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Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes



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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    horse for donna in the national rogue angel big price
    Posted by FLASHJONNY
    Thank you jonny xx
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    horse for donna in the national rogue angel big price
    Posted by FLASHJONNY
    I've had to have a cheeky go on this one - and also the Irish Roe as I couldn't resist :)
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    edited April 2017
    I blame Misty, Angel and Jonny lol.

    I saw a horse running today called Flying Angel at 6/1 and Oscar Rose at 22/1 which I'm guessing is probably a donkey with such big odds.  I placed a small bet on them doing the double (each way) and Flying Angel has only gone and done her duty!!  Now all is resting on Oscar Rose later today but knowing I'm a bubble girl I'd better not get my hopes up lol.

    Skybet offering me cashout of £31 but I'm so far resisting tempation as I've never placed a double before so I'm trying to ignore the temptation lol.
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    edited April 2017
    Best laugh i've had in ages and yes managed a win and a 2nd thanks rose xx
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    edited April 2017
    My bets for the National,

    Rogue Angel (from jonny)
    Thunder and Roses (for our Rose of course)
    Bless The Wings (for mum)
    Viva Steve (for IceTiger)

    If they place I will be happy just a quid e.w
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    My bets for the National, Rogue Angel (from jonny) Thunder and Roses (for our Rose of course) Bless The Wings (for mum) Viva Steve (for IceTiger) If they place I will be happy just a quid e.w
    Posted by Darkangel7
    Well done in quaifying for Vegas quarter again tonight Angel and Good Luck in it, and with your Grand National bets. You should get something back 'coz Viva Steve is very unlikely to get in.... 4th reserve.

    FLYING ANGEL won 1st race today @ 5/1.... and then DAME ROSE  14/1 beat OSCAR ROSE 20/1 in the last race...... straight forecast would have paid around 300/1 !!!!!!

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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Well done in quaifying for Vegas quarter again tonight Angel and Good Luck in it, and with your Grand National bets. You should get something back 'coz Viva Steve is very unlikely to get in.... 4th reserve. FLYING ANGEL won 1st race today @ 5/1.... and then DAME ROSE  14/1 beat OSCAR ROSE 20/1 in the last race...... straight forecast would have paid around 300/1 !!!!!!
    Posted by MISTY4ME
    Misty you are talking double dutch as don't understand horse betting, am out my kk ran into matty's AK and Ace came on river. It happens always next time, but have won quite a bit today so can't complain. My game is coming on leaps and bounds from watching Iany and modding on his Twitch stream, loads of fun and mischief.

    Not going to let it get me down If it's meant to be then it's meant to be, if not always next year. :)
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Misty you are talking double dutch as don't understand horse betting, am out my kk ran into matty's AK and Ace came on river. It happens always next time, but have won quite a bit today so can't complain. My game is coming on leaps and bounds from watching Iany and modding on his Twitch stream, loads of fun and mischief. Not going to let it get me down If it's meant to be then it's meant to be, if not always next year. :)
    Posted by Darkangel7
    I went out in similar fashion  with KK v AA.......T-J-Q flop......all goes in and I call....A on turn for my straight......Q on river for his Full House and gg for me.

    I'd been really good  just earlier too by folding a flopped Flush to a possible Full House on turn, and also a set of 4's on turn to a probable Flush when both shoved on me. So I realised sometimes you got to be brave...... not my night either!!! especially after all the problems with loading tables earlier, though I did manage to finish 299th for £1 in Rewards freeby.... even though I didn't play a hand.

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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    I blame Misty, Angel and Jonny lol. I saw a horse running today called Flying Angel at 6/1 and Oscar Rose at 22/1 which I'm guessing is probably a donkey with such big odds.  I placed a small bet on them doing the double (each way) and Flying Angel has only gone and done her duty!!  Now all is resting on Oscar Rose later today but knowing I'm a bubble girl I'd better not get my hopes up lol. Skybet offering me cashout of £31 but I'm so far resisting tempation as I've never placed a double before so I'm trying to ignore the temptation lol.
    Posted by IrishRose
    Rose I remember you backing another horse was it Rose Angel or something like that and winning and blaming a few of us and it won lmao x
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    edited April 2017
    Nice Cashes Peeps -

