question? why does skypoker lean toward to shiit players and almost always rewards them with pathetic play constantly.all sky does is encourage them to keep playing loose and craap,ruining what is a already poor site
Hey TK im getting real sick of getting bad beats on skypoker.....please look through hand number 275195722 and tell me what went wrong? It's getting that bad about getting beat on the river card all the time that im seriouly considewring leaving Skypoker. Please coiuld you get back to me or even better play the hand live on TV, and you will see what i mean. Thanks TK. BIGGT.
Hey TK im getting real sick of getting bad beats on skypoker.....please look through hand number 275195722 and tell me what went wrong? It's getting that bad about getting beat on the river card all the time that im seriouly considewring leaving Skypoker. Please coiuld you get back to me or even better play the hand live on TV, and you will see what i mean. Thanks TK. BIGGT. Posted by BIGGT
I am sorry, but just like us tikay is unable to see any other players hand histories, there are two possabilities you could add you play your hand request in the Sky Poker T.V. Channel, Play my hand requests, or you could copy and paste the hand into the Poker Clinic you will I m sure get some good responses, please do not forget poker is a 7 card game, you could easily get beat on the 1st card as the last.
i'm pretty new to poker, only been playering for about 5 months. i used to think poker was a game of luck, untill i read a couple of books and wow, sooooooooo much to learn!!!! i'm currently learning all the top 8 grouping poker hands and positional plays. hopefully soon will be moving onto trying to learn, work out and understand out percentages and pot odds. how do i know when i'm good enough to move up a level in cash games? should i be winning 50%/ 60% 70% of the time, or is it simply worked out on my bankroll?
i'm pretty new to poker, only been playering for about 5 months. i used to think poker was a game of luck, untill i read a couple of books and wow, sooooooooo much to learn!!!! i'm currently learning all the top 8 grouping poker hands and positional plays. hopefully soon will be moving onto trying to learn, work out and understand out percentages and pot odds. how do i know when i'm good enough to move up a level in cash games? should i be winning 50%/ 60% 70% of the time, or is it simply worked out on my bankroll? Posted by shooter424
Hi shooter
I personaly use the 5% rule, I will never risk more than 5% of my bankroll, or 2-3% in a MTT, i would suggets when you are beating the tables evey time on the level you are on, then step up a level, but dont be afraid to drop down again should you start losing.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : If your Aces are losing 9 times out of 10, something is clearly not right.......... Show us the Hand Histories, please. Posted by Tikay10
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : for example 275850539 or 275830228. Posted by izabel
Thats 2 hands izabel, which is entirely within the range of possibility, & perfectly normal by any standards, but you said "9 times out of 10" which would be, in my experience, at the very limits of possibility - assuming they were played conventionally. Please post the numbers of all 10 hands, & I'll have the boffins (I cannot access other players HH's) take a look.
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Thats 2 hands izabel, which is entirely within the range of possibility, & perfectly normal by any standards, but you said "9 times out of 10" which would be, in my experience, at the very limits of possibility - assuming they were played conventionally. Please post the numbers of all 10 hands, & I'll have the boffins (I cannot access other players HH's) take a look. Thanks. Posted by Tikay10
3times today 4times yeasterday and 4times 2days ago.
what about this1.275950643.i m really sick of the sky poker today.w.t.f is going on here.unbelieveble. Posted by izabel
It's not "Sky Poker" izabel, it's "Poker".
I cannot see that hand, (or any hand), but don't forget to send me those 10 hands where you lost with Aces, & I'll send them up to Head Office for them to take a look for you.
Hey TK im getting real sick of getting bad beats on skypoker.....please look through hand number 275195722 and tell me what went wrong? It's getting that bad about getting beat on the river card all the time that im seriouly considewring leaving Skypoker. Please coiuld you get back to me or even better play the hand live on TV, and you will see what i mean. Thanks TK. BIGGT. Posted by BIGGT
More importantly... is that a Smurf Blue E46 BMW M3 in your avatar? I used to have one of those! Lovely
Hey TK im getting real sick of getting bad beats on skypoker.....please look through hand number 275195722 and tell me what went wrong? It's getting that bad about getting beat on the river card all the time that im seriouly considewring leaving Skypoker. Please coiuld you get backto me or even better play the hand live on TV, and you will see what i mean. Thanks TK. BIGGT. Posted by BIGGT
I cannot access other players Hand Histories, so cannot comment, but please Post the History up here, or in the Poker Clinic, or describe the action, & I'd happily comment.
