hi mate, well i have spotted your leak for you. as you rightly say u r playing with-in b/roll but you are still losing. what happens though if you carry on going backwards... i,m not overly bothered,it,s your money mate. :-) devon Posted by devonfish5
yeah i understand what you are saying. so what do you suggest i do? just stick with the dyms? quit playing mtts?
I am playing around with these different formats trying to ride out the downswing that I am currently on, but surely it would be stupid to stop playing mtts as they have by far been the most profitable format for me, I'm break even playing dyms, bout the same for cash yet show a reasonable profit for mtts.
I'm at a loss of what to do tbh.....as i write this i have played 9 dym and lost 5 of them, over the long term I have never been profitable at these....so do i stop playing them and stick to mtt's or give nl4 a proper go again??
hi Ryan, the problem playing dym,s they can be so wwingy. so you can over-ride that by plating as much volume as poss. hence the reason i am buying new pc this week, i,ll be looking to be playing 12 tables inside a week or so, playing 6 atm. yeah, if u feel mtt,s r your best chance why not go with that 4 a fer sessions? i wasn,t having a go or anything mate, just trying to help best of luck, :-) devon
hi Ryan, the problem playing dym,s they can be so wwingy. so you can over-ride that by plating as much volume as poss. hence the reason i am buying new pc this week, i,ll be looking to be playing 12 tables inside a week or so, playing 6 atm. yeah, if u feel mtt,s r your best chance why not go with that 4 a fer sessions? i wasn,t having a go or anything mate, just trying to help best of luck, :-) devon Posted by devonfish5
hi devon, i know you weren't having a go m8 and i always appreciate all advice.
i just aint getting on with dym's at the min so gonna stick to cash and mtt for a while....might have the odd dabble at dym now and then
So, I get back from working hard all day on my birthday and settle down for a nice evening of poker. The dtd always fun, plus the mini BH.
Sky is bound to give me some run good for my birthday I think to myself as I settle down........WRONG, busted out of the first mtt early doors, the likes of JJ losing to 73 and a straight losing to a rivered full house doing the damage.
Oh well 3 to go and they were looking good, got to the later stages of 2 only to lose 60/40 hands......got my chips in good can't complain too much. However the final blow was mid stages of the last mtt....getting my 20 bb stack all in pre with the chip leader....win that hand and I'm looking good for a deep run.....the cards are on their backs and it's QQ v A9........yes!!!! flop 9xx........sweating.......turn is a blank.......feeling confident! the river is an ace......HAPPY BLOOMIN BIRTHDAY!!!
Still the dtd is always fun and tonight was no exception, just need to run better as I'm getting my chips in ahead 3/4 of the time which is all you can do at the end of the day!
Having a break from mtt's til the orfordable on friday and will play some nl4 until then
Nothing much to report these past 2 days as have not been playing much. i haven't got time to play a mtt at the min so just being playing a couple of dyms (which i said i wouldn't do).
Just gonna play a couple more dyms tonight before settling down for the footy!
Even though I am a profitable player, I have always really been a break even player. I have only really had 3 big (500+) plus cashes and the rest have been small tourney binks and cashes. But at present I can't even win a race! I am on the worst downswing I have ever been on and it is soooooooooooo frustrating. My graph below is starting to make a cracking ski slope!
I am after some advice if anyone is reading this. What can I do to try and stop this awful run? How have you dealt with downswings in the past? Does this graph show that actually I am a poor player and my luck has ran out? Help! Please!
My advice would be after each game go over EVERY hand you play. It is often the small hands that you wouldn't even think twice about where you leak chips, as opposed to the big hands like QQ losing to A9, thats just poker and theres nothing you can do about it! So focus on tightening your game in every area possible, that involves a lot of studying hand histories and maybe some further reading. Good luck, you seem like a strong MTT player so have faith in them and hopefully you will hit a big cash soon!