    Best of Luck in the National if your having a bet. I'm not sure what to pick this year, so it looks like a last minute dash to get my horses (Or Donkeys) on :)

    Well done in the DTD Games on Monday Guys, especially Pommy & Stokey very well played guys. Sorry I'm not about as much as I would like, but, other priorities have to come first. - I'm really looking forward to Blackpool and meeting up with a few of you again.
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    edited April 2017
    good luck all tonight and run golden all
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    edited April 2017


    Definitely worth missing 'Date night' with the Mrs....
    .........I've JUST managed to scrape through to the VEGAS Final at the end of the month, by the skin of my teeth. Very, very unlucky Roseeeeeee in just missing out especially with your exit hand. 
    I had some proper pheeeeeeewwweee moments as shorty, twice surviving with River cards earlier in the evening.....Thank You ANGELS..... (:D} 
    ....and my man Justin Rose has just shot 67 to be joint leader at 'The Masters'

    mearns0259932.501Entry to £4,000 Vegas Final - 5 Packages
    LAZLO1331102Entry to £4,000 Vegas Final - 5 Packages
    Essexphil291853Entry to £4,000 Vegas Final - 5 Packages
    lastfreddy156604Entry to £4,000 Vegas Final - 5 Packages
    linell125105Entry to £4,000 Vegas Final - 5 Packages
    idtent85106Entry to £4,000 Vegas Final - 5 Packages
    Fat5tack577007Entry to £4,000 Vegas Final - 5 Packages
    cleo867512.508Entry to £4,000 Vegas Final - 5 Packages
    dan789661809Entry to £4,000 Vegas Final - 5 Packages
    MISTY4ME370010Entry to £4,000 Vegas Final - 5 Packages
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    edited April 2017
    Misty you missed me out lmaoooooooooooo to say I couldn't play and was away the whole time 20th wasn't that bad. ;)

    Wtg you and ul rose, sorry I fell asleep :(
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    edited April 2017
    Wow, just wow, pom and stoke in the DTD.

    Nice work Misty in the VLV.

    And as for reeler - that´s crazy man!
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    edited April 2017
    Nice results TPTers, run good all.

    Not been on recently, hope to be back soon.
    Caught a good deal for a week in Cyprus, was 23° all week :-):-):-).

    Check out "The Scottish Harry Potter" on YouTube,  "maaaaaaaaaaaate"
    Dobbie the junkie cracks me up every time. (voice sounds like Methadone Mick)
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    edited April 2017
    hows it going TPT feels like ages since i posted. been bombed out with life and work. well done misty on making the vegas final!!
    ive finallymanaged to bag myself a vegas final seat last weekend so chuffed with myself for that. hoping to play some ukops sats over next few days as thats what easter break is all about ( the wife having trouble believing me ) hope all our fellow tpt ers have a good run this weekend.. run good!!!! over and out
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    edited April 2017
    Same old routine here on skypoker.
    Played two MTT deepstacks,
    1st KK vs QJo, J high flop, I bet villain shoves, J on turn, out.
    2nd AA vs K/10o, 10 7 7 flop, bet, shove, 10 on river, out.

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    edited April 2017
    Unlucky Red King - Its just horrid some times.

    Best of luck to everyone in the Vegas Sats Tonight & especially the Finals Tomorrow.
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Anymore names for the hat - BLACKPOOL 2017 ?   When? - Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th JUNE Where? - BLACKPOOL What for - Poker & Pee Up weekend, Fun & Banter. We usually play at G-Casino which is on south shore Blackpool (I use the term "Play" very loosely :) Although we do have a very good record there with a number of cashes. Names in so Far...... Blackpool 23rd – 25th June PokerTrev Dark Angel DoyleBrun MattPrawn FlashJonny Keith1960 (maybe) Mattprawn Kushti1210 SidV79 If anyone else is interested, just let me know. I will be staying at my mum & dads B&B "SouthVillas" which is on the South Shore. There are a million & one other B&B's in Blackpool, which are closer to the casino, it just depends what you want to pay. Cheap & Cheerful is usually the best option for me cause Jonny, Angel & 67Bhoys usually keep me drinking till the early hours, so I don't get to see the inside of a B&B much anyway lol
    Posted by POKERTREV
    HI all, 

    Been away for a while,  holiday,  then new grandson arriving, doesn't leave much time for the old pokers.

