Well played to Matt and FeelGroggy watched them last night for a couple of hours in the UKPC satellite well done to both don't think either were in any danger towards the end just watched mainly didn't want to witch them so stayed quiet.
Well played to Matt and FeelGroggy watched them last night for a couple of hours in the UKPC satellite well done to both don't think either were in any danger towards the end just watched mainly didn't want to witch them so stayed quiet. Posted by DoyleBrun
Hi Doyle - thank you. Sorry, you did wish me luck earlier in the evening, I should have said thanks.
Please do feel free to say hello in the chat box if you're around in future. To be honest it helps me focus to know someone is watching! If you spotted anything I could improve on, feedback is also always welcomed.
To me Matt it was flawless I think you had one double up late on when I think you was in front when you got it in after that you didn't seem to be in any trouble. its a lot easier when you watch some one else play. Will keep watching when I can to try and pick some tips up.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Hi Doyle - thank you. Sorry, you did wish me luck earlier in the evening, I should have said thanks. Please do feel free to say hello in the chat box if you're around in future. To be honest it helps me focus to know someone is watching! If you spotted anything I could improve on, feedback is also always welcomed. Cheers and good luck on the tables. Best Matt Posted by mattprawn
I crashed out as am knackered as you know would have been watching you :P
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Hi jjjach did you manage to get your download done? Just want to know that you are up and running again Gl at the tables & hope you run golden Posted by SidV79[/QUO
No Sid.I had to bring lappy back to pc world.Their internet was down so couldn't fix it!!!Hope to pick it up tomorrow.Can still use my old one.Although alot of things don't work on it and can't use download on sky so have to use the old version.Just one of those things.These things happen.Thanks again for your help though.Gl on the tables.
Hi jjjach I hope you have your lappie back and it is up and running after having done the download now. No problem as I will do my best to help you (or anyone else in TPT) if I can.
I think I'm suffering some of TREV's run BADDDDDD with good hands at the minute........... I'm not surprised people get peed off with the site and leave. Obviously I know it can happen (Varience and all that).... but when it happens repeatedly, there comes a time when you just lose confidence completely. Tonight in the UKPC semi this is probably the worst one yet, I just can't understand why anyone would put their tournament life at risk and shove with Q6o for 30 chips !!!!!!!!!!....The worst thing is though SKY seems to accomodate them......it's almost as though if you shove and you have the worst hand ......YOU WILL WIN !!!!!! I won't bore you with about a dozen other examples of run badddddd hands recently but how are others finding things at present??
poppy2015 Small blind 15.00 15.00 1365.00 MISTY4ME Big blind 30.00 45.00 1552.50 Your hole cards A A mulvenSP Fold karlluke Fold StayOrGo Fold poppy2015 All-in 1365.00 1410.00 0.00 MISTY4ME All-in 1552.50 2962.50 0.00 MISTY4ME Unmatched bet 202.50 2760.00 202.50 poppy2015 Show 6 Q MISTY4ME Show A A Flop 6 8 6 Turn K River K poppy2015 Win Full House, 6s and Kings 2760.00
Misty - I know that feeling quite well.....I saw KK & AA get beat loads of times this past few days & AK just doesn't seam to be able to hit the board. Variance is a funny thing.
Thankfully last night I managed to avoid them all to the point I was folding AK to any raise, which seamed to work from my results last night. Had a few bad beats but thankfully I was in pretty good shape stack wise to be able to take the beats and shrug them off.
Unlucky Misty thats just sick Nice results MattPrawn, jj, wheels Welcome Sid & any other newbies just played 2 mtts since being back :-) £1,500 Speedy MBI BH 1/46 GELDY 230000 1 £425.50 + £316.48 Head Prizes 6 Posted by GELDY
Thank you GELDY for your warm welcome. Adding to MISTY's comments I agree with him as time and again I have raised at least 3xBB only to be called with trash hands but the one that really peed me off was last nite. I was cl with hole cards of AQs so raised 5xBB got called flopped AJx raised the pot was called turn 8 and at this point there was no back door flushes to be had and I thought no straights either. The other guy min raised so i shoved he followed with the few chips he had left so he showed Q9os then came the ONLY card he cud have won with which was a 10 giving him an unbelieveable straight!!!!!!!! As MISTY said that can happen due to variance but for it to keep happening as often as it does is unrealistic to say the least and is no wonder that good players are leaving. One of the other players at the table then made a comment and laughed because I had lost 85% of my chips to such a hand as that which I felt was uncalled for and totally unacceptable on these tables but a few hands later I had the last laugh as i knocked him out of the tourney which I eventually won. Anyway enough of my moaning and let me say well done to all with your cashes no matter how much they may be. Good luck at the tables and run golden all the time
Well played all. Great cashes. As some of you know am having a mare in the real life so poker has to take a back seat for a bit. Hope to be back railing properly in the next few weeks after I've gone to war. Yes Angel has got a dark side and it's not a very pretty one I'm afraid. So for those who always say I'm too nice maybe I am bit never cross me. I hope you all run golden and maybe able to do a bit of railing later depending on how stuff goes. If I can't I leave loads of angel dust and angel hugs for running good.
Please do feel free to say hello in the chat box if you're around in future. To be honest it helps me focus to know someone is watching! If you spotted anything I could improve on, feedback is also always welcomed.
Cheers and good luck on the tables.
Well done on all your cashes.
Gonna try & chill & give DTD a go Tonight, but don't expect miracles
Best of Luck All.
Best of luck at the tables everyone, hopefully see some of you in the Orfordable Deepy Tonight.
Tonight in the UKPC semi this is probably the worst one yet, I just can't understand why anyone would put their tournament life at risk and shove with Q6o for 30 chips !!!!!!!!!!....The worst thing is though SKY seems to accomodate them......it's almost as though if you shove and you have the worst hand ......YOU WILL WIN !!!!!!
I won't bore you with about a dozen other examples of run badddddd hands recently but how are others finding things at present??
poppy2015 Small blind 15.00 15.00 1365.00 MISTY4ME Big blind 30.00 45.00 1552.50 Your hole cards A A mulvenSP Fold karlluke Fold StayOrGo Fold poppy2015 All-in 1365.00 1410.00 0.00 MISTY4ME All-in 1552.50 2962.50 0.00 MISTY4ME Unmatched bet 202.50 2760.00 202.50 poppy2015 Show 6 Q MISTY4ME Show A A Flop 6 8 6 Turn K River K poppy2015 Win Full House, 6s and Kings 2760.00
Orfordable Deepy
Misty - I know that feeling quite well.....I saw KK & AA get beat loads of times this past few days & AK just doesn't seam to be able to hit the board. Variance is a funny thing.
Thankfully last night I managed to avoid them all to the point I was folding AK to any raise, which seamed to work from my results last night. Had a few bad beats but thankfully I was in pretty good shape stack wise to be able to take the beats and shrug them off.
Main event -= 4th place
mattprawn04£373.80 + £105.82 Head Prizes5
£50BH - 5ht place
05£120 + £72.65 Head Prizes3
Best of luck all