In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : When do I update what, Sir? Posted by Tikay10
New look, new teeth? lol only messing
Tikay a bit of advice last week i had sick run binked 3 tourneys & 2nd in another, then i got another on friday. problem is saturday night i final tabled 3 tournaments but top 5 pay in each bubbled 2 of them due to bad play(not variance ttrust me). what i wanted to know is when you get a bit ahead of yourself, still playing ok up to around the bubble but its like i've changed my game again?? any advice would be appreciated thank you
I ask as yesterday i had 1 f/t again but rest of night its as if im playing a different game, maybe think im better then i really am?
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : New look, new teeth? lol only messing Tikay a bit of advice last week i had sick run binked 3 tourneys & 2nd in another, then i got another on friday. problem is saturday night i final tabled 3 tournaments but top 5 pay in each bubbled 2 of them due to bad play(not variance ttrust me). what i wanted to know is when you get a bit ahead of yourself, still playing ok up to around the bubble but its like i've changed my game again?? any advice would be appreciated thank you I ask as yesterday i had 1 f/t again but rest of night its as if im playing a different game, maybe think im better then i really am? John Posted by YOUNG_GUN
Hi John,
I'm not sure I understand the question, exactly what you are asking, to be honest. Can you clarify?
But I will say this.
Too many people over-complicate things, & end up out-thinking themselves.
You seem to be making Finals for fun, so your game is in good shape - don't mess with it.
The only rule about Final Tables is to get balance between laddering, & getting the shorties out of the way, & the increase in aggression needed as the players reduce to 5-4-3 etc. The less players remaining, the more aggro you become. Even I play the occasional hand when it gets down to 3 players......
ok basically on a few occasions i have been overplaying it and made silly moves when i have been 4 out of 6, have you any advice on this.
1 example i shoved around 12 BB with 22 utg+1, got snapped by 10's which is understandable but its pretty bad, if in later position not so bad. another example is i had q6 on bb i re-raised to 700 to try get someone to fold, they call then flop came Q109, so i dont get a difficult decision i shoved with top pair no kicker again snapped by flopped straight was 2 spades on flop 2
in short i think i have developed fancy play syndrome any advice?
Sorry i have a rubbish writing style ... ok basically on a few occasions i have been overplaying it and made silly moves when i have been 4 out of 6, have you any advice on this. 1 example i shoved around 12 BB with 22 utg+1, got snapped by 10's which is understandable but its pretty bad, if in later position not so bad. another example is i had q6 on bb i re-raised to 700 to try get someone to fold, they call then flop came Q109, so i dont get a difficult decision i shoved with top pair no kicker again snapped by flopped straight was 2 spades on flop 2 in short i think i have developed fancy play syndrome any advice? Many thanks Posted by YOUNG_GUN
Stop doing it?
What do you want him to say??????
You know what you're doing wrong, just stop doing it .............
I can't really improve on JJ's advice, to be honest, John!
You don't need us to tell you that if you shove for 12xBB with 2-2, the only possible hands to look you up will be crushing you. You get the same response if you make it 3xBB. Or just let go, & wait for a better spot.
I think you may be right, though, confidence breeds F-P-S, but recognizing these mistakes is like a slap in the chops, it serves a purpose.
raise 3bb?? 2.2 FTW, ok tikay cheers anyway i appreciate its myself i just wondered if theres anything else i can do to stop doing it!
another problem has been my mentality has changed against weak players i think im too good and will get their chips to easy, sometimes i do sometimes this is my downfall again i think its me nevermind
raise 3bb?? 2.2 FTW, ok tikay cheers anyway i appreciate its myself i just wondered if theres anything else i can do to stop doing it! another problem has been my mentality has changed against weak players i think im too good and will get their chips to easy, sometimes i do sometimes this is my downfall again i think its me nevermind Posted by YOUNG_GUN
Good luck you, raising 2.2BB with pocket two's, though that's purely down to personal style, & Table/stack Dynamics, & we could debate the merits of either/both all day & night & not reach concensus.
What would be quite easy to agree are the merits or otherwise of open shoving 12Bigs with deuces, versus finding a better spot.
Jammin 12 bigs in early position isn't ever gonna be too bad.....
Especially on the bubble.....
It's a better move than limping, and far better than raise folding.
Your options were shove/fold......
I think I prefer a fold, although with the bubble dynamic it's so tempting to jam, it's 50/50 imo, you can't really go wrong whatever you do as long as you don't limp or raise fold.
