Sigh forgot to reg on dtd thread, got a 3rd in 3 and 30thish best other. O well, sorry all.
No laptop till Thurs, going to post a blank after this to edit with weeklys then.
Ps if you ever need computer repaired dont ask Allan from work, he is very slow
Luckily not paying for his time, a pint and parts it is lol
EDIT ok so had a fight with tablet and won.....sort of, looks orange to me but it was on red so hopefully just on my end, if not will sort out thurs when get laptop back.
Hi all, hope all are baring up ok One from me today in £55 which I got in for £6 Nuggy962 0 5 £90 + £65.63 Head Prizes 3 Run well all Posted by Nuggy962
finished 16th in turbo last night for £42.30 and 8th in the bh larson won on sunday night for £72 ty for rail trev and micko Posted by FLASHJONNY
Wtg Jonny. Sorry didn't realise you were playing or would have popped in and said hi. Was railing on other tables having fun and causing mischief as always
Last night was really fun! apart from someone with bad manners that's all will say on that matter. Was in fits of laughter as always. Love how you all got into the spirit of the mischief too. Makes it better. I was sort of getting a bit worried about emperorsex and Sir Gary though at one time, am sure they were playing footsy under the table roflmao.It was a real pleasure to rail you all and thank you to stay and go for his kind words.
Good luck tonight on the tables, run golden as always and run deep xx
so with 35chips(less than half a BB).......pick your spot ......ha ha ha ha ha (I did wait 1 hand)
blondie505 Small blind 40.00 40.00 8050.00 GliterBabe Big blind 80.00 120.00 3580.00 Your hole cards 8 9 trevor1957 Call 80.00 200.00 3580.00 MISTY4ME All-in 35.00 235.00 0.00 blondie505 Fold GliterBabe Check Flop 7 J 9 GliterBabe Bet 117.50 352.50 3462.50 trevor1957 Call 117.50 470.00 3462.50 Turn 6 GliterBabe Check trevor1957 Bet 470.00 940.00 2992.50 GliterBabe Fold trevor1957 Unmatched bet 470.00 470.00 3462.50 trevor1957 Show A 2 MISTY4ME Show 8 9 River 4 MISTY4ME Win Pair of 9s 140.00 140.00 trevor1957 Win Ace high 330.00
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii......quadruple up........(to then the very next very lucky
GliterBabe Small blind 40.00 40.00 3422.50 trevor1957 Big blind 80.00 120.00 3712.50 Your hole cards 10 7 MISTY4ME All-in 140.00 260.00 0.00 blondie505 Fold GliterBabe Raise 400.00 660.00 3022.50 trevor1957 All-in 3712.50 4372.50 0.00 GliterBabe Fold trevor1957 Unmatched bet 3352.50 1020.00 3352.50 trevor1957 Show 5 5 MISTY4ME Show 10 7 Flop J K Q Turn A River 8 MISTY4ME Win Straight to the Ace 420.00 420.00 trevor1957 Win Pair of 5s 600.00
having won a few chips on the hand in between......... on a roll now
trevor1957 Small blind 40.00 40.00 3912.50 MISTY4ME Big blind 80.00 120.00 340.00 Your hole cards A J blondie505 Fold GliterBabe Raise 160.00 280.00 2862.50 trevor1957 Call 120.00 400.00 3792.50 MISTY4ME All-in 340.00 740.00 0.00 GliterBabe All-in 2862.50 3602.50 0.00 trevor1957 Fold GliterBabe Unmatched bet 2602.50 1000.00 2602.50 MISTY4ME Show A J GliterBabe Show A 6 Flop J 4 J Turn 7 River Q MISTY4ME Win Three Jacks 1000.00 and this one really did help.......I don't really know what Trevor was drinking/smoking.......but it certainly helped me!!!!!!!!!
blondie505 Small blind 40.00 40.00 7850.00 GliterBabe Big blind 80.00 120.00 2522.50 Your hole cards A A trevor1957 Raise 160.00 280.00 3632.50 MISTY4ME Raise 400.00 680.00 760.00 blondie505 Fold GliterBabe Fold trevor1957 Call 240.00 920.00 3392.50 Flop 4 3 3 trevor1957 All-in 3392.50 4312.50 0.00 MISTY4ME All-in 760.00 5072.50 0.00 trevor1957 Unmatched bet 2632.50 2440.00 2632.50 trevor1957 Show 9 7 MISTY4ME Show A A Turn J River 2 MISTY4ME Win Two Pairs, Aces and 3s 2440.00
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii......I'll not bore you any longer but it proves with a bit(.....well a LOT!!!!!!!) of luck you can turn things round from less than half a BB, so never ever give up.......#Chip'n'aChair
In that hand that did the damage you should fold the flop because we're hoping to hit 3 cards and 1 potential dirty out which happened to come on turn. After 2 shoves on the turn I don't think a straight is ever winning
Hi guys, sorry not posted for a while, been on holiday and busy with work so not played much. Had some success in DYM's @£%.50 and £11 and managed to build the bank roll a little.