    Sad to hear the news about Sir Gary, what a gent he was,  he'll be sadly missed by all.

    Sign me up for the Blackpool trip,  I will be booking a B&B shortly.  Look forward to seeing you all there. 

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    edited April 2017
    Change of luck tonight for me :-):-):-)
    £100 deepstack 16:15

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    edited April 2017
    great result red king!! and looking forward to meeting all the tpters going b pool
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    edited April 2017
    Good luck run over
    Deepstack AA vs 65o, 6 on flop, I bet, villain shoves, 5 on turn, out.
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Unlucky Red King - Its just horrid some times. Best of luck to everyone in the Vegas Sats Tonight & especially the Finals Tomorrow.
    Posted by POKERTREV
    Been back a week and been outdrawn 80% when all-in ahead on flop.

    Based on exit hands from STT & MTT from past week.

    Variance has been posted missing :-(
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    edited April 2017
    Same again in MEsemi, QQ vs A6o three way to flop, J68,
    I pot bet, shove A6, call, A on river :-(

    On to better things later :-):-):-)

    Mini UKOPS 05 £500 Turbo

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    edited April 2017
    Hi all

    Hope you're all keeping well and running golden when playing - RedKing - I feel your pain with variance but hope the swing swings back for both of us soon (mind you - you've had some nice results too!!).

    Good luck at the tables all - hope to catch up with DTD games from Monday
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Hi all Hope you're all keeping well and running golden when playing - RedKing - I feel your pain with variance but hope the swing swings back for both of us soon (mind you - you've had some nice results too!!). Good luck at the tables all - hope to catch up with DTD games from Monday
    Posted by IrishRose

    Cheers Rose, gl to you too, run better than a VW. Engine in an emissions test.

    Think I fell off the variance swing and bashed my head (+_+)

    Then it swung back and hit me again =_=

    Just hope the good spots continue and I get some rewards, for a change.
    Think I'm playing well atm, but not getting much luck in races when allin ahead.
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    edited April 2017
    Bad luck streak continues,
    AA crushed by Q4o, :-(
    56s vs QQ, flop478 :-), turn Q, river 8,. FFS come on skypoker

    Getting sick of this now skypoker

    FT of deepstack, AA vs QJs, Q10 on flop, Q shoves I call, runner K, runner 9 straight,
    Left with 2BB, out next hand


    Also lost other MTT flush beat by ROYAL,  =_=
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : HI all,  Been away for a while,  holiday,  then new grandson arriving, doesn't leave much time for the old pokers. Sad to hear the news about Sir Gary, what a gent he was,  he'll be sadly missed by all. Sign me up for the Blackpool trip,  I will be booking a B&B shortly.  Look forward to seeing you all there.  Craig 
    Posted by 67Bhoys
    Nice one Craig - I'm staying at my mum & dads B&B (South Villas) if you fancy it? I think DoyleBrun & his lad are booked in there too.

    Anymore names for the hat - BLACKPOOL 2017 ?
    When? - Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th JUNE
    Where? - BLACKPOOL
    What for - Poker & Pee Up weekend, Fun & Banter.
    We usually play at G-Casino which is on south shore Blackpool (I use the term "Play" very loosely :) Although we do have a very good record there with a number of cashes.

    Names in so Far......

    Blackpool 23rd – 25th June
    Dark Angel
    Keith1960 (maybe)


    If anyone else is interested, just let me know.

    I will be staying at my mum & dads B&B "SouthVillas" which is on the South Shore. There are a million & one other B&B's in Blackpool, which are closer to the casino, it just depends what you want to pay. Cheap & Cheerful is usually the best option for me cause Jonny, Angel & 67Bhoys usually keep me drinking till the early hours, so I don't get to see the inside of a B&B much anyway lol

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    edited April 2017
    Nice Cashes Red_King and to think last week you couldn't finish 2nd in a 2 man race :)
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Nice Cashes Red_King and to think last week you couldn't finish 2nd in a 2 man race :)
    Posted by POKERTREV

    Here's hoping

    10,000 Avenger All In Sat

    Red_King170001£10,000 Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter
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