It seems to be the fashion to blame Sky Poker for bad beats, but the reality is that it is the nature of poker, rather than Sky Poker. We could debate all day as to what % of poker is luck, or luck-based, but not a soul on earth could say there is no luck in poker, & luck or bad luck is an unpredictable thing.
Did you know that recently, the highest court Switzerland ruled that poker is a game of luck, rather than skill? The better players have an edge, of course, but luck remains a high part of the game.
Showing me a single bad-beat in isolation does not prove anything, I'm afraid. There are underlying maths involved here, & the maths never fail, assuming the sample size is adequate.
Our "suckouts", too, are exactly in mathematical ratio to our bad beats.
In poker, more than any other "game", we must learn to roll with the punches, & accept the beats & suckouts with a shrug of our shoulders, because it was always so, & it will always remain so.
Any Poker Site where there are not normal bad beats is cheating, & has rigged software. I don't believe any Online Room would be that dumb, because if a Poker Room wanted to fiddle it's Clients, there are far better ways.
mr Tikay, will you be playing any of the GUKPT festival in Luton and if yes, which events? Posted by bunnydas
Hi bunny,
Probably not, I like the 2 day Events very much, but it's unlikely I have any 2 consecutive days free. I'm also considering taking a bit of a break from playing Live poker at Luton.
Hi Tikay, if you get a moment can you look at this thread here and if you think it's a worthwhile idea pass it on to someone who might be able to do something with it? Thanks, Aaron.
Hi Tikay, if you get a moment can you look at this thread here and if you think it's a worthwhile idea pass it on to someone who might be able to do something with it? Thanks, Aaron. Posted by Machka
1)Why are all the sats for the DTD SPT final rebuys apart from the semi final?
2)Why has it been opened up immediately for high rollers to buy in direct which does discriminate against the smaller bank roll players?
Afternoon Tikay. The above two questions have been copied from the master cash thread from last night. I will now try to elaborate on my questions to hopefully put my point of view across with more substance.
1) REBUYS- yes, I understand Sky Poker needs to use this wherever possible..... but on a satellite to the biggest FREEZEOUT tournament players are likely to play?. You can KO someone in these, who can then rebuy and KO you. It honestly does not make sense IMHO and I hope Sky Poker will consider running some freezeout sats, along side these if necessary, to enable players to try and qualify with a choice of games.
2) DIRECT BUY INS- I am not totally against these and can understand why Sky Poker has done it so soon so seats get filled quicker. My problem is that I feel there should of been a reasonable time frame for sats for the average bank rolled player to try and qualify before just opening up direct buy ins. A larger bank rolled player has two opportunities to get a final seat - try to qualify through sats, and if that fails, just buy in direct because they CAN afford it. The smaller bank rolled player HAS TO attempt to qualify through the sats.
I hope this has not come across as just another rant at Sky Poker. I am genuinely trying to represent the 'average' player on here and voice my concerns.
Incidentally, and not related, I cashed in a $1 entry MTT on another site last night which I forgot I had money still in my account! Happy days. I will leave my next Sunday sermon on late registrations, hand for hand and timebanks for another week.
