Ok, played til I was too drunk over the weekend lol
Overall I ended up in cash games but played a couple of mtts without success and also lost a couple of £3.30 dyms, I used to do ok at dyms but never seem to do well in them these days so I might stop playing them.
Cash: +£4.18 Mtt: -£3.25 DYM: Lost 2 -£6.60
Start br: £170.35 Current br: £164.68
Seems to be 1 step forward and 2 steps back recently, the cash is goin ok but I can't resist playing the odd mtt, just need to go deep in one!!
An awful few hours play, tried a primo sat and missed out by 2 places, played a 150 gtd mtt and lost, and a bad cash session. Only positive was played 2 dyms and won them both.
Hiya mate, good read but how about giving it an interesting name like Tikay said on the main show. Posted by Dudeskin8
Hi dude, I wasn't aware that Tikay had mentioned anything on the show lol but yeah I guess the name is pretty dull.
Not sure what to call this thread though if I'm honest, I didn't even know people were reading it. Well my target is to get to 600 quid so I will rename it around that I guess!
Had a small cash session before playing last nights dtd comp.
Managed to finish 4th in the totty to give my br a much needed kick in the right direction. I would just like to add that I am doing this diary mainly for my own benefit to try and install some discipline into my game, I make no apologies if it makes "bloody grim" reading at times. No likey, no ready!
That said I do post the occasional hand asking for advice and always appreciate any comments both good or bad.
one thing i don't no how much time u have in a day but there are a few low buying sat to the main. e.g 1.25 on some day .
the only thing is that they get u into the semi @ 6pm which u get a seat if u win.
if not the frenzy are nice just have the price of the mini as a buying for the sat max. so 2/3 rebuys for the frenzy is ok.
also the timed touryment are great to play 5.5 and i'm seen people leave with £50.
patience in poker is the main thing, there no rush to make a quick buck. use excell to create a streadsheet showing ur br and ur proccess and session that were a problem for u and y they were.
also in the ecell sheet have a section for rackbak/cashforpoint
main thing dont cash out!!!!!!!!!!! to long to explain.... but yeh just don't a least till ur broken even
Haha made me laugh, i dont mind.. I dont take these things to heart, better than most peoples 'my diary' Posted by CrazyBen23
Ok, I guess I overeacted and you didn't mean any offence. It was late and I was tired and in retrospect you did make a valid point (albeit rather bluntly). It's just that myself and others put quite a bit of time into our diaries to try and improve our game and maybe get some advice from time to time.
Of course tommyd's thread will be a lot more interesting and I will be reading it on a regular basis and trying to learn from it.
I will remove the crazy and ben bit from the title. No hard feelings.
However, I will be keeping the grim part because it is PROPER grim atm lol
Just finished an awful hour session at nl4.......4 tabling, 3 tables pretty steady and 1 table was a nightmare and I lost 2 buy ins. The 3 key hands are below, all comments/advice appreciated. (hand 3....I stood up after this hand as was clearly tilting, I just stuck my last quid in out of sheer frustration....AWFUL)
Hand 1. Bet sizing ok? Have to go broke yeah
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Flush to the King
Hand 2. Should/wished I folded pre. Thought I would see a turn card as if I hit I figured I could win a big pot (looking at the hand, not the greatest call on a flushing board!) . No getting away from hand after turn???
Small blind
Big blind
Sit out
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Full House, 8s and Queens
Hand 3. Just on for the lolz!!! Shocking play, I was that frustrated by the river I thought F it he may have a busted flush draw......AWFUL. Needless to say I stopped playing after this hand.
I am seriously struggling with cash at the min, I don't think I am playing as bad as my losing sessions suggest. I am making the odd mistake here and there but in general I am playing solid ABC poker (as per dohhhhh's blog) but losing with 2 pair v flush, set v straight etc....
I am by no means complaining these things happen but the problem is I am not enjoying playing cash, so I think for the next couple of nights I will have a bash at £3.30 dym's with the odd mtt and then go back to cash in a couple days.
My life/poker experiences have always seemed to be on opposite ends of the spectrum......rather strange! For example, about 18mnths ago my personal life wasn't going great, I was out of work and generally in a bit of a bad place. Yet the poker was going great with some ft's in main events. 18mnths on, my personal life is great I have a job I love and me, my missus and 2 girls have never been happier. But the poker.........well you can see, not great!
