Hi Tikay, i know how much you like your deep stacks, could we get a few 200NL - 500 NL with a min buyin of 50Bs and a max of 200BB. ie max buy in being 400 on a 1/2 and min being 100.
Hi Tikay, i know how much you like your deep stacks, could we get a few 200NL - 500 NL with a min buyin of 50Bs and a max of 200BB. ie max buy in being 400 on a 1/2 and min being 100. Safe ! Posted by Keysasoze6
Wow, I never thought the legend that is Keysa would be asking ME a poker question!
The answer to your question is, as always, not as simple as one might think, or as easy.
But let me first ask the question of the chaps upstairs, then I'll let you know.
Now, a question from me to you.
I was just perusing the Lobby of tonight's £220 Biggie - I never saw your name on it. Why not?
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Wow, I never thought the legend that is Keysa would be asking ME a poker question! The answer to your question is, as always, not as simple as one might think, or as easy. But let me first ask the question of the chaps upstairs, then I'll let you know. Now, a question from me to you. I was just perusing the Lobby of tonight's £220 Biggie - I never saw your name on it. Why not? Posted by Tikay10
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Women come first poker second :-) if im back in time i will be sure to register. take care you absolute sort ! :-D Posted by Keysasoze6
Thankyou Tikay and Walesboy for the input. Walesboy, i do use the notes but it is a very useful tip for others reading this so again, thankyou.Tikay, I have played on some of the bigger tables (not too big) and done ok to be fair apart from running into one or two big hands at the wrong time. I just have to cut the silly mistakes out and maybe be a tad more disciplined. Anyway, thankyou for taking the time out to reply. I am sure i will be back to ask more questions in the future as i learn. You'll probably be sick of me in a couple of months time!Regards learning the game, are there any good books or websites you can recommend or is it a case of sticking with watching the pros and the poker clinic and the more i play the better i get? In other words, any tips for a beginner already on the 'learning curve' as walesboy put it?
Thankyou Tikay and Walesboy for the input. Walesboy, i do use the notes but it is a very useful tip for others reading this so again, thankyou.Tikay, I have played on some of the bigger tables (not too big) and done ok to be fair apart from running into one or two big hands at the wrong time. I just have to cut the silly mistakes out and maybe be a tad more disciplined. Anyway, thankyou for taking the time out to reply. I am sure i will be back to ask more questions in the future as i learn. You'll probably be sick of me in a couple of months time!Regards learning the game, are there any good books or websites you can recommend or is it a case of sticking with watching the pros and the poker clinic and the more i play the better i get? In other words, any tips for a beginner already on the 'learning curve' as walesboy put it? Posted by DrSharp
I'm a bit out of line with normal thinking here, but personally, no, I would not recommend any books, or Mentoring sites.
Poker tuitions books are toast these days, because all the information we could possibly need is there for us to see, in Poker Clinics, PHA's, etc.
Books worked when there was just Live Poker, which is a very different animal to Online, but 99.9% of all poker hands played these days are Online. Maybe more.
Examine the decisions you make, concentrate, focus, be self-critical, don't be afraid to ask questions, or accept the blame for messing up hands.
One player wrote to me recently, as he was losing money. After some toing & froing, I established that he was 3-Tabling & watching the TV at the same time. I said "if you don't give the game max concentration, you won't play at your best". He wrote back & said, "no, I can manage both". OK mate.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Vellam. The answer is "it depends" - upon stack sizes, situation, table dynamic, Tourney or Cash, so many things. As a default answer, though....... Check-calling out of a shallow stack can bleed away your stack. What's the plan if we miss on the River? And if we hit, we likely don't get paid, as we have played our draw face-up if we suddenly bet out on the River. We can put a stopper bet, or blocker bet in, but if he clicks it back, what do we do then? If I were you, I'd try not to get into this situation on the Turn - make your decision as to what route to take on the FLOP. Our odds have HALVED by the Turn, the odds have all changed, the Fold Equity has gone, so it's all a bit "too little, too late" now. Make your decision on the flop, & be the aggressor. We have 2 ways to win now - we can get him to fold, or we can hit our draw. You are controlling the hand then. Posted by Tikay10
Thanks for the advice Tikay! good luck on the tables
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : is 10 pounds a too lower amount to begin with? just been watchin sptv and one guy said if your bank roll is only 20 then you might want to think about trying your luck. im not sure if that is the right advice for me personally. what do you think tky? Posted by ALWAYZWIN
thanks for the reply tk, i wouldnt mind a few of those tips you gave her, as a newbie (ish) i need a few pointers.