1)Why are all the sats for the DTD SPT final rebuys apart from the semi final? 2)Why has it been opened up immediately for high rollers to buy in direct which does discriminate against the smaller bank roll players? Afternoon Tikay. The above two questions have been copied from the master cash thread from last night. I will now try to elaborate on my questions to hopefully put my point of view across with more substance. 1) REBUYS - yes, I understand Sky Poker needs to use this wherever possible..... but on a satellite to the biggest FREEZEOUT tournament players are likely to play?. You can KO someone in these, who can then rebuy and KO you. It honestly does not make sense IMHO and I hope Sky Poker will consider running some freezeout sats, along side these if necessary, to enable players to try and qualify with a choice of games. 2) DIRECT BUY INS - I am not totally against these and can understand why Sky Poker has done it so soon so seats get filled quicker. My problem is that I feel there should of been a reasonable time frame for sats for the average bank rolled player to try and qualify before just opening up direct buy ins. A larger bank rolled player has two opportunities to get a final seat - try to qualify through sats, and if that fails, just buy in direct because they CAN afford it. The smaller bank rolled player HAS TO attempt to qualify through the sats. I hope this has not come across as just another rant at Sky Poker. I am genuinely trying to represent the 'average' player on here and voice my concerns. Incidentally, and not related, I cashed in a $1 entry MTT on another site last night which I forgot I had money still in my account! Happy days. I will leave my next Sunday sermon on late registrations , hand for hand and time banks for another week. Cheers, Alan Posted by MAXALLY
Really, I'm not supposed to reply to these questions, as they are within the remit of "Customer Care", but I'll have a go. We do put a lot of thought into all these decisions, fwiw, although I'm sure not all the decisions come out right first time.
Rebuy Sats for the SPT Grand Final.
As I understand it the question was asked earlier by someone else, & Sky-Adam replied that there were no plans to introduce Freezeout Satellites EXCEPT for the existing Semi-Finals, which will remain as Freezeouts. His reply suggested it was a policy decision, & as Adam is in charge of such things, I can't comment further - it's his train set, so to speak.
Direct Buy-Ins to the Grand Final.
I'm pleased to see you begin with "I am not totally against these, & can see what Sky Poker have done it". You will know, of course, that I of all people do not like to see those with smaller bankrolls discriminated against.
I don't actually see the problem at all, to be quite honest.
1) When we were planning & discussing the Grand Final programme, including Satellites & Buy-Ins, the question arose - "should Direct Buy-Ins be allowed from Day One?". It was pretty much universally agreed that it would not pose any foreseeable problem.
2) We utilise "history" to help make decisions. We were well short of Grand Final Runners in 2009 entering the week of the Event, & last minute Directs were allowed. Frankly, it was an administrative nightmare, with poker players thrusting money into our hands left right & centre in a typical (for poker players) last minute scramble. We want to avoid that this year, because we should learn from the past & do things better.
3) There are far more seats available this year, so a bigger ask to sell them all. More seats? Sort of, yes. Last year, the individual Legs all had 9 or 10 Free Entries to the Grand Final, hence 45 or 50 Seats had gone before Registration had even opened. This year, only the top three in each Leg were awarded a Grand Final Seats, = 5 x 3 = 15. So that's 30 or 35 extra seats compared to last year that are available.
4) The Grand Final clashes with a whole bunch of Live Poker Events, & many players who would otherwise have played our Event will now be elsewhere. When we selected the date & advised the Poker Media, it was empty. Now it clashes with....
British Master Poker Tour, Teeside.
UKIPT, Dublin
GUKPT, Brighton
English Open, Palm Beach, Mayfair.
So filling the Event will be quite a challenge, though I'm sure it will fill. Come what may, the £25,000 Guarantee will be honoured, & personally, I expect the final Prize Pool to be a great deal more than that - maybe as much as double.
5) What if all 200 seats sell out early? As I've Posted several times already, we will simply open up more seat availability. DTD have a capacity of something like 450 on "normal" weekends (they can manage more, actually), & we asked them to plan on the basis of 200 runners. If we need 220, or 250, or 300 seats, they will be made available. Given the competition elsewhere that weekend, that's highly unlikely, imo.
6) We now have 54 registrations, exactly in line with forecast, the early rush was to be expected, & it will settle down now to, imo, much lower numbers feeding through week by week.
"....I will leave my next Sunday sermon on late registrations, hand for hand and timebanks for another week....".
To save time, I can update you now.
Late Registrations.
