In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe : Must be at least 80% LAG is sooooo tilting annoys me way more than any bad beat in poker Posted by rolfus
Yeh, Lag is the most frustrating thing in the world especially on halo and COD, are there other games??
Points: Managed to reach 22,146 points on sky which is a bit annoying as I set out for 30k and just tailed of a bit at the end. Profit: +9.6k pre rakeback
Was happy with my play this month, definitely misplayed some hands. Was most happy with my notetaking and picking up reads as have previously relied too much on HUDs and autopiloting.
March Goals
Get more involved with tournaments live and online. Will be playing the £500 deepstack at DTD this weekend, have got a few mates coming up: simuk, lolraise, runnitsrann and might meet a few others....hoping for a good show from SkyPoker! If it goes well or I feel like I played well I'm going to look to try and play GUKPT Walsall mid month
Will aim for 30k points again and hopefully PLO might stop hating me (have run great at PLO on sky, has just screwed me on other sites...incase anyone on here asks what I'm moaning about)
Do you want to swap action Tom and keep up the long running tradition of you giving me money when you grind out a final table and I have been at the bar since the dinner break of day one?
Played a small amount of PLO yesterday and made £137
Today I've played for about 1.5hrs and am down £301. Basically had AA<KK for 118BB's and QQ />AA for 80BB's at nl100, then at nl200 had AQ<TT for 205BB's and AK<KK for 88BB's....pretty boring roundup.
Was happy with all of them except for the AK vs KK hand.....
Hand History #486514711 (13:33 02/03/2012)
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Pair of Kings
I basically decided that at this stack depth, how often he 3bets and the size of his 3bet that I would never 4bet bluff and then fold to a shove. So I decided to just shove the top X% of hands that I wanted to continue with.
I expect some people to comment on this as a trivial hand and that I of course should just shove, 4bet or maybe even fold. But it has made me think about what if we were 115BB's deep, should I just flat my entire range (that I choose to continue with) as that then protects some of the weaker peels that I would make.
Only reason I think this is even slightly worth mentioning is that it's against a player who 3bets particularly large and I've not yet encountered it on such a regular basis.
Anyways, should be playing tonight quite a bit and hopefully get unstuck for the day!
Played a small amount of PLO yesterday and made £137 Today I've played for about 1.5hrs and am down £301. Basically had AA<KK for 118BB's and QQ />AA for 80BB's at nl100, then at nl200 had AQ<TT for 205BB's and AK<KK for 88BB's....pretty boring roundup. Was happy with all of them except for the AK vs KK hand..... Hand History #486514711 (13:33 02/03/2012) Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance jules007 Small blind £1.00 £1.00 £199.00 VintageDP Big blind £2.00 £3.00 £174.60 Your hole cards A K BASH448 Fold rolfus Raise £6.00 £9.00 £194.00 rosiedog00 Fold jules007 Fold VintageDP Raise £22.00 £31.00 £152.60 rolfus All-in £194.00 £225.00 £0.00 VintageDP All-in £152.60 £377.60 £0.00 rolfus Unmatched bet £23.40 £354.20 £23.40 VintageDP Show K K rolfus Show A K Flop 8 3 2 Turn 6 River 4 VintageDP Win Pair of Kings £352.40 £352.40 I basically decided that at this stack depth, how often he 3bets and the size of his 3bet that I would never 4bet bluff and then fold to a shove. So I decided to just shove the top X% of hands that I wanted to continue with. I expect some people to comment on this as a trivial hand and that I of course should just shove, 4bet or maybe even fold. But it has made me think about what if we were 115BB's deep, should I just flat my entire range (that I choose to continue with) as that then protects some of the weaker peels that I would make. Only reason I think this is even slightly worth mentioning is that it's against a player who 3bets particularly large and I've not yet encountered it on such a regular basis. Anyways, should be playing tonight quite a bit and hopefully get unstuck for the day! Posted by rolfus
I don't really understand why you'd choose to discuss this here.
it's obv a fold or call pre. shoving is a losing play.