Folding is fine though, pretend it's 7-2o, grimouse, and let it go, with the intention of shoving a wider range(weaker hands) from the cut off/button/sb in unraised pots.....
Your weapon is fold equity, not the fact that you have a pair, it's easier to make 1 or 2 players fold than it is 4 or 5.
Don't beat yourself up about it, learn from time your in that situation, assess your options and have a game plan.
The queen 6 off suit however is a completely different story
hi tikay new to sky only found you in december my name is joe harrison ak.drumahai05 like you i,m old school but can hold my own with the young guns. i have been trying to decide which of two presenters i prefer the most its was between you and orfofd i could not decide the scales were level in one there was intellect,superior skills, life knowledge, a pure grentleman. in the other fun, cheek, happy go lucky, helpfull, and a quaint intellect. i just could not decide, but then i heard the unthinkable orford supports WEST BROM god help us i had to add pity and tolerance to your dish which made you the winner by a mile hope to met one day thanks for a great show joe
hi tikay new to sky only found you in december my name is joe harrison ak.drumahai05 like you i,m old school but can hold my own with the young guns. i have been trying to decide which of two presenters i prefer the most its was between you and orfofd i could not decide the scales were level in one there was intellect,superior skills, life knowledge, a pure grentleman. in the other fun, cheek, happy go lucky, helpfull, and a quaint intellect. i just could not decide, but then i heard the unthinkable orford supports WEST BROM god help us i had to add pity and tolerance to your dish which made you the winner by a mile hope to met one day thanks for a great show joe Posted by drumahai05
Many thanks Joe, & welcome to the Sky Poker Community. Just enjoy it, it's why it's here.
I watched him playing in a cash game recently, where he was drunk. You might have seen me post the link.....
Not sure how drunk he really was mind, and how much it was an act.......but it was very entertaining to watch, although his play was terrible, and the other guys didn't appreciate his antics.
.......was your reply on the show, "no comment" a genuine reply?
You don't have an opinon?
You have an opinion, but you didnt want to share on TV?
You have an opinion but you don't wanna share it anywhere? lol
to whom it may concern i have a ? re a hand i recently played live in a casino...just wondered what peeps thoughts were on this. it was a 9 handed table. basically it ended up with a caller acting b4 me then i raised it and was called and the intial caller called as well. I had the pocket rockets (both black) and was 2nd to act the flop came down all hearts and the guy who intially called put in a pot sized bet which scared me off and i folded, the guy after me he raised all in and the intially bettor folded his hand. My thinking regarding the fold of the aces was that the guy had hit his flush (maybe a small one) and wanted to protect it incase a 4th heart came down. thats how i saw it can u pls giv info or feedback as to mayb how i should have played this hand or did i do ok?? many thx in advance
Tikay, What 'is' your view on Phil Laak??? I watched him playing in a cash game recently, where he was drunk. You might have seen me post the link..... Not sure how drunk he really was mind, and how much it was an act.......but it was very entertaining to watch, although his play was terrible, and the other guys didn't appreciate his antics. .......was your reply on the show, "no comment" a genuine reply? You don't have an opinon? You have an opinion, but you didnt want to share on TV? You have an opinion but you don't wanna share it anywhere? lol JJ. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
I have an opinion on everything & everyone!
Sometimes, however, it's best not to air views & opinions. In truth, I'm not a huge fan, shall we say, but I think it's wholly wrong to flame or criticise people who are defenceless, or have no chance to reply, or cannot reply in kind.
Fair to say, umm, he's quite pleasant, normal, & likeable when he is sober, & not affected by, err, other stuff.
Please don't ask me about Miss Tilly, either.
Glad you asked, as it reminds me, totally unconnected, but I want to send you a PM about something. Give me 5 mins, & you'll have it.
to whom it may concern i have a ? re a hand i recently played live in a casino...just wondered what peeps thoughts were on this. it was a 9 handed table. basically it ended up with a caller acting b4 me then i raised it and was called and the intial caller called as well. I had the pocket rockets (both black) and was 2nd to act the flop came down all hearts and the guy who intially called put in a pot sized bet which scared me off and i folded, the guy after me he raised all in and the intially bettor folded his hand. My thinking regarding the fold of the aces was that the guy had hit his flush (maybe a small one) and wanted to protect it incase a 4th heart came down. thats how i saw it can u pls giv info or feedback as to mayb how i should have played this hand or did i do ok?? many thx in advance ABS Posted by darkside12
Hi Bud,
Not much to go on there, the "Table Dynamic" is crucial in these spots, as to what sort of style the other guy had.