My advice would be after each game go over EVERY hand you play. It is often the small hands that you wouldn't even think twice about where you leak chips, as opposed to the big hands like QQ losing to A9, thats just poker and theres nothing you can do about it! So focus on tightening your game in every area possible, that involves a lot of studying hand histories and maybe some further reading. Good luck, you seem like a strong MTT player so have faith in them and hopefully you will hit a big cash soon! 7 Posted by SevenChips
ty for ur post 7.
yeah, what you say makes a lot of sense and ur bang on. since the downswing took hold i have been playing marginal hands that i would normally instafold, calling off with 3rd pair praying i'll hit etc....I'm def gonna tighten up my game.
Last night started off good, cashing in a 250 gtd and doing ok in the dyms. Then the vodka kicked in......i drunkenly decided to play some nl30, nl50 and then nl100.....what an idiot!!!!
It's all a bit of a haze if i'm honest but luckily I got away with it as I looked at my br earlier and to my amazement it had increased by 70 quid.....phew!!!
Off the tables, I have left TPT to go it alone, the fun of being in a team certainly died when I found out a certain individual had been bad mouthing me on the fb dtd page, I am not on fb so could not defend myself. The same individual then pm'd a member of the forum dishing out more rubbish about me. I wish all members of TPT gl for the future.
Tonight, I am NOT drinking and def playing well within my br!!!
When there is 2/3 of ur roll on one table it is def a buzz, luckily it was 4 in the morning and apart from jibbz the table was pretty soft......never again though!
Nice one, I'd imagine the £70 was a pretty good hang-over cure. Maybe the runbad is over? I'd avoid doing it again though, you might bust your roll next time!
Nice one, I'd imagine the £70 was a pretty good hang-over cure. Maybe the runbad is over? I'd avoid doing it again though, you might bust your roll next time! Posted by GaryQQQ
It did ease my sore head earlier....I was an idiot though but got away with it!
I'm hoping my downswing is over, played 3 mtts tonight, the bh semi and £2.50 vegas sats were unsuccessful but just finished 2nd in a £250 gtd for 50 quid.....my cards were holding for once!!
warren19671000001£75 + 30 League Pointswaller0202£50 + 26 League Pointsrutherfo0803£35 + 22 League PointsKLARE04£25 + 18 League Pointswsc196005£20 + 14 League Pointsstebar5606£17.50 rhinorose07£15 + 8 League Pointsinlikeflyn08£12.50 + 6 League Points Not playing anymore poker tonight as I'm gonna settle down and watch telly with missus, she says jonothan ross and a film.....i say MOTD, could be war!!!
you're alive today then I assume it was jonathan ross and the film!! well done on your progress m8 glad I don't drink much now or I might be tempted with higher stakes!
you're alive today then I assume it was jonathan ross and the film!! well done on your progress m8 glad I don't drink much now or I might be tempted with higher stakes! Posted by walesboy
Nothing much to report, played numerous mtt's without success, Grimsby's charge to the conference play offs stuttered with a defeat!!! The only upside was AVB getting his marching orders!
Gonna play a couple of mtt's tonight, run well all!
Nothing much to report, played numerous mtt's without success, Grimsby's charge to the conference play offs stuttered with a defeat!!! The only upside was AVB getting his marching orders! Gonna play a couple of mtt's tonight, run well all! Start br: £245.06 Current br: £229.72 Posted by waller02
Hi Waller02 Im new tothe site and game (less than a year) and wondered how you are getting on. I enjoyed reading your diary as i'm just getting interested in the community etc. I got the impression in your diary that br was sacred and enjoyment wasn't top of your list. Yes success with one brings the other but improvement and application can provide both. A lack of confidence was evident and this is me , a relative novice talking. How are you playing now then? Good luck and hope to see you around the tables. cheers Steve aka profman15
In Response to Re: The "Grim" tale of a low stakes player. : Hi Waller02 Im new tothe site and game (less than a year) and wondered how you are getting on. I enjoyed reading your diary as i'm just getting interested in the community etc. I got the impression in your diary that br was sacred and enjoyment wasn't top of your list. Yes success with one brings the other but improvement and application can provide both. A lack of confidence was evident and this is me , a relative novice talking. How are you playing now then? Good luck and hope to see you around the tables. cheers Steve aka profman15 Posted by profman15
Hi Steve, thanks for your post.
