Gl gl gl gl to all in ukops tonight a special gl and go get em shorty (meaning chip stack) to my dearest friend Rose. Throwing all the angel dust, misty magic, prawn power and all the rest of the magic can think of. Be positive and get aggro
2 cashes to tell you all about also won £6 qualifier for £5kbh UKOPS @10pm
£5k bh no cash but £75 hp
£3 all-in for same 2nd £8.35
had 22 utg so raised pot 2 called 234 flop raised pot 1 reraised so all-in & called cards flipped he had TT. Guess what the turn was another T so that was that. Anyway good luck at the tables and run golden all
Last days play for a couple of weeks and a nice one to finish on.
Took at place in the smaller Vegas final (for cash) of £380 and also managed to win the £50 UKOPS speed for £1,200ish
mattprawn4150001£833.62 + £355.61 Head Prizes5£107.64SoLack02£535.27 + £263.31 Head Prizes10 snookery03£333.45 + £128.91 Head Prizes5
mattprawn186664Entry to £3.5k Vegas Final + As you have already registered/qualified for this event you have been awarded the cash equivalent of £380, which is equal to the Buy-in and Fee.
Well done all, couldn't get going in main and didn't get any bounties but had a load of fun. Shorty as always but hey I enjoyed it immensley and came 113th
SidV79022£11.05 + £16.88 Head Prizes4Just this from the UKOPS £2k bh (£11 buy-in) tonight & how I managed to get this far is a mystery as not ran well all night in any tourneys. Well done to everyone else who cashed, good luck at the tables and run golden all.
If any newbies need the password or if anyone else can't remember it, please ask on here and i'm sure someone will help.
Please invite a couple of guests if you wish. This invitation is extended to the usual members from other teams who have played it in the past, as I know they are always up for a bit of friendly banter.
Another couple to tell you about tonight and well done to all who cashed tonight 1st was in £2k bh (£11) @9:15pm no cash but SidV79042£8.44 Head Prizes2
TPT (FlyingDagg) Invitational....... I have requested this for next Wednesday 6th April. So look out for it in the lobby on Monday(ish). Wed; 6th April 8pm start & usual password. £5.50 Entry 5000 Starting Stack (Deepstack Bounty Hunter) If any newbies need the password or if anyone else can't remember it, please ask on here and i'm sure someone will help. Please invite a couple of guests if you wish. This invitation is extended to the usual members from other teams who have played it in the past, as I know they are always up for a bit of friendly banter. Best of luck everybody. Posted by POKERTREV
Yes TREV I'd like the password please as I keep miising the tourney.
In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Yes TREV I'd like the password please as I keep miising the tourney. Posted by SidV79
Managed to get through to qtrs of Vegas last night from a £4 sat. Table opens and I've got the worst starting table imaginable for me. Chicknmelt, Mattbates, smoki and Chrisdboy, my heart sank. After my initial shock of the calibre of players on my table I managed to get over my fear and played my own game my way.
I was CL for ages and ages, something that Chilli kindly pointed out. I hate being CL with a passion. Anyway that lasted till after late reg then the slippery slope started. I ended up being shorty. Just as I like it, don't ask me why I just seem to play better. I was the shorty from 15 left, then it got to 13 and I was still hanging in there. Got lucky in a few hands and was still playing. Then it got down the the final 8. Imagine that, shorty out lasting those that had more chips than me.
On my table I had Chrisdboy, Chilling, Rspca, and two others who I can't remember who they are at minute. Well I hung on and got a du from Chrisd so was back in it again, but was still shorty. My exit hand was a sick one with chilling on my right who was CL for our table, he was running hot. I got QQ so I jammed all in, after what seemed an eternity Chilling called and it was a race. The cards turned over and my heart sank it was chillings KK v my QQ. Unfortunately I didn't get any help so that was it, me done, over and out.
Would like to thank Rose, ynwa and others who popped on the rail last night. Even though I went out 8th I had a really great time and a really great game and that to me is what it's all about. Having fun, having banter and enjoying it. Well done to Rspca and Chilling who got through to the semi's hope you run golden. Also very unlucky to dusto who was the bubble boy. My parting advice is this, never underestimate the short stack .
Run golden all and hope to see some nice cashes no matter how big or small.
Thanks for the password Donna. Just some head prizes & entry fee tonight
SidV79019£37.50 Head Prizes2£8.12 £55bh @10:30pm Had already qualied so got £33 for getting there again6SidV79 - £10,000 B/HunterThis is the £2k bh @9:30pmSidV79072£7.50 Head Prizes2 £500 bh (£22 buy in) @noonSidV79013£11.25 Head Prizes1and that was all I managed today but I shall be back bright-eyed & bushy-tailled later on.Good luck at the tables and run golden all
2/4/16 16,20 deep stack won this week b4 last and the week b4 that was doing well but as always on sky.still ok with 4th 46 players WHEELS716104£10.122beauties05£7.36pipco06£6.44
Run golden all xx
Jonny - you run golden in that tourney, have they not named it after you yet?
Best of luck all - Run Golden (Like Jonny, mattprawn, Sid & Nuggy
Or you could just run a little bit better than me (That won't be too hard though
SidV7904£66 + £56.27 Head Prizes6
SidV7908£15 Head Prizes2Good luck at the tables and run golden all
I have requested this for next Wednesday 6th April. So look out for it in the lobby on Monday(ish).
Wed; 6th April
8pm start & usual password.
£5.50 Entry
5000 Starting Stack (Deepstack Bounty Hunter)
If any newbies need the password or if anyone else can't remember it, please ask on here and i'm sure someone will help.
Please invite a couple of guests if you wish. This invitation is extended to the usual members from other teams who have played it in the past, as I know they are always up for a bit of friendly banter.
Best of luck everybody.
I was CL for ages and ages, something that Chilli kindly pointed out. I hate being CL with a passion. Anyway that lasted till after late reg then the slippery slope started. I ended up being shorty. Just as I like it, don't ask me why I just seem to play better. I was the shorty from 15 left, then it got to 13 and I was still hanging in there. Got lucky in a few hands and was still playing. Then it got down the the final 8. Imagine that, shorty out lasting those that had more chips than me.
On my table I had Chrisdboy, Chilling, Rspca, and two others who I can't remember who they are at minute. Well I hung on and got a du from Chrisd so was back in it again, but was still shorty. My exit hand was a sick one with chilling on my right who was CL for our table, he was running hot. I got QQ so I jammed all in, after what seemed an eternity Chilling called and it was a race. The cards turned over and my heart sank it was chillings KK v my QQ. Unfortunately I didn't get any help so that was it, me done, over and out.
Would like to thank Rose, ynwa and others who popped on the rail last night. Even though I went out 8th I had a really great time and a really great game and that to me is what it's all about. Having fun, having banter and enjoying it. Well done to Rspca and Chilling who got through to the semi's hope you run golden. Also very unlucky to dusto who was the bubble boy. My parting advice is this, never underestimate the short stack
Run golden all and hope to see some nice cashes no matter how big or small.
Sounds like you did all you could do & played a good game. You got it in good and thats all you can do. Shame you walked into KK though.
Hopefully next time the poker gods will be kind to you.
Best of luck all
£500 bh (£22 buy in) @noonSidV79013£11.25 Head Prizes1and that was all I managed today but I shall be back bright-eyed & bushy-tailled later on.Good luck at the tables and run golden all
as i had already paid for entry I received £55 back.
Away visiting my mom & dad in Blackpool at the mo, so nothing to report on the cash front from me.
Run Well All