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Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe



  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe:
    A moment of madness, can u advice on how I should of played the hand differently and, am I always stacking off( i dont think so) I was so annoyed with myself at the time. I think my rr all on the turn is soooo bad. If i call ur rr n turn n river bricks, do i still call with my hand ( if you all in/make a big bet). I cant post the hand ( as your the oppo ) I thought you could help with how i played it. Hand History #492915696
    Posted by KKrippler
    Hey Krippler,

    Yeah the turn rr allin is very bad but I think you know this (crazy stuff happens in the heat of the moment, you just have to remember it and work on it in the future). The thing you've got to think is that A) what do I put you on? and B) would I try and bluff you off that hand or be value betting worse?

    A) What do I put you on?
    You've 3bet me and then checked back the flop, the turn then comes an Ace and you bet....from a very simple thought process it looks like you have Ax and most likely AK/AQ.

    B) Would I try and bluff you off that hand or be value betting worse?
    So I most likely think you have AK/AQ. I won't be check/raising with anything worse for value. Now for the bluffs...I could have 98/65/44 but I probably don't as do I really want to try and get you of AK/AQ??

    You should probably just bet/fold the turn but I think your best play would be to just continuation bet the flop (especially against better players as they won't pay you off when you check back and hit the turn and you might get bluffed off the best hand).

    Also I think I remember you shoving very quickly, try and take a few moments to think about whats going on in the hand in the future as you could probably make some big folds and some big calls if you give yourself the chance to think about it.

    Good luck, hope it helped.

  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe:
    In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe : Hey Krippler, Yeah the turn rr allin is very bad but I think you know this (crazy stuff happens in the heat of the moment, you just have to remember it and work on it in the future). The thing you've got to think is that A) what do I put you on? and B) would I try and bluff you off that hand or be value betting worse? A) What do I put you on? You've 3bet me and then checked back the flop, the turn then comes an Ace and you bet....from a very simple thought process it looks like you have Ax and most likely AK/AQ. B) Would I try and bluff you off that hand or be value betting worse? So I most likely think you have AK/AQ. I won't be check/raising with anything worse for value. Now for the bluffs...I could have 98/65/44 but I probably don't as do I really want to try and get you of AK/AQ?? You should probably just bet/fold the turn but I think your best play would be to just continuation bet the flop (especially against better players as they won't pay you off when you check back and hit the turn and you might get bluffed off the best hand). Also I think I remember you shoving very quickly, try and take a few moments to think about whats going on in the hand in the future as you could probably make some big folds and some big calls if you give yourself the chance to think about it. Good luck, hope it helped.
    Posted by rolfus

    Thank you for replying, a hand I completly butchered.

    Hopefully I can control the red mist next time.

  • edited April 2012
    Has been a few weeks since I last updated the diary. Has been down to not playing much poker and being away from my home poker setup.

    I've not long got back from 5 days of playing golf at Royal St. George's in Kent. It was a 10 man team event playing scratch matchplay foursomes. Me and my playing partner ended up playing vs a young guy and Ed Giddins (played 4 tests for the England cricket team and a previous Sky Poker presenter!). Had a good chat with him about poker and a fun match with us winning and our team getting through to the 2nd round....where we lost :s

    March Results
    Only just managed to scrape past the 10k points mark on Sky as I didn't play too much poker and played on some other sites.
    Made about 3.8k in total. Pretty sure I ran quite well as I didn't play enough to expect these returns.

    April Goals
    Tourneys: Have got the UKIPT Nottingham mid month which I'm looking forward to playing as I final tabled it last year and it's 1mill guar'd which is crazy for a £770 buyin!
    Points/Rakeback: Will be going for the 25k points mark on Sky as there is a Vegas free roll if you manage it.
    Profit: I'll aim to beat my March profit ASAP and then try and push on from there.

    Thanks for reading, Good Luck!

  • edited April 2012
    Beware: FML Entry

    Have got of to a terrible start to April and am down about £1.3k. Hands like these pretty much summing it up....

    Hand History #500681790 (23:56 02/04/2012)

    corpy Small blind   £1.00 £1.00 £214.15
    tamas Big blind   £2.00 £3.00 £198.00
      Your hole cards
    • 3
    • A
    nmipeis Fold        
    Villain Raise   £6.00 £9.00 £191.00
    lobsterman Fold        
    rolfus Raise   £18.00 £27.00 £233.97
    corpy Fold        
    tamas Fold        
    s_half9 Call   £12.00 £39.00 £179.00
    • 7
    • J
    • 3
    Villain Bet   £19.50 £58.50 £159.50
    rolfus Call   £19.50 £78.00 £214.47
    • 2
    Villain Check        
    rolfus Bet   £40.00 £118.00 £174.47
    Villain Call   £40.00 £158.00 £119.50
    • A
    Villain All-in   £119.50 £277.50 £0.00
    rolfus Call   £119.50 £397.00 £54.97
    Villain Show
    • 2
    • 2
    rolfus Show
    • 3
    • A
    Villain Win Three 2s £395.20   £395.20

