another nice read, sounds like ur doing very well tom, i'll pose the same question to you as i did to tommyD; bestest high, worstest low on the tables? Posted by yoyo
Best high was meeting me, lowest low is that he still knows me
Hi Interesting Diary, just wondering what's your way of withdrawing your profits since you play professionally. Do you just have a set bankroll eg £5000 and anything above that after the week/month you withdraw? Also if you do use this method what do you do if you have a big downswings just drop down the levels or deposit and continue as normal Thanks Ryan Posted by Knowles001
I generally just withdraw as and when and try to maintain about 20 buyins for the stakes I'm playing(for online roll...not total bankroll) If I go on a downswing I just drop down the stakes as I hate redepositing based on the theory that if you don't redeposit you can't go bust. I also find it helps to just build back up your confidence as thats the biggest thing thats hit imo
another nice read, sounds like ur doing very well tom, i'll pose the same question to you as i did to tommyD; bestest high, worstest low on the tables? Posted by yoyo
I presume this means poker in general....
Best high was winning a tournement in Killarney, Ireland for €80k (I got £65k after paying off some action swaping)
Worst low was losing a £10k pot and omaha screwing me out of 110buyins over the last 18months grrrrr...
Nice bluff skillz, defo repping da A3, did jakally have a bare 10? would have been a sik call. Id say he has a 10 or overpair to board although less likely still think he fods here with QQ wp What sort of range did you put jakally on? i can understand if you dont want to give this away as obviously he reads this thread. On a poker related question, what live events are you planning to play this year? any biggish ones or GUKPT/UKIPT and so on Posted by YOUNG_GUN
Put him on 66+, T9+ as I basically don't check/raise anything worse than 3x so if I'm bluffing 66 is good right?
Well DTD is my local so am going to try and play as many 500 deepstacks as possible. Haven't really looked at schedule for year but 1k events are pushing my limits a bit at the mo so will try some satellites and see what happens. Will deffinately be talking on here about any events I do play in!
Finally found an interesting HH..... jakally Small blind £1.00 £1.00 £203.50 rolfus Big blind £2.00 £3.00 £264.85 Your hole cards A 4 jakally Raise £3.00 £6.00 £200.50 rolfus Call £2.00 £8.00 £262.85 Flop 10 3 5 rolfus Check jakally Bet £5.00 £13.00 £195.50 rolfus Call £5.00 £18.00 £257.85 Turn 3 rolfus Check jakally Bet £13.00 £31.00 £182.50 rolfus Raise £36.00 £67.00 £221.85 jakally Call £23.00 £90.00 £159.50 River J rolfus Bet £134.00 £224.00 £87.85 jakally Fold rolfus Muck rolfus Win £89.00 £176.85 rolfus Return £134.00 £1.00 £310.85 Me and Jakally played HU for a little while when the tables broke down. He eventually got the better of me when we got in TT vs KK but there was this HH which I thought was interesting.... I check/call the flop with what is probably the best hand and also has decent equity (an Ace, Gutshot to the wheel and backdoor flush draw) On the turn I think I very likely have the worst hand so with the picked up flush draw I still have a gutshot draw and the fact that I could quite easily have a 3 as I had been calling a lot of his minraises....I check/raise He calls...woops I think it's very unlikely that he has a 3 and I would have to be on a very random bluff for me to be bluffing and his Tx to be good so I carry on with my bluff....I overbet just to make sure Posted by rolfus
[ x ] Not sure i'd ever fold river if I got there in Neils spot.
Basically had a day of yesterday as was my Mums birthday. Need to get a decent catchup with the points this afternoon/evening....reckon I can get a good 4hour session in from about 5-9pm. Had a very quick session yesterday(to stop the withdrawal shakes) and made £14
Do u dabble in any SNG's n do u play HU Cash or u exclusive 6 max games. Curious what percentage of ur poker is playing tuurney, SNG, Cash n HU Cash Posted by KKrippler
I never play 6max SNG's but play some HUSNG's if the Cash action is a bit dry. 95% of my poker is cash game. I sometimes play HU and go between loving it and playing quite a bit to hating it and never playing it. I don't think I'm particularly good at online MTT's and don't really enjoy them too much but feel good about my live MTT game and don't mind sitting there for 10hours+
Generally just play 6max cash and other stuff if I fancy it
I hadn't really played much against peg1 before but had heard lots about him. I think it's reasonably 'standard' up until the river (although I would be open to not continuation betting or betting the turn as well).
