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The "Grim" tale of a low stakes player.
hi Ryan,
good luck mate
it might help if u set yourself a target,
say £1000 as an example.
i have,
mine is £500,
if i can get there,i will then make my nxt target £1000.
run well,
0 ·
Ok, due to my poor form and shrinking br I have decided to start yet another diary thread. I need to do this in order to try and stop the rot and also to make sure I manage my br more wisely than I have been for the past few months.
Around 6 mnths ago I had a reasonable br of £600 but due to running bad, playing worse and poor br management I have seen my roll dwindle down to £177.60p.
Now I could soley blame the awful run of cards I have been experiencing recently but that would be untrue as my game has not been improving the way I hoped it would, if anything I have become a worse player over these past 6 months. I think I became too confident, thinking I was better than I actually was and buying into tournaments that would put a big dent in my br.
So, I'm going back to basics and am going to strictly manage my br and with the help of this diary hopefully see my br increasing! I have recently started playing nl4 cash and if I want to play a main event then I will allow myself 1 attempt at a satellite, as for other mtt's I will stick to a max buy in of £5.50.
i think the diary will help.
there were a couple of threads towards the end of last year about how much profit could be made in a month
i participated and it helped focus my concentration as no one likes to post a loss!
Good luck m8, we have all been there, (am there myself at the moment LOl), Built a nice roll then took some shots and bought in to bigger mtts , tilt kicks in and all of a sudden you have become the worst player ever.
I am sure you will turn it around as you have a good solid game.
Cash: + £2.54
MTT: -
Start br: £177.60
Current br: £180.14
Here are the hands:
Played this pretty bad I guess, as you can see I just gave up on the turn, should i just fold on flop???
Cash: - £9.58
MTT: - £3
Start br: £180.14
Current br: £167.56
played some cash, a few 3.30 dyms plus stupidly an 11 quid mtt!!! will i never learn!
current br: £157.83
from now on i'm just gonna play nl4 cash.........and never play under the influence!!!!!
RE: NL4 hand where you had QQ, 4 posts above this one - Your raise size is all wrong here. People NEVER fold at NL4, so take them to valuetown. My standard raise at NL4 is 16-20p minimum, then usually +4-8p per limper, depending on position and whether I want my hand vs 1 opponent, or several opponents. Sometimes it'll be limped to me in the big blind, I'll wake up with KK and just raise to like, 52p. If everyone folds, fine, if I get called, brilliant, value town them for their entire stack on pretty much any board without an ace. The only thing I don't want is big pairs vs 5 opponents after raising to 16p and every limper calls, flop comes 3 under cards then for someone to hit a random 2 pair which I'm never going to be able to put the opponent on in a million years, and go broke. In the hand above, I'm probably raising to between 24-32p pre-flop. It'll get called by worse. Believe me.
I am about to re read dohhhhhhh's guide as well.
I also learnt the hard way last night not to play drunk if I want my br to increase!!! Common sense went out the window and I stupidly bought into an 11 quid mtt drunkenly thinking I would take it down!! lol Having said that I only managed to blow a tenner so it could have been worse I guess!
the cash session was ok ish......built up some decent stacks then lost a couple of big pots to come away pretty much break even
Cash: - £0.02
Mtt: - £2.64
Start br: £157.83
Current br: £155.17
Will play some more cash later but thinking about having a couple of dyms and maybe a small tourney.
So far this diary is just highlighting my decreasing br lol hope things turn around soon!
I'm really starting to enjoy playing cash now, which I suppose I would say after a good session but it is something I wish I had started playing months ago.
Cash: + £11
Mtt: + £0.43
DYM (£3.30): W1 L1
Start br: £155.17
Current br: £166.00
Here is the costly hand. Played ok? Bet sizing correct?
ul river.
the way i see it,
if that,s how they win by hitting river,
good luck 2 them.
hope 2 be playing against them
best wishes.
Just finished another session, 3 tables went really well with 1 table goin awful. I am posting 2 hands below, the first hand is the the one I would like some thoughts on, should I have bet flop? should I have just given up or was it worth a call on the turn? the villain had previously been overbetting sometimes with nothing and sometimes with 2nd pair......impossible to put him on any specific cards!! The second hand played itself but against the same villain to rub it in! Needless to say I didn't bother reloading, he would prob just have took another 4 quid off me lol
Cash: +£3.17
Start br: £166.00
Current br: £169.17
Here are the hands
GL though
Bad session, kept getting bad spots and losing. AJ v 55 on a j5x flop, then j on turn impossible to fold! then ak v qq all in pre....
No more cash tonight, gonna play the dtd now as I haven't played it for a while.
Cash: - £3.21
Start br: £169.17
Current br: £165.96
dtd done....1 min cash and 2 no shows..
Mtt: -£2.47
Start br: £165.96
Currnt br: £163.49
Played a £2.30 BH and finished in 3rd for little profit and also played an open sat and am through to the semi.
Cash: -£3.69
Mtt: +£4.75
Start br: £163.49
Current br: £164.55
Cash: -£3.43
Starting br: £164.55
Current br: £161.12
That is 3 losing sessions in a row now.....must do better!
Cash: +£8.40
Mtt: +£5.49
Start br: £161.12
Current br: £175.46
Playing in TPT's private mtt tomorrow night, it's a £5.50 buy in so brm not quite being obeyed but should be a laugh.
Cash: +£4.58
Mtt: -£3.09
Start br: £175.46
Current br: £176.95
The diary is helping as my rolls rapid decline has come to halt and is slowly starting to go in the right direction....the big test comes over the weekend as I can't resist having a game whilst drunk!!! Watch this space!!!! lol