I'm trying to play a lot more risk averse in the games, to try and lower the variance and use post flop edges that I (hope I) have over my opponents as much as possible. This was a big factor in bet/folding the KQ. In the past I'd have probably called it off.
It also helps when things are going well. If I'd have lost my last 2/3 games, I probably call there.
Things wont be going this well forever, so hopefully I can keep playing well when on a bad run too.
Always nervous about commenting on hands by peeps like you dohhhhhhh, go easy on me if I noob up here: 2 is yuk, innit. Dont beat any value hands. But what value hands that he bets the flop and then checks the turn with get there on the river? T9, 78, 99. Not much of his overall range, so depends on how he sees us, and how often he's bluffing. Meh, fold I agree. 3 im betting against most oppenents as they arent going to be checking the top end of the straight and will be at worst check calling the bottom end plus worse two pairs and spew calls. The only thing that would stop me is knowing how illdisciplined I am at bet folding. I always end up calling off. When I get more disciplined at bet folding I'll check back less. 5 I'm always calling. 8x is as strong as we are ever likely to be here. If we fold this we're going to be owned hard long term, aren't we? Cheers, TEDDY Posted by TeddyBloat
Teddy, don't be.
You can tell from your post here and general input around the forum that you have a better understanding of the game than most of my opponents at £10s.
You know what a value hand, and a range is. That puts you in the top 5% of players @ 10s already. Very surprised you're grinding £1s. Have you been doing that long, or are you new to the game? I know u haven't been on here for long.
fwiw, I called the last hand when I had the under house, and the opponent showed a total airball. No pair no draw from the flop.
Spose his bluff isn't that bad, he could have runner-runnered the over-house, which he could legitimately bet like that expecting me to have 8x sometimes. I have to fold A high, 5x, maybe some other stuff that has showdown value against that bet size.
Think I'm just too strong to fold.
Will try and post more strategy hands in here in the future.l
Cheers, dohhhhhhh. Ive been playing real money poker since the end of july. Before that I played about a year on a free blackberry app for play billions and realised that I was beating most players there and that I was a total nerd for the theory / strategy side of the game. I'd like to play higher but I want to ve rolled for any game I play, and i've not got a life roll to dip into, so grinding the micros ig is until I'm rolled and confident enough.
Also thinking about ranges in game is much harder than when the clock is ticking than when you have a god's eye view in the forum, lol.
I didn't play well at all, had some probz with a tooth on Friday overnight, then woke up with abit of a cold too, so the combo of tiredness/painkillers & beer I think got to me around 8ish and I wasn't focussing very well. So ended early.
The first half was fine, it was business as usual, playing well, running well, being on the right end of the coolers & 'standard spots'. Got on a run of 6 wins in a row @ 10s.
Then I started really struggling, finding myself being the 800 stack v 1.2k stack @ 40/80, and having to get lucky just to survive. And went on a run of 5 losses
Always read your diary but don't usually have anything constructive to post, HOWEVER, i was amazed by your graph. It reminded me of something...Google "matterhorn" and have a look at some of the images! Just saying! P
Very impressive graph indeed DOHHHHHHH... Top work fella... Have to admit that I've not seen many SnG graphs as solid as yours - you clearly either run like god, or are a serious beast... I don't have a premium Sharkscope account to be able to filter them, so which games do you play the most?
I'll look out for you from now on and make sure I have the nuts when you get it in :-)
Think we just met on the FT of a £5.50 game? I maybe wrong....
Relatively new here in all honesty but hoping to build a roll - I love 6max games and feel like I should have an edge in the ones on offer here.
HI, Always read your diary but don't usually have anything constructive to post, HOWEVER, i was amazed by your graph. It reminded me of something...Google "matterhorn" and have a look at some of the images! Just saying! P Posted by Glenelg
Pad, I'm not sure that mountain and my graph are comparable, I haven't won 17,345 mtts in 3 days for it to rise THAT steeply!
I'm not bolly/flashflush!!!
My graph is more like Phil Thompsons nose.
Unspectacular, but consistently rising!
Also that mountain has a rather steep decline 'ovvver t'uver side' which I wouldn't want my graph to reciprocate!