These will, I think, come sooner rather than later, but it's not at the very top of the priority list. They are in the Development schedule. I'm not sure I agree with them, but I'm ambivelant really, over time, industry data shows that it makes very little difference to Prize Pools overall.
Hand for Hand.
As poker players on the whole seem to lack a sense of fair play & seek to eke out any advantage they can, fair or not, I agree personally that H4H ought to be a component of Sky Poker. I have made my view known, & I'm sure other players have & will. Not much I can say beyond that. For the avoidance of doubt, I do agree that it would be preferable to have it, though I'll not lose any sleep over it either way, as it does not affect many of us very often.
Time Banks
I have no idea what the Company thinking is, & as I'm personally opposed to extending the time allowed for decisions - people will abuse it however long it is - so I have never raised the issue with those upstairs. The current "time allowed" seems more than adequate to me, although I'm aware that many players would prefer a little longer. I've seen & used Time Banks in a few Online Rooms, & they get shamelessly abused without fail. Think lowest common denominator.
Anyone, of course, should, & is indeed encouraged, to make suggestions for improvements to the Site. But this thread is not designed for it, & I'll get a slap round the chops if they see me dealing with these issues.
Adam Harmer, who heads up Product, went to Swansea specifically to make himself available for Product Questions, & he offered demonstrations of the new Download Client there, too. Did you manage to chat with him? Lovely chap - bit Northern, but otherwise reasonably normal.
Hi Alan, Really, I'm not supposed to reply to these questions, as they are within the remit of "Customer Care", but I'll have a go. We do put a lot of thought into all these decisions, fwiw, although I'm sure not all the decisions come out right first time. Rebuy Sats for the SPT Grand Final. As I understand it the question was asked earlier by someone else, & Sky-Adam replied that there were no plans to introduce Freezeout Satellites EXCEPT for the existing Semi-Finals, which will remain as Freezeouts. His reply suggested it was a policy decision, & as Adam is in charge of such things, I can't comment further - it's his train set, so to speak. Direct Buy-Ins to the Grand Final. I'm pleased to see you begin with " I am not totally against these, & can see what Sky Poker have done it". You will know, of course, that I of all people do not like to see those with smaller bankrolls discriminated against . I don't actually see the problem at all, to be quite honest. 1) When we were planning & discussing the Grand Final programme, including Satellites & Buy-Ins, the question arose - " should Direct Buy-Ins be allowed from Day One ?". It was pretty much universally agreed that it would not pose any foreseeable problem. 2) We utilise "history" to help make decisions. We were well short of Grand Final Runners in 2009 entering the week of the Event, & last minute Directs were allowed. Frankly, it was an administrative nightmare, with poker players thrusting money into our hands left right & centre in a typical (for poker players) last minute scramble. We want to avoid that this year, because we should learn from the past & do things better. 3) There are far more seats available this year, so a bigger ask to sell them all. More seats? Sort of, yes. Last year, the individual Legs all had 9 or 10 Free Entries to the Grand Final, hence 45 or 50 Seats had gone before Registration had even opened. This year, only the top three in each Leg were awarded a Grand Final Seats, = 5 x 3 = 15. So that's 30 or 35 extra seats compared to last year that are available. 4) The Grand Final clashes with a whole bunch of Live Poker Events, & many players who would otherwise have played our Event will now be elsewhere. When we selected the date & advised the Poker Media, it was empty. Now it clashes with.... British Master Poker Tour, Teeside. UKIPT, Dublin GUKPT, Brighton English Open, Palm Beach, Mayfair. So filling the Event will be quite a challenge, though I'm sure it will fill. Come what may, the £25,000 Guarantee will be honoured, & personally, I expect the final Prize Pool to be a great deal more than that - maybe as much as double. 5) What if all 200 seats sell out early? As I've Posted several times already, we will simply open up more seat availability. DTD have a capacity of something like 450 on "normal" weekends (they can manage more, actually), & we asked them to plan on the basis of 200 runners. If we need 220, or 250, or 300 seats, they will be made available. Given the competition elsewhere that weekend, that's highly unlikely, imo. 6) We now have 54 registrations, exactly in line with forecast, the early rush was to be expected, & it will settle down now to, imo, much lower numbers feeding through week by week. I hope that allays your concerns. Posted by Tikay10
Thank you for your in depth reply and I hope others read your responses as there are other players with concerns over this aswell.