Yeah my br is sacred because of the fact I never want to have to reload again. Other people will not adhere to br management as they might not be bothered about reloading all the time, but in my mind the game then becomes an expensive hobby rather than a profitable one. I built a br of 30 quid up to 2.5k over the 3yrs I have been playing with good br management. I withdrew a lot and left 600 quid in 6 months ago, this has dwindled down to where I am now. Partly because I became over confident and bought into mtt's that would significantly damage my br.
This is why I have started to seriously manage my roll again. As for the enjoyment factor, I still love playing or I wouldn't bother. The grim title and occasional downhearted post are all tongue in cheek. Of course there are days when I don't enjoy playing but when that happens I stop playing for a few days and I'm soon eager for a game again.
As for the confidence, you may be right as a bad run can affect your confidence but I wouldn't say it was shot to pieces as I know I can final table and win mtt's.
I am strictly playing small stakes games that are well within my roll, trying to improve my game and hopefully get my br increasing again. My br is slowly starting to go in the right direction again so I will just stick at it I guess!!
Thanks again for your post, What games are you playing then? There is a good comp on the forum on Monday nights, The DTD forum comp. 3 mtts, total buy in £5.50 with some weekly and monthly prizes on offer.
I am playing around with these different formats trying to ride out the downswing that I am currently on, but surely it would be stupid to stop playing mtts as they have by far been the most profitable format for me, I'm break even playing dyms, bout the same for cash yet show a reasonable profit for mtts.
I'm at a loss of what to do tbh.....as i write this i have played 9 dym and lost 5 of them, over the long term I have never been profitable at these....so do i stop playing them and stick to mtt's or give nl4 a proper go again??
The answer looks pretty obvious to me.
small mtt's and nl4 cash from now on!
as it stands.....
DYM £3.30: W2 L3
DYM £2.25: W2 L2
Mtt: Primo sat -£2.64, 150gtd -£5.50
Had a "deposit 10 pounds get 10 pounds free" birthday bonus
Start br: £141.03
Current br: £150.69
just gonna play flops event 2 later and that is my lot!
the problem playing dym,s
they can be so wwingy.
so you can over-ride that by plating as much volume as poss.
hence the reason i am buying new pc this week,
i,ll be looking to be playing 12 tables inside a week or so,
playing 6 atm.
if u feel mtt,s r your best chance
why not go with that 4 a fer sessions?
i wasn,t having a go or anything mate,
just trying to help
best of luck,
i just aint getting on with dym's at the min so gonna stick to cash and mtt for a while....might have the odd dabble at dym now and then
cheers for post mate
Sky is bound to give me some run good for my birthday I think to myself as I settle down........WRONG, busted out of the first mtt early doors, the likes of JJ losing to 73 and a straight losing to a rivered full house doing the damage.
Oh well 3 to go and they were looking good, got to the later stages of 2 only to lose 60/40 hands......got my chips in good can't complain too much. However the final blow was mid stages of the last mtt....getting my 20 bb stack all in pre with the chip leader....win that hand and I'm looking good for a deep run.....the cards are on their backs and it's QQ v A9........yes!!!! flop 9xx........sweating.......turn is a blank.......feeling confident! the river is an ace......HAPPY BLOOMIN BIRTHDAY!!!
Still the dtd is always fun and tonight was no exception, just need to run better as I'm getting my chips in ahead 3/4 of the time which is all you can do at the end of the day!
Having a break from mtt's til the orfordable on friday and will play some nl4 until then
Start br: £150.69
Current br: £139.62
if u think that was a bad birthday,
read my post in gpc
"devonfish...a real life story"
Nothing much to report these past 2 days as have not been playing much. i haven't got time to play a mtt at the min so just being playing a couple of dyms (which i said i wouldn't do).
Just gonna play a couple more dyms tonight before settling down for the footy!
Start br: £139.62
Current br: £138.97
Even though I am a profitable player, I have always really been a break even player. I have only really had 3 big (500+) plus cashes and the rest have been small tourney binks and cashes. But at present I can't even win a race! I am on the worst downswing I have ever been on and it is soooooooooooo frustrating. My graph below is starting to make a cracking ski slope!
www.sharkscope.com/SharkScope/DisplayGraph?GraphType=UserHistory&u1=waller02&Network=sky&Username=sswebsite&Password=&Currency=USD&TimeZone=8&ClientTimeZoneValue=UTC&searchTag=303.0621084254002&GraphWidth=540&GraphHeight=420&nocache=1330713697290&version=356&DecimalSeparator=." alt="" width="540" height="420" />
I am after some advice if anyone is reading this. What can I do to try and stop this awful run? How have you dealt with downswings in the past? Does this graph show that actually I am a poor player and my luck has ran out? Help! Please!
