All hail Queen Donna of TPT. Off with their heads! VWP.
Not played well in a while so pleased with something of a return (?) to form this evening. Managed to win the 9pm £50 BH for just short of £1k
£536.50 + £409.14 Head Prizes
Off on holiday on Sunday for a fortnight and won't be playing any poker. Might just squeeze in a sneaky game on Saturday night, so hope to catch a few of you then. In the meantime, run golden all!
Matty it was a sheer fluke I ran like the wind. Hit everything and anything. It was fun apart from the last bit. FT with loads of chips. Well done was watching for a bit but was quiet.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Kick in the teeth? Which finishing school did you attend donna? Hehahahehehahahe Posted by chilling
Chilli, school of hard knocks, just don't let me get hold of a hockey stick or a cricket bat.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Chilli, school of hard knocks, just don't let me get hold of a hockey stick or a cricket bat. Posted by Darkangel7
Hello all, I'd like to welcome you all to your latest team member. Kaydawg. Darkangel sent me, as I'm quite an amiable fellow and people warm to me quickly.. So hello team mates.
Oh, by the way, Could you all kindly run golden for all eternity.
Hello all, I'd like to welcome you all to your latest team member. Kaydawg. Darkangel sent me, as I'm quite an amiable fellow and people warm to me quickly.. So hello team mates. Oh, by the way, Could you all kindly run golden for all eternity. Thank you please Posted by KAYDAWG
Lmao Kay welcome, you did really well tonight in the b.h.
2k bh Mactrad1 0 3 £108.51 + £36.64 Head Prizes 4 750 bh Mactrad1 0 9 £14.19 + £12.19 Head Prizes should i post small wins like this as i normally dont Posted by Mactrad1
They all count - They are certainly much bigger than mine at the mo
Grand total for 2015 was 188,973.35
Run well all - hopefully see some of you Tonight in the DTD Tournies.
Tonight will be the first night in a long time where I will be able to give it my full, touch wood, it won't be an early bath
Best of Luck.
Not played well in a while so pleased with something of a return (?) to form this evening. Managed to win the 9pm £50 BH for just short of £1k
Run golden all
Good luck all and run golden
Best of luck - keep that good run going.