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  • edited January 2012
    good luck pavillion,
    you deffo have the patience & b/roll dicipline i think,
    which is so important.
    i,m sure that in a few weeks/months time,
    that b/roll of yours will look a whole lot better!

    keep focused on your targets,

    best wishes
  • edited January 2012

    u just playing cash ? u think about mixing in some mtt sng ? maybe some sats

  • edited January 2012
    Main thing that you'll notice as the BR grows is the beats hurt less and less up till a point where they have zero effect on your mindset. 

    An example being when you get say to around £160-£180 (the amount needed to take shots at NL8 imo) losing one lot of £4 will be just a flesh wound and you should think, oh well just grind that back and go again, but losing £4 from £60 is MASSIVE and can put you on a real downer if you let it as it's such a big chunk of your roll.

    Obviously the big advantage is to have a good start but due to sod's law that doesn't always happen lol, which is why it's paramount you have the qualities SLAVER mentioned in the first line of his post.

    Good luck matey. 
  • edited January 2012
    stay away from sky vegas and your be fine :)
  • edited January 2012
    Just completed Day 7. Closing down early tonight/

    Days Profit £1.5

    Profit to Date £2.5

    Closing Bankroll £52.5

    Back to 1 table NL4 to start till I get going in correct direction.

    Only able to play for a few hrs today. Up and down ended small profit.

    This grind is teaching me a few things.
    1) Bankroll Management is much more critical than I thought and I still find it hard to resist my urge to play at 20p/40p but at these levels it stops me going broke. I still have my full bankroll.
    2) Its essential you play at least 1 hour uninterrupted. It allows me time to get back if down early.
    3) Dont bluff too much or chase. Just abc at these levels.
    4) As like everyone else, I am not as good as I thought I was lol
    5) Confirmed how much I enjoy this game - on to tomorrow.

  • edited January 2012
    Just completed Day 8.

    Days Profit £1.5

    Profit to Date £4

    Closing Bankroll

    No C4P bonus for Jan as I didnt start this till 23rd and have less than 500 pts but with the reduction in C4P on NL4 it will be very hard in Feb to reach 500. Plus theres the Play the Nation Fiver too which looks nigh on impossible to achieve at these levels..

    Started about midday today on 2 tables NL4 - down about £4 early. 
    Flopped Q high flush and was facing an all in bet of £3 which I called. Other player had flopped 3 7's, so just had to avoid the board pairing or the 4th 7. Yes board paired on river.
    Tried a £2.2 timed tourny that didnt work, went all in with my 33 and lost to a flush on river. 
    Doubled up on both tables early afternoon - going much better.
    Entered another £2.2 timed - cashed £3.7

  • edited February 2012
    Day 9. Did not get chance to post last night and only able to get to tables for 1 hour yesterday.

    Days Profit £0

    Profit to Date £4

    Closing Bankroll

    Today is a busy day too - hope to get to it this evening

  • edited February 2012

    op used a excell sheet to record ur results. also mix in some sat there like 1.25 sats for the main event give one or two a try that if u got a day to play and move trought the sats levels.

  • edited February 2012
    this is excellent keep going ever little help
  • edited February 2012
    Just completed Day 10.

    Days Profit £6

    Profit to Date £10

    Closing Bankroll

    Started with a £2.2 timed, cashed £1.95  

    NL4  JJ v QQ v KK £9 pre flop. I had KK and Q came on river.

    Done ok on NL4 tables, eeked out a nice profit.

  • edited February 2012
    Just completed Day 11.

    Days Profit £4

    Profit to Date £14

    Closing Bankroll

    2 Tables NL4 managed about 4 hrs during day and another session of about 4 hours in evening.
    Just grinding away and winning small pots.
    Entered a £2.2 DYM and cashed, may try another later.
    Next £2.2 DYM did not cash.
    Loose player on NL4 all in for £5, he had AT, I called with AQ. Nice Pot.

  • edited February 2012
    On the DYM's if I was in your position I would personally leave them out till I could play the £3.30's as any sort of volume at the £2.25 level will see you lose a ton in rake as it's 12.5% as apposed to 10% higher up.
  • edited February 2012
    +1 to dude. try and concentrate on one format. just waiting for you to post a "big day" and your on your way i would think.
  • edited February 2012
    OK dudeskin - will leave out DYMs for a bit. What about a £2.2 timed thats only 10%

    Thanks for the encouragement pod1 - yes me too just waiting for a big day lol
  • edited February 2012
    Tbh mate the timed games are a bit alien to me, never even played one yet (but that's mainly due to the structure being too fast) so don't even know what sort of BR you should have for them. 

    Normal MTT's I'd advise at least 75 BI's but probably much more, however in these there is no prizepool so it gets complicated. 