Very impressive graph indeed DOHHHHHHH... Top work fella... Have to admit that I've not seen many SnG graphs as solid as yours - you clearly either run like god, or are a serious beast... I don't have a premium Sharkscope account to be able to filter them, so which games do you play the most? I'll look out for you from now on and make sure I have the nuts when you get it in :-) Think we just met on the FT of a £5.50 game? I maybe wrong.... Relatively new here in all honesty but hoping to build a roll - I love 6max games and feel like I should have an edge in the ones on offer here. Keep up the sterling efforts Posted by coolhand87
Without being disrespectful to the chipleader when I busted, I would have fancied you to take it down from that position you were in above.
High variance though ofc, so you could just as easily bust the very next hand without doin a thing wrong.
I'm not a great 6max MTT player tbh, I think I'm way too tight. I play a lot of mtts elsewhere that are 9 handed and do alright, I just can't seem to adapt to sky tournaments.
Will keep working at it!
General update, spend the last hour doing nothing. €20 HU hyper mtt in France in 5 mins, then definitely grinding sngs all night!
I got second mate, sadly... Had a slight chip lead after a bit of a HU battle then got it in with JJ on Q98 flop - syler snapped me off with 89 and rivered a 9 Happy enough with second though. Well played btw - think I busted you and got relativelly lucky with KQ vs your A9?
Erm..... Not sure about your comment re 6max games though... I've seen your stats/graph and I think the opposite would be more true... Yeah the standard seems quite soft here, but you're 12k or so up.... steady away through 2k+ games is that.
I'm sure I'll be seeing you around much more anyways.... Whilst on a BR building mission on Sky, i'll defo be adding funds in the future if all else fails - feel like I'll get on okay here... Tight is fine as long as you have a solid shove/fold range later on in these games... Stacks defo seem to be quite shallow when deep, even in the non-turbo games.
Good luck in your HU MTT - you say you're in France? You at the WSOPE?
I got second mate, sadly... Had a slight chip lead after a bit of a HU battle then got it in with JJ on Q98 flop - syler snapped me off with 89 and rivered a 9 Happy enough with second though. Well played btw - think I busted you and got relativelly lucky with KQ vs your A9? Erm..... Not sure about your comment re 6max games though... I've seen your stats/graph and I think the opposite would be more true... Yeah the standard seems quite soft here, but you're 12k or so up.... steady away through 2k+ games is that. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around much more anyways.... Whilst on a BR building mission on Sky, i'll defo be adding funds in the future if all else fails - feel like I'll get on okay here... Tight is fine as long as you have a solid shove/fold range later on in these games... Stacks defo seem to be quite shallow when deep, even in the non-turbo games. Good luck in your HU MTT - you say you're in France? You at the WSOPE? Posted by coolhand87
Nooooo. Not @ the WSOPE this year.
Bet Ivey/Cody/Mercier & co are relieved!
haha, nah nowhere even close to that level! I only play £10 games!
I just play online on some French sites. I spose people new to this diary aren't to know that.
Congrats on the 2nd. Syler seemed to 'have it' everytime. Tight is right, I guess!
Ah right ok... Actually think I remember some chat as we reached the FT about Winamax and Stars.fr.... Play a little of the latter myself - the buyins are obviously inflated in comparison to .com but I find the smaller fields much more manageable and full of fish.
it was lovely playing some heads up with you, would love to again at lower levels as i have a small bankroll but want to test myself against better players like yourself!
Why are the heads up turbos your "go to" games in a similar way as the Dyms are for me?
I know your knowledge of them will be greater than many of your opponents and your ranges will be far better. However, and I'm just guessing , so correct me if I'm wrong, they must be really hard to beat? Turbos by their very nature are high variance and pretty quickly the skill must go out of them and it's just shove and hope?
Is Sky, in your opinion "softer" than other sites?
I'm only playing on Sky these days and so am a little out of touch.
Why don't you play more cash on here to make your money?
Haven't played much with you but from reading other forum members posts, it would seem you are good.
Can you beat Dyms?