The reason for my post is to get some commentary on a hand I played today. I was chastised by the person I beat in the showdown for not playing it properly but I don't think I did anything wrong. We were still in level 1, I still had my starting stack and had a relatively strong starting hand.
I'd more than welcome feedback from fellow TPT'ers because I was called a donkey and a fish after winning the hand. I think that's unfair. I was then told what my ROI was and that I should be playing play money poker. So I felt compelled to go find that player and tell her how rude she was...So glad to be back playing!!
I don't know how to add the hand history from the site so will talk through it... I had JQ offsuit on the button, blinds 10/20 (level 1) Mid position raised to 80 so I called. Flop came Q82 Initial raiser bet 250. As I had hit top pair with decent kicker and still (very unlikely) straight draw I called - also I still had 1700 chips so still 85 BBs. Turn came J so I hit top 2 pair. Opponent went all in so I put them on big pair either KK or AA given the 250 raise. So I called with my top 2 pair Opponent had KK, river gave a 9 and I beat them. Cue the insults...
4x in level 1 is usually pretty strong so even on the button I think I fold a hand like QJo.
May fold the flop given a 4x and pot bet but some villains take same line with AK, however loving the turn and even more so the overbet jam, it's always AA/KK :-)
4x in level 1 is usually pretty strong so even on the button I think I fold a hand like QJo. May fold the flop given a 4x and pot bet but some villains take same line with AK, however loving the turn and even more so the overbet jam, it's always AA/KK :-) Posted by Matt237
Thanks Matt, I really appreciate the feedback. I would normally fold QJ facing a 4x from mid position but this person had done the same the hand before and when it got to showdown they had J9s so were playing a wide range. Then when I hit top pair I thought they were trying to steal the pot with a 2x pot bet. If they'd bet all in after the flop I would've folded, which is what I told them when they were insulting me!
They were calling me all sorts afterwards and I didn't get chance to have my say as the game ended about 5 mins later and the table closed. I had to go and find them and give them a piece of my mind from the rail on another table!
BTW, how did my opponent know what my ROI was? Was she using some tracking software? Posted by richiev
Hi Richie, first off they are using sharkscope, like you guessed a tracking site. I would advise you use it too as very handy for tracking your own progress and also doing your homework on opponents. Its free with 5 searches a day and limited use but for a small monthly fee you can get basic package with tons of searches and access to filters etc, great for seeing where you do well and where you dont.
Secondly it clearly states that it is not meant as a means to abuse other players and access to site will be blocked if this occurs.
Its a funny old world, most of the players who have had a pop at my play or someone elses when im at table, after scoping them ( slang for sharkscope #downwivdakids), their stats are awful!
Perhaps frustration at constantly losing, anyhow i wouldnt let it bother you, theirs no right or wrong in poker, we all pay the same buy in and therefor are aloud to do as we wish, after all it would be boring if we played the same : )
From what you said i think i know who you mean, even more reason not to worry as she has had a pop at me before and i have witnessed her abuse numerous others. Personally i have never reported anyone, depending on mood will either ignore, attempt reasoning ( futile! ), or goad ; )
Ritchie let them chastise away. You do what you feel. No one plays poker the same way. Just because you didn't play the hand how they would have liked you or expected you to play it so what!!! Each player is different.
First of all - Don't worry about players havin a go at you for your play, it's pretty standard especially in DYM's and on most sites tbh. Think about the positive aspects of it.....if they are annoyed with you then they are not going to play optimal poker & thats a +ev for us.
I usually just type "ty" in the chat box - they hate it
Secondly - In the first level of a DYM you have a very deep stack, so there is nothing wrong with the call imo. I don't fold much in this position in the early stages. I like to see a flop.
Once you hit the flop, it all about pot control & working our if you are ahead. I'm never folding top pair to a continuation bet. Once you hit 2 pair it's happy days & just hard luck for the oppo. Thats just the nature of the game & unfortunately some players ar unable to deal with it.
TPT Member Keith1960 recenty hit a full house 10's over 4's I think, unfortunately he ran it into a bigger full house A's over 4's - Theres no way he's getting away from it, but it happens.
