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  • edited March 2012
    If you think you are good enough to play NL10, then 2 tables is fine (btw 20buy-ins is enough in my book, but its you'r money). As i like to say "NL4 is a bore, so dont play this mindless chore any more" (see it rhymes so must be true lol) but staking £4 on 5 tables does not correlate to playing 2 tables 10NL as you are obviously staking £10, so there is a huge risk difference to you'r BR, but i know what i would choose.
  • edited March 2012

    If you're not happy with how you played at nl8 do you really think switching to nl10 will help? The only possible advantage would be if you could find a couple of really soft tables at nl10 when the nl8 tables look slightly tougher.

    As far as BR goes I personally took shots at nl10 as long as my BR was over £200, but dropped back when BR dipped below £200 again. Ironically I made a small profit at nl10 and didn't see too much to worry about there, but dropped a bit on nl8. 
    For me there's been a bit of mental adjustment needed with the bigger sums of money involved.

  • edited March 2012
    Do not watch football while playing !

    Played a fair bit at NL10 myself, and found it quite profitable. In some ways easier than the lower levels as a bit more predictable.

    But there are a few good players there so table selection is key.

    Nothing wrong with going for it with your current BR, as long as you can play at least two tables without fear creeping into your game. You need to be willing to get your stack in when you find the right spot.

  • edited March 2012
    Just completed Day 40 - Mar 3rd

    Actual Bankroll £202.5

    C4P Bonus Feb £6 (To be paid Mar 7)

    Total Bankroll £208.5

    Decided to play 1 table NL10 tonight. Made a small profit.

    Looking forward to tomorrow as I will be able to get a full day at it. Its tough choosing level as my demons are telling me to play NL10 and my bankroll says NL4. Dont want to go backwards. Think I will start at NL10 and if doing ok will stay with it. 

  • edited March 2012
    Hi Pavillion.

    Not posted on here yet but i have been keeping an eye on it.

    I built my roll on NL4 to start and now have £466 in my account. I moved up to NL8 at £160 and struggled so waited until my roll was £200 before starting again and waited until £250 before NL10.

    My view on this may be slightly different but here goes. I keep a spreadsheet on cash and its very simple. I have a 'winning' 'losing' and 'profit/loss' column for each level. i.e if i win 40p on one table and 95p on another then i will add £1.35 to my winning sessions column, if i lose 20p on a table this goes in my losing sessions column and over time it should give you a very good indicator on where you are winning/losing your money. the reason i do this is that it allows me to see when i am 10 buy ins up at a level which means i have beaten it and roll allowing, i can move up.

    I sat at a table with you shortly the other day at NL8. Yes, i have a roll of £466 and i still play NL8. The reason is when i moved up to NL8 the first couple of times i really struggled and variance really poked me in the eye and i lost 5/6 buyins and its only recently that i have shown a £90 profit at this level which is over 10 buy ins so i will probably move along to NL10 now. Obviously if there is a nice table to sit at at NL4 or Nl8 i will sit down there for value, this is something else that shouldnt be thought about. Just because you moved up, dont forget the value players at the level you left behind. Money is money.

    I feel i have beaten this level now and also i am well rolled for NL10 now so losing a couple of buy ins wont affect me one bit so i acn play without fear. This is another major factor i encountered when moving up levels. I found when moving up to NL8 originally i was playing, not scared, but cautiously and it made my game quite weak and i folded quite a few strong hands whn at NL4 i would probably ship it but i had the thought process of 'it took me a week to get £8 profit at NL4, i am not wasting all that on a flush draw'. Basically, just make sure you have enough buy ins behind you where you dont really care too much if you get stacked in a marginal spot.

    Good luck mate.

  • edited March 2012
    good luck mate

  • edited March 2012
    Just play NL8 for a few 1000 hands, I did it myself after moving from NL4 and found it great as a bridge between NL4 and NL10.

    Doing NL10 with £200 is fine aswell but make sure to drop back down if you lose say £20-30.

    It's always very tough moving up then having to move down but if you can't do this you can easily destroy all the hardwork built so far.

    Good luck though mate, try and run well early.
  • edited March 2012
    Just completed Day 41 - Mar 4th

    Actual Bankroll £196

    C4P Bonus Feb £6 (To be paid Mar 7)

    Total Bankroll £202

    2 players went all in preflop for about £4 each. I had AA and they held up. Nice start to day.

    Morning session over, a few pounds up. Having some lunch now then 2 tables NL10 again this afternoon.

    Not so well this time - mlost a few pounds.

    Took a break from cash and done a £3.30 timed. Finished 6th and won £15

    Up and down all day playing at NL10. It has shown me that swings are much larger and I do not want to see my bankroll diminish and need to wait a bit longer before progressing. So its back to NL4.

  • edited March 2012
    Why can't you just load a few NL8 tables up, you have 25 BI's for it which is plenty and when you win you get double your money that NL4 would give. 
  • edited March 2012
    Nothing to add today only played for an hour tonight.

    Just completed Day 42 - Mar 5th

    Actual Bankroll £196

    C4P Bonus Feb £6 (To be paid Mar 7)

    Total Bankroll £202

  • edited March 2012
    On the buyin debate I feel very happy with 20 buyins
  • edited March 2012
    Yesterday I said back to NL4. Got to tables and went straight to NL10. I am losing my discipline and a bit of bankroll. Going to see if I can be more disciplined Wednesday.

     Day 43 - Mar 6th

    Actual Bankroll £183

    C4P Bonus Feb £6 (To be paid Mar 7)

    Total Bankroll £189


  • edited March 2012
    try half stacking if you really want to jump up but don't have the BR
  • edited March 2012
    Think I'm being blanked here lol but just play NL8, haven't played cash myself for a while but I'm pretty sure a few tables still run. 
  • edited March 2012
    Just completed Day 44 - Mar 7th

    Actual Bankroll £189

    Started the day at NL4, 30 minutes later I was on NL10. I am really strugling to play at correct levels.

    Lost a nice £33 pot at NL10 my AA lost to a flush on river who went all in with AK preflop and called by AJ and myself.

    Thanks dudeskin - yep maybe I will go to NL8 today - yes normally a few tables.

    Also goldie yes maybe short buy in

  • edited March 2012
    Hi Guys

    Unfortunately I have lost my mojo for continually posting. The current situation is that I have dipped just below £200 thanks to playing too high. I have now got over that itch and playing back to 2 tables NL4 where I think I can eek out a small profit each day. Maybe I will post again in a few months.

    Thank you all for reviewing my posts and your advice where asked.

    A special thanks to Penguin for his comments and encouragement.

  • edited March 2012
    Good luck

  • edited March 2012
    nice read mate, doesnt always go to plan. fix leaks and go at it again, gl phil
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