I'll answer that one for you. Off course you can. Assuming you would play around the £10 mark the standard isn't amazing. In truth, I think the games have got tougher over the last couple of years but certainly there is still money to be made from them. Reg just one and I'd take a bet that on average 3 out of the 5 opponents will be losing players and 1 prolly just about breaking even. As with the games you play now, volume is obviously the key and you would find it easier to get the volume you need playing Dyms than Hu.
it was lovely playing some heads up with you, would love to again at lower levels as i have a small bankroll but want to test myself against better players like yourself! Posted by golds95
Sorry I missed this post this morning gold.
Yeh as I said at the table I'm happy to play you a few games at a lower level.
You around tomorrow? Best of 5 £1 games in the afternoon?
Post up here sometime tomorrow or find me at a table to arrange a time.
Questions Why are the heads up turbos your "go to" games in a similar way as the Dyms are for me? I know your knowledge of them will be greater than many of your opponents and your ranges will be far better. However, and I'm just guessing , so correct me if I'm wrong, they must be really hard to beat? Turbos by their very nature are high variance and pretty quickly the skill must go out of them and it's just shove and hope? Is Sky, in your opinion "softer" than other sites? I'm only playing on Sky these days and so am a little out of touch. Why don't you play more cash on here to make your money? Haven't played much with you but from reading other forum members posts, it would seem you are good. Can you beat Dyms? I'll answer that one for you. Off course you can. Assuming you would play around the £10 mark the standard isn't amazing. In truth, I think the games have got tougher over the last couple of years but certainly there is still money to be made from them. Reg just one and I'd take a bet that on average 3 out of the 5 opponents will be losing players and 1 prolly just about breaking even. As with the games you play now, volume is obviously the key and you would find it easier to get the volume you need playing Dyms than Hu. The rams are going up, by the way Posted by Jac35
Will try not to write another huge essay...
Main thing is they're quick! Over in less than 10 minutes. They're fun, we have to play almost every hand! I don't have to concentrate for long periods, and I don't have to think too hard or get in to many complex spots.
I'm not sure they are very hard to beat.
I play £10.50 games, so compare that to a £11 dym player and I'd expect the top players ROIs to be similar, for example I think 10% roi over a big sample of HU turbos is possible, certainly around what I'd expect mine to be.
DYM players @ any level I would expect would be happy with that!
A lot of people auto assume anything with the word 'turbo' in the name is a 'shovefest' or 'bingo poker'. (not saying you do)
In turbo HU sngs, you get 8 minutes of play before the effective stacks are 10xbb.
That's quite a lot of hands HU, and even 10xbb effective v a lot of players I still feel I have a significant edge.
Play a few!
Sky is really soft for HU sngs yeh. But as always with sngs you have to compare not only the standard, but also the rake and the structures, as well as the 'action'.
Think I'll have to go elsewhere again after this month is over.
Just can't do it anymore, far too much of a grind, need great discipline & concentration to win on here. I watch Lambert play sometimes just for an hour or so, here and there, to try and pick up on any leaks or give general observations on his play.
It's just such a struggle, the same names day after day grinding it out for small winrates and high points tallys.
Not for me!
Some of the 'regs' are also a lot better than they used to be.
Long attritional grinds have never been for me, give me a 'shovefest, hit n hope, bingo' game anytime
Is a 'meh' format for me.
I did try once, to grind them seriously, I had a clinic thread which ran and ran for around a month, just me posting hands in there and getting tonnes of great feedback from people like JC and Shanxta.
After breaking around even for a fortnight I then heatered for a week and over my final sample of 500 games @ £11 level, finished with an ROI of 11%.
I've barely played another 1 since!
The rake on these games is MUCH lower elsewhere though.
If I were to take these up again it certainly wouldn't be on sky.
I hope so!
Not a Stevie Mac fan though!
Decent start for him, he keeps getting big jobs so he must have something about him!
They're beatable just hard to make much off them! I play them mainly just to improve my tourney play. Had a mare in the one where you knocked me out - decided that was enough BH's for me today after that!
In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : Sorry I missed this post this morning gold. Yeh as I said at the table I'm happy to play you a few games at a lower level. You around tomorrow? Best of 5 £1 games in the afternoon? Post up here sometime tomorrow or find me at a table to arrange a time. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Hi mate, yeah I will be playing from 9 onwards if you want to play.