You are entitled to play your cards anyway you see fit.
ps. just a little piece of advice from me........don't go seaking players at other tables to have words with them because in my experience it's usually you who ends up with a chat ban rather that the other player who was abusive in the first place. Just ignor them.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Your stats can be tracked on "Sharkscope" but only MTT's & S&G table Not cash. It's a handy tool if you play a lot of DYM's & S&G's I play mainly MTT's so have mine blocked Posted by POKERTREV
THanks to Matt237, Flashjonny, Geldy, Lmfaoallin, pokertrev and darkangel7 for your kind words and feedback. I take all feedback as a positive as we can all improve our game. I felt like it was the right play but can also see the drawbacks in it so its really good to get such a balanced view. It's also nice to see the good side of the Sky Poker community. I have to admit I was tempted to jack it in after that abuse. I'm no pro, I play for fun and that experience really sucked the life out of me.
I probably shouldn't have gone after her but I needed to put my point across. Funnily enough some of the others on the table called out her poor behaviour too so that made me feel justified. I wont be making a habit of it though - wise words Trev that I will take on board.
Thanks for the heads up on sharkscope too. I'll check that out. I feel like my game is progressing sufficiently to invest in something like that. I'm starting to get a 75% win rate on DYM's so that might give me an extra edge.
Thanks again everyone, really feeling the TPT love tonight.
Cash wise, I'm 9W 1L on 5.50 DYM's tonight so a profit of £35. Hoping to step up to £11 DYM in the next week once the bankroll allows.
Hi guys, sorry not posted for a while, been on holiday and busy with work so not played much. Had some success in DYM's @£%.50 and £11 and managed to build the bank roll a little. The reason for my post is to get some commentary on a hand I played today. I was chastised by the person I beat in the showdown for not playing it properly but I don't think I did anything wrong. We were still in level 1, I still had my starting stack and had a relatively strong starting hand. I'd more than welcome feedback from fellow TPT'ers because I was called a donkey and a fish after winning the hand. I think that's unfair. I was then told what my ROI was and that I should be playing play money poker. So I felt compelled to go find that player and tell her how rude she was...So glad to be back playing!! I don't know how to add the hand history from the site so will talk through it... I had JQ offsuit on the button, blinds 10/20 (level 1) Mid position raised to 80 so I called. Flop came Q82 Initial raiser bet 250. As I had hit top pair with decent kicker and still (very unlikely) straight draw I called - also I still had 1700 chips so still 85 BBs. Turn came J so I hit top 2 pair. Opponent went all in so I put them on big pair either KK or AA given the 250 raise. So I called with my top 2 pair Opponent had KK, river gave a 9 and I beat them. Cue the insults... Posted by richiev
hi Richie. Regarding the hand itself I'm definitely not looking to get involved with a hand like queen jack without being the pre flop raiser as it's a hand that has reverse implied odds, we either win a small pot when we hit or lose our stack when we're against a hand that dominates us with a better kicker or an over pair. Facing a 4x open also I assume we are against a stronger range ( if we think of what he has from 8s to aces or queen jack and better we are in bad shape) hands like 33 are much more effective to play deepstacked as they have good implied odds where we lose a small pot when we miss and win a big one when we hit. Obviously the flop is great for our hand although when he bets so large it feels strong, but if we're playing the hand we can't fold on a flop this good for our hand with top pair. Imagine we hit top pair or a straight draw one in four times (not sure the exact odds) then 3/4s of the time we fold the flop and lose 80 chips each time. If we ever fold here then we're burning chips as we aren't continuing nearly enough to justify our 80 investment. If he fires the turn and we don't improve I'm inclined to believe he has a better hand. I think most the time he gives up with his nothing. Hitting the jack makes it easy. You definitely didn't deserve criticism for the hand, in fact I think he played it worse. I don't know if the blinds entered the hand but if not overbetting the flop with a monster makes it very easy to play against if he doesn't bet his bluffs so big. You claim you put him on a big hand when he overbets the turn so I imagine you fold non jack turns. This basically means he only gets called by better hands so he is severely value cutting himself for when your ahead. My advice is not to rise to the bait and don't be embarrassed about having a low rate of interest, most players are losing ( I wager your opponent was) also the fact you asked for feedback shows a willingness to improve, I'd recommend watching gripsed videos on YouTube for a more solid foundation with the game. You will find that the better players on the site don't resort to direct criticism of the opponents when they get unlucky. Usually it's the bad tilty aggressive players who don't have a solid understanding of the game who can't understand that aces and Kings don't always win- the same opponents who brush off when they get lucky and believe they deserve it from when they got "unlucky" before! The best way to handle these players is to sarcastically thank them or mock their chip stacks to induce them to play less optimally and tilt or just state your still in and they're out! All the best in future games If any bits don't make sense tell me, I typed this on a tablet so autocorrect might have f***** me lol
Also thanks James for your kind comments on the other thread, I cant believe I haven't ran into you on the tables i went through a spell where you were on every table. Hi to all the other TPT folks I find myself reading through this thread from time to time
Last night was really fun! apart from someone with bad manners that's all will say on that matter. Was in fits of laughter as always. Love how you all got into the spirit of the mischief too. Makes it better. I was sort of getting a bit worried about emperorsex and Sir Gary though at one time, am sure they were playing footsy under the table
Good luck tonight on the tables, run golden as always and run deep xx
Happy Birthday Olive
I'm having the evening off - chilling out & playing FIFA round my lads house tonight.