I sense you are towing the company line on a couple of your answers but as Sky Poker are a business, I appreciate that their 1st concern will be to get 'bums on seats' and not host an event like this at a possible loss to themselves in this current economic climate. So I fully understand that but still hope that more and more average bank rolled players get the chance to progress through to the Final in September. It was so refreshing to see so many 'average Joes' doing well in the WSOP main event against the sponsored pro's.That is what is so good about this 'sport' IMO.
i thought sky like to recieve gd feedback from there loyal players and pride themselves on listening to players and there concerns.this seems to be falling on deaf ears and the attitude if you dont like ect ect.there is a mass ove players who dont want these rebuys so come on sky give us what we want a simple no nonsence freezeout.regards del
Adam Harmer, who heads up Product, went to Swansea specifically to make himself available for Product Questions, & he offered demonstrations of the new Download Client there, too. Did you manage to chat with him? Lovely chap - bit Northern, but otherwise reasonably normal.
Yes, I did have a 'quick' chat with him in the smoking 'lounge' but as I was still (somehow) in the tournament with 30 ish left, I could not take him up on his kind offer to see the latest developments. He did make passing reference to southern shandy drinkers though
In Response to Re: Ask Tikay? : Thank you for your in depth reply and I hope others read your responses as there are other players with concerns over this aswell. I sense you are towing the company line on a couple of your answers but as Sky Poker are a business, I appreciate that their 1st concern will be to get 'bums on seats' and not host an event like this at a possible loss to themselves in this current economic climate. So I fully understand that but still hope that more and more average bank rolled players get the chance to progress through to the Final in September. It was so refreshing to see so many 'average Joes' doing well in the WSOP main event against the sponsored pro's.That is what is so good about this 'sport' IMO. Regards, Alan Posted by MAXALLY
I'm really disappointed that you think that Alan, I thought you knew me better.
I gave factual replies, & took a lot of time so to do. I also explained that it is not within my remit to answer such questions, & I therefore assumed you'd take my replies at face value, & as the honest replies they were.
Adam Harmer, who heads up Product, went to Swansea specifically to make himself available for Product Questions, & he offered demonstrations of the new Download Client there, too. Did you manage to chat with him ? Lovely chap - bit Northern , but otherwise reasonably normal. Yes, I did have a 'quick' chat with him in the smoking 'lounge' but as I was still (somehow) in the tournament with 30 ish left, I could not take him up on his kind offer to see the latest developments. He did make passing reference to southern shandy drinkers though Posted by MAXALLY
Well Adam is the Gentleman who is responsible for decisions such as Freezeouts v Rebuys, so its a shame you never had time to chat with him. Hopefully, he'll be at Nottingham in September, though.
I am sorry, but just like us tikay is unable to see any other players hand histories, there are two possabilities you could add you play your hand request in the Sky Poker T.V. Channel, Play my hand requests, or you could copy and paste the hand into the Poker Clinic you will I m sure get some good responses, please do not forget poker is a 7 card game, you could easily get beat on the 1st card as the last.
I personaly use the 5% rule, I will never risk more than 5% of my bankroll, or 2-3% in a MTT, i would suggets when you are beating the tables evey time on the level you are on, then step up a level, but dont be afraid to drop down again should you start losing.
This post may help, please click here.
Show us the Hand Histories, please.
I cannot see that hand, (or any hand), but don't forget to send me those 10 hands where you lost with Aces, & I'll send them up to Head Office for them to take a look for you.
How many times did you win with them in those 3 days?
How many times in those 3 days did you outdraw better hands?
I cannot access other players Hand Histories, so cannot comment, but please Post the History up here, or in the Poker Clinic, or describe the action, & I'd happily comment.
