Couldnt resist a late session last night before zzzzzzzzzz. Played just 1 table NL4. I had TT - 3 low cards on flop. I bet £1 and other player goes all in - I called. He had QQ putting him well ahead. But the poker gods gave me a T on river. Nice £5 profit to end the day. Call me a Luckbox, riverrat, fish etc I am sure other player had a few choice names.
Played for an hour in morning, couldnt get anything going.
Once again evening session was profitable and people were making loose calls.
Pavillion rancid is correct in what he says, there will be plenty of people reading this thread but they wont post.The main reason you should keep posting is that it will help you,all the best in achieving your target.
Defo keep posting mate, I always have a look each day to see how you're coming along.
When I used to have my DYM diary I posted most the stuff in it and knew it wasn't of massive interest to anyone but it really helped me focus and also let me look back on really bad sessions to see that I could come back from adversity which helped when going through a bad patch.
rancid is definately right, i've been reading your posts for the last week but this is the first time i've ever wrote on here. i'm interested to see if you can achieve your target and congratulations on what you've achieved so far. keep up the good work.
hi pavillion, i,d try and up the number of tables u play if poss,. i was playing just the 2 a few weeks ago, went up to 6 and never looked back. playing 6 it doesn,t matter too much if u have a bad night on 1 or 2,as i did on your table tonight, as u will hopefully be winning on the other 4. also,another benefit is extra c4p devon
Not much poker today. Had to go to a 70th birthday party. Wonder if he went to school with Tikay lol
I tried 4 Tables NL4 as devonfish suggested. Had trouble keeping up a few times but will try it again although probably revert to 2 tables tomorrow, tomorrow.
Bankroll is progressing (hope thats not jinxed it)
66 facing a 9TJ flop. Checks around. 6 on turn - nice. Other player moves all in and I call. He was on a flush draw. My 666 held and £1 profit.
AK suited in BB. Was raised to 40p preflop so I just called. A and K came on flop. I just bet out and kept getting called eventually winning about £5. My concern was obviously AA or KK but I was safe.
A few other nice hands during afternoon put me up about £10 before heading into evening session.
Early evening steadily going up but treading water from about 8pm
I have a question on reloading and would appreciate your views. How low should you go with your initial £4 buy in before topping up to maximise any good opportunities you may get.
In terms of reloading just do it every time you go below £4.00, also with only 2-tabling you should have plenty of time between hands with which to do so.
This just maximises the times when you get it in pre AA v KK etc and means you always get max which is crucial with the rake being so high.
Yes, do reload, even if you have only given up the blinds.
Readable thread because you are obviously enjoying your poker, and also enjoying sticking to your bankroll discipline. Although the sums involved are probably not that meaningful yet, the experience is invaluable.
Dont forget that there is benefit in reviewing all hands. Not only the ones where you won/lost big, but also the hands where you may have been able to extract more value.
You are obviously more comfortable playing just two tables. Do you think that you will move up a level before you regularly play more tables ?
Will try and up to 3 tables today. Problem is I am using the built in mouse on my laptop. Maybe I will have to buy an optical mouse to move around screen quicker.
Open ended straight after flop. Faced an all in of £2+ and I folded. Was this correct? 8 outs into a £3 ish pot. So I would have bet £2 to win another £3 on about a 5-1 shot. I am pretty sure I played it correct.
My Ace Flush (which I thought was golden) ran into quad 3s. Wasnt expecting that one.
KK 2 Queens come on flop. I bet and get raised. I call the raise and get lucky on turn witk a K. Check to him and he goes all in so I win a nice pot.
Lost about £5 early evening. Called big bet with my 2 pair. I have to learn to recognise when I am beaten.
Came off both tables mid evening with about £10 on each. Showing a nice profit now.
Going strong. For topping up I try to do 3/4 or less then top up or if you lose a big pot then insta top up. With 2 tables you can just reload as you go when your below max. When multi tabling it gets a bit harder though so 3/4 is decent enough without the auto topup on Sky.
Just completed Day 25 - Feb 17th Days Profit £19 Closing Bankroll £140 I have a new daily record profit of £19 Been running really good recently. £40 in last 4 days. 2 Tables NL4 again. Up £6 before heading into evening session. No spectacular hands that I can remember just won lots of pots. Called an all in £3 preflop. Easy call as I had AA. I was against QQ, my hand held up. Won a big pot with 53 in BB. Flopped a straight. It was strangely a day of nothing significant but somehow I won £19 Pavillion Posted by Pavillion
i,d try and up the number of tables u play if poss,.
i was playing just the 2 a few weeks ago,
went up to 6 and never looked back.
playing 6 it doesn,t matter too much if u have a bad night
on 1 or 2,as i did on your table tonight,
as u will hopefully be winning on the other 4.
also,another benefit is extra c4p
Readable thread because you are obviously enjoying your poker, and also enjoying sticking to your bankroll discipline. Although the sums involved are probably not that meaningful yet, the experience is invaluable.
Dont forget that there is benefit in reviewing all hands. Not only the ones where you won/lost big, but also the hands where you may have been able to extract more value.
You are obviously more comfortable playing just two tables. Do you think that you will move up a level before you regularly play more tables ?