Ummmm Mr PokerTrev sir - will the TPT game be in the lobby for tomorrow night? Think it's usually the first Wednesday in the month. Posted by IrishRose
Ty Wheels - much appreciated as it had gone straight out of my head even though I remembered yesterday lol.
My son managed to crash his car today and aquaplained along the dual carriage way . Luckily he's not hurt - just shaken up. His car didn't fare so well though - £1800 of damage which he's going to pay for himself as he'd prefer to build up insurance no claims as his excess is £500 anyway. He didn't hit any other cars - just the guard rail - but somehow managed to damage both the front bumpers and rear bumpers?? A ful 360 degree spin but as I say at least he's ok so now I'm calming down too. Cars can be replaced/repaired but people can't.
As an added incentive tonight for TPTers I'll donate £10 cash to whichever TPT ko's me - or if ko'd by someone else I'll donate £10 to the longest lasting TPTer. So get regging folks!!!
I must apologise to misty as I picked his surname up off the DTD runners and put it in face book.He was in chip lead in a Vegas sat,I wished him gl and mentioned a couple of his relations names for a laugh,and thereafter went all wobbly and got busted lol.Very very sorry mate. He was most surprised as he is not on face book.And no detective work mate,it took 30 seconds.Chatting maybe sometimes not a good thing. glgl in future sats,I'll stay zipped. Posted by chilling
No worries Chill.....I know it was only harmless banter. From where I was I would have won the sat. if I'd have got just a few slightly better cards to call their shoves. Us chatting just happened to coincide with me running bad , 'til the KQ where I had at least 9 outs to win.
Apparently the only wedding photo on D's FB is her Mum and Dad who have sadly both passed away.
Good Luck mate.....I'll see you soon I'm sure...(:D}
EDIT......Ooooops.......... forgot TPT game and I'm too late to reg.......sigh
Evening all Just wanted to say a huge TYYYYYYYYYYY to my railers tonight in the Las Vegas satellites. Darkangel via text/pm and Misty, JJ, Chilling, Doyle and others in the chat box. Didn't manage to do anything useful in DTD games - but have managed win seats to both Vegas Semi finals for the weekend. Hope you all run extra golden this week xxxx Posted by IrishRose
£3.5k Vegas Semi
£3.5k Vegas Semi
£3.5k Vegas Semi
£3.5k Vegas Semi
Looks like you will have some TPT company in the little 1 Rose.
n1 pom sorry i couldn't chat but i was playing on my phone. the extra aggro i use in that situation didn't help in the FDI - nh chilling but not so bad in the MBI. - thks for the rail - ykwya £1,500 BH Speedy MBI 1/41 GELDY 205000 1 £379.25 + £401.54 Head Prizes 9 And that's the second time this year! Posted by GELDY
Nice Cash Geldy - wp m8.
Just a little one from me
1.5K £22.00 Bounty Hunter....
£52.50 Head Prizes
Probly should have done much better, given I had a good stack but walked a set into a straight, flush into full house & shoved my remaining chips with AJ which was promtly called off by 46off and that was me done
On the positive side, it is a profit, so I will take that all day long. Not playing every day also seams to have improved my ROI.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Wayheyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Matty - thought you might have been abducted by your adoptive mother Great to see you back and I'm sure you'll be a force to be reckoned with tomorrow night Good luck all on the felt xxx Posted by IrishRose
Turns out I was abducted by someone else on Wednesday and missed it
Want to be back playing soon but got lots of things still to sort - any news on if there is another DTD live event?
Hi Matty concentrate on what you gotta do. We will always be here when you are ready to come back. Hopefully August. But nothing been said yet. Everyone buzzing from this times Dtd. Can't wait if it is august as will be going down playing or not. I have so much fun Dow there and the time runs away with itself. Never a dull moment.
I n Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : GELDY 37477.50 1 £3.5k Vegas Semi CxE1 15267.50 2 £3.5k Vegas Semi heddoh18 15067.50 3 £3.5k Vegas Semi pomfrittes 12390 4 £3.5k Vegas Semi rspca12 11192.50 5 £3. Looks like you will have some TPT company in the little 1 Rose. Posted by pomfrittes
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Add another one to that list please Good luck all run golden xx Posted by Darkangel7
Just want to wish everyone a really good run on the tables tonight. Looks like the Vegas semi will be almost like a TPT team game lol - no disrespect meant to anyone but I hope I avoid all TPTers til the final minutes lol as I know each and every one of you is more than capable of ko ing me!!!
Run golden all - and may all the rivers be kind xxxxx
WOW WOW WOW Probably my best night of poker on here 9pm B/H Got 2nd for 600 quid I think- cant find lobby well played -RSPCA great heads up but I lost concentration doing this------ M/E Jeffter 1800000 1 £1363.50 + £396.38 Head Prizes 9 WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Posted by Jeffter
vwp sir nice results u played vvwell in both comps abd i hoped u would go on to win main gl all tpt tonight lets get more wins.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : vwp sir nice results u played vvwell in both comps abd i hoped u would go on to win main gl all tpt tonight lets get more wins. Posted by rspca12
Wiiiiiiii wtg all nice cashes.
