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Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes



  • Options
    edited April 2017
    Small cash in deepstack

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    edited April 2017

    Mini UKOPS 24 £1,000 Turbo B/Hunter​

    Red_King018£4.32 + £1.89 Head Prizes1
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    edited April 2017

    200 DTD 3


    Making the cash, just, but outdraws still killing me :'(
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    edited April 2017
    Evening all

    Just wanted to wish all TPTers a golden run :)

    Not been on much this week or last but hope to get back playing DTD again from next week.

    Gl all xx
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    edited April 2017
    Best of luck at the Tables all  - well done Red_King
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    edited April 2017
    Sneaked into the main from Freeroll

    Avenger 15 Seats Freeroll

    Red_King81014£10,000 Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Sneaked into the main from Freeroll Avenger 15 Seats Freeroll Red_King 810 14 £10,000 Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter
    Posted by Red_King
    gl gl gl gl in it x
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    edited April 2017
    Thanks to everyone for the rail tonight.  Support much appreciated.  Special mention to Rose, who was there all night and was vul in going out on the bubble in the Main event semi.  Donna also played a top game in the Vegas final and I was very sorry to see her knocked out with a set of 8's v a luckbox with the straight.

        JCordy64554.501Entry to £4,000 Vegas Side Packagescouse1515602792Entry to £4,000 Vegas Side Packagemattprawn497533Entry to £4,000 Vegas Side Package
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    edited May 2017

      WP Matt, look forward to meeting you sir.
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    edited May 2017
    so Matt enjoy  xx
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Thanks to everyone for the rail tonight.  Support much appreciated.  Special mention to Rose, who was there all night and was vul in going out on the bubble in the Main event semi.  Donna also played a top game in the Vegas final and I was very sorry to see her knocked out with a set of 8's v a luckbox with the straight.         JCordy 64554.50 1 Entry to £4,000 Vegas Side Package scouse1515 60279 2 Entry to £4,000 Vegas Side Package mattprawn 49753 3 Entry to £4,000 Vegas Side Package
    Posted by mattprawn
    very well played matt 2yrs on the trot you got vegas seat no easy feat best of luck over there ..2nd yr in a row im there for the colassus game thou have to pay out of my own pocket for it hoping for some good results this time of luck to all sky players going 

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    edited May 2017
    Looking for some advice on this MTT play.

    Blinds 50/100, going up next hand or one after.
    Bigstack has 5800, I've got 1600 (16bb or <10 bb when blinds go up)
    Bigstack has been bullying and blind stealing, as he should be.
    Edit: average stack is around 3600

    I'm in BB post 100, bigstack is utg+1 and bets 300, folded to me.
    I've got Qc9c, I can't RR with my stack, so I dwell and then jam all in.
    If villain has AA KK QQ, AQ or A9 blockers then I'm <25%
    If villain has AK AJ AT A8 or 88< then I'm 40/60 to double up (not bad odds?)

    I have decided to jam based on villains previous play forcing blinds to fold.
    If he doesn't have premium hand he may fold or my odds improve?
    AKo vs Qc9c so I'm behind but with live cards, 9 on flop and held.

    Villain questioned my play, I simply stated %, to which reply was poor strategy.

    In this position I have forced the villain to chose to flip, am I wrong here?
    (In his position I'm calling with AKo also, so no complaints from me)
    Or is villain just irked that his AKo didn't hold up at 60/40?

    Note: This is the type of hand that has been outdrawing me recently, so why not join em?

    ps, lost few hand later with 10/10 vs A9, A on flop to other bigstack allin after I 4 bet :'(
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    edited May 2017
    Huge congrats Mattprawn on winning your Vegas package.  Played well from beginning to end and deserved your win.  Unlucky to Angel though - her set coming up against your straight.  Run well in Vegas sir!

    Good luck all TPTers tonight - especially in the TPT game at 8pm.  Get regging!!

