1st off there is no way in the world i would of walked away letting him take that , sounds like you got husseled there
i know its not wright to tell your hand but to me if you are going to be playing by rules then they should be said be4 the game begins not half way throught it , i play live poker quit a bit here and there its my love and ive never come across this , all i can say is be careful next time and takeyour six shooter with you ( like the good old day ) do you remember them tikay lol just playin mate
wat wud u prefer .... 8 6 clubs or k 9 off ? Posted by thompson10
8-6 green. K-9 off should be mucked instantly in any Raised pot, it has no scope or ways of realistically improving, the worse that can happen is you hit your card.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : well im young... others are true.. but debatable! is acting like your in the 60's cool? should i stop living like im in the past, would that help!? and... in all seriousness, when did u realise u were good at poker? Posted by luckybrad7
When I first began playing I was World-Class, & knew everything.
After a few years, I became exceptionally good, & knew most things.
After 5 years, I was very good, & knew a lot.
After 7 years I was average, & knew a bit.
After 10 years I realised I was hopeless, & knew nothing.
Now, I watch & listen with wry amusement at players who think you should play every other hand, bluff in the first 5 Levels of Tourneys, call with doo-doo,& 3-bet & 4 bet because it feels good & massages their ego, & who think "patience" - the greatest single weapon a poker player can have - is a board game. 12 years ago, I was that Player!
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : You'll get me in trouble asking questions like that! If I were a betting man, I'd say it would be February. Ditto Rebuys, Add-Ons, Hi-Lo, & some other stuff. But I'm not a betting man. Posted by Tikay10
Hi Tikay u hoping i'll just go away? Posted by cullen53
Do I really seem the type to do that, Sir?
I did explain to you that I'd sent it to Head Office. They wrote back, I replied, they replied, etc. It was a multi-part question, and a very complex one, & I've got one part sorted, I'm just trying to clarify the rest of it. The Xmas break has slowed things down a lirttle, I'm afraid.
I'll get back to you as soon as I have all the answers.
Wow Tikay u must get a right headache having to sort out all this bickering and problems constantly! No wonder you never reply to my PM's on blonde :-P x
Wow Tikay u must get a right headache having to sort out all this bickering and problems constantly! No wonder you never reply to my PM's on blonde :-P x Posted by lJAMESl
Lol, just a bit James! The good makes up for the bad, 100%. but I confess, the needless bickering does my head in. There is so much aggro around.
I got your PM at the "other place", but I've been a bit busy here the last few days. I can answer it easily, except the last bit, which said "well, how are you, & what have you been up to", lol! That'd take a week to answer!
All in a days work for you, your like everyones relative here, uncle Tikay to the rescue! Been missing Vegas and the Aftermath updates! Take care mate see you soon I hope, maybe Bolton GUKPT?
All in a days work for you, your like everyones relative here, uncle Tikay to the rescue! Been missing Vegas and the Aftermath updates! Take care mate see you soon I hope, maybe Bolton GUKPT? Posted by lJAMESl
Me too! I love writing that Diary - it's had a third of a million views! (mostly mine I fancy....), & I'll get it back up to date very soon. Just been an awkward week here, with all the moany stuff & trollling, so it's been a bit awkward to get across there.
All in a days work for you, your like everyones relative here, uncle Tikay to the rescue! Been missing Vegas and the Aftermath updates! Take care mate see you soon I hope, maybe Bolton GUKPT? Posted by lJAMESl
I'm working on that weekend, but if time permits, I'll come up for the £200 &/or £300 sideys.
People need to understand that your not here to sort out there minor squabbles and petty arguements. Everyone on here is an adult (Over 18) and people are going to have disagreements in a game that involves money, nobodies perfect. But when someone abuses them why are they coming to you, report it to sky poker via email instead of getting on your back when you have enough weight to carry on your shoulders.
People need to remember at the end of the day its just a game your meant to enjoy it, so advice to everybody out there don't play out of your bankroll and don't play tired or in a bad mood because this is how these arguements will start.
PS - Vegas and the aftermath is a great read thats why all the hits and I hope you can make Bolton I think the last time I saw you was DTD before I learnt how to keep hold of a huge chip stack in tournaments! A wise man once told me always change gears ;-)
People need to understand that your not here to sort out there minor squabbles and petty arguements. Everyone on here is an adult (Over 18) and people are going to have disagreements in a game that involves money, nobodies perfect. But when someone abuses them why are they coming to you, report it to sky poker via email instead of getting on your back when you have enough weight to carry on your shoulders. People need to remember at the end of the day its just a game your meant to enjoy it, so advice to everybody out there don't play out of your bankroll and don't play tired or in a bad mood because this is how these arguements will start. James PS - Vegas and the aftermath is a great read thats why all the hits and I hope you can make Bolton I think the last time I saw you was DTD before I learnt how to keep hold of a huge chip stack in tournaments! A wise man once told me always change gears ;-) Posted by lJAMESl
I'm not actually supposed to answer those sort of questions James, they are supposed to go to Customer Care, but if someone asks me to sort something, I see it as rude to say no.
Wise man? Lol! Your game is genius, that gear-change is all you needed. I was thrilled you got that score at Blackpool, really. What ever you do, don't go across the other place & admit to taking my advice, you'll be mercilessly mocked! They all think I'm Old Skool & utterly hopeless.