If I had to solve this one "blind", I'd guess he never had a flush at all, I don't think he (usually) bets a flopped flush 3-way.
My totally "shot-in-the-dark" guess is that he had something like A-K or A-Q, with the A of Hearts. The play from him would make perfect sense if he did.
So you were ahead, but need to dodge another heart to stay ahead.
Hello Tikay, i am fairly new on here and i have only been playing for money since November-December time last year. I know you've probably had this a few times on here but due to the fact i am a beginner i am only playing the 2p/4p tables with the odd MTT and a few STT's thrown in (trying to learn the game). I tend to play more cash games than anything as i seem to have a tad more success there (probably break even).
Just to give you a bit more info, i watch channel 865 and also read alot of things on the Clinic boards, and even posted a few times. I have read a few things on the internet and chatted to a few people who play regularly at work and i have an O.K grasp on the game regarding pot odds and position and so on, as well as a lot of tips from experts on the idiot box.
Now then, the problem i have is that when i play micro stakes cash games i have massive problems trying to read alot of the players due to the fact they dont seem to respect the game and will call raises with absolutely anything. I find playing really tight works quite well but i have suffered some horrendous bad beats (i wont bore you with them) when taking on board some of the tips i have learned from watching the top players. I find that i am comfortable on the table but the longer i play the more chance i have of been beaten by a hand that you couldnt possibly put anyone on.
Basically, i have no problem getting my money in when ahead but the lack of fear on these tables seems to catch me out fairly regularly. I dont want to jump up too many levels as i am still learning, dont want to run before i can walk. How do you know when or if to 'up' things? I still make the odd mistake but i tend to know what i have done pretty much straight away. Should i just continue to grind away on the micro tables, which in my opinion has a lot of luck element on them until results get better?
I know i have waffled on a bit (sorry) but i hope i have explained it ok. Ta!
I have been playing poker only for fun! for the past few years, and my results have been like a yo-yo, a couple of months ago, I have been watching you guys n gals on the tv channel, and the tips I have got are wicked!
I placed 1st in a tourny recently and won about £90 which for me, is top!
I have a question for you, which would help me get a lil bit better me thinks...
Q: If you are pretty sure you dont have the best hand, but want to see the hand out to the river card in the hope of hitting that card that you think will win you the hand, what tips do you have on controlling the pot size?
Hi Tikay , im knew to poker (well newish) i dont get this bankroll managment thing. If i only have 10 pounds to put on and play with how am i able to only play 5% or 2%. Do you think im right playing mtt's or would i be better playing the low cash tables? Thanks and hope for a reply soon.
Hi Tikay , im knew to poker (well newish) i dont get this bankroll managment thing. If i only have 10 pounds to put on and play with how am i able to only play 5% or 2%. Do you think im right playing mtt's or would i be better playing the low cash tables? Thanks and hope for a reply soon. Posted by ALWAYZWIN
is 10 pounds a too lower amount to begin with? just been watchin sptv and one guy said if your bank roll is only 20 then you might want to think about trying your luck. im not sure if that is the right advice for me personally. what do you think tky?
If you plan to play poker seriously, then you need to impose Bankroll Management, definitely.
But at Micro-Levels, if you just plan to have a little fun, the rules are different, really.
If £10 is all you can afford, or all you wish to risk, that's fine, but Bankroll Management is tough at those Levels, it does not really work, truth to tell.
If I were you, I'd relax, & enjoy it. Play some 2p-4p cash, or a small DYM, just dabble around, & see if you enjoy it. Poker is a fun game - until losing money starts to hurt.
If you can afford to lose a tenner, enjoy it, it's the price of as few pints, or a night at the cinema. If you can't afford to lose a Tenner, my advice would be don't risk it.
A friend of mine derives more enjoyment from poker than anyone I know. She used to Deposit £25 per month, by Standing Order, on the 1st of every month. When it had gone, she stopped playing until the 1st of next month, rinse repeat. She had no illusions of making money, she felt £25 per month was a reasonable price for a fun hobby.
I met with her about 2 years ago & pointed out a few leaks in her game, mainly position, & serial-calling, never raising, finding soft spots, that sort of thing. She's never deposited a penny since, & has over £300 in her Account now.
Just enjoy the game, & if you have any questions, post them in the Poker clinic, or here. But if losing a tenner is going to hurt, or is more than you can sensibly afford, please don't play poker - you won't enjoy it.