It seems to be the fashion to blame Sky Poker for bad beats, but the reality is that it is the nature of poker, rather than Sky Poker. We could debate all day as to what % of poker is luck, or luck-based, but not a soul on earth could say there is no luck in poker, & luck or bad luck is an unpredictable thing.
Did you know that recently, the highest court Switzerland ruled that poker is a game of luck, rather than skill? The better players have an edge, of course, but luck remains a high part of the game.
Showing me a single bad-beat in isolation does not prove anything, I'm afraid. There are underlying maths involved here, & the maths never fail, assuming the sample size is adequate.
Our "suckouts", too, are exactly in mathematical ratio to our bad beats.
In poker, more than any other "game", we must learn to roll with the punches, & accept the beats & suckouts with a shrug of our shoulders, because it was always so, & it will always remain so.
Any Poker Site where there are not normal bad beats is cheating, & has rigged software. I don't believe any Online Room would be that dumb, because if a Poker Room wanted to fiddle it's Clients, there are far better ways.
I hope your luck changes soon.
Probably not, I like the 2 day Events very much, but it's unlikely I have any 2 consecutive days free. I'm also considering taking a bit of a break from playing Live poker at Luton.
Good Luck if you play any of them.
2)Why has it been opened up immediately for high rollers to buy in direct which does discriminate against the smaller bank roll players?
Afternoon Tikay. The above two questions have been copied from the master cash thread from last night. I will now try to elaborate on my questions to hopefully put my point of view across with more substance.
1) REBUYS- yes, I understand Sky Poker needs to use this wherever possible..... but on a satellite to the biggest FREEZEOUT tournament players are likely to play?. You can KO someone in these, who can then rebuy and KO you. It honestly does not make sense IMHO and I hope Sky Poker will consider running some freezeout sats, along side these if necessary, to enable players to try and qualify with a choice of games.
2) DIRECT BUY INS- I am not totally against these and can understand why Sky Poker has done it so soon so seats get filled quicker. My problem is that I feel there should of been a reasonable time frame for sats for the average bank rolled player to try and qualify before just opening up direct buy ins. A larger bank rolled player has two opportunities to get a final seat - try to qualify through sats, and if that fails, just buy in direct because they CAN afford it. The smaller bank rolled player HAS TO attempt to qualify through the sats.
I hope this has not come across as just another rant at Sky Poker. I am genuinely trying to represent the 'average' player on here and voice my concerns.
Incidentally, and not related, I cashed in a $1 entry MTT on another site last night which I forgot I had money still in my account! Happy days. I will leave my next Sunday sermon on late registrations, hand for hand and time banks for another week.
Hi Alan,
Really, I'm not supposed to reply to these questions, as they are within the remit of "Customer Care", but I'll have a go. We do put a lot of thought into all these decisions, fwiw, although I'm sure not all the decisions come out right first time.
Rebuy Sats for the SPT Grand Final.
As I understand it the question was asked earlier by someone else, & Sky-Adam replied that there were no plans to introduce Freezeout Satellites EXCEPT for the existing Semi-Finals, which will remain as Freezeouts. His reply suggested it was a policy decision, & as Adam is in charge of such things, I can't comment further - it's his train set, so to speak.
Direct Buy-Ins to the Grand Final.
I'm pleased to see you begin with "I am not totally against these, & can see what Sky Poker have done it". You will know, of course, that I of all people do not like to see those with smaller bankrolls discriminated against.
I don't actually see the problem at all, to be quite honest.
1) When we were planning & discussing the Grand Final programme, including Satellites & Buy-Ins, the question arose - "should Direct Buy-Ins be allowed from Day One?". It was pretty much universally agreed that it would not pose any foreseeable problem.
2) We utilise "history" to help make decisions. We were well short of Grand Final Runners in 2009 entering the week of the Event, & last minute Directs were allowed. Frankly, it was an administrative nightmare, with poker players thrusting money into our hands left right & centre in a typical (for poker players) last minute scramble. We want to avoid that this year, because we should learn from the past & do things better.