    Sorry RedKing - I never know about %s as such in MTTs - just go with my gut feeling and pray!  Sure someone knowledgable will be along shortly.

    Run golden all xx
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    edited May 2017
    Thanks all for the good wishes.  Looking forward to Vegas and hope a few of you will be along too.  Taking my Dad, who is excited as well.

    Red KIng, happy to give my thoughts on your hand, but please take with a pinch of salt...

    I agree that with your stack you're looking for an opportunitiy to double up.  The time has probably gone for limping into pots hoping for the best.  You need to protect your stack to ensure you maintain some fold equity, so in principle a shove against one player is what you're after and you've found this spot.

    On the plus side, if you are say 40% and you then build in the chance of villain folding, you probably are a slight favourite to win the pot.  He is, however, UTG so I'm extra nervous that he has a big hand and there are not many in a normal range where you are ahead.  Equally you probably have live cards so are in with a shout.

    My question is what you are trying to achieve with the bet?  If you want the call I'd say you should wait for a better spot, Q9 is very unlikley to be dominating anything that he would call a shove with.  If you are after winning the pot there and then. I'd also say you might find better spots than shoving into the big stack who has raised in an early position when he can afford the call, he is probably dominating you and against him (compared to others) your fold equity is relatively low.

    Other things to think about is (i) if it's a BH then people call very wide against a small stack (ii) if he is big stack he's probably been running well and may be on positive tilt - both reasons to suggest he won't fold to your shove.

    So, in summary I'd say that it's not bad play, but you might wait a while and pick a better spot?

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    edited May 2017
    Thanks Matt, comments appreciated, also we'll done on your Vegas package win.

    I've changed my game in the later stages of MTTs, not woried about just cashing.
    The number of the outdraws, not just my hands, on my tables is very high,
    consistently seeing undercards outdrawing overpairs, runner, runner, runner, runner str8 or flush

    Tonight's exit hand 99 vs 88 allin pre flop, to go top 10 with 43k pot, 8 on flop :-(

    2,000 Mini Predator

    Red_King025£7.56 + £6.12 Head Prizes2 
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Looking for some advice on this MTT play. Blinds 50/100, going up next hand or one after. Bigstack has 5800, I've got 1600 (16bb or <10 bb when blinds go up) Bigstack has been bullying and blind stealing, as he should be. Edit: average stack is around 3600 I'm in BB post 100, bigstack is utg+1 and bets 300, folded to me. I've got Qc9c, I can't RR with my stack, so I dwell and then jam all in. If villain has AA KK QQ, AQ or A9 blockers then I'm <25% If villain has AK AJ AT A8 or 88< then I'm 40/60 to double up (not bad odds?) I have decided to jam based on villains previous play forcing blinds to fold. If he doesn't have premium hand he may fold or my odds improve? AKo vs Qc9c so I'm behind but with live cards, 9 on flop and held. Villain questioned my play, I simply stated %, to which reply was poor strategy. In this position I have forced the villain to chose to flip, am I wrong here? (In his position I'm calling with AKo also, so no complaints from me) Or is villain just irked that his AKo didn't hold up at 60/40? Note: This is the type of hand that has been outdrawing me recently, so why not join em? ps, lost few hand later with 10/10 vs A9, A on flop to other bigstack allin after I 4 bet :'(
    Posted by Red_King
    Hi Red.
    I don't think villain can complain once it goes in. He knows he has a dominating hand most of the time, but got unlucky on this occasion and just needs to suck it up :)
    I'm with matt though and unless I think I can get villain to fold, I think I have to wait for a better spot. I certainly don't want to be in a race with this hand, also we are only picking up 4.5 Bigs, so it's quite a rick for little reward.

    At this stage of a tourney I would stear clear of the Big Stack & the Small Stacks & put this type of pressure on the medium stacks because they are the ones with the most to lose. Big Stacks take risks & small stacks want a double up so aim your efforts at the Medium Stacks.

