suit left out of 50 unknowns and when it flops there are 10 left out of 49 etc
so to flop all 3 = 11/50*10/49*9/48 = 0.84% = 118 to 1*
* doesn't apply in Ireland
It really depends on what cards were on the flop & turn........
If he is holding 2 higher cards than the board, then it's not just about hitting his flush draw......his hand becomes much stronger because as well as the flush draw he is also drawing to 2 over cards versus top pair to the board, 9+3+3 = 15 outs - So this gives us an extra 6 outs (If you have paired the board)
This is always worth considering if we have 2 overs to the board & the flush draw.
I'll go play elsewhere tonight. GL TPTers, you'll need it.
Final reminder 8pm tonight
Be there or be square (showing my age with that one)
I'm also in the donk-a-fun password = truehitters..............
I'm also in the FOSP Tourney
3rd Sept
PPGP Q5 freeroll
14 th from (257 players)
£500 BH- entry won in freeroll
24 th from (104)
£11.25 Head Prizes
9pm 2K Bounty Hunter
MISTY4ME 0 6 £11.78
This hand helped a lot.......1 for Craig to smile about......NICE to punish the LIMPER !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I couldn't believe my LUCK actually (:D}
skyemoe Small blind 100.00 100.00 14155.00 spookyeye Big blind 200.00 300.00 9597.50 Your hole cards 8 10 benny_hall Fold woody207 Fold MISTY4ME Call 200.00 500.00 13287.50 DJerv Call 200.00 700.00 1817.50 skyemoe Call 100.00 800.00 14055.00 spookyeye Check Flop 6 9 K skyemoe Check spookyeye Check MISTY4ME Check DJerv Check Turn 7 skyemoe All-in 14055.00 14855.00 0.00 spookyeye All-in 9597.50 24452.50 0.00 MISTY4ME All-in 13287.50 37740.00 0.00 DJerv Fold skyemoe Unmatched bet 767.50 36972.50 767.50 skyemoe Show A A spookyeye Show 8 5 MISTY4ME Show 8 10 River K MISTY4ME Win Straight to the 10 36972.50
I'm away until monday as its my bro's Birthday & we will be celebrating his 50th in Blackpool.
Bounty Hunter Strategy Help..................
I will put a post on here on Monday regarding this -
I will play three games on tuesday for you to follow.
I have had a lot of success in these tournies and it somewhat goes against the grain of ordinary MTT's but as long as we adhere to the basic principles, then it should improve your game in BH's. So I will post a short intro to how my strategy will work.
I will also enter a BH and let you know what time & what buy-in are involved and you can come along for the ride and watch it play out in real time - I will also post any hands which I am unable to show at the table due to giving away information.
Chances of making a profit .....imo - 65/35 -
If the first one can follow my next - same principles will apply.
results will vary, dependent on players at any given table but overall you will see your BH results improve.
DO NOT attempt this in MTT's - it will ruin your game.
I will attempt this at £5.50....£11.00 and either £22.00 or £55.00 in the same evening and post my results along with any hands which are of interest or address any questions you have for a particular hand.
I don't do this often cause i'm not too articulate at expressing what it is I actually do differently and most peeps would say it's a losing strategy anyway - Which in a standard MTT I would have to agree with - but in a Bounty Hunter, it's all about giving false representation. More info to follow.
false representation - this will be your first lesson in BH Strategy.
Look forward to accomplishing this at my first attempt and helping you all progress.
Wish me luck & I hope I can help.
Ive chosen Tuesday to do this as we play Forum DTD on Mondays, so Tusday I will be able give it more attention. Plus I hate Turbo Tuesdays
I see a lot of peeps strugling with the Bounty Hunter Format, so hopfully I can help.
Whats the worst that can happen? - well it could all go belly up on the night I suppose
I've chosen 3 levels £5.50 - £11.00 & £22 or £55.00 just to try & prove we can make it work at all levels.
Someone mentioned the other night that they found it difficult at the £55.00 level due to the quality of players, but imo we can take advantage of this too.