Why would you call as opposed to 4 bet/or shove beanhead?
wouldn't that be bad as we are oop with A high? is 4 bet / call better then shove iyo? obv you ccant 4bet fold because you might aswell flat is that why your calling their 3 bet? playing it this way does that not leave you to play ABC post flop?
Why would you call as opposed to 4 bet/or shove beanhead? wouldn't that be bad as we are oop with A high? is 4 bet / call better then shove iyo? obv you ccant 4bet fold because you might aswell flat is that why your calling their 3 bet? playing it this way does that not leave you to play ABC post flop? Posted by YOUNG_GUN
not really willing to say anymore on tut forums met.
btw you've taken my word and are using it alot on twitter regarding elsa lol. you should be paying me royalties!
In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe : not really willing to say anymore on tut forums met. btw you've taken my word and are using it alot on twitter regarding elsa lol. you should be paying me royalties! Posted by beaneh
lol ur word sorry sir i shall try come up with a word for me
DTD Deepstack weekend So Simuk, Runnitsrann and lolraise came up/down to Nottingham for the weekend to play the £500 deepstack. Me and Simuk busted on day 1 but Runnitsrann and lolraise made it to day 2. In the end Runnitsrann was only one to cash(and claim the £100x3 last longer we did)....apparently Jakally was the bubble boy lol
I was a bit annoyed with my play in the tournement as I completely butchered 1 hand (I seem to play really well and then mess up a couple of hands each session at the moment....something to work on!)
Bumped into Tikay, Yoyo, Beaneh and Scotty. Was a good weekend with a few drinks, some bowling and of course Nandos!
Great thread Thomas... Question for you... How did you started playing? What stakes did you begin grinding? Posted by GreekWay
Started playing with some friends at uni. We were just playing £5 STT sort of thing and then we found out about a tournament that ran every Sunday at the union, seemed to have some good results in that so we progressed to casinos and online at a pretty similar time. We used to swap action in a lot of the casino tournaments and then one day we played a lunch time tournament. We all busted pretty quickly and decided to leave as was a few hours before the evening one started and the football world cup final (the one where Zidan headbut someone) was on. I lended up going back on my own and played a £20 Pot Limit rebuy and won that for £1500 without rebuying or adding on lol....was pretty huge for me and didn't have to split any of it like we normally would
I started playing £1-£20 SnG's mostly online and was about -£300 before switching to NL10 cash games and built up from there. Have never really had any decent online tournament results.
Hope this kind of answers the question, is a bit all over the place but this is my start in poker.
Hi Rolfus Can u explain ur thought process for the above Omaha hand. I am a complete novice but surely thats an amazing call in Omaha Posted by KKrippler
There are a tonne of missed draws (43, 76, 97, J9, heart flush draw, etc), it looks like I don't have much of a hand to call a river bet with, once he's 3bet it narrows his range to a lot of hands that aren't 2pair or better and just the flow of the match so far.
The only worry is KKxx, AAxx (that didn't want to check/call), AKQ8 (or something similar that has 2pair) and JT98. I know that seems like a lot of hands but when you compare that to how many missed draws there are I think we're getting a very good price on the call.
I'm not the best at putting into words what my mind is thinking at the time but ^this^ is pretty close.
In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe : Started playing with some friends at uni. We were just playing £5 STT sort of thing and then we found out about a tournament that ran every Sunday at the union, seemed to have some good results in that so we progressed to casinos and online at a pretty similar time. We used to swap action in a lot of the casino tournaments and then one day we played a lunch time tournament. We all busted pretty quickly and decided to leave as was a few hours before the evening one started and the football world cup final (the one where Zidan headbut someone) was on. I lended up going back on my own and played a £20 Pot Limit rebuy and won that for £1500 without rebuying or adding on lol....was pretty huge for me and didn't have to split any of it like we normally would I started playing £1-£20 SnG's mostly online and was about -£300 before switching to NL10 cash games and built up from there. Have never really had any decent online tournament results. Hope this kind of answers the question, is a bit all over the place but this is my start in poker. Posted by rolfus
I think the World Cup Final changed your
What sort of a bankroll do you think is good to start at a certain level in cash games? 15-20 BIs?