Anyway poker is my hobby and being happy in life is MUCH more important.....still, I wouldn't mind a bit of run good though!
Tonight I have had another poor cash session and bust out of a £250 with the hand I am posting below, would appreciate any comments.
Cash: -£8.96 Mtt: -£5.50
Start br: £169.71 Current br: £155.25
Here is my exit hand from the £250 gtd....played ok?
def focus on "life" mate, i would rather have a happy wife, good job, lovely kids and play poker like a fish(which i do). poker is just something we would like to get good at, life is something we HAVE to get good at,
def focus on "life" mate, i would rather have a happy wife, good job, lovely kids and play poker like a fish(which i do). poker is just something we would like to get good at, life is something we HAVE to get good at, Posted by pod1
yeah def m8, still a nice bit of binkage would be nice.....is that too much to ask!! lol
enjoying the thread mate feeling the pain at the moment also - down 4BI's in 2 sessions after 1 great session of 4.5BI's up! such is life at poker especially nl4. playing no different just this time they have it or get there. still, would be nice to have a hobby that doesn't kick us in the proverbials at times wouldn't it!! had a hand like your hand 3 today and did the same. sometimes you just can't help yourself.
have a decent sleep, play with the kids (always puts things in perspective for me) and come back refreshed/focused and I'm sure you'll run good just PLEASE avoid any table I'm on (just in case!!)
enjoying the thread mate feeling the pain at the moment also - down 4BI's in 2 sessions after 1 great session of 4.5BI's up! such is life at poker especially nl4. playing no different just this time they have it or get there. still, would be nice to have a hobby that doesn't kick us in the proverbials at times wouldn't it!! had a hand like your hand 3 today and did the same. sometimes you just can't help yourself. have a decent sleep, play with the kids (always puts things in perspective for me) and come back refreshed/focused and I'm sure you'll run good just PLEASE avoid any table I'm on (just in case!!) good luck Posted by walesboy
ty, so it's not just me then??? lol
I'm having a rest from the cash tables tonight and gonna play dyms and maybe a couple of tourneys
Last night I played mainly DYM's like I said. When I first started playing poker these were all I played, I have to be honest though I have rarely been above break even in them. I did enjoy playing them last night though so I will have a break from nl4 and see if my br can improve.
I also played 2 mtt's, one of them was a timed one for Rich's thread competition. I am not a big fan of these timed tourneys personally but they seem quite popular so I guess it is another good addition by sky. I also played the mini bh, got quite deep took 1 head then lost a flip.
So, it's on the with the dym's again tonight and also playing the orfordable deepstack s part of trev's forum comp. I do enjoy this tourney as it makes a refreshing change from 6 seaters, plus the banter ain't bad either. I may also play the mini open too.
Won't be playing tomorrow night as going out bowling and for a meal to celebrate my birthday on monday....31, I am starting to feel old!
how many tables are you playing atm? as this will make a diference. seems to me like you are mixing it up a bit, which imo can have an effect on your b/roll. as you are basically wining on one hand and giving it away with the other.
take today; you have won £2.65 grinding dym,s only to give it away playing mtt making a session loss of -£2.82. so all that hard work playing dym,s not for nothing but for a loss.
ok,so that,s today, tomorrow could be the other way around,. playing 19 dym,s especially if playing 2 or 3 tables is a good grind, so you want something to show for it even if it,s only a small profit,don,t you?
anyway,that,s my thinking, and that,s how i look at it. (take me tonight, playing £1.15 and £2.25 dym,s... ran badly..i felt, lost last £2.25 game,all-in with ak called by a9,villian hit his 9. but... still managed a W won £1.55) not great i know, but if you can win something day after day,etc, you will find that b/roll does go up.
obviously,there are plenty of other ways to win, i will admit that. you only need one good cash in an mtt and your b/roll can go through the roof, i know that Rancid had a good cash in his last challenge. you can take shots playing at higher level games, that can be successfull too. but it does come with a real risk, if you do lose it will hurt you for sure.
you my friend will have to find your own way to wining, as have those before you and those yet to come!!!