In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : Soz golds I don't really play at night time. It will have to be sometime in the afternoon, Friday between 2pm and 6pm? ------------------ Rubbish again yesterday, I'm not even gonna bother wasting a search skoping myself. Balance is 2 quid lower than it was when I started. Fun! Back tomorrow for a Friday/Sunday double session. GL all playing today. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
Dissapointing i'm at work all day until about 6, maybe the weekend?
In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : Dissapointing i'm at work all day until about 6, maybe the weekend? Posted by golds95
hi golds, really enjoyed our games.
if you want some constructive feedback, here goes:
you're very aggressive which is great for HU esp hypers, but a few little adjustments will help you:
raise sizing
dont 3x or 4x in hypers. it's pretty bad. you fold out a few extra hands, but the risk / reward isn't there. if you ever 3x fold it stinks basically, so you are left having to 3x only strong hands, which is easy to play against. stick to a minraise, the shallow stacks mean you never have to worry about building an all-in pot by the river
3 betting
you 3bet me a ton which is great, but chose your 3betting hands wisely. 24o is never going to be a good hand to 3bet, just muck them totally junk hands, long term it's going to cost you.
bet sizing post
you min bet a couple of times down the steets with big holdings and priced me into hit when you had a hand you couldnt really fold. bet properly and force your oppenent to consider either jamming over the top with draws, calling down with an awkward pirce or folding their draws altogether. difficult decisions for them. if you are min betting strength to balance out the times you min bet with air / marginal holdings then that's the right thinking, but the wrong adjustment; bet bigger or not at all with your air / marginal holdings too
you barrelled a ton which again is great, but chose the right boards. best boards are dry boards where you feel that your oppenent has a capped range that will find hard to continue when overcards hit. QsJs9h is not great but if another broadway card falls, best not to barrel down unless you have equity too.
slow play
you owned me hard slow playing AA and KK, the AA one was particulary nice as you had the nut flush draw to go with it. don't get into the habit of doing it when draws that can kill you appear on the turn though. it's a disaster if you let a big hand get cracked on the cheap.
i'm not a great player and we were pretty even through our games i thought, no doubt you could find similar leaks in my game. hope the above helps you mate.
In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary" : hi golds, really enjoyed our games. if you want some constructive feedback, here goes: you're very aggressive which is great for HU esp hypers, but a few little adjustments will help you: raise sizing dont 3x or 4x in hypers. it's pretty bad. you fold out a few extra hands, but the risk / reward isn't there. if you ever 3x fold it stinks basically, so you are left having to 3x only strong hands, which is easy to play against. stick to a minraise, the shallow stacks mean you never have to worry about building an all-in pot by the river 3 betting you 3bet me a ton which is great, but chose your 3betting hands wisely. 24o is never going to be a good hand to 3bet, just muck them totally junk hands, long term it's going to cost you. bet sizing post you min bet a couple of times down the steets with big holdings and priced me into hit when you had a hand you couldnt really fold. bet properly and force your oppenent to consider either jamming over the top with draws, calling down with an awkward pirce or folding their draws altogether. difficult decisions for them. if you are min betting strength to balance out the times you min bet with air / marginal holdings then that's the right thinking, but the wrong adjustment; bet bigger or not at all with your air / marginal holdings too barrelling you barrelled a ton which again is great, but chose the right boards. best boards are dry boards where you feel that your oppenent has a capped range that will find hard to continue when overcards hit. QsJs9h is not great but if another broadway card falls, best not to barrel down unless you have equity too. slow play you owned me hard slow playing AA and KK, the AA one was particulary nice as you had the nut flush draw to go with it. don't get into the habit of doing it when draws that can kill you appear on the turn though. it's a disaster if you let a big hand get cracked on the cheap. i'm not a great player and we were pretty even through our games i thought, no doubt you could find similar leaks in my game. hope the above helps you mate. cheers, TEDDY Posted by TeddyBloat
Thanks mate needed the critisism as im taking poker a bit more seriously now, after being a losing player and not taking any bankroll mangement into consideration and playing any game at any limit but now set myself a target of £100 from £10 which has started already and up £3.36 so hopefully ill be able to get there and try to aviod you a bit more now lol
You seemed to have a lot of the basics in place in the few games we played gold, but as I was focusing more on trying to win I wasn't really in a position to feedback. (ok, I got drunk and can't remember also).
