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  • edited February 2012
    Hi Pav

    Just found your thread towards bottom of page 2 with no posts in reply for a few days.

    So maybe you need to liven it up a bit. After all the quest seems to be going well pokerwise, but not many people will bother to find it, if it is only your progress in pounds and pence.

    Your opening post was intriguing talking about coming over from Canada, and your wifes input into your BRM.

    So why not over the next few days tell us a little about poker in Canada? Or let us know if you are still saving for the Vegas trip ?

    Have you played live since you have been over here ? Or give us your opinions on happenings on the site, the poker world or life in general ?

    And perhaps pose a few questions for us too. Good luck.
  • edited February 2012
    My numbers are not progressing at moment so on Penguins suggestion lets talk about Vegas and things. Whilst I lived in Canada it was only a 4hour flight from Toronto. Went 3 times in last 2 years I was in Canada and now hoping to get back Spring 2013. First time I went stayed at Bellagio. (wife was with me so it had to be nice). I was so impressed with the size of things there - you do so much walking. Her sister was with her so it was have breakfast together then I was off and we would meet for dinner. She, inadvertantly I believe said why dont I go alone next time.  Booked it quick before she changed her mind. Stayed at Monte Carlo - hotel was Ok but a bit back off strip. On this trip I got a Harrahs card and started earning points. Enough now to get offered free weekday hotels most weeks. The 3rd time I went stayed at Flamingo - not a 5star hotel but it was free and clean. Just needed a bed and shower really. Now I get offers come through to stay there again at no cost so I am hoping to have my Sky bankroll at £1500 plus my savings of £100 per month should get me to £3000.
    After flight, food etc should give me a bankroll of about £1500 for say 10 days. Not a massive roll but if I start well I will be OK and generally I always found it much easier to win in Vegas than at casinos in Canada or online. Bearing in mind most people are there to have fun and dont care too much about losing a few$100 - especially after the adult pop kicks in with some of the American bravados. I cannot drink for medical reasons so I dont go down the same path but its good to sit there and take the opportunity to take advantage when you can. Ive always brought more money back than I took to Vegas.
    As for the food its great wherever you go. Breakfast at a restaurant at front of Paris was great and best buffet was probably Wynn but a bit more expensive and a long walk. The Aria was open last time I was there but didnt play there - its on my bucket list for next time.
    Any other Sky members want to go about the same time we could form a group.

    My game is hovering rather than progressing and I am interested in getting a mentor to review my plays. Any offers?

  • edited February 2012
    Just completed Day 32 - Feb 24th

    Days Loss £9

    Actual Bankroll £171

    C4P Bonus Feb £5 (To be paid Mar 7)

    PTN Bonus Feb £5 (To be paid Mar 7)

    Total Bankroll £181

    Just had a casual 1 game of NL4 for an hour in morning.

    AQ and 3 Aces on flop - nice start, well a 50p win lol

    Back to two tables NL4. Not much movement. Try 1 table NL8 again.

    KQ had top 2 pair was raised on river all in I called and lost to trip 2s. Lost my £8 buy in.

    Taking dog for a walk to calm down then back to 2 tables NL4

    Not going well today.

  • edited February 2012
    Just heard inlaws coming for dinner tonight. Puts paid to my poker evening unless I get them all drunk and they fall asleep.
  • edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Can I turn £50 into a sensible bankroll:
    Just heard inlaws coming for dinner tonight. Puts paid to my poker evening unless I get them all drunk and they fall asleep.
    Posted by Pavillion


  • edited February 2012
    Thanks for the encouragement Devonfish. Gonna spike their drinks. Still they will have to get home early to have their cocoa before zzzz. So should be OK after about 9pm I hope lol If my wife reads this I am in deep xxxx
  • edited February 2012
    Only been to Vegas in July, when its a bit hot for too much walking. And I always allowed an hour for my buffet breakfasts to make sure I got full value! Will only make it this year if I am lucky enough again to qualify through Sky.

    I stayed at the Rio, and didnt really see much of Vegas apart from main strip. For tournies, I thought Caesars was well organised but a bit old fashioned and stuffy, loved the Venetian, it had some good tournaments but the poker room was too open and so noisy. Played a couple of times at Harrahs in smaller tournaments and found it very relaxed. Succumbed to temptation to have alcoholic drink and met some interesting characters there. And it was the only place I final tabled too.

    Dont know what to suggest as regards a mentor. As a downswinging tourny player, my cash game is recreational only and never gets above 40nl. I would never have had the patience to build a bankroll through the cash levels.

    You may not need a top player to mentor you though. Even someone whose game is similar level to your own can help. Just the thought of having to justify your decisions to someone else, can lead to better decisions, and make you look at your own game more closely.