just read this from a post you made on penguin7,s thread on turning to cash from tourneys - you wrote
I'm not quite so sure that you should mix cash, & Tourneys much, though, as the two are very different, & require a completely different mindset.
What do you mean by a completely different mindset?
ps - just read your above post on watching TV while playing 3 tables. Spot on - I,ve just recently (last 2 or 3 weeks) started turning the TV off, unless 865 is on of course, but found it helps my concentration especially in cash games , not so much in deep stack early stages, but definately helps overall
Hi Tikay just read this from a post you made on penguin7,s thread on turning to cash from tourneys - you wrote I'm not quite so sure that you should mix cash, & Tourneys much, though, as the two are very different, & require a completely different mindset. What do you mean by a completely different mindset? ps - just read your above post on watching TV while playing 3 tables. Spot on - I,ve just recently (last 2 or 3 weeks) started turning the TV off, unless 865 is on of course, but found it helps my concentration especially in cash games , not so much in deep stack early stages, but definately helps overall Cheers paul Posted by MP33
Hi MP,
Pretty much as Penguin put it - when playing a £220 MTT with nearly £4k up top, it's hard to get the right mindset to "grind" 15p-30p cash, where a sensible aim, one assumes, is to nick one or two buy-ins per night, or session, so, £30 or £60.
Do that 5 or 6 nights a week, & that'd be whizzo. A competent cash game regular would, or should, be extremely happy to achieve that.
The MTT player is trying to bink £4,000 in one go, & he's invested SEVEN BI @ 15p-30p so to do. And he is trying to win the equivelant of 140 BI's!
It's just such a lopsided approach to try to do both at the same time.
That, of course, is aside from the fact that the mental approach to the 2 Formats - Cash & MTT's - is totally different. We play the 2 things completely differently - or should.
Now, moving on.....
You still have a freebie TSP Classic entry to use. Any of next week's nights suit you? - this is the schedule next week......
I may be being completely dumb here, but i can never seem to see the TSP tourneys on the Tournament lobby. I have looked at 21.00 which is when they start and i can't see them anywhere? Great show last night too!
Hi Tikay, I may be being completely dumb here, but i can never seem to see the TSP tourneys on the Tournament lobby. I have looked at 21.00 which is when they start and i can't see them anywhere? Great show last night too! Regards Danny Posted by djgrevo
Hi Danny, its in the highlighted section at the top of the tournament lobby. Good luck if you decide to play tonight.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Danny, its in the highlighted section at the top of the tournament lobby. Good luck if you decide to play tonight. Steve Posted by Kiwini4u
Hi Steve, thanks for the quick reply and yes i was being quite dumb lol Danny
Now, moving on..... You still have a freebie TSP Classic entry to use. Any of next week's nights suit you? - this is the schedule next week...... Monday - AJS Tuesday - Darren & Orford Wednesday - James Thursday - LML Friday - Wayne Posted by Tikay10
I thought this was an STT as mentioned on front page of The Apprentice Thread
A reminder from your last PM
No worries Paul, & again, apologies for the delay, the fault was mine.
I'll try & find a night when we can get several of the TSP-ers playing, then get back in touch with you.