Don is right, I can't play tomorrow afternoon but Sunday is good.
I'll try and add to Teddys post above after we've played again.
Have found a few Hand IDs on the sticky note I keep on the desktop. No idea what they are, but I'll post them up whilst I get todays session going.
1) Looks like I've started with a brag again.
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Can't see him donking the A here, pretty crazy move tbh as I have no equity. I guess I fold out K high
2) This is a hyper, struggle to see what the fellas repping here? Can we bet/hero call here???
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
3) Ah, I remember this, the fella is a rock solid reg....
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
I'd expect all his Ax hands to shove pre flop, and I very much doubt he'd check raise Jx on this board.
I'm very aggressive, min raising tonnes of buttons and cbetting a lot of the time. Also cbet smaller on this kinda texture with stack sizes as they are, a combo of those 3 things might have induced a bluff from him?
I think his line reps absolutely nothing, so put the lot in.
My problem with these hands, is If I actually have Jx or Ax and I get check raised like this, I'd flat with the plan to call off turn/riv v his barrels to keep his range as wide as possible.
So by shipping, do I myself rep nothing either?
I guess small pocket pairs that I think are ahead & vulnerable, but other than that, not a lot?
Always confuses me that spot, the 'bluff and rebluff' type hands.
Thanx for the feedback both.
I'm trying to play a lot more risk averse in the games, to try and lower the variance and use post flop edges that I (hope I) have over my opponents as much as possible. This was a big factor in bet/folding the KQ. In the past I'd have probably called it off.
It also helps when things are going well. If I'd have lost my last 2/3 games, I probably call there.
Things wont be going this well forever, so hopefully I can keep playing well when on a bad run too.
In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary": Teddy, don't be.
You can tell from your post here and general input around the forum that you have a better understanding of the game than most of my opponents at £10s.
You know what a value hand, and a range is. That puts you in the top 5% of players @ 10s already. Very surprised you're grinding £1s. Have you been doing that long, or are you new to the game? I know u haven't been on here for long.
fwiw, I called the last hand when I had the under house, and the opponent showed a total airball. No pair no draw from the flop.
Spose his bluff isn't that bad, he could have runner-runnered the over-house, which he could legitimately bet like that expecting me to have 8x sometimes. I have to fold A high, 5x, maybe some other stuff that has showdown value against that bet size.
Think I'm just too strong to fold.
Will try and post more strategy hands in here in the future.l
Great start to a sporting Saturday.
This guy has to be one of the best sportsmen on the planet.
Session of 2 halves yesterday.
I didn't play well at all, had some probz with a tooth on Friday overnight, then woke up with abit of a cold too, so the combo of tiredness/painkillers & beer I think got to me around 8ish and I wasn't focussing very well. So ended early.
The first half was fine, it was business as usual, playing well, running well, being on the right end of the coolers & 'standard spots'. Got on a run of 6 wins in a row @ 10s.
Then I started really struggling, finding myself being the 800 stack v 1.2k stack @ 40/80, and having to get lucky just to survive. And went on a run of 5 losses
Target at start of challenge = Make $913
Results so far = Plus $371
New target required = $543
$550 required in 5 sessions.
I've had no luck at all in the sky daytime bounty hunters this month. I've taken 1 bounty from a total of 10 tournaments. No cashes.
I suspect I'm going to need to win 2, maybe 3 this week to threaten that target.
Back at it Monday morning, gl all playing today!
Have abandoned France for today apart from 2 of my fave mtts, 1 @ midday and 1 @ 5pm.
All out on sky, playing every tournament £5 or £10 with a reasonable gntee.
Couldn't be going much worse tbh.
£11 and £6 BHs down already, no heads no cashes.
V short in another £5 and a £5 freezeout.
These buyins addup when converted to dollars!
This hands sums the day up so far.
I can see why people don't enjoy playing these, they're an absolute minefield. And without good hands, there's not much you can do to win.
'Super' high variance.
2nd £11 game about to load, hope this hour is better than the previous 2.
fwiw France is going quite well! #irony
Horror mtt day.