    Hand History #500676841 (23:45 02/04/2012)

    ajs4385 Small blind   £0.50 £0.50 £149.11
    jimmynoleg Big blind   £1.00 £1.50 £237.59
      Your hole cards
    • 2
    • 2
    Villain Raise   £3.00 £4.50 £134.94
    rolfus Call   £3.00 £7.50 £95.50
    Doug125 Fold        
    timbo57 Fold        
    ajs4385 Fold        
    jimmynoleg Call   £2.00 £9.50 £235.59
    • 10
    • 2
    • 5
    jimmynoleg Check        
    Villain Bet   £6.75 £16.25 £128.19
    rolfus Raise   £24.00 £40.25 £71.50
    jimmynoleg Fold        
    Villain Call   £17.25 £57.50 £110.94
    • Q
    Villain Check        
    rolfus All-in   £71.50 £129.00 £0.00
    Villain Call   £71.50 £200.50 £39.44
    Villain Show
    • Q
    • Q
    rolfus Show
    • 2
    • 2
    • 3
    Villain Win Three Queens £198.70   £238.14
    I've won 2 pots of over £80 in profit playing mostly nl100+nl200 and am on 1.5k points. I'm not classing this as any sort of downswing or moaning because of not running as good as I usually do. Has just been a very swift frustrating way of losing 1.3k. Will be dropping down to nl50 for a few days to de-tilt, get back some confidence and keep the C4Points ticking over.

    Also have heard beaneh is on 5.5k points already lol WTF

    Good luck to those who won't be playing me ;)
  • edited April 2012
    6.5k points as of 4am on the 3rd lol. 

    I've been playing MTTs on stars all the while too :p
  • edited April 2012
    The amazing thing about Beaneh is that he can rake up all those points whilst sending me 3 bad beats a minute...
  • edited April 2012

    Beaneh's just epically sick.

    Good luck with the points Tom!!

  • edited April 2012

    8k..... lol
  • edited April 2012
    i feel like this is appropiate

    but how much did you lose?
  • edited April 2012
    Good luck to those who won't playing me...The best "poker" wish I have ever heard...

    Good luck with your targets buddy...
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe:
    i feel like this is appropiate but how much did you lose?
    Posted by LOL_RAISE
    a negative amount.

    not sure how I feel about that.
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe:
    i feel like this is appropiate but how much did you lose?
    Posted by LOL_RAISE
    lol This is usually the case.....
  • edited April 2012
    Have got of to a terrible start and am about 1.8k down for April......

    A few of the reasons why: bad beats, opponents hitting sets in big pots, me never hitting sets, etc

    I have no control over the above but I have reacted poorly to these things by: Playing more tables to recoop losses/make points quicker so I'm not subject to the ''torture'' of running bad for as long, questioning my overall strategy during the session instead of focusing on how to exploit my opponents individually and finally TILT (I know I'm tilting pretty bad when I hear myself say ''they can't have it again'')

    So the plan is to play less tables and focus on my opponents game a bit more. GLGL
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe:
    In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe : a negative amount. not sure how I feel about that.
    Posted by beaneh
    and an arm update?  are you gonna be hiring any men off the internet to come and click buttons for you?
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe:
    In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe : and an arm update?  are you gonna be hiring any men off the internet to come and click buttons for you?
    Posted by scotty77

    I've resorted nowadays to only playing right handed if I have ALOT of tables up so > 15 otherwise I just have a relaxed grind left handed. Think i've had my last physio session but because i'm so lazy I don't do the excercises i'm meant to as much as I should so the issues are still there :s 

    I'm going to be away alot this month hence getting 9k points already :p
  • edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: Diary of Thomas 'rolfus' Rolfe:
    I'm going to be away alot this month hence getting 9k points already :p
    Posted by beaneh
    Thats got to be close to record for quickest Priority (10k) qualify in a month?
  • edited April 2012
    10.1k points by 19:15 :p
  • edited April 2012
    I played this hand earlier can you give me some feedback please.... :p

    A raised for £6.
    >beaneh called for £6.
    >ljb1989 folded
    >lobsterman folded
    >Dealing the flop (9h,9s,Kh).
    A bet £11.25.
    >beaneh raised for £26.
    A raised for £38.
    >beaneh called for £23.25.
    >Dealing the turn (8h).
    A checked.
    >beaneh bet £44.
    A called for £44.
    >Dealing the river (Ac).
    A checked.
    >beaneh bet £201.50.
    A folded
    >beaneh went to muck, threw his cards in and they hit the dealers hand and flipped to reveal


  • edited April 2012

    You don't have a pair though.....I'm confused
  • edited April 2012
    had him on 56 from preflop innit
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