You did ask me to give you 3 nights when i,m available. i replied "any but friday" , but any night is ok for me - I can work round this
I,ll reply back by Pm so you,ve got the history of it to re-jog your memory
Now, moving on..... You still have a freebie TSP Classic entry to use. Any of next week's nights suit you? - this is the schedule next week...... Monday - AJS Tuesday - Darren & Orford Wednesday - James Thursday - LML Friday - Wayne Posted by Tikay10
Now, moving on..... You still have a freebie TSP Classic entry to use . Any of next week's nights suit you? - this is the schedule next week...... Monday - AJS Tuesday - Darren & Orford Wednesday - James Thursday - LML Friday - Wayne Posted by Tikay10 I thought this was an STT as mentioned on front page of The Apprentice Thread A reminder from your last PM No worries Paul, & again, apologies for the delay, the fault was mine. I'll try & find a night when we can get several of the TSP-ers playing, then get back in touch with you. You did ask me to give you 3 nights when i,m available. i replied "any but friday" , but any night is ok for me - I can work round this I,ll reply back by Pm so you,ve got the history of it to re-jog your memory Don,t mean to be a pain - Cheers paul Posted by MP33
Correct - 100% correct - my apologies.
Got your PM - thank you.
To quote your PM - "a £10 STT with Gliterbabe, lJAMESl, LOLUFOLD, Dantb10, & LML". And IrishRovers original note "time & date to suit both parties".
I'll start again, shall I? I'll write to them all this weekend, & see if I can round them all up on the same night.
You are not being a pain, at all, my bad, not yours.
I get these things to sort daily, in all sizes & shapes, & sometimes it gets a little confusing, keeping up with them all.
By way of apology, & in addition to the prize you have won, & I will try to organise for soonest, you can have a free Entry to a TSP Classic on any night you choose. Name your night. That one I can sort personally, rather than me toing & froing notes to & from half a dozen others, so it's "instant".
Cheers Tikay thats very good of you anyday for the TSP will do (I suppose its to l8 for tonight?) and as for the STT i,m in no rush - Just wanted to get it clarified Thx again Posted by MP33
Hey MP, how do i go about getting free entries into tourneys? lol
Hi TK. Have you any Idea If It confirmed that John Tabatabai will be playing on Sky any time soon? Have really enjoyed the shows with the pros - Nick Persaud, Ian Frazer etc. (have to admit tho, JT Is my fav!) Thanks. Tia x
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Not heard back yet! I think there is a good technical reason why this will not happen, to be honest, but let's wait & see what they say. Posted by Tikay10
im not on here much, so i will just keep my fingers crossed, so if i dont reply, its not because im rude :-)
Hi TK. Have you any Idea If It confirmed that John Tabatabai will be playing on Sky any time soon? Have really enjoyed the shows with the pros - Nick Persaud, Ian Frazer etc. (have to admit tho, JT Is my fav!) Thanks. Tia x Posted by TiaDalma
Hi TD,
Yes, we hope to have John back on Sky Poker, Ch 865, again, as soon as Diary dates permit, ditto the other recent high-profile Guests we have been fortunate to secure.
Another "JT" will be on the Show this coming Thursday - Julian Thew. He's a bit special, too - only guy ever to win TWO GUKPT's, AND an EPT. Top bloke, too.
As soon as another date for John Tabatabai is confirmed, Mother or I will let you know. Assuming I remember......
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : OK im not on here much, so i will just keep my fingers crossed, so if i dont reply, its not because im rude :-) Posted by Keysasoze6
Safe !
go on tikay use ur muscle
The answer to your question is, as always, not as simple as one might think, or as easy.
But let me first ask the question of the chaps upstairs, then I'll let you know.
Now, a question from me to you.
I was just perusing the Lobby of tonight's £220 Biggie - I never saw your name on it. Why not?
if im back in time i will be sure to register.
take care you absolute sort ! :-D
Great excuse - can't argue with that.
Poker tuitions books are toast these days, because all the information we could possibly need is there for us to see, in Poker Clinics, PHA's, etc.
Books worked when there was just Live Poker, which is a very different animal to Online, but 99.9% of all poker hands played these days are Online. Maybe more.
Examine the decisions you make, concentrate, focus, be self-critical, don't be afraid to ask questions, or accept the blame for messing up hands.
One player wrote to me recently, as he was losing money. After some toing & froing, I established that he was 3-Tabling & watching the TV at the same time. I said "if you don't give the game max concentration, you won't play at your best". He wrote back & said, "no, I can manage both". OK mate.