In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe : I think the World Cup Final changed your What sort of a bankroll do you think is good to start at a certain level in cash games? 15-20 BIs? Did you ever go bust? Posted by GreekWay
I would say you can get away with around 25 buyins for no limit holdem cash games but you have to be willing to move down very quickly if things don't go your way. If you find a level that you can definitely beat and make sure you never have less than 50 buyins for that game and then just keep taking shots/build up from that level. I know some people who would say that you need way more than this though.
I've never gone bust. I think this is down to the fact that I'm not worried about dropping down and I hate to redeposit. So say my bankroll would allow me to play nl200 but I only have £800 on a poker site I want to play on, I'll just build up from nl25. Once your winning and your confidence builds it won't take too long to get up to nl100+ anyway and it stops you from going bust or completely losing your confidence which is a big thing!
Pot Limit Omaha is the devils game and I think you need about 4 times as big a bankroll as No Limit Holdem because it's a much higher variance game and is so easy to tilt/get angry/question your ability at the game.
In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe : I would say you can get away with around 25 buyins for no limit holdem cash games but you have to be willing to move down very quickly if things don't go your way. If you find a level that you can definitely beat and make sure you never have less than 50 buyins for that game and then just keep taking shots/build up from that level. I know some people who would say that you need way more than this though. I've never gone bust. I think this is down to the fact that I'm not worried about dropping down and I hate to redeposit. So say my bankroll would allow me to play nl200 but I only have £800 on a poker site I want to play on, I'll just build up from nl25. Once your winning and your confidence builds it won't take too long to get up to nl100+ anyway and it stops you from going bust or completely losing your confidence which is a big thing! Pot Limit Omaha is the devils game and I think you need about 4 times as big a bankroll as No Limit Holdem because it's a much higher variance game and is so easy to tilt/get angry/question your ability at the game. Posted by rolfus
Haven't played as much poker as I had planned to so far....
Just had a pretty frustrating session, was up about £300 and then proceded to be -£700 for the day beginning with this:
Hand History #489362694 (12:59 08/03/2012)
Small blind
Player x
Big blind
Your hole cards
Player y
Player x
Flush to the King
Had a few other losses KK<AA, Trips vs Full House, Straight vs Nut Straight etc Could feel myself getting tilted so quit pretty rapidly and will try and make it back later
Ended yesterday about -£400. Had to fold a lot of strong hands postflop and just generally wasn't my day.
Managed to get pretty lucky vs TommyD to get back some of my losses....
Hand History #489670249 (23:35 08/03/2012)
Small blind
Big blind
Your hole cards
Unmatched bet
Straight to the Ace
Really don't like my play at all, I'm not really getting the right odds to call and TommyD still had a tonne of equity even once I've hit. Only excuse was I was a bit tired/tilted at this point.
Should be able to play this evening and then I have a weekend away of golf. Should be putting in some time on Sunday evening. On the golf front I had a chipping lesson as it's just been dire for quite a while now and now it's fixed lol. I kept fatting/thinning the ball which is so frustrating as I hit a pretty long ball so have a lot of these shots with the potential for birdie and come of with a bogey. Anyways I was tilting my shoulders instead of rotating one point he had me hitting the ball with my eyes closed and that was way better than my normal chipping!!
Anyways hopefully play better today!! Good luck people
Do you think the edges are bigger in heads up (cash) NL or PLO. Given that you wil be paying higher rake in PLO, but their is less educational material on heads up PLO.
If you do not play much heads up. than i replace heads up with 6 max in the above question.
Hi Thomas. Do you think the edges are bigger in heads up (cash) NL or PLO. Given that you will be paying higher rake in PLO, but their is less educational material on heads up PLO. If you do not play much heads up. than i replace heads up with 6 max in the above question. Posted by Fabraclass
I don't play too much HU so will talk about it in terms of 6max. The rake in a PLO game is definitely higher as there is more multiway postflop action and rake is only taken if a flop is dealt. To overcome this added rake you would need a bigger edge than an NL game to be profitable. Having said that the knowledge of the PLO game is much less figured out, lends itself to people gambling more and is more likely to tilt people.....all this is money to be made
I've not really ever been one to look into the maths of rake and it's effect on winrates, there are definitely better people to ask or articles to read. Hope this has helped a bit
Not updated in a little while as I was away on a golf weekend at Greetham Valley, Oakham with some of the guys I play with on a Sunday morning. Weather was great, course was pretty good and I managed 31points and 34points (handicap of 7)....couldn't chip to save my life but enjoyed myself.