Been a tough week.
ps. Orange are offering me a 4g upgrade....trouble is I have no signal on my 3g and they have tried to phone me 3 times - happy days
Best of luck all.
the one that did the initial damage.......
MISTY4ME Small blind 30.00 30.00 2245.00 FREDTHETED Big blind 60.00 90.00 1750.00 Your hole cards J 10 blondie505 Call 60.00 150.00 2180.00 GliterBabe Fold trevor1957 Call 60.00 210.00 5400.00 MISTY4ME Raise 90.00 300.00 2155.00 FREDTHETED Call 60.00 360.00 1690.00 blondie505 Call 60.00 420.00 2120.00 trevor1957 Raise 120.00 540.00 5280.00 MISTY4ME Call 60.00 600.00 2095.00 FREDTHETED Call 60.00 660.00 1630.00 blondie505 Call 60.00 720.00 2060.00 Flop 6 A Q MISTY4ME Check FREDTHETED Check blondie505 Bet 360.00 1080.00 1700.00 trevor1957 Fold MISTY4ME Call 360.00 1440.00 1735.00 FREDTHETED Call 360.00 1800.00 1270.00 Turn K MISTY4ME Check FREDTHETED All-in 1270.00 3070.00 0.00 blondie505 All-in 1700.00 4770.00 0.00 MISTY4ME Call 1700.00 6470.00 35.00 MISTY4ME Show J 10 FREDTHETED Show 5 Q blondie505 Show 7 8 River 4 blondie505 Win Flush to the Ace 6470.00
so with 35chips(less than half a BB).......pick your spot ......ha ha ha ha ha (I did wait 1 hand)
blondie505 Small blind 40.00 40.00 8050.00 GliterBabe Big blind 80.00 120.00 3580.00 Your hole cards 8 9 trevor1957 Call 80.00 200.00 3580.00 MISTY4ME All-in 35.00 235.00 0.00 blondie505 Fold GliterBabe Check Flop 7 J 9 GliterBabe Bet 117.50 352.50 3462.50 trevor1957 Call 117.50 470.00 3462.50 Turn 6 GliterBabe Check trevor1957 Bet 470.00 940.00 2992.50 GliterBabe Fold trevor1957 Unmatched bet 470.00 470.00 3462.50 trevor1957 Show A 2 MISTY4ME Show 8 9 River 4 MISTY4ME Win Pair of 9s 140.00 140.00 trevor1957 Win Ace high 330.00
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii......quadruple up........(to
then the very next very lucky
GliterBabe Small blind 40.00 40.00 3422.50 trevor1957 Big blind 80.00 120.00 3712.50 Your hole cards 10 7 MISTY4ME All-in 140.00 260.00 0.00 blondie505 Fold GliterBabe Raise 400.00 660.00 3022.50 trevor1957 All-in 3712.50 4372.50 0.00 GliterBabe Fold trevor1957 Unmatched bet 3352.50 1020.00 3352.50 trevor1957 Show 5 5 MISTY4ME Show 10 7 Flop J K Q Turn A River 8 MISTY4ME Win Straight to the Ace 420.00 420.00 trevor1957 Win Pair of 5s 600.00
having won a few chips on the hand in between......... on a roll now
trevor1957 Small blind 40.00 40.00 3912.50 MISTY4ME Big blind 80.00 120.00 340.00 Your hole cards A J blondie505 Fold GliterBabe Raise 160.00 280.00 2862.50 trevor1957 Call 120.00 400.00 3792.50 MISTY4ME All-in 340.00 740.00 0.00 GliterBabe All-in 2862.50 3602.50 0.00 trevor1957 Fold GliterBabe Unmatched bet 2602.50 1000.00 2602.50 MISTY4ME Show A J GliterBabe Show A 6 Flop J 4 J Turn 7 River Q MISTY4ME Win Three Jacks 1000.00
and this one really did help.......I don't really know what Trevor was drinking/smoking.......but it certainly helped me!!!!!!!!!