The River: The pot is £220 and he's shoves for £392.50. Weird spot as obviously it just looks like he has a flush but things going through my mind are A) I beat other sets and 2 pairs I beat all bluffs (obv) C) Why would he shove a flush when it looks like I shouldn't even be able to call any bet after I check the turn.
Have discussed this hand with a few other players and have decided it was a mistake to call this river shove. My excuse is I didn't have much of a read and I've got 2nd set in a blind war....Learn and move on
Bet turn vs pegasaurus he has fd alot, loves da flush. As played i dont think you can call, hes not likely to be bluffing here. Your losing to flush and 54 but i imagine he wouldnt shove with straight when a flush is out there.
I cant think of any hand that you beat that he can do as played.
Bad card though on the river as its hard to fold sets, especially vs an aggro player.
Do you play cash on any other sites?(not sure if this has been asked)
very hard one to get away from there but if you bet the flop with an A on the board and he flat calls surly you have to bet again? if he flat calls hes either chasin or holds a low kickerd A and you can represent a bigger A. so when the river card comes you have a bit more info and can fold if he shoves.
If he has the A he reraises you on the turn you would think, as he wouldnt want to see a flush either if he has an A. I wouldnt put him on the st8 after pre flop action, but then again hard to think he has J6 to be fair. VUL hand but def fold on river. look forward to more hands at this level GL 0:)
I have seen Peg1 overbet bluff quite a bit but not quite this much of an overbet. I think it's closer than a lot of people might think as I think he can be value shoving worse but have now come the conclusion that it's a fold...
Didn't play poker on Saturday (too much sport and a friends birthday). Just finished playing Sunday cash and made £950 and am up to 21,325. Pretty darn happy with the day as was pretty tired having been up at 7:30am to go play golf in Birmingham.
Will have a look through my session in the morning for some intresting HH's as can barely keep my eyes open. To all that read this....hope you had a Sunday bink!
Hey guys(and gals[maybe]), Didn't play poker on Saturday (too much sport and a friends birthday). Just finished playing Sunday cash and made £950 and am up to 21,325. Pretty darn happy with the day as was pretty tired having been up at 7:30am to go play golf in Birmingham. Will have a look through my session in the morning for some intresting HH's as can barely keep my eyes open. To all that read this....hope you had a Sunday bink! Posted by rolfus
n1 rolfus wish i was makin that sort of money, i love golf and id be playin that all the time with that sorta high rollin lol. Weather was awsome for it aswell here, I do find golf as frustrating as poker sometimes they are very similar in how you feel when playing i must admit, good days bad days, small tweaks, getting your mind right and such like. but love both golf and poker, its just golf you feel like you have had some exersise and fresh air cant say that with the poker lol. Whats your handicap?
In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe : n1 rolfus wish i was makin that sort of money, i love golf and id be playin that all the time with that sorta high rollin lol. Weather was awsome for it aswell here, I do find golf as frustrating as poker sometimes they are very similar in how you feel when playing i must admit, good days bad days, small tweaks, getting your mind right and such like. but love both golf and poker, its just golf you feel like you have had some exersise and fresh air cant say that with the poker lol. Whats your handicap? Posted by Dazler
Yeah was a perfect day for golf...made it worth getting up so early on a Sunday!! I agree there a lot of similarities in Poker and Golf; Patience, Risk/Reward, Strategy. I play of 7 (got down to 3 as a junior).
Poker is going well at the moment but just remember I could easily lose that much in a day as well
In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe : Yeah was a perfect day for golf...made it worth getting up so early on a Sunday!! I agree there a lot of similarities in Poker and Golf; Patience, Risk/Reward, Strategy. I play of 7 (got down to 3 as a junior). Poker is going well at the moment but just remember I could easily lose that much in a day as well Posted by rolfus
yea i used to play high stakes cash back in the day and won 2k in a couple of days and lost the lot in a few days after that. Just like when i lose all my golf balls and there expensive ones too! its bloomin frustratin lol
Played a small amount of poker today as I didn't really feel in the right frame of mind and lended up losing £400 on the day. I also went to the gym and played am going to take some anger out on Call of Duty
This HH pretty much sums it up...