Theres nothing wrong with being a nit mate just means you have an easy life, easy decisions but you don't get yourself in a pickle or into tough spots. I think being a nit might be the way forward anyway a friend of mine John Eames is a very good player but a total nit and he is ranked 2nd in europe for 2009.
Theres nothing wrong with being a nit mate just means you have an easy life, easy decisions but you don't get yourself in a pickle or into tough spots. I think being a nit might be the way forward anyway a friend of mine John Eames is a very good player but a total nit and he is ranked 2nd in europe for 2009. Posted by lJAMESl
Can someone please explain to me what a nit is, in poker context? I have heard it quite a lot recently.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Can someone please explain to me what a nit is, in poker context? I have heard it quite a lot recently. Posted by Seagull158
I didn't know either but Google'd it - found this:
"nit = no fixed definition but best description i can give is a really tight player who plays a very limited range and very rarely bluffs post flop"
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : I didn't know either but Google'd it - found this: "nit = no fixed definition but best description i can give is a really tight player who plays a very limited range and very rarely bluffs post flop" Posted by NoseyBonk
Hi Tikay, just wondering why ur not showing any tourneys live during the week? especially thursday, when it said on the site u were. cheers, THEYOUTH. Posted by THEYOUTH
Unfortunately the show thatwas due to be on Thursday was cancelled due to the adverse weather conditions, it was put up on the forum, tv section that the show was cancelled, hopefully, subject to the weather the show will hopefuly be back tommorrow, allthough this is not my decision to make
I had wondered why I wasnt seeing very much on the TV but i guess safety comes before all of us becoming famous on the box!!! lol
Kinda gutted though cuz I actually won the £4000 double stack on Wednesday and then came 28th in the £12k bounty Hunter Thursday (going out when i had AK suited to AQ)
Hi Tikay, just wondering why ur not showing any tourneys live during the week? especially thursday, when it said on the site u were. cheers, THEYOUTH. Posted by THEYOUTH
Hi barry, thanks 4 clearing that up 4 me mate, nice1.
tommy just read your post
1st off there is no way in the world i would of walked away letting him take that , sounds like you got husseled there
i know its not wright to tell your hand but to me if you are going to be playing by rules then they should be said be4 the game begins not half way throught it , i play live poker quit a bit here and there its my love and ive never come across this , all i can say is be careful next time and takeyour six shooter with you ( like the good old day ) do you remember them tikay lol just playin mate
in all seriousness, when did u realise u were good at poker?
8-6 green.
K-9 off should be mucked instantly in any Raised pot, it has no scope or ways of realistically improving, the worse that can happen is you hit your card.
Bin it!
After a few years, I became exceptionally good, & knew most things.
After 5 years, I was very good, & knew a lot.
After 7 years I was average, & knew a bit.
After 10 years I realised I was hopeless, & knew nothing.
Now, I watch & listen with wry amusement at players who think you should play every other hand, bluff in the first 5 Levels of Tourneys, call with doo-doo, & 3-bet & 4 bet because it feels good & massages their ego, & who think "patience" - the greatest single weapon a poker player can have - is a board game. 12 years ago, I was that Player!
Started a post for the DYMers, could you av a look please?
You'll get me in trouble asking questions like that!
If I were a betting man, I'd say it would be February. Ditto Rebuys, Add-Ons, Hi-Lo, & some other stuff.
But I'm not a betting man.
Do I really seem the type to do that, Sir?
I did explain to you that I'd sent it to Head Office. They wrote back, I replied, they replied, etc. It was a multi-part question, and a very complex one, & I've got one part sorted, I'm just trying to clarify the rest of it. The Xmas break has slowed things down a lirttle, I'm afraid.
I'll get back to you as soon as I have all the answers.
Happy New Year, by the bye.
I got your PM at the "other place", but I've been a bit busy here the last few days. I can answer it easily, except the last bit, which said "well, how are you, & what have you been up to", lol! That'd take a week to answer!
I'll reply soonest bud, you know that.
Take care Mr CottonBud.
I'm working on that weekend, but if time permits, I'll come up for the £200 &/or £300 sideys.
People need to remember at the end of the day its just a game your meant to enjoy it, so advice to everybody out there don't play out of your bankroll and don't play tired or in a bad mood because this is how these arguements will start.
PS - Vegas and the aftermath is a great read thats why all the hits
Wise man? Lol! Your game is genius, that gear-change is all you needed. I was thrilled you got that score at Blackpool, really. What ever you do, don't go across the other place & admit to taking my advice, you'll be mercilessly mocked! They all think I'm Old Skool & utterly hopeless.
"nit = no fixed definition but best description i can give is a really tight player who plays a very limited range and very rarely bluffs post flop"
Hi Tikay, just wondering why ur not showing any tourneys live during the week? especially thursday, when it said on the site u were. cheers, THEYOUTH.
Unfortunately the show thatwas due to be on Thursday was cancelled due to the adverse weather conditions, it was put up on the forum, tv section that the show was cancelled, hopefully, subject to the weather the show will hopefuly be back tommorrow, allthough this is not my decision to make
Kinda gutted though cuz I actually won the £4000 double stack on Wednesday and then came 28th in the £12k bounty Hunter Thursday (going out when i had AK suited to AQ)
Oh look...my first ever post
Thanks for clearing that up Baz.
You and Mooks are welcome, oh and welcome to the forum