Am currently on 5800 points and £2.2k for March. Haven't played anywhere near as much on Sky as I set out to at the start of the month so am going to change my points target to 15k.
Will be on Sky Poker TV tonight with simuk. I have been on once before but that wasn't as interactive as I expect tonight to am a bit nervous. Should be good fun though and hopefully some good hands to discuss. Just about to leave now.
Don't hold back on asking any questions on the show tonight! and good luck if your playing anytime soon
Not updated in a little while as I was away on a golf weekend at Greetham Valley, Oakham with some of the guys I play with on a Sunday morning. Weather was great, course was pretty good and I managed 31points and 34points (handicap of 7)....couldn't chip to save my life but enjoyed myself. Am currently on 5800 points and £2.2k for March. Haven't played anywhere near as much on Sky as I set out to at the start of the month so am going to change my points target to 15k. Will be on Sky Poker TV tonight with simuk. I have been on once before but that wasn't as interactive as I expect tonight to am a bit nervous. Should be good fun though and hopefully some good hands to discuss. Just about to leave now. Don't hold back on asking any questions on the show tonight! and good luck if your playing anytime soon Posted by rolfus
GL Thomas, You'll be great.... No Pressure like ;o)
In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe : I don't play too much HU so will talk about it in terms of 6max. The rake in a PLO game is definitely higher as there is more multiway postflop action and rake is only taken if a flop is dealt. To overcome this added rake you would need a bigger edge than an NL game to be profitable. Having said that the knowledge of the PLO game is much less figured out, lends itself to people gambling more and is more likely to tilt people.....all this is money to be made I've not really ever been one to look into the maths of rake and it's effect on winrates, there are definitely better people to ask or articles to read. Hope this has helped a bit Posted by rolfus
Thank you Thomas, appreciate your advise. May well look up some articles on this matter.
A moment of madness, can u advice on how I should of played the hand differently and, am I always stacking off( i dont think so)
I was so annoyed with myself at the time. I think my rr all on the turn is soooo bad. If i call ur rr n turn n river bricks, do i still call with my hand ( if you all in/make a big bet).
I cant post the hand ( as your the oppo ) I thought you could help with how i played it.
Points: Managed to reach 22,146 points on sky which is a bit annoying as I set out for 30k and just tailed of a bit at the end.
Profit: +9.6k pre rakeback
Was happy with my play this month, definitely misplayed some hands. Was most happy with my notetaking and picking up reads as have previously relied too much on HUDs and autopiloting.
March Goals
Get more involved with tournaments live and online. Will be playing the £500 deepstack at DTD this weekend, have got a few mates coming up: simuk, lolraise, runnitsrann and might meet a few others....hoping for a good show from SkyPoker! If it goes well or I feel like I played well I'm going to look to try and play GUKPT Walsall mid month
Will aim for 30k points again and hopefully PLO might stop hating me (have run great at PLO on sky, has just screwed me on other sites...incase anyone on here asks what I'm moaning about)
Good luck for March everyone, rolfus
you can keep the £9.6k but i'll take the bonus monies thanks : )
Today I've played for about 1.5hrs and am down £301. Basically had AA<KK for 118BB's and QQ />AA for 80BB's at nl100, then at nl200 had AQ<TT for 205BB's and AK<KK for 88BB's....pretty boring roundup.
Was happy with all of them except for the AK vs KK hand.....
Hand History #486514711 (13:33 02/03/2012)
I expect some people to comment on this as a trivial hand and that I of course should just shove, 4bet or maybe even fold. But it has made me think about what if we were 115BB's deep, should I just flat my entire range (that I choose to continue with) as that then protects some of the weaker peels that I would make.
Only reason I think this is even slightly worth mentioning is that it's against a player who 3bets particularly large and I've not yet encountered it on such a regular basis.