My advice would be after each game go over EVERY hand you play.
It is often the small hands that you wouldn't even think twice about where you leak chips, as opposed to the big hands like QQ losing to A9, thats just poker and theres nothing you can do about it!
So focus on tightening your game in every area possible, that involves a lot of studying hand histories and maybe some further reading.
Good luck, you seem like a strong MTT player so have faith in them and hopefully you will hit a big cash soon!
yeah, what you say makes a lot of sense and ur bang on. since the downswing took hold i have been playing marginal hands that i would normally instafold, calling off with 3rd pair praying i'll hit etc....I'm def gonna tighten up my game.
thanks again for your advice
Last night started off good, cashing in a 250 gtd and doing ok in the dyms. Then the vodka kicked in......i drunkenly decided to play some nl30, nl50 and then nl100.....what an idiot!!!!
It's all a bit of a haze if i'm honest but luckily I got away with it as I looked at my br earlier and to my amazement it had increased by 70 quid.....phew!!!
Off the tables, I have left TPT to go it alone, the fun of being in a team certainly died when I found out a certain individual had been bad mouthing me on the fb dtd page, I am not on fb so could not defend myself. The same individual then pm'd a member of the forum dishing out more rubbish about me. I wish all members of TPT gl for the future.
Tonight, I am NOT drinking and def playing well within my br!!!
Start br: £138.97
Current br: £207.86
warren19671000001£75 + 30 League Pointswaller0202£50 + 26 League Pointsrutherfo0803£35 + 22 League PointsKLARE04£25 + 18 League Pointswsc196005£20 + 14 League Pointsstebar5606£17.50 rhinorose07£15 + 8 League Pointsinlikeflyn08£12.50 + 6 League Points
Not playing anymore poker tonight as I'm gonna settle down and watch telly with missus, she says jonothan ross and a film.....i say MOTD, could be war!!!
Start br: £207.86
Current br: £245.06
I assume it was jonathan ross and the film!!
well done on your progress m8
glad I don't drink much now or I might be tempted with higher stakes!
Gonna play a couple of mtt's tonight, run well all!
Start br: £245.06
Current br: £229.72
Im new tothe site and game (less than a year) and wondered how you are getting on. I enjoyed reading your diary as i'm just getting interested in the community etc.
I got the impression in your diary that br was sacred and enjoyment wasn't top of your list. Yes success with one brings the other but improvement and application can provide both. A lack of confidence was evident and this is me , a relative novice talking. How are you playing now then? Good luck and hope to see you around the tables.
Steve aka profman15
Yeah my br is sacred because of the fact I never want to have to reload again. Other people will not adhere to br management as they might not be bothered about reloading all the time, but in my mind the game then becomes an expensive hobby rather than a profitable one. I built a br of 30 quid up to 2.5k over the 3yrs I have been playing with good br management. I withdrew a lot and left 600 quid in 6 months ago, this has dwindled down to where I am now. Partly because I became over confident and bought into mtt's that would significantly damage my br.
This is why I have started to seriously manage my roll again. As for the enjoyment factor, I still love playing or I wouldn't bother. The grim title and occasional downhearted post are all tongue in cheek. Of course there are days when I don't enjoy playing but when that happens I stop playing for a few days and I'm soon eager for a game again.
As for the confidence, you may be right as a bad run can affect your confidence but I wouldn't say it was shot to pieces as I know I can final table and win mtt's.
I am strictly playing small stakes games that are well within my roll, trying to improve my game and hopefully get my br increasing again. My br is slowly starting to go in the right direction again so I will just stick at it I guess!!
Thanks again for your post, What games are you playing then? There is a good comp on the forum on Monday nights, The DTD forum comp. 3 mtts, total buy in £5.50 with some weekly and monthly prizes on offer.