hi Ryan, wish i was 31 again mate..lol how many tables are you playing atm? as this will make a diference. seems to me like you are mixing it up a bit, which imo can have an effect on your b/roll. as you are basically wining on one hand and giving it away with the other. take today; you have won £2.65 grinding dym,s only to give it away playing mtt making a session loss of -£2.82. so all that hard work playing dym,s not for nothing but for a loss. ok,so that,s today, tomorrow could be the other way around,. playing 19 dym,s especially if playing 2 or 3 tables is a good grind, so you want something to show for it even if it,s only a small profit,don,t you? anyway,that,s my thinking, and that,s how i look at it. (take me tonight, playing £1.15 and £2.25 dym,s... ran badly..i felt, lost last £2.25 game,all-in with ak called by a9,villian hit his 9. but... still managed a W won £1.55) not great i know, but if you can win something day after day,etc, you will find that b/roll does go up. obviously,there are plenty of other ways to win, i will admit that. you only need one good cash in an mtt and your b/roll can go through the roof, i know that Rancid had a good cash in his last challenge. you can take shots playing at higher level games, that can be successfull too. but it does come with a real risk, if you do lose it will hurt you for sure. you my friend will have to find your own way to wining, as have those before you and those yet to come!!! good luck devon
Hi devon, thanks for your post mate. I have been playing 3 tables on DYM and one tsble on mtt. I know it's not ideal to mix the 2 formats but I just can't resist playing the odd mtt and I am playing within my br so any losses aren't crippling.
Feeling rather delicate today had a heavy weekend! Didn't play last night as I was out but below are my results from friday nights play, I guess these results echo what you are saying devon but tbh I can't just play dym's and nothing else without it driving me crazy!!
At the moment the dyms are not going to plan but I am gonna play a few today and see what happens. Also gonna have one primo sat plus maybe play flops event 2 later.
hi mate, well i have spotted your leak for you. as you rightly say u r playing with-in b/roll but you are still losing. what happens though if you carry on going backwards... i,m not overly bothered,it,s your money mate. :-) devon
MTT: -£6.60
Start br: £176.95
Current br: £170.35
early days.
Overall I ended up in cash games but played a couple of mtts without success and also lost a couple of £3.30 dyms, I used to do ok at dyms but never seem to do well in them these days so I might stop playing them.
Cash: +£4.18
Mtt: -£3.25
DYM: Lost 2 -£6.60
Start br: £170.35
Current br: £164.68
Seems to be 1 step forward and 2 steps back recently, the cash is goin ok but I can't resist playing the odd mtt, just need to go deep in one!!
Cash: -£8.27
Mtt: -£8.14
DYM £3.30: Won 2
Start br: £164.68
Current br: £153.67
Not sure what to call this thread though if I'm honest, I didn't even know people were reading it. Well my target is to get to 600 quid so I will rename it around that I guess!
Gonna have an hour on the tables then play the dtd tonight.
Cash: +£0.53
Start br: £153.67
Current br: £154.20
Had a small cash session before playing last nights dtd comp.
Managed to finish 4th in the totty to give my br a much needed kick in the right direction. I would just like to add that I am doing this diary mainly for my own benefit to try and install some discipline into my game, I make no apologies if it makes "bloody grim" reading at times. No likey, no ready!
That said I do post the occasional hand asking for advice and always appreciate any comments both good or bad.
Cash: +£0.57
Mtt: +£22.58
Start br: £154.20
Current br: £177.35
one thing i don't no how much time u have in a day but there are a few low buying sat to the main. e.g 1.25 on some day .
the only thing is that they get u into the semi @ 6pm which u get a seat if u win.
if not the frenzy are nice just have the price of the mini as a buying for the sat max. so 2/3 rebuys for the frenzy is ok.
also the timed touryment are great to play 5.5 and i'm seen people leave with £50.
patience in poker is the main thing, there no rush to make a quick buck. use excell to create a streadsheet showing ur br and ur proccess and session that were a problem for u and y they were.
also in the ecell sheet have a section for rackbak/cashforpoint
main thing dont cash out!!!!!!!!!!! to long to explain.... but yeh just don't a least till ur broken even
Of course tommyd's thread will be a lot more interesting and I will be reading it on a regular basis and trying to learn from it.
I will remove the crazy and ben bit from the title. No hard feelings.