Also a massive congrats to 5 Tpter's last night, Rspca, Rose, Matty, Heddoh, Brun for all making it to finals of Viva Lasvegas. Unfortunately Pommy knocked me out! lol Think the total TPT players playing last night was 10! So massive well done for all getting to semi's last night. Not gonna hammer sats and will just play when feel like it.
Thank You Angel must of been a little of that Angel dust that brought the diamond on river for my flush its a good job theres no audio or you would of heard KING, JACK FLUSH being shouted at the computer. Well played to Jeffter and RSPCA for their cashes and the other TPTers in the Viva Las Vegas semi and could I have your thoughts on the KJs shove think I was 8th of the 9 at the time never know whether to gamble or sit and hope someone else busts I know we have got some excellent Satellite players in TPT so thank you and can't wait to see the TPTers in the final.
WOW WOW WOW Probably my best night of poker on here 9pm B/H Got 2nd for 600 quid I think- cant find lobby well played -RSPCA great heads up but I lost concentration doing this------ M/E Jeffter 1800000 1 £1363.50 + £396.38 Head Prizes 9 EDIT 9pm B/H rspca12 245000 1st/49 £471.75 + £224.51 Head Prizes 3 Jeffter 0 2 £280.50 + £270.41 Head Prizes 10 andrew1947 0 3 £191.25 + £79.69 Head Prizes 3 flyrod 0 4 £140.25 + £36.32 Head Prizes 1 minter123 0 5 £102 + £70.32 Head Prizes 3 leee 0 6 £89.25 + £51.56 Head Prizes WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Posted by Jeffter
Wowsers - fantastic results there Jeffter - couldn't happen to a nicer player That must have taken some doing - awe inspiring to be honest.
Great results in the TPT/ Las Vegas semi last night too. I hoped it would be an all 8 TPT semi final but it wasn't to be - came close though!! Very unlucky to Angel, Geldy and Poms - my heart sank for you all Hopefully next semi will have you 3 on the results list .
Run golden tonight everyone. I'll be trying the other Vegas semi later - as will RSPCA I think. Dreading that one though as just the list of names in the lobby has made me nervous. Archers and lemondade helped with nerves last night so I think I'll try that again later - I'll be a raving alchoholic soon lol.
Enjoyed the TPT invitational Vegas semi final last night. Some good railing and a nice result. Sorry that a few of us didn't quite make it through, plenty of time yet however.
I don't normally get to play on a Sunday afternoon, but son's football was cancelled so treated myself to the early roller satellite and a £20 bh that was running at the same time. Other than being accused of playing like a monkey (!) I managed to get a seat in the roller and win the £20bh, so a nice start to the day.
Oh and a nice royal flush to knock out Stayorgo helped a lot in the roller semi (sorry Graham, ul).
Best of luck all playing tonight, especially Rose in the "Big" Vegas semi final. Can I just say, Rose, that you have no reason to be daunted by the names in the final.
Fantastic work Jeffter - well played m8y. Well done also to TPT Vegas Best of luck in the finals Well done to all the others that cashed Doyle, JJ, RSPCA etc. Best of Luck at the tables this evening all. Posted by POKERTREV
Best of Luck Everyone.
Link for Lobby is HERE
Usual Password.
1915 B/h
Jeffter2480001£86.64 + £62.96 Head Prizes12
GL in your games
n Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
Just a little one from me
1.5K £22.00 Bounty Hunter....
On the positive side, it is a profit, so I will take that all day long. Not playing every day also seams to have improved my ROI.
Best of luck everyone.
Good luck all run golden xx
Probably my best night of poker on here
9pm B/H
Got 2nd for 600 quid I think- cant find lobby
well played -RSPCA great heads up but I lost concentration doing this------
Jeffter18000001£1363.50 + £396.38 Head Prizes9
EDIT 9pm B/H
rspca122450001st/49£471.75 + £224.51 Head Prizes3 Jeffter02£280.50 + £270.41 Head Prizes10 andrew194703£191.25 + £79.69 Head Prizes3 flyrod04£140.25 + £36.32 Head Prizes1 minter12305£102 + £70.32 Head Prizes3 leee06£89.25 + £51.56 Head Prizes
Also a massive congrats to 5 Tpter's last night, Rspca, Rose, Matty, Heddoh, Brun for all making it to finals of Viva Lasvegas. Unfortunately Pommy knocked me out! lol Think the total TPT players playing last night was 10! So massive well done for all getting to semi's last night. Not gonna hammer sats and will just play when feel like it.
Run golden all.
Well done also to TPT Vegas
Well done to all the others that cashed Doyle, JJ, RSPCA etc.
Best of Luck at the tables this evening all.
730 b/h
Jeffter2730001£310.65 + £133.13 Head Prizes8
somebody must have turned my bad beat button off!!