blondie505 Small blind 40.00 40.00 7850.00 GliterBabe Big blind 80.00 120.00 2522.50 Your hole cards A A trevor1957 Raise 160.00 280.00 3632.50 MISTY4ME Raise 400.00 680.00 760.00 blondie505 Fold GliterBabe Fold trevor1957 Call 240.00 920.00 3392.50 Flop 4 3 3 trevor1957 All-in 3392.50 4312.50 0.00 MISTY4ME All-in 760.00 5072.50 0.00 trevor1957 Unmatched bet 2632.50 2440.00 2632.50 trevor1957 Show 9 7 MISTY4ME Show A A Turn J River 2 MISTY4ME Win Two Pairs, Aces and 3s 2440.00
Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii......I'll not bore you any longer but it proves with a bit(.....well a LOT!!!!!!!) of luck you can turn things round from less than half a BB, so never ever give up.......#Chip'n'aChair
Hi guys, sorry not posted for a while, been on holiday and busy with work so not played much. Had some success in DYM's @£%.50 and £11 and managed to build the bank roll a little.
The reason for my post is to get some commentary on a hand I played today. I was chastised by the person I beat in the showdown for not playing it properly but I don't think I did anything wrong. We were still in level 1, I still had my starting stack and had a relatively strong starting hand.
I'd more than welcome feedback from fellow TPT'ers because I was called a donkey and a fish after winning the hand. I think that's unfair. I was then told what my ROI was and that I should be playing play money poker. So I felt compelled to go find that player and tell her how rude she was...So glad to be back playing!!
I don't know how to add the hand history from the site so will talk through it...
I had JQ offsuit on the button, blinds 10/20 (level 1)
Mid position raised to 80 so I called. Flop came Q82
Initial raiser bet 250. As I had hit top pair with decent kicker and still (very unlikely) straight draw I called - also I still had 1700 chips so still 85 BBs.
Turn came J so I hit top 2 pair.
Opponent went all in so I put them on big pair either KK or AA given the 250 raise. So I called with my top 2 pair
Opponent had KK, river gave a 9 and I beat them.
Cue the insults...
They were calling me all sorts afterwards and I didn't get chance to have my say as the game ended about 5 mins later and the table closed. I had to go and find them and give them a piece of my mind from the rail on another table!
First of all - Don't worry about players havin a go at you for your play, it's pretty standard especially in DYM's and on most sites tbh. Think about the positive aspects of it.....if they are annoyed with you then they are not going to play optimal poker & thats a +ev for us.
I usually just type "ty" in the chat box - they hate it
Secondly - In the first level of a DYM you have a very deep stack, so there is nothing wrong with the call imo. I don't fold much in this position in the early stages. I like to see a flop.
Once you hit the flop, it all about pot control & working our if you are ahead. I'm never folding top pair to a continuation bet. Once you hit 2 pair it's happy days & just hard luck for the oppo. Thats just the nature of the game & unfortunately some players ar unable to deal with it.
TPT Member Keith1960 recenty hit a full house 10's over 4's I think, unfortunately he ran it into a bigger full house A's over 4's - Theres no way he's getting away from it, but it happens.
You are entitled to play your cards anyway you see fit.
ps. just a little piece of advice from me........don't go seaking players at other tables to have words with them because in my experience it's usually you who ends up with a chat ban rather that the other player who was abusive in the first place. Just ignor them.
Best of luck at the tables.
It's a handy tool if you play a lot of DYM's & S&G's
I play mainly MTT's so have mine blocked
On the sharkscope home pake Click "OPTIONS" (its on thetop right hand corner)
Then Click "OPT OUT" in the scroll down menu....enter an email address poker user name & thats it, your done.
edit**** they will send u an email, then just click on the link to confirm.
I probably shouldn't have gone after her but I needed to put my point across. Funnily enough some of the others on the table called out her poor behaviour too so that made me feel justified. I wont be making a habit of it though - wise words Trev that I will take on board.
Thanks for the heads up on sharkscope too. I'll check that out. I feel like my game is progressing sufficiently to invest in something like that. I'm starting to get a 75% win rate on DYM's so that might give me an extra edge.
Thanks again everyone, really feeling the TPT love tonight.
Cash wise, I'm 9W 1L on 5.50 DYM's tonight so a profit of £35. Hoping to step up to £11 DYM in the next week once the bankroll allows.