1 cash in a £5 freezeout.
A9 < KQ for 20k. std.
yler2428873.11 coolhand8725522.78 BCFCTAFF1911604.11 DOHHHHHHH04£18.15Wacko9005£14.85
Can't seem to crack em!
Was going quite well in a £11 BH, then had this.
Tripled up in a £3 timed 'mtt' also to claw some dosh back.
I'm $200 down this month in Bounty Hunter tournys.
If I hadn't played any, I'd be almost at the target!
HU sngs mainly from now until I drop, please run good doh.
Think we just met on the FT of a £5.50 game? I maybe wrong....
Relatively new here in all honesty but hoping to build a roll - I love 6max games and feel like I should have an edge in the ones on offer here.
I'm not bolly/flashflush!!!
My graph is more like Phil Thompsons nose.
Unspectacular, but consistently rising!
Also that mountain has a rather steep decline 'ovvver t'uver side' which I wouldn't want my graph to reciprocate!
Have u climbed it?
In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary": We did coolhand, welcome to the thread.
syler2428873.11 coolhand8725522.78 BCFCTAFF1911604.11 DOHHHHHHH04£18.15Wacko9005£14.85
I believe it was this one, how did you get on?
Without being disrespectful to the chipleader when I busted, I would have fancied you to take it down from that position you were in above.
High variance though ofc, so you could just as easily bust the very next hand without doin a thing wrong.
I'm not a great 6max MTT player tbh, I think I'm way too tight. I play a lot of mtts elsewhere that are 9 handed and do alright, I just can't seem to adapt to sky tournaments.
Will keep working at it!
General update, spend the last hour doing nothing. €20 HU hyper mtt in France in 5 mins, then definitely grinding sngs all night!
*edit, lasted 5 hands.
Be nice to me, sky sng rng!
gl all playing.
Erm..... Not sure about your comment re 6max games though... I've seen your stats/graph and I think the opposite would be more true... Yeah the standard seems quite soft here, but you're 12k or so up.... steady away through 2k+ games is that.
I'm sure I'll be seeing you around much more anyways.... Whilst on a BR building mission on Sky, i'll defo be adding funds in the future if all else fails - feel like I'll get on okay here... Tight is fine as long as you have a solid shove/fold range later on in these games... Stacks defo seem to be quite shallow when deep, even in the non-turbo games.
Bet Ivey/Cody/Mercier & co are relieved!
haha, nah nowhere even close to that level! I only play £10 games!
I just play online on some French sites. I spose people new to this diary aren't to know that.
Congrats on the 2nd. Syler seemed to 'have it' everytime. Tight is right, I guess!
Good luck tonight.
Another dull/uninspiring day where I made very little progress.
Not much action at all, and I finished early again.
23 HU sngs, +$61 w/ $17 avg stake and 14% ROI.
I tilted abit and started reging £21 games, luckily won the first 2, then lost a flip w/ 22 < AJ in the third.
That last game was a £40 ($70) swing
Did rubbish @ mtts so only +$34 overall for the day.
Target at start of challenge = Make $913
Results so far = Plus $405
New target required = $508
Think I need to give up on the bounty hunters.
Here's my graph for them so far this month.
The HU sngs have saved the day!
Turns out there are 31 days in October (who knew?) so I still have 5 more sessions to get there!
Need a new plan for daytime games on Sky though, any suggestions?
Not sure I can do dyms. Well I can play them, I just don't think I'll be able to beat them.
Will think of something.
GL all playing today.
Yeh as I said at the table I'm happy to play you a few games at a lower level.
You around tomorrow? Best of 5 £1 games in the afternoon?
Post up here sometime tomorrow or find me at a table to arrange a time.
In Response to Re: "Sit & DOHHHHHHH Diary": Jacccoooooo!
Will try not to write another huge essay...
Main thing is they're quick! Over in less than 10 minutes.
They're fun, we have to play almost every hand!
I don't have to concentrate for long periods, and I don't have to think too hard or get in to many complex spots.
I'm not sure they are very hard to beat.
I play £10.50 games, so compare that to a £11 dym player and I'd expect the top players ROIs to be similar, for example I think 10% roi over a big sample of HU turbos is possible, certainly around what I'd expect mine to be.