Hiya TK, I have been playing poker only for fun! for the past few years, and my results have been like a yo-yo, a couple of months ago, I have been watching you guys n gals on the tv channel, and the tips I have got are wicked! I placed 1st in a tourny recently and won about £90 which for me, is top! I have a question for you, which would help me get a lil bit better me thinks... Q: If you are pretty sure you dont have the best hand, but want to see the hand out to the river card in the hope of hitting that card that you think will win you the hand, what tips do you have on controlling the pot size? Check call? Bet the draw? Thanks in advance.. Chris Posted by vellam
Hi Vellam.
The answer is "it depends" - upon stack sizes, situation, table dynamic, Tourney or Cash, so many things.
As a default answer, though.......
Check-calling out of a shallow stack can bleed away your stack. What's the plan if we miss on the River? And if we hit, we likely don't get paid, as we have played our draw face-up if we suddenly bet out on the River.
We can put a stopper bet, or blocker bet in, but if he clicks it back, what do we do then?
If I were you, I'd try not to get into this situation on the Turn - make your decision as to what route to take on the FLOP.
Our odds have HALVED by the Turn, the odds have all changed, the Fold Equity has gone, so it's all a bit "too little, too late" now.
Make your decision on the flop, & be the aggressor. We have 2 ways to win now - we can get him to fold, or we can hit our draw. You are controlling the hand then.
Hello Tikay, i am fairly new on here and i have only been playing for money since November-December time last year. I know you've probably had this a few times on here but due to the fact i am a beginner i am only playing the 2p/4p tables with the odd MTT and a few STT's thrown in (trying to learn the game). I tend to play more cash games than anything as i seem to have a tad more success there (probably break even). Just to give you a bit more info, i watch channel 865 and also read alot of things on the Clinic boards, and even posted a few times. I have read a few things on the internet and chatted to a few people who play regularly at work and i have an O.K grasp on the game regarding pot odds and position and so on, as well as a lot of tips from experts on the idiot box. Now then, the problem i have is that when i play micro stakes cash games i have massive problems trying to read alot of the players due to the fact they dont seem to respect the game and will call raises with absolutely anything. I find playing really tight works quite well but i have suffered some horrendous bad beats (i wont bore you with them) when taking on board some of the tips i have learned from watching the top players. I find that i am comfortable on the table but the longer i play the more chance i have of been beaten by a hand that you couldnt possibly put anyone on. Basically, i have no problem getting my money in when ahead but the lack of fear on these tables seems to catch me out fairly regularly. I dont want to jump up too many levels as i am still learning, dont want to run before i can walk. How do you know when or if to 'up' things? I still make the odd mistake but i tend to know what i have done pretty much straight away. Should i just continue to grind away on the micro tables, which in my opinion has a lot of luck element on them until results get better? I know i have waffled on a bit (sorry) but i hope i have explained it ok. Ta! Posted by DrSharp
Hi Doc.
This just boils down to the bit I've enboldend. Just keep getting it in good, & you'll win in the long run. Yes, you'll take beats along the way, of course you will, but anyone who keeps getting it in good, & understand the fundamentals, as you clearly do, will be OK.
You must also challenge all the nonsense you see on Poker Forums about the lower levels being unplayable, & the higher levels easier. That's tosh.
The Lower levels DO play awkwardly, different, but the higher levels have other obstacles - the players tend to be much better, & can afford to lose more, so that makes playing hands easier for them, as they can afford to lose, & you can't.
If you are a recreational player, are enjoying the game, & not losing much, stay right where you are. When you go up Levels, it gets harder & can cost more.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Hi Doc. This just boils down to the bit I've enboldend. Just keep getting it in good, & you'll win in the long run. Yes, you'll take beats along the way, of course you will, but anyone who keeps getting it in good, & understand the fundamentals, as you clearly do, will be OK. You must also challenge all the nonsense you see on Poker Forums about the lower levels being unplayable, & the higher levels easier. That's tosh. The Lower levels DO play awkwardly, different, but the higher levels have other obstacles - the players tend to be much better, & can afford to lose more, so that makes playing hands easier for them, as they can afford to lose, & you can't. If you are a recreational player, are enjoying the game, & not losing much, stay right where you are. When you go up Levels, it gets harder & can cost more. Posted by Tikay10
Hi Tikay and Doc If I can add to this - over time you will do OK but will have wild swings of winning and losing.. At the 2p/4p levels there are alot more recreational players and those (like me and you Doc) who haven't been playing that long and are on the steep learning curve. You need to make use of the notes facility you can attach to each player so that if you come up against them again you may have some idea of how they play. Your opponents may not "respect" the bet you've made either because they don't recognise it as such or beacuse they are playing for fun and want to gamble. This is what makes it interesting!!?