Anyways, should be playing tonight quite a bit and hopefully get unstuck for the day!
1 quick HH....
Hand History #486846595 (23:52 02/03/2012)
[ ]Looking forward to playing golf at 8:30am
Have a good weekend people!
So Simuk, Runnitsrann and lolraise came up/down to Nottingham for the weekend to play the £500 deepstack. Me and Simuk busted on day 1 but Runnitsrann and lolraise made it to day 2. In the end Runnitsrann was only one to cash(and claim the £100x3 last longer we did)....apparently Jakally was the bubble boy lol
I was a bit annoyed with my play in the tournement as I completely butchered 1 hand (I seem to play really well and then mess up a couple of hands each session at the moment....something to work on!)
Bumped into Tikay, Yoyo, Beaneh and Scotty. Was a good weekend with a few drinks, some bowling and of course Nandos!
Runnitsrann claiming his last longer of Simuk
We used to swap action in a lot of the casino tournaments and then one day we played a lunch time tournament. We all busted pretty quickly and decided to leave as was a few hours before the evening one started and the football world cup final (the one where Zidan headbut someone) was on. I lended up going back on my own and played a £20 Pot Limit rebuy and won that for £1500 without rebuying or adding on lol....was pretty huge for me and didn't have to split any of it like we normally would
I started playing £1-£20 SnG's mostly online and was about -£300 before switching to NL10 cash games and built up from there. Have never really had any decent online tournament results.
Hope this kind of answers the question, is a bit all over the place but this is my start in poker.
The only worry is KKxx, AAxx (that didn't want to check/call), AKQ8 (or something similar that has 2pair) and JT98. I know that seems like a lot of hands but when you compare that to how many missed draws there are I think we're getting a very good price on the call.
I'm not the best at putting into words what my mind is thinking at the time but ^this^ is pretty close.
p.s. I'm also a bit of a station
I've never gone bust. I think this is down to the fact that I'm not worried about dropping down and I hate to redeposit. So say my bankroll would allow me to play nl200 but I only have £800 on a poker site I want to play on, I'll just build up from nl25. Once your winning and your confidence builds it won't take too long to get up to nl100+ anyway and it stops you from going bust or completely losing your confidence which is a big thing!
Pot Limit Omaha is the devils game and I think you need about 4 times as big a bankroll as No Limit Holdem because it's a much higher variance game and is so easy to tilt/get angry/question your ability at the game.
3.5k points and +£1574
Haven't played as much poker as I had planned to so far....
Just had a pretty frustrating session, was up about £300 and then proceded to be -£700 for the day beginning with this:
Hand History #489362694 (12:59 08/03/2012)
Could feel myself getting tilted so quit pretty rapidly and will try and make it back later
Managed to get pretty lucky vs TommyD to get back some of my losses....
Hand History #489670249 (23:35 08/03/2012)
Should be able to play this evening and then I have a weekend away of golf. Should be putting in some time on Sunday evening.
On the golf front I had a chipping lesson as it's just been dire for quite a while now and now it's fixed lol. I kept fatting/thinning the ball which is so frustrating as I hit a pretty long ball so have a lot of these shots with the potential for birdie and come of with a bogey. Anyways I was tilting my shoulders instead of rotating one point he had me hitting the ball with my eyes closed and that was way better than my normal chipping!!
Anyways hopefully play better today!! Good luck people
Do you think the edges are bigger in heads up (cash) NL or PLO. Given that you wil be paying higher rake in PLO, but their is less educational material on heads up PLO.
If you do not play much heads up. than i replace heads up with 6 max in the above question.
I've not really ever been one to look into the maths of rake and it's effect on winrates, there are definitely better people to ask or articles to read. Hope this has helped a bit
Am currently on 5800 points and £2.2k for March. Haven't played anywhere near as much on Sky as I set out to at the start of the month so am going to change my points target to 15k.
Will be on Sky Poker TV tonight with simuk. I have been on once before but that wasn't as interactive as I expect tonight to am a bit nervous. Should be good fun though and hopefully some good hands to discuss. Just about to leave now.
Don't hold back on asking any questions on the show tonight! and good luck if your playing anytime soon