    Best of luck at the Table all

    Well done on the Vegas Seat Matt - Bring it Home :)
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    edited May 2017
    Small cash in DS

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    edited May 2017
    Just missed FT in £250 BH
    Allin ahead, flopped a pair, runner,runner, straight, out, sick!

    Red_King07£6.72 + £1.88 Head Prizes2 
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    edited May 2017
    Hope tonight pans out better than this, just lol DYM bubble

    Red_KingSmall blind 300.00300.00855.00
    smartdonBig blind 600.00900.001090.00
     Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    Red_KingAll-in 855.001755.000.00
    smartdonAll-in 1090.002845.000.00
    smartdonUnmatched bet 535.002310.00535.00
    • K
    • K
    • K
    • 4
    • 6
    • 10
    • J
    • 7
    • 2
    smartdonWinFlush to the King2310.00 2845.00
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    edited May 2017
    Bowling season started so wont be playing DTD for a while not running to good anyway which is making me play bad so maybe give poker a rest for a while still up for Blackpool tho' so will see you all there.
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    edited May 2017
    Just gets worse

    Tonight's mini,
    Bigstack tried to isolate shortie's shove for bounty, can't pass KK,
    Chance to get early chipstack, even if shorty has AA

    JimiAls1Small blind 15.0015.001475.00
    Red_KingBig blind 30.0045.002380.00
     Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    ADECLANCall 30.0075.001730.00
    om666en28Call 30.00105.001227.00
    driptap103All-in 520.00625.000.00
    LitlGenralAll-in 4563.005188.000.00
    Red_KingAll-in 2380.007568.000.00
    om666en28All-in 1227.008795.000.00
    LitlGenralUnmatched bet 2153.006642.002153.00
    • K
    • K
    • J
    • 8
    • 6
    • 4
    • 9
    • A
    • 8
    • J
    • 10
    • 6
    • Q
    LitlGenralWinStraight to the Queen6642.00 8795.00
  • Options
    edited May 2017
    And worse, played 3 tonight, exit hands all premium, ahead pre, KK, KK, AA

    Strange how the bigstack always comes out on top?

    No point wasting any more time on skypoker tonight, not with this variance, lol.

    Tonight's DTD1

    gardenSmall blind 300.00300.0015695.00
    Red_KingBig blind 600.00900.008180.00
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    JeffterRaise 1800.002700.009590.00
    emad1960Raise 3000.005700.0010835.00
    Red_KingAll-in 8180.0013880.000.00
    JeffterCall 6980.0020860.002610.00
    emad1960Call 5780.0026640.005055.00
    • 8
    • K
    • 5
    emad1960All-in 5055.0031695.000.00
    JeffterAll-in 2610.0034305.000.00
    emad1960Unmatched bet 2445.0031860.002445.00
    • A
    • A
    • 10
    • 10
    • K
    • K
    • 3
    • 3
    emad1960WinFull House, Kings and 3s31860.00 34305.00
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    Hope tonight pans out better than this, just lol DYM bubble Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance Red_King Small blind   300.00 300.00 855.00 smartdon Big blind   600.00 900.00 1090.00   Your hole cards K K       trebelov14 Fold         steve1952 Fold         Red_King All-in   855.00 1755.00 0.00 smartdon All-in   1090.00 2845.00 0.00 smartdon Unmatched bet   535.00 2310.00 535.00 Red_King Show K K       smartdon Show K 4       Flop     6 10 J       Turn     7       River     2       smartdon Win Flush to the King 2310.00   2845.00
    Posted by Red_King

    Did you miss any spots to accumulate chips before the blinds got so high?
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes : Did you miss any spots to accumulate chips before the blinds got so high?
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    No, pots went to aggressor who bet into blinds,
    Stacks relatively even, for turbo DYM at bubble.
    Chips were just swapping around table, waiting for a good spot to shove.
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    edited May 2017
    Massive congrats to Matt on his Vegas seat. Well done fella
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    edited May 2017
    One time skypoker

