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Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes



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    edited June 2017
    Let the count down begin to blackpool!
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    edited June 2017

    Anymore names for the hat - BLACKPOOL 2017 ?
    When? - Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th JUNE
    Where? - BLACKPOOL
    What for - Poker & Pee Up weekend, Fun & Banter.
    We usually play at G-Casino which is on south shore Blackpool (I use the term "Play" very loosely :) Although we do have a very good record there with a number of cashes.

    Names in so Far......

    Blackpool 23rd – 25th June
    Dark Angel


    Whoooooohoooooooo - Not long now! Looking forward to it.
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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Anymore names for the hat - BLACKPOOL 2017 ?   When? - Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th JUNE Where? - BLACKPOOL What for - Poker & Pee Up weekend, Fun & Banter. We usually play at G-Casino which is on south shore Blackpool (I use the term "Play" very loosely :) Although we do have a very good record there with a number of cashes. Names in so Far...... Blackpool 23rd – 25th June PokerTrev Dark Angel DoyleBrun MattPrawn FlashJonny Keith1960 Mattprawn Kushti1210 SidV79 67bhoys Whoooooohoooooooo - Not long now! Looking forward to it.
    Posted by POKERTREV
    Is it MATT's twin ..... or his ALTER EGO??

    ........ or just another boring accountant??

    GOOD LUCK and have a great time everyone. I wish I could join you, but it would take a ROLLER or LOTTERY win to make it happen....sigh
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    edited June 2017
    me too royal ascot too cant wait
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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Is it MATT's twin ..... or his ALTER EGO?? ........ or just another boring accountant?? GOOD LUCK and have a great time everyone. I wish I could join you, but it would take a ROLLER or LOTTERY win to make it happen....sigh
    Posted by MISTY4ME
    Don't you start Misty!  Nowt boring about counting a few beans...

    As mentioned in an earlier post, I am now struggling to join you.  The unplanned Vegas trip hasn't help my negotiating position at home...

    I will try and join you all for the evening if I can, but won't be the full weekend I'm afraid.

    Good luck all


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    edited June 2017
    A nice run for me in tonight's £1500 Quickdraw B/H (which our erstwhile captain binked lol)

    mattprawn1750001£350 + £312.19 Head Prizes7 
    SilencePlz02£218.75 + £42.19 Head Prizes2 
    djsnorlax03£131.25 + £30.76 Head Prizes1 
    SidV7904£96.25 + £65.63 Head Prizes3

    Soon be in Blackpool, cannot wait to see you all again. Good luck at the tables
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    edited June 2017
    thinks are looked good for me in this month DTD monthly prize, I'm likely to finish 4th once again therefore will miss out on any prize but this should be a great start for the potential monthly prize

    ;ast week it was DTD 1 that had the early exit and DTD 3 final table. This week it was the opposite way round, DTD1 had the final table and DTD 3 had the early exit


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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    thinks are looked good for me in this month DTD monthly prize, I'm likely to finish 4th once again therefore will miss out on any prize but this should be a great start for the potential monthly prize ;ast week it was DTD 1 that had the early exit and DTD 3 final table. This week it was the opposite way round, DTD1 had the final table and DTD 3 had the early exit DTD1  thisltedu 283366.50     samantha25 240224.50     EBBERDON 61409     NAce21 0 4 £17.08 craigcu12 0 5 £14.74 DTD2 samantha25 0 8 £3.23 craigcu12 0 9 £2.32 wynne1938 0 10 £1.81
    Posted by craigcu12
    Consistent Craig - well done m8
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    edited June 2017
    Sorry guys - could someone confirm the itinerary for the Blackpool trip please?

    Most likely to be coming over on Saturday evening and heading back Sunday morning if I make it.   Where will everyone be roughly and what time on that day? 


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    edited June 2017
    Have not played quite so much just lately I have got my poker mojo back ready for Blackpool may be a little late as Myles cant get day off so will come when he finishes but the way he drives will only take about 90 minutes from Newark. Getting excited now I hope your ready with your good luck Doyles Donna.
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    edited June 2017
    blackpool tomorrow ascot too cant wait be there around half twelve ish
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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Sorry guys - could someone confirm the itinerary for the Blackpool trip please? Most likely to be coming over on Saturday evening and heading back Sunday morning if I make it.   Where will everyone be roughly and what time on that day?  Cheers Matt
    Posted by mattprawn
    Hey Matt
    A few of us will be meeting up at wetherspoons right opposite the G Casino Midday  (ish) on Saturday - There should be a 2pm Tourney on at the G Casino Saturday & another 8pm Saturday Night. If you can't find us at wetherspoon, then just pop into the casino. I plan on being at G by about 1pm latest.

    EDIT*** The 2pm Tourney on Saturday has been cancelled - please see my post below.
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    edited June 2017
    Hello Trev will be arriving about 8 to 9pm tonite thought you would be playing Friday night but if your not that suits me as Myles didnt book day off work so coming when he finishes so we would of been rushing around. Come on you TPTers.
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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Hello Trev will be arriving about 8 to 9pm tonite thought you would be playing Friday night but if your not that suits me as Myles didnt book day off work so coming when he finishes so we would of been rushing around. Come on you TPTers.
    Posted by DoyleBrun
    Oh - YES - I will deffo be playing Tonight too. - The post above was just for Matt as he is not coming till tomoz.
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    edited June 2017
    Just Checked the G-Casino Schedule (Disappointed) Looks like they have shelved the 2pm Tourney on Saturday.