    Looking at the results you have posted, you have not really had many big upswings/downswings. A good thing in many ways, and probably shows you are picking your spots well. But maybe it also shows that you are not playing your good hands strongly enough ?

  • edited February 2012
    just my little little joke mate.
    only meant in fun
    (think it,s called English humour)

  • edited February 2012
    Hey devon yep I laughed too. When asked why I moved back to England I say to be closer to mother in law. Nobody believes me lol. I tell her that too. Seriously she is probably like all mother in laws - opinionated and ok in small doses lol Now if my wife reads this I am really in trouble lol
    Writing about Vegas I have the bug again. Been to most casinos on strip and a few downtown. Was probably most dissapointed with Bellagio poker room. Everyone wants to play there but it is so cramped and waitress service is slow. Venetian is very nice secluded room but I found softest games at Ballys especially after about 9pm.  Caesars was certainly a nice room too. Did not like MGM much - too noisy right next to club and several are part of main casino floor like Luxor, Excalibur, IP, Planet Hollywood.  Dream dream next time - sometime in next 18 months
  • edited February 2012
    Looking at the results you have posted, you have not really had many big upswings/downswings. A good thing in many ways, and probably shows you are picking your spots well. But maybe it also shows that you are not playing your good hands strongly enough ?

    Penguin - maybe its not that so much, more of me playing too many marginal hands like QT etc and eating away at my stack  . Got to get out of thinking its only 4p to call. Gonna tighten up today and see how it goes.

  • edited February 2012
    quick question for you.

    most of your play is over 2 tables, have you thought about the idea of adding more or have you been down this road and found it didnt work for you?

    it may stop you playing marginal hands like you state in the above post
  • edited February 2012
    I'd also advise trying more tables. Simply that the premium hands come round quicker.

    What's made the difference to me at nl4 since Christmas has been better folding in marginal situations. Not so much pre because I'm normally pretty tight there anyway, but post flop as well. You get enough good spots at nl4 without taking too many chances.

    That's been working for me as well at nl8.

    Unfortunately the last 3 nights I haven't found that fold button and have spewed off several buy-ins at nl8. Don't understand why. It's not outright tilt, it's one hand then back in the groove for an hour or more then another big spew. Instead looking forwards and taking shots at nl10 I'm looking back over my shoulder at nl4 again.
  • edited February 2012
    Just completed Day 33 - Feb 25th

    Days Profit £0

    Actual Bankroll £171

    C4P Bonus Feb £5 (To be paid Mar 7)

    PTN Bonus Feb £5 (To be paid Mar 7)

    Total Bankroll £181

    couldnt play much tonight - hoping to get a full day in tomorrow
  • edited February 2012
    So Im off to the tables and  hoping to play most of day. This time last year Id be playing live at acasino in Canada (Sundays was my day $1/$2 NL) , now its playing online 2p/4pnl - surprisingly much harder online. But I do miss the live play
  • edited February 2012
    I would always rather be playing live too. So looking forward to GUKPT Walsall in 3 weeks.

    But why is 4nl online more difficult than $!/$2 live ?

    I would suggest it may be because we approach it with a different mindset, particularly if we are trying to build a bankroll. This makes us too fearful of taking a backwards step.

    In a live cash game, a good player will be looking to get the opponents stack in if he thinks he is 60/40 in the hand. Too often in microstakes cash we see players who think they are ahead still looking to see another card before committing to the hand. And then not getting full value.

    If you dont already do so, spend half an hour watching one of the high stakes cash games on here, and try to identify exactly what these guys do differently.

    I agree with the views of the guys above. I used to play two tables ,but now play four. And I enjoy cash much much more. Maintains my interest and I can fold those marginal hands more easily.

    Good luck

  • edited February 2012
    Why is it harder online Penguin - good question. You are correct if I excersised BRM I wouldnt play live.
    Could sit there all day with my $200 buy in. Sometimes walk out with $1000 and sometimes nothing. A lot of people watched on TV and saw how they play with their 1 pair and think they can win. So sit and wait for opportunity. Tell you 1 thing I noticed different was when I watched the stream of the SPT in Nottingham the flop was dealt 1 card at a time. In Canada and Vegas (I am sure you know) the dealer places all 3 cards down then fans them out. Is it 1 card at a time in all UK casinos? 

    Got off to a good start today up £9. Will try 3 tables this afternoon and see how it goes. Also tonight I will probably watch a higher level table for 30 mins.