    Overall I would just leave them out till you have a much bigger BR.
  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Can I turn £50 into a sensible bankroll:
    First some history. I have been playing Poker now for about 6 years, mostly live in Canada, before I returned to England mid last year. Based on the lack of local live casinos near me in Lincoln I opted for the online route. I have been playing on this site for about 6 months. Three major things I enjoy a) Play in £'s b) The Forum and c) The TV Channel. My live experiences in Canada showed a small profit but I have not had the same success online. My last deposit on Sky was in October. This went the same way as previous ones in 2011. During September I reached a bankroll of about £400 but lost it due partly in my opinion to a) not playing under correct conditions (I would regularily grab 5 mins whenever I had chance instead of making sure I had at least an hour uninterrupted time to play) b) total disregard for bankroll management. Playing well above my bankroll consistently. Two tables at 20p/40p (this didnt seem very high as I was used to playing $1/$2 in Canada, but on reflection that was live) or short buying 25p/50p (really enjoyed these games but I know I should firstly always buy in for max and secondly should be playing at much lower limits, I had some good days where I would win £50-£100 but also some days I would lose that) c) variance and unlucky (well I couldnt tell my wife I wasnt any good could I, Ive been playing a few years now and she thinks I should be winning, plus I used to bring money home when I played in Canada lol) d) poor play - think I have been fishing and bluffing too much I normally allocate £150 per month to poker as money I can afford to lose but dont want to of course. My wife convinced me (or told me) to put £100 in a savings account and £50 to Sky each month. Sometimes she has good ideas but I wont tell her that. At least I will have £1200 at end of year towards my next Vegas trip. So today, £50 has been deposited. Whats the plan? a) only play when I have at least 1hour uninterrupted available b) play 1 table 2p/4p until or if bankroll moves to £120 then add a second table and add a 3rd table at £200 c) if get up by 2.5 buy ins on a table then cash out and reselect another table d) only move up to a higher level when bankroll reaches £320 and start again at 1 table e) only play mtt or any other game - timed, sng, dym IF winning on cash table for that day. All of these should be £2.30 or less until bankroll at least £320 f) create a daily stop loss of 2 buy ins thats 2 x £4 = £8 to start. Never deployed a stop loss before but seems a good idea. Thats gonna be a tough one to stay disciplined, especially if I lose early in the day. g) tighten up my game, play more abc poker. h) keep a spreadsheet of records. i) once I get a bit of a bankroll invest in a mentor to help my game - any offers? All this sounds reasonable, lets see what happens. I will post my results here daily if there is interest. I believe by doing so it helps me keep focused and disciplined. Any comments on the outlined strategy would be appreciated. See you at the tables. Pavillion
    Posted by Pavillion
    Just read your post mate and saw you mention that there are no live casino's close to Lincoln, I live in Sleaford just down the road and regularly go to Dusk Till Dawn in Nottingham (approx 50 min drive away). Its good for a live tourney and runs daily £15/£50 freezeouts.
  • edited February 2012
    Just completed Day 12.

    Days Profit £5.5

    Profit to Date £20.5

    Closing Bankroll

    Just 2 tables NL4, about 6 hrs. No major hands but roll is inching upwards - albeit slowly.

  • edited February 2012
    Just completed Day 13

    Days Movement £o

    Profit to Date £20.5

    Closing Bankroll

    2 Tables NL4 again. Won nice pot early player goes all in on turn , I had top 2 AT - turns out he was on a draw and didnt make it. Cant remember how much but a few pounds.
    Tried miniview and stepped it up to 3 tables for about an hour. Won about £4 overall but it needed much more concentration. Going back to 2 tables - more relaxing. Playing more aggressive today and its paying dividends.
    Winning some, losing some. Back to 3 tables. Busted on 1 table where I had trip 8s and lost to TQ which made a bigger full house on river.
    Was up during the day and gave it all back with losses on £2.25 DYM and £3.3 timed.
    Played 3 HU at £2.10 to close day out and won them all.

    Overall I have had a very full day today, managing to play for most of time. Was up £10 at one stage and down £10 at another, ended even thanks to 3 HU games. Might play a few more of these as the rake is only 10p (£2 level) and you get 3 points if you win. My Feb target is to get to 500 so that I get the PTN bonus plus the normal. Currently on 139 so if I continue this level of play might just make it.

  • edited February 2012
    Just completed Day 14

    No movement again today

    Profit to Date £20.5

    Closing Bankroll

    Not a good start to day. All in before me on flop for £4.8 T4 he had middle pair. I had AA. A 4 came on river giving him 2 pair. Yep, thats poker.

    Done OK at NL4 but gave it back in HU and timed, sticking to NL4 tomorrow

  • edited February 2012
    Sounds like 1/2 tabling is getting somewhat boring for you with the sng/tournaments you keep playing and the 77 AI call which can be negative for your BR. 