    Allin sat to main

    Red_King420001£6,000 Gold Rush
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    edited May 2017
    Managed one bounty in ME, running good, 33/97, then same old RRRR outdrawn,

    Red_King091£11.25 Head Prizes1 

    Spud249Small blind 400.00400.009600.00
    Red_KingBig blind 800.001200.0020200.00
     Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    batfink336All-in 15637.5016837.500.00
    Red_KingAll-in 20200.0037037.500.00
    Red_KingUnmatched bet 5362.5031675.005362.50
    • K
    • K
    • Q
    • J
    • 6
    • K
    • 4
    • 10
    • 9
    batfink336WinStraight to the King31675.00 31675.00

    Back up with this a few hands later

    Lancelot11Small blind 500.00500.008700.00
    cabbazBig blind 1000.001500.0056875.00
     Your hole cards
    • 5
    • 5
    Spud249Raise 2000.003500.008800.00
    Red_KingCall 2000.005500.002962.50
    cabbazAll-in 56875.0062375.000.00
    Spud249All-in 8800.0071175.000.00
    Red_KingAll-in 2962.5074137.500.00
    cabbazUnmatched bet 47075.0027062.5047075.00
    • 6
    • 10
    • K
    • J
    • 5
    • 5
    • 7
    • 5
    • 2
    • Q
    • 2
    Red_KingWinFull House, 5s and 2s15387.50 15387.50
    Spud249WinPair of 2s11675.00 11675.00

    Lulled into false sense of security, should have known better

    <td class="hhamt" style="margin:0px;paddin
    cabbazSmall blind 500.00500.0048075.00
    batfink336Big blind 1000.001500.0047590.00
     Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    Red_KingRaise 3000.004500.0010887.50
    batfink336Call 2000.006500.0045590.00
    • 9
    • Q
    • 4
    Red_KingBet 6500.0013000.004387.50
    batfink336Call 6500.0019500.0039090.00
    • 2
  • Options
    edited May 2017
    Really getting frustrating now!

    Same routine tonight, only made worse by the donk caller posting his play was good.
    Comments welcome, I think donk just got lucky, donk thought my play was wrong?

    I've got 6.5BB and AK in BB, donk has 11BB and min raises utg, folded to me.
    My stack size does not allow a RR, so I can only fold or shove.
    With AK facing a min raise, best option is shove?

    -Small blind 600.00600.003526.24
    Red_KingBig blind 1200.001800.006580.75
     Your hole cards
    • K
    • A
    DONKRaise 2400.004200.0010620.00
    Red_KingAll-in 6580.7510780.750.00
    DONKCall 5380.7516161.505239.25
    • K
    • A
    • A
    • 5
    • A
    • 5
    • 2
    • 7
    • 3
    DONKWinTwo Pairs, Aces and 5s16161.50 21400.75

    Without bad luck, I'd have no luck at all, sigh!
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    edited May 2017
    To be totally honest I think you have an attitude/mindset problem more than anything. Just look at all your recent posts on here.

    The A5 guy has got lucky and looks like a far from optimal play from him in a sat, but the only things within our control is how we play and how we react.
  • Options
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Official - TPT (Team Poker Titans) Tribulations & Cashes:
    To be totally honest I think you have an attitude/mindset problem more than anything. Just look at all your recent posts on here. The A5 guy has got lucky and looks like a far from optimal play from him in a sat, but the only things within our control is how we play and how we react.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Could be true, but, the number of outdraws is unrealistically high in respect of the number of mtt's I play.
    Only been back a month, I'm only posting the outdraws as facts, nothing else. Simply very high -ve VARIANCE.
    Others can make up their own minds, but I appreciate comments, particularly if I'm missing something basic.

    I like playing on this site and the community, been in this team since the start, but consistent outdraws ????

    I'll ask you,
    If you played live at the same venue and experienced these exit hands daily, would you play elsewhere?
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