    Gotta keep away from those marginal hands
  • edited February 2012
    Never really thought about how the dealer lays out the flop ! I think normally they will put down all three together and its only when it is streamed live with a player all in they will add to the tension by doing it one at a time.
  • edited February 2012
    Just had a thought about why its tougher here than live Canada. The Sky TV Channel has to take a lot of credit as they are trying to educate players 24/7 - we didnt have anything like that in Canada. The analysts are always good. Even Tikay lol
  • edited February 2012
    Just completed Day 34 - Feb 26th

    Days Profit £18.5

    Actual Bankroll £189.5

    C4P Bonus Feb £5.5 (To be paid Mar 7)

    PTN Bonus Feb £5 (To be paid Mar 7)

    Total Bankroll £200

    So with C4p to be paid next week thats £200 - now for £300 by end Mar

    Three big wins on the same table early evening.

    KK Highest card on board was an 8 £11 pot

    AK ended with Ace flush £7.5 pot
    AK again
    K on flop  £7 pot

    Was happier how I played, layed down most marginal hands. Tried 3 tables for a bit but had trouble sizing on my computer. Fits easily in miniview but cant get on with that --- yet.

  • edited February 2012
    Just completed Day 35 - Feb 27th

    Days Profit £3.5

    Actual Bankroll £193

    C4P Bonus Feb £5.5 (To be paid Mar 7)

    PTN Bonus Feb £5 (To be paid Mar 7)

    Total Bankroll £203.5

    Wasnt able to play much today. Went to docs - told wife he said I have pokeritus and only cure was to play more. She wasnt buying it. 

  • edited February 2012
    Can someone tell me how to change title of discussion thread please. I can change an individual post but cant see how I change title
  • edited February 2012
    Go to your opening post, then edit.
  • edited February 2012
    Thanks Penguin - it worked. This is all part of my Forum apprenticeship, now back to the tables
  • edited February 2012
    Just completed Day 36 - Feb 28th

    Days Profit £9

    Actual Bankroll £202

    C4P Bonus Feb £5.5 (To be paid Mar 7)

    PTN Bonus Feb £5 (To be paid Mar 7)

    Total Bankroll £212.5

    My KK ran into AA early in day. 1 buy in down lol.
     Clawed it back by lunch - now its cream cake time. Wife said something about cleaning kitchen. Must be losing my hearing, Ive got poker to play.

    Made a few nice pots in evening. Now its take dog for walk time and I will have a final session before zzzzzzzzzzz

  • edited February 2012
    good work gonna have a stab at nl8 now?
  • edited February 2012
    good question waller. Dont know when to move up yet. Might take the odd stab 1 table to start soon.
  • edited February 2012
    Trying to play poker and watch football - its not working gotta stop - I keep losing not enough concentration

    Just completed Day 37 - Feb 29th

    Days Profit £3

    Actual Bankroll £205

    C4P Bonus Feb £6 (To be paid Mar 7)

    PTN Bonus Feb £5 (To be paid Mar 7)

    Total Bankroll £216

  • edited March 2012
    Just completed Day 38 - Mar 1st

    Just played for about an hour during day then out till 11pm. Played 2 tables NL8 for an hour. Lost buy in on 1 table within 5 minutes. Bought back in and left with £17 and the other was £12 so I got the loss back.

    Actual Bankroll £207

    PTN Bonus has been paid today so £5 added to bankroll.

    C4P Bonus Feb £6 (To be paid Mar 7)

    Total Bankroll £213

  • edited March 2012
    Just completed Day 39 - Mar 2nd

    Just played 1 table NL8 for an hour in morning - up £7

    Going to 2 tables NL8 this afternoon.

    My KK just lost an £8 buy in to an all in on a draw with 23. He caught the straight on river.

    Did not do well at NL8. Was obviously not in my usual patient mode and went chasing wins to get it back with 2 tables NL10. hankfully I eeked a profit on both tables. The other good news is that C4P goes up.
    Now I am in a mess as to what levels to play. In the spirit of this diary I should play NL4 to get me back under bankroll guidelines. However, we have established I am not playing more than 2 tables so what about 2 tables NL10 thats no different to 5 NL4.

    Actual Bankroll £203

    C4P Bonus Feb £6 (To be paid Mar 7)

    Total Bankroll £209

  • edited March 2012
    hi pav,
    it is no diferent in money terms...
    but just be aware if you lose an all-in
    it,s £10 not £4.
    20 buy-ins also is not a lot 4 a level imo,
    only takes 2 or 3 bad beats and your b/roll
    drops 10/15%.
    on the flip side,
    you stand to win more,obviously.
    so it is the classic risk v reward.
    i,d always play safe.
    grind a steady b/roll,no risk,no stress,no worries.
    but ,
    we are talking about you....
    what does your instinct tell you?

    gl mate
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