Next time my age is quoted,say but i only feel 28, well 35.
I think there is a good technical reason why this will not happen, to be honest, but let's wait & see what they say.
A very fine effort last night by you - well done.
just read this from a post you made on penguin7,s thread on turning to cash from tourneys - you wrote
I'm not quite so sure that you should mix cash, & Tourneys much, though, as the two are very different, & require a completely different mindset.
What do you mean by a completely different mindset?
ps - just read your above post on watching TV while playing 3 tables. Spot on - I,ve just recently (last 2 or 3 weeks) started turning the TV off, unless 865 is on of course, but found it helps my concentration especially in cash games , not so much in deep stack early stages, but definately helps overall
Pretty much as Penguin put it - when playing a £220 MTT with nearly £4k up top, it's hard to get the right mindset to "grind" 15p-30p cash, where a sensible aim, one assumes, is to nick one or two buy-ins per night, or session, so, £30 or £60.
Do that 5 or 6 nights a week, & that'd be whizzo. A competent cash game regular would, or should, be extremely happy to achieve that.
The MTT player is trying to bink £4,000 in one go, & he's invested SEVEN BI @ 15p-30p so to do. And he is trying to win the equivelant of 140 BI's!
It's just such a lopsided approach to try to do both at the same time.
That, of course, is aside from the fact that the mental approach to the 2 Formats - Cash & MTT's - is totally different. We play the 2 things completely differently - or should.
Now, moving on.....
You still have a freebie TSP Classic entry to use. Any of next week's nights suit you? - this is the schedule next week......
Monday - AJS
Tuesday - Darren & Orford
Wednesday - James
Thursday - LML
Friday - Wayne
I may be being completely dumb here, but i can never seem to see the TSP tourneys on the Tournament lobby.
I have looked at 21.00 which is when they start and i can't see them anywhere?
Great show last night too!
Posted by Tikay10
I thought this was an STT as mentioned on front page of The Apprentice Thread
A reminder from your last PM
No worries Paul, & again, apologies for the delay, the fault was mine.
I'll try & find a night when we can get several of the TSP-ers playing, then get back in touch with you.
You did ask me to give you 3 nights when i,m available. i replied "any but friday" , but any night is ok for me - I can work round thisI,ll reply back by Pm so you,ve got the history of it to re-jog your memory
Don,t mean to be a pain - Cheers paul
Posted by MP33
Correct - 100% correct - my apologies.
Got your PM - thank you.
To quote your PM - "a £10 STT with Gliterbabe, lJAMESl, LOLUFOLD, Dantb10, & LML". And IrishRovers original note "time & date to suit both parties".
I'll start again, shall I? I'll write to them all this weekend, & see if I can round them all up on the same night.
You are not being a pain, at all, my bad, not yours.
I get these things to sort daily, in all sizes & shapes, & sometimes it gets a little confusing, keeping up with them all.
By way of apology, & in addition to the prize you have won, & I will try to organise for soonest, you can have a free Entry to a TSP Classic on any night you choose. Name your night. That one I can sort personally, rather than me toing & froing notes to & from half a dozen others, so it's "instant".
thats very good of you
anyday for the TSP will do (I suppose its to l8 for tonight?) and as for the STT i,m in no rush - Just wanted to get it clarified
Thx again
im not on here much, so i will just keep my fingers crossed, so if i dont reply, its not because im rude :-)
On a serious note tho there are plenty of comps with free tourney prizes to be won on a regular basis - Just have a look through the forum
Yes, we hope to have John back on Sky Poker, Ch 865, again, as soon as Diary dates permit, ditto the other recent high-profile Guests we have been fortunate to secure.
Another "JT" will be on the Show this coming Thursday - Julian Thew. He's a bit special, too - only guy ever to win TWO GUKPT's, AND an EPT. Top bloke, too.
As soon as another date for John Tabatabai is confirmed, Mother or I will let you know. Assuming I remember......
Have a good weekend.