However, I will be keeping the grim part because it is PROPER grim atm lol
Just finished an awful hour session at nl4.......4 tabling, 3 tables pretty steady and 1 table was a nightmare and I lost 2 buy ins. The 3 key hands are below, all comments/advice appreciated. (hand 3....I stood up after this hand as was clearly tilting, I just stuck my last quid in out of sheer frustration....AWFUL)
Hand 1. Bet sizing ok? Have to go broke yeah
Cash: -£7.64
Start br:£177.35
Current br:£169.71
like it
Crazy likes all things Grim
Must say would be easier to create a new folder for all these type of freds and keep away from GPC, does get congested
keep going wallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllller
You would be surprised how many players do read/browse em and do not post
I am by no means complaining these things happen but the problem is I am not enjoying playing cash, so I think for the next couple of nights I will have a bash at £3.30 dym's with the odd mtt and then go back to cash in a couple days.
My life/poker experiences have always seemed to be on opposite ends of the spectrum......rather strange! For example, about 18mnths ago my personal life wasn't going great, I was out of work and generally in a bit of a bad place. Yet the poker was going great with some ft's in main events. 18mnths on, my personal life is great I have a job I love and me, my missus and 2 girls have never been happier. But the poker.........well you can see, not great!
Anyway poker is my hobby and being happy in life is MUCH more important.....still, I wouldn't mind a bit of run good though!
Tonight I have had another poor cash session and bust out of a £250 with the hand I am posting below, would appreciate any comments.
Cash: -£8.96
Mtt: -£5.50
Start br: £169.71
Current br: £155.25
Here is my exit hand from the £250 gtd....played ok?
feeling the pain at the moment also - down 4BI's in 2 sessions after 1 great session of 4.5BI's up!
such is life at poker especially nl4. playing no different just this time they have it or get there.
still, would be nice to have a hobby that doesn't kick us in the proverbials at times wouldn't it!!
had a hand like your hand 3 today and did the same. sometimes you just can't help yourself.
have a decent sleep, play with the kids (always puts things in perspective for me) and come back refreshed/focused and I'm sure you'll run good
just PLEASE avoid any table I'm on (just in case!!)
good luck
I'm having a rest from the cash tables tonight and gonna play dyms and maybe a couple of tourneys
I also played 2 mtt's, one of them was a timed one for Rich's thread competition. I am not a big fan of these timed tourneys personally but they seem quite popular so I guess it is another good addition by sky. I also played the mini bh, got quite deep took 1 head then lost a flip.
So, it's on the with the dym's again tonight and also playing the orfordable deepstack s part of trev's forum comp. I do enjoy this tourney as it makes a refreshing change from 6 seaters, plus the banter ain't bad either. I may also play the mini open too.
Won't be playing tomorrow night as going out bowling and for a meal to celebrate my birthday on monday....31, I am starting to feel old!
Have a good weekend all!
DYM £3.30: W7 L5
DYM £2.25: W4 L3
MTT: -£5.47
Start br: £155.25
Current br: £152.43
wish i was 31 again mate..lol
how many tables are you playing atm?
as this will make a diference.
seems to me like you are mixing it up a bit,
which imo can have an effect on your b/roll.
as you are basically wining on one hand and giving it away with the other.
take today;
you have won £2.65 grinding dym,s
only to give it away playing mtt
making a session loss of -£2.82.
so all that hard work playing dym,s not for nothing
but for a loss.
ok,so that,s today,
tomorrow could be the other way around,.
playing 19 dym,s
especially if playing 2 or 3 tables
is a good grind,
so you want something to show for it
even if it,s only a small profit,don,t you?
anyway,that,s my thinking,
and that,s how i look at it.
(take me tonight,
playing £1.15 and £2.25 dym,s...
ran badly..i felt,
lost last £2.25 game,all-in with ak called by a9,villian hit his 9.
still managed a W
won £1.55)
not great i know,
but if you can win something day after day,etc,
you will find that b/roll does go up.
obviously,there are plenty of other ways to win,
i will admit that.
you only need one good cash in an mtt
and your b/roll can go through the roof,
i know that Rancid had a good cash
in his last challenge.
you can take shots playing at higher level games,
that can be successfull too.
but it does come with a real risk,
if you do lose it will hurt you for sure.
you my friend will have to find your own way to wining,
as have those before you and those yet to come!!!
good luck
Hungover poker ftw!!!!
well i have spotted your leak for you.
as you rightly say u r playing with-in b/roll
but you are still losing.
what happens though if you carry on going backwards...
i,m not overly bothered,it,s your money mate.