3) There are far more seats available this year, so a bigger ask to sell them all. More seats? Sort of, yes. Last year, the individual Legs all had 9 or 10 Free Entries to the Grand Final, hence 45 or 50 Seats had gone before Registration had even opened. This year, only the top three in each Leg were awarded a Grand Final Seats, = 5 x 3 = 15. So that's 30 or 35 extra seats compared to last year that are available.
4) The Grand Final clashes with a whole bunch of Live Poker Events, & many players who would otherwise have played our Event will now be elsewhere. When we selected the date & advised the Poker Media, it was empty. Now it clashes with....
British Master Poker Tour, Teeside.
UKIPT, Dublin
GUKPT, Brighton
English Open, Palm Beach, Mayfair.
So filling the Event will be quite a challenge, though I'm sure it will fill. Come what may, the £25,000 Guarantee will be honoured, & personally, I expect the final Prize Pool to be a great deal more than that - maybe as much as double.
5) What if all 200 seats sell out early? As I've Posted several times already, we will simply open up more seat availability. DTD have a capacity of something like 450 on "normal" weekends (they can manage more, actually), & we asked them to plan on the basis of 200 runners. If we need 220, or 250, or 300 seats, they will be made available. Given the competition elsewhere that weekend, that's highly unlikely, imo.
6) We now have 54 registrations, exactly in line with forecast, the early rush was to be expected, & it will settle down now to, imo, much lower numbers feeding through week by week.
I hope that allays your concerns.
"....I will leave my next Sunday sermon on late registrations, hand for hand and time banks for another week....".
To save time, I can update you now.
Late Registrations.
These will, I think, come sooner rather than later, but it's not at the very top of the priority list. They are in the Development schedule. I'm not sure I agree with them, but I'm ambivelant really, over time, industry data shows that it makes very little difference to Prize Pools overall.
Hand for Hand.
As poker players on the whole seem to lack a sense of fair play & seek to eke out any advantage they can, fair or not, I agree personally that H4H ought to be a component of Sky Poker. I have made my view known, & I'm sure other players have & will. Not much I can say beyond that. For the avoidance of doubt, I do agree that it would be preferable to have it, though I'll not lose any sleep over it either way, as it does not affect many of us very often.
Time Banks
I have no idea what the Company thinking is, & as I'm personally opposed to extending the time allowed for decisions - people will abuse it however long it is - so I have never raised the issue with those upstairs. The current "time allowed" seems more than adequate to me, although I'm aware that many players would prefer a little longer. I've seen & used Time Banks in a few Online Rooms, & they get shamelessly abused without fail. Think lowest common denominator.
Anyone, of course, should, & is indeed encouraged, to make suggestions for improvements to the Site. But this thread is not designed for it, & I'll get a slap round the chops if they see me dealing with these issues.
Adam Harmer, who heads up Product, went to Swansea specifically to make himself available for Product Questions, & he offered demonstrations of the new Download Client there, too. Did you manage to chat with him? Lovely chap - bit Northern, but otherwise reasonably normal.
I sense you are towing the company line on a couple of your answers but as Sky Poker are a business, I appreciate that their 1st concern will be to get 'bums on seats' and not host an event like this at a possible loss to themselves in this current economic climate. So I fully understand that but still hope that more and more average bank rolled players get the chance to progress through to the Final in September. It was so refreshing to see so many 'average Joes' doing well in the WSOP main event against the sponsored pro's.That is what is so good about this 'sport' IMO.
i thought sky like to recieve gd feedback from there loyal players and pride themselves on listening to players and there concerns.this seems to be falling on deaf ears and the attitude if you dont like ect ect.there is a mass ove players who dont want these rebuys so come on sky give us what we want a simple no nonsence freezeout.regards del
Yes, I did have a 'quick' chat with him in the smoking 'lounge' but as I was still (somehow) in the tournament with 30 ish left, I could not take him up on his kind offer to see the latest developments. He did make passing reference to southern shandy drinkers though
I gave factual replies, & took a lot of time so to do. I also explained that it is not within my remit to answer such questions, & I therefore assumed you'd take my replies at face value, & as the honest replies they were.