    I'd suggest waiting until a friday/saturday evenings and just 6-10 table nl4. Go for the tables with the biggest pot averages as they tend to be the ones with the most "recreational" players. 6-10 tabling at these times you should be able to increase your BR to atleast 70-100 in one weekend if not more. I've only played on Sky for a short while about a year ago and just come back recently and both times playing 4nl with a £10-15 BR mid-stacking on the  fri-sat has proven to be a great bankroll booster until you have enough to play higher games or sng/tourneys.
  • edited February 2012
    Not finished my day yet, will post results later.

    Looking for advice on raise sizes preflop at NL4

    If min raise , normally get callers

    If 3X  mostly get at least 1 caller

    If 4X  most times I get a walk

    What is the optimum raise to get paid when you get a premium hand?

    Your experiences would be appreciated

  • edited February 2012
    I'd say stick to 4x/5x in the main, if you find 4x is getting loads of walks it probably means you're on a bad table and due to NL4 being SOOO loose in general being on a tight table is purely down to poor table selection.
  • edited February 2012
    Just completed Day 15 (well thats not true still playing will add on to tomorrows)

    Days Loss £4

    Closing Bankroll £66.5 

    Not much playing today. A little midday then a few hours this evening. Stayed disciplined and didnt move off 2 table NL4. It was hard resisting a BH or timed or low cost MTT as I enjoy them - but I lose money.
    Struggled with 4X raises tonight , mostly got a walk
    Frustrating night as I never seemed to get value out of premium hands.

    I now have 230 points so well on target to reach 500 by end Feb

  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Can I turn £50 into a sensible bankroll:
    Not finished my day yet, will post results later. Looking for advice on raise sizes preflop at NL4 If min raise , normally get callers If 3X  mostly get at least 1 caller If 4X  most times I get a walk What is the optimum raise to get paid when you get a premium hand? Your experiences would be appreciated
    Posted by Pavillion
    in cash raise 3x wif all your hands coz if change it it will look like big hand
  • edited February 2012
    hi pavillion,
    i,v been having similar problems with bet sizeing ,
    i was 3x raising 4 a while,
    had some winning & losing sessions,
    now after receiving advice,all saying 4x 5x etc,
    i have found mixing it up is working quite well atm.
    even happy raising bigger with qq kk aa,ak maybe,
    60p 80p £1,
    even all-in occasionally.
    it,s better to take down a small pot pre-flop
    with no hassle,each time,
    than let oppo out-draw you.
    yes,it is frustrating when holding aa
    and everyone folds,i had it a couple of times last night,
    but equally when u do get called,u know u r ahead at that time,
    and u r hopefully going to get paid!

     best wishes
  • edited February 2012
    raise 2x utg, 3x middle and 4x bu/sb, also add 1bb per limper. I wouldnt suggest randomising your opening amount or changing sizes for hand ranks.
  • edited February 2012
    Just completed Day 16

    Days Profit £18.5

    Closing Bankroll £85

     Best day so far - if only I could string a run of these days together.

    Clawed back my loss from yesterday and off to a good profit early. Just playing 2 tables NL4.

    Lost a nice pot when my KK ran into AA.

    Had a better day with raises - either 3x or 4x ( just varying ) and mostly got some action.

    Found it tough during the day but action much looser at night. Had several nice wins in evening session.

  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Can I turn £50 into a sensible bankroll:
    raise 2x utg, 3x middle and 4x bu/sb, also add 1bb per limper. I wouldnt suggest randomising your opening amount or changing sizes for hand ranks.
    Posted by cgoldie
    dont get y u would change your raise size for hand rank then u are just giveing away reads bad plan for mekeep it the same
  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Can I turn £50 into a sensible bankroll:
    Just completed Day 16 Days Profit £18.5 Closing Bankroll £85  Best day so far - if only I could string a run of these days together. Clawed back my loss from yesterday and off to a good profit early. Just playing 2 tables NL4. Lost a nice pot when my KK ran into AA. Had a better day with raises - either 3x or 4x ( just varying ) and mostly got some action. Found it tough during the day but action much looser at night. Had several nice wins in evening session. Pavillion
    Posted by Pavillion
    well done
  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Can I turn £50 into a sensible bankroll:
    In Response to Re: Can I turn £50 into a sensible bankroll : dont get y u would change your raise size for hand rank then u are just giveing away reads bad plan for mekeep it the same
    Posted by rob12345
    Its not for hand ranks its for position. It minimises risk and at lower stakes can confuse players into doing something stupid. If your utg your more likely to have to play out of pos and also more likely to get 3 bet regardless of your raise size. If your raising 2x you can still play the weaker players against 3bet with more hands and can get away cheaper against stronger players without a very strong hand. The better your position the chance of an opponent having a strong hand is lower and the more likely you are to play the hand in pos so it makes sense to open higher when you have a positional advantage regardless of what your hand is.
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