New look, new teeth? lol only messing
Tikay a bit of advice last week i had sick run binked 3 tourneys & 2nd in another, then i got another on friday. problem is saturday night i final tabled 3 tournaments but top 5 pay in each bubbled 2 of them due to bad play(not variance ttrust me). what i wanted to know is when you get a bit ahead of yourself, still playing ok up to around the bubble but its like i've changed my game again?? any advice would be appreciated thank you
I ask as yesterday i had 1 f/t again but rest of night its as if im playing a different game, maybe think im better then i really am?
I'm not sure I understand the question, exactly what you are asking, to be honest. Can you clarify?
But I will say this.
Too many people over-complicate things, & end up out-thinking themselves.
You seem to be making Finals for fun, so your game is in good shape - don't mess with it.
The only rule about Final Tables is to get balance between laddering, & getting the shorties out of the way, & the increase in aggression needed as the players reduce to 5-4-3 etc. The less players remaining, the more aggro you become. Even I play the occasional hand when it gets down to 3 players......
ok basically on a few occasions i have been overplaying it and made silly moves when i have been 4 out of 6, have you any advice on this.
1 example i shoved around 12 BB with 22 utg+1, got snapped by 10's which is understandable but its pretty bad, if in later position not so bad. another example is i had q6 on bb i re-raised to 700 to try get someone to fold, they call then flop came Q109, so i dont get a difficult decision i shoved with top pair no kicker again snapped by flopped straight was 2 spades on flop 2
in short i think i have developed fancy play syndrome any advice?
Many thanks
I can't really improve on JJ's advice, to be honest, John!
You don't need us to tell you that if you shove for 12xBB with 2-2, the only possible hands to look you up will be crushing you. You get the same response if you make it 3xBB. Or just let go, & wait for a better spot.
I think you may be right, though, confidence breeds F-P-S, but recognizing these mistakes is like a slap in the chops, it serves a purpose.
another problem has been my mentality has changed against weak players i think im too good and will get their chips to easy, sometimes i do sometimes this is my downfall again i think its me nevermind
What would be quite easy to agree are the merits or otherwise of open shoving 12Bigs with deuces, versus finding a better spot.
could u point me to that link please, cant seem to find it,
Part 2
Some good hands in this episode too Mike.
He's drunk in the following couple of episodes that I've watched too, if you want them, you can browse the "latest uploads" bit of the home-page on this site.
V funny !!
many thx in advance
Sometimes, however, it's best not to air views & opinions. In truth, I'm not a huge fan, shall we say, but I think it's wholly wrong to flame or criticise people who are defenceless, or have no chance to reply, or cannot reply in kind.
Fair to say, umm, he's quite pleasant, normal, & likeable when he is sober, & not affected by, err, other stuff.
Please don't ask me about Miss Tilly, either.
Glad you asked, as it reminds me, totally unconnected, but I want to send you a PM about something. Give me 5 mins, & you'll have it.
Not much to go on there, the "Table Dynamic" is crucial in these spots, as to what sort of style the other guy had.
If I had to solve this one "blind", I'd guess he never had a flush at all, I don't think he (usually) bets a flopped flush 3-way.
My totally "shot-in-the-dark" guess is that he had something like A-K or A-Q, with the A of Hearts. The play from him would make perfect sense if he did.
So you were ahead, but need to dodge another heart to stay ahead.
That's my "feel", anyway.
Just to give you a bit more info, i watch channel 865 and also read alot of things on the Clinic boards, and even posted a few times. I have read a few things on the internet and chatted to a few people who play regularly at work and i have an O.K grasp on the game regarding pot odds and position and so on, as well as a lot of tips from experts on the idiot box.
Now then, the problem i have is that when i play micro stakes cash games i have massive problems trying to read alot of the players due to the fact they dont seem to respect the game and will call raises with absolutely anything. I find playing really tight works quite well but i have suffered some horrendous bad beats (i wont bore you with them) when taking on board some of the tips i have learned from watching the top players. I find that i am comfortable on the table but the longer i play the more chance i have of been beaten by a hand that you couldnt possibly put anyone on.