    Friday Night - 8pm, 1750 GTD (Re-Buy) £30.00+£7, 20K stack
    Saturday - 7.00pm 2K GTD (Re-Buy) £25.00+£7, 10K stack

    I was up there 2 weeks ago and the 2PM tourney was running, so they must have changed it recently.
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    edited June 2017
    Will see how I feel when we get there if were to late we will just come and cheer you on depends on how we feel and what level big blinds are good luck anyway.
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    edited June 2017
    Great turn out and what a laugh  Came 21st but I roced that short stack. Great banter on the tables  Didnt feel like a fish out of water  Roll on today for more fun and hijinx 
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    edited June 2017
    Sounds like you are all having a fun trip.  Really sorry, but won't be able to make it today.  Mrs Prawn is out today (I was told apparently...) and reminded me of my responsiblities to look after son this evening.

    Run well tonight TPT
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    edited June 2017
    Hi guys & gals, what a blast we had in Blackpool this weekend and great to meet up with you all again so roll on the next one lol. Almost made it to SPT in the Gold freeroll but £81 made the bitter pill just that little bit sweeter & I had the SPT semi to look forward to anyway (which I qualied for then binked an all-in sat so an extra £48 came my way)
    memfno04£240 + SPT Manchester Package - Day 1a
    Jac3505£207 + SPT Manchester Package - Day 1a
    SidV79210001SPT Manchester Semi

    Then this happened 

    RogueCell353721SPT Manchester Seat - Day 1b
    MAXALLY180072SPT Manchester Seat - Day 1b
    Dave48811010.503SPT Manchester Seat - Day 1b
    bbMike8007.504SPT Manchester Seat - Day 1b
    SidV7956035SPT Manchester Seat - Day 1b

    so see you all in Manchester. Good luck and run golden at the tables everyone
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    edited June 2017
    Yeah was good fun with great company.

    Well done Andy you ran well. 
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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Yeah was good fun with great company. Well done Andy you ran well. 
    Posted by Darkangel7
    Thanks for the rail Donna as it was a good laugh with you there and it was a very good game by all concerned 
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    edited June 2017
    Really enjoyed it this weekend sorry was cream crackered on saturday need to start going to bed early perhaps more suited to the afternoon tournament, well done Trev you were bound to win after that TPT tutorial we all gave you in the afternoon. Well done Andy will try and qualify hope the poker gods are on my side, rungood TPTers.
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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Really enjoyed it this weekend sorry was cream crackered on saturday need to start going to bed early perhaps more suited to the afternoon tournament, well done Trev you were bound to win after that TPT tutorial we all gave you in the afternoon. Well done Andy will try and qualify hope the poker gods are on my side, rungood TPTers.
    Posted by DoyleBrun
    Glad james had a teacher training day am shattered, was bloody good fun though. Need a week to recover from the w.e lol
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    edited June 2017
    hello every 1 well done trev had a great time tho i was not at my best i really enjoyed it had a great time
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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    hello every 1 well done trev had a great time tho i was not at my best i really enjoyed it had a great time
    Posted by FLASHJONNY
    At least you made it for the day. So happy to see you as we all were. Never having a lollipop any more! lol
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    edited June 2017
    sounds like the blackpool trip was awesome...shame to miss it but to be fair to me being on the south coast in east sussex was such a hike it would of been to much for me it takes me 2 days to get to newcastle .....nottingham is the best i can do so nexted time sort it for there then me and MISTY4ME can join in ...talking about nottingham DARKANGLE have you played the UNIBET game yet if not when is it ?

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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    sounds like the blackpool trip was awesome...shame to miss it but to be fair to me being on the south coast in east sussex was such a hike it would of been to much for me it takes me 2 days to get to newcastle .....nottingham is the best i can do so nexted time sort it for there then me and MISTY4ME can join in ...talking about nottingham DARKANGLE have you played the UNIBET game yet if not when is it ? ?
    Posted by HANSON
    Not played it yet, it's 23rd - 25th august not at DTD, well looks like we will have to have 2 meet ups then :P

    Yes was a blast gonna take a week to recover. I am getting more comfortable now playing live, didn't feel so much as a fish out of water. The SNG at Trev's mom and dads was hilarious. Raising UTG is the way to go lmaoooooooo
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    edited June 2017
    Right, 2 meet ups next year. B.pool around june time and for those that can't make b.pool and want to join in the fun will do Notts later in the year. If everyone's agreeable then it will get sorted.
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    edited June 2017
    wont do nottingham hate the place but what about broadway in birmingham fab place
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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    wont do nottingham hate the place but what about broadway in birmingham fab place
    Posted by FLASHJONNY
    does not need to be notts anywhere around the midlands is good for myself and jezza 
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