DYM players @ any level I would expect would be happy with that!
A lot of people auto assume anything with the word 'turbo' in the name is a 'shovefest' or 'bingo poker'. (not saying you do)
In turbo HU sngs, you get 8 minutes of play before the effective stacks are 10xbb.
That's quite a lot of hands HU, and even 10xbb effective v a lot of players I still feel I have a significant edge.
Play a few!
Sky is really soft for HU sngs yeh. But as always with sngs you have to compare not only the standard, but also the rake and the structures, as well as the 'action'.
Think I'll have to go elsewhere again after this month is over.
Just can't do it anymore, far too much of a grind, need great discipline & concentration to win on here. I watch Lambert play sometimes just for an hour or so, here and there, to try and pick up on any leaks or give general observations on his play.
It's just such a struggle, the same names day after day grinding it out for small winrates and high points tallys.
Not for me!
Some of the 'regs' are also a lot better than they used to be.
Long attritional grinds have never been for me, give me a 'shovefest, hit n hope, bingo' game anytime
Is a 'meh' format for me.
I did try once, to grind them seriously, I had a clinic thread which ran and ran for around a month, just me posting hands in there and getting tonnes of great feedback from people like JC and Shanxta.
After breaking around even for a fortnight I then heatered for a week and over my final sample of 500 games @ £11 level, finished with an ROI of 11%.
I've barely played another 1 since!
The rake on these games is MUCH lower elsewhere though.
If I were to take these up again it certainly wouldn't be on sky.
I hope so!
Not a Stevie Mac fan though!
Decent start for him, he keeps getting big jobs so he must have something about him!
Not feeling great today, so reluctant to reg up many games until I know I'm going to be able to play a full session.
Already cashed a BH tho, the first all month! wiiii
Exit hand was standard, needed abit of luck to 'go deep' but couldn't spike an Ace,
With the bounty factor and him having a comfortable stack I thought open jamming might be best.
Only a v small cash but a relief all the same!
Couple more running atm, 2/26 in one of them. Hopefully I'll feel better soon and can commit to a full session.
gl all playing today.
£11 game.
Another cash in another £5.75 BH.
3 goes today...
£5.75 BH - 8th/70 with 1 head for a small cash.
£5.75 BH - 7th/70 with 2 heads for a small cash.
£11 BH- 40th/60 with 1 head for a small loss
= +£2.
Are these even beatable?
vvvvv frustrating, let's play HU!
It will have to be sometime in the afternoon, Friday between 2pm and 6pm?
Rubbish again yesterday, I'm not even gonna bother wasting a search skoping myself.
Balance is 2 quid lower than it was when I started.
Back tomorrow for a Friday/Sunday double session.
GL all playing today.
Good post Teddy.
You seemed to have a lot of the basics in place in the few games we played gold, but as I was focusing more on trying to win I wasn't really in a position to feedback. (ok, I got drunk and can't remember also).
Don is right, I can't play tomorrow afternoon but Sunday is good.
I'll try and add to Teddys post above after we've played again.
Good luck over the weekend.
1) Looks like I've started with a brag again.
2) This is a hyper, struggle to see what the fellas repping here? Can we bet/hero call here???
I'm very aggressive, min raising tonnes of buttons and cbetting a lot of the time. Also cbet smaller on this kinda texture with stack sizes as they are, a combo of those 3 things might have induced a bluff from him?
I think his line reps absolutely nothing, so put the lot in.
My problem with these hands, is If I actually have Jx or Ax and I get check raised like this, I'd flat with the plan to call off turn/riv v his barrels to keep his range as wide as possible.
So by shipping, do I myself rep nothing either?
I guess small pocket pairs that I think are ahead & vulnerable, but other than that, not a lot?
Always confuses me that spot, the 'bluff and rebluff' type hands.
All thoughts welcome, cheers.
Donny are 5/1 to win @ Boro tonight live on sky.
I have no idea why!
Teams are on the same points, Boro' played 1 game more.
Boro' sacked their manager this week.
No outstanding injury worries for Donny, and they are decent away from home this year, and very good last.
Definitely worth a tenner @ 5/1 !