Basically, i have no problem getting my money in when ahead but the lack of fear on these tables seems to catch me out fairly regularly. I dont want to jump up too many levels as i am still learning, dont want to run before i can walk. How do you know when or if to 'up' things? I still make the odd mistake but i tend to know what i have done pretty much straight away. Should i just continue to grind away on the micro tables, which in my opinion has a lot of luck element on them until results get better?
I know i have waffled on a bit (sorry) but i hope i have explained it ok. Ta!
Hi Dr Sharp,
I am several Tabling on PTP tonight, so I'll reply tomorrow, if I may.
We can sort it.
I have been playing poker only for fun! for the past few years, and my results have been like a yo-yo, a couple of months ago, I have been watching you guys n gals on the tv channel, and the tips I have got are wicked!
I placed 1st in a tourny recently and won about £90 which for me, is top!
I have a question for you, which would help me get a lil bit better me thinks...
Q: If you are pretty sure you dont have the best hand, but want to see the hand out to the river card in the hope of hitting that card that you think will win you the hand, what tips do you have on controlling the pot size?
Check call?
Bet the draw?
Thanks in advance..
Hi Tikay , im knew to poker (well newish) i dont get this bankroll managment thing. If i only have 10 pounds to put on and play with how am i able to only play 5% or 2%. Do you think im right playing mtt's or would i be better playing the low cash tables? Thanks and hope for a reply soon.
This is a tricky one.
If you plan to play poker seriously, then you need to impose Bankroll Management, definitely.
But at Micro-Levels, if you just plan to have a little fun, the rules are different, really.
If £10 is all you can afford, or all you wish to risk, that's fine, but Bankroll Management is tough at those Levels, it does not really work, truth to tell.
If I were you, I'd relax, & enjoy it. Play some 2p-4p cash, or a small DYM, just dabble around, & see if you enjoy it. Poker is a fun game - until losing money starts to hurt.
If you can afford to lose a tenner, enjoy it, it's the price of as few pints, or a night at the cinema. If you can't afford to lose a Tenner, my advice would be don't risk it.
A friend of mine derives more enjoyment from poker than anyone I know. She used to Deposit £25 per month, by Standing Order, on the 1st of every month. When it had gone, she stopped playing until the 1st of next month, rinse repeat. She had no illusions of making money, she felt £25 per month was a reasonable price for a fun hobby.
I met with her about 2 years ago & pointed out a few leaks in her game, mainly position, & serial-calling, never raising, finding soft spots, that sort of thing. She's never deposited a penny since, & has over £300 in her Account now.
Just enjoy the game, & if you have any questions, post them in the Poker clinic, or here. But if losing a tenner is going to hurt, or is more than you can sensibly afford, please don't play poker - you won't enjoy it.
Take care now.
The answer is "it depends" - upon stack sizes, situation, table dynamic, Tourney or Cash, so many things.
As a default answer, though.......
Check-calling out of a shallow stack can bleed away your stack. What's the plan if we miss on the River? And if we hit, we likely don't get paid, as we have played our draw face-up if we suddenly bet out on the River.
We can put a stopper bet, or blocker bet in, but if he clicks it back, what do we do then?
If I were you, I'd try not to get into this situation on the Turn - make your decision as to what route to take on the FLOP.
Our odds have HALVED by the Turn, the odds have all changed, the Fold Equity has gone, so it's all a bit "too little, too late" now.
Make your decision on the flop, & be the aggressor. We have 2 ways to win now - we can get him to fold, or we can hit our draw. You are controlling the hand then.
This just boils down to the bit I've enboldend. Just keep getting it in good, & you'll win in the long run. Yes, you'll take beats along the way, of course you will, but anyone who keeps getting it in good, & understand the fundamentals, as you clearly do, will be OK.
You must also challenge all the nonsense you see on Poker Forums about the lower levels being unplayable, & the higher levels easier. That's tosh.
The Lower levels DO play awkwardly, different, but the higher levels have other obstacles - the players tend to be much better, & can afford to lose more, so that makes playing hands easier for them, as they can afford to lose, & you can't.
If you are a recreational player, are enjoying the game, & not losing much, stay right where you are. When you go up Levels, it gets harder & can cost more.
If I can add to this - over time you will do OK but will have wild swings of winning and losing.. At the 2p/4p levels there are alot more recreational players and those (like me and you Doc) who haven't been playing that long and are on the steep learning curve. You need to make use of the notes facility you can attach to each player so that if you come up against them again you may have some idea of how they play.
Your opponents may not "respect" the bet you've made either because they don't recognise it as such or beacuse they are playing for fun and want to gamble. This is what makes it interesting!!?
Good Post, Walesy, thank you.