Hand History #485019400 (23:18 27/02/2012)
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Straight to the 9
Could argue that I shouldn't call but I've seen T9, 2pair or pair+flush draw countless times and it's not like I'm drawing dead.
I basically never seemed to have the best hand and every time I made a move I got shoved on
I raise preflop Small Blind vs Big Blind and flop top pair, I see no reason to do anything but continuation bet against this player. The turn pairs the 5 and I chose to check (I would bet fairly often but I don't want to do the same thing all the time!!). Villain then bet 1/3 pot which looked to me like 9x or some sort of draw so I check/raise.
River brings a blank and with no history I didn't feel like I would get called by worse than I had and there were some missed draws that I can let him bluff with.....he did, I called, was about the only hand that went well today
How often do you tend to play golf and is it competitions or just with some mates? Also considering you make a decent amount at poker do you ever just buy quite unnecessary expensive goods, as when I ever have a good day I withdraw a certain amount and usually will just buy an expensive golf club which has little need but is so tempting.
How often do you tend to play golf and is it competitions or just with some mates? Also considering you make a decent amount at poker do you ever just buy quite unnecessary expensive goods, as when I ever have a good day I withdraw a certain amount and usually will just buy an expensive golf club which has little need but is so tempting. Posted by Rknowlez
I play a couple times a week during the summer (not much of a winter golfer). I don't spend much money on golf equipment (currently have the Titleist D3 driver which is amazing, want to buy some new irons as have had some titleist blades for about 8 years now) but have spent quite a bit on computers, monitors and headphones.
I think taking a bit of money out and buying something you wouldn't normally buy is a good idea....makes it all worth while
Best high was winning a tournement in Killarney, Ireland for €80k (I got £65k after paying off some action swaping)
Worst low was losing a £10k pot and omaha screwing me out of 110buyins over the last 18months grrrrr...
Well DTD is my local so am going to try and play as many 500 deepstacks as possible. Haven't really looked at schedule for year but 1k events are pushing my limits a bit at the mo so will try some satellites and see what happens. Will deffinately be talking on here about any events I do play in!
Generally just play 6max cash and other stuff if I fancy it
Hand History #483445737 (19:35 24/02/2012)
The River: The pot is £220 and he's shoves for £392.50. Weird spot as obviously it just looks like he has a flush but things going through my mind are A) I beat other sets and 2 pairs
Have discussed this hand with a few other players and have decided it was a mistake to call this river shove. My excuse is I didn't have much of a read and I've got 2nd set in a blind war....Learn and move on
If he has the A he reraises you on the turn you would think, as he wouldnt want to see a flush either if he has an A. I wouldnt put him on the st8 after pre flop action, but then again hard to think he has J6 to be fair. VUL hand but def fold on river. look forward to more hands at this level GL 0:)
Didn't play poker on Saturday (too much sport and a friends birthday). Just finished playing Sunday cash and made £950 and am up to 21,325. Pretty darn happy with the day as was pretty tired having been up at 7:30am to go play golf in Birmingham.
Will have a look through my session in the morning for some intresting HH's as can barely keep my eyes open. To all that read this....hope you had a Sunday bink!
I play of 7 (got down to 3 as a junior).
Poker is going well at the moment but just remember I could easily lose that much in a day as well
This HH pretty much sums it up...
Hand History #485019400 (23:18 27/02/2012)
I basically never seemed to have the best hand and every time I made a move I got shoved on
Hand History #485015164 (23:12 27/02/2012)
The turn pairs the 5 and I chose to check (I would bet fairly often but I don't want to do the same thing all the time!!). Villain then bet 1/3 pot which looked to me like 9x or some sort of draw so I check/raise.
River brings a blank and with no history I didn't feel like I would get called by worse than I had and there were some missed draws that I can let him bluff with.....he did, I called, was about the only hand that went well today
I think taking a bit of money out and buying something you wouldn't normally buy is a good idea....makes it all worth while
LAG is sooooo tilting annoys me way more than any bad beat in poker