Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
The what?
TSP = Team Sky Poker
GUKPT - = Live Tour
@J10 = Venue, in Walsall
LU = Live Update
FTW = Kidz speak
So, that's what we are, what we are following, where we are, what we are doing.
All clear?
Good then we shall proceed.
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So, let's try & cheer the Forum up, & have a fun Thread.
We have TEN - 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 players today, names & monikers to follow.
ANY MOANY WOANY stuff gets a yellow card.
Double Moans get a BOGOF.
There will be a mistake in every Post. Anyone who has the temerity to mention it DIRECTLY gets the Yellow Card. You can refer to it obliquely, indirectly, or subtly.
I'll try & list the players names shortly. That'll be a bigger challenge than you may think, one of them = 73 points in Scrabble.
Play starts at 2pm today. It ends when our guys run out of chips, failing which, we will have a Sky Poker GUKPT winner around midnight on Sunday.
Is there anyone at hume?
Can you hear me, Mother?
May as well get this out of the way first.
There IS a Live Stream, but it is NOT a Sky Poker Live Stream, it is sponsored by people who are not as nice as us, so no linking to it please.
Clue # 1 - goggle is your friend
Clue # 2 - The Stream is being done by the very same crew who do the Sky Poker Live streams, Phil the Tower etc.
Barnsie gets the first. Not decided why yet.
And we have our SECOND Yellow CARD already.
It goes to MAXALLY. No reason, but it is pre-emptive, just in case.
Someone hasn't had their morning coffee..
This will calm you down....
You know it makes sense.
Need to go & flim the intro - we have Sky Dan here today, on Camera, & Mother on Coffee fetching duties, & "runner".
Remind me to tell you of the minor misunderstanding that arose with Mother this morning. She is not best pleased with someone.
Back in 5.
I even bought him a coffee this morning, never again!
How long before Claire posts a photo of Tikay having a nap?
Helpfully, I carried Mother's lappie into the Casino this morning, she was carrying all the camras & lights & kit..
To log on - we have Company Lappies - there are FIVE different Passwords needed. Get any one wrong twice, & thats it, you are perma-locked out, & need security clearance, & a Memo from Head Office, to do a password reset.
We out the two laptops on the Table, & I logged in. No joy.
Try again. Wrong again, & locked out now.
Mother offered to help.
Then I opened my Lappie Bag & realised my Lappie was stll in it, unopened.
See where I'm going with this, yeah?
Meanwhile, mother is still locked out of her lappie. Truly.
Seen Scotty & WAyne already.
Then it got interesting, & "Giant811" arrived. You will not believe this, but - TRULY - he is 6'-10" tall. Honest. He is German - proper German, "ya" & all that, & his name is Jurgen Geddit, I think.
Next to poll up was "lumking09". His real name? Jeez, this is too tough for words - his name is Lum Wong Ming. Comes from Hong Kong, lives here now. Lovely chap, 2'-9" tall. His surname is Lum, but in China, they do the names back to front. I am not making any of this up.
Sorry for short absence. Wifi probs, groan,but I've also interviewed EIGHT of our players, some incred stuff, too.
Giant is a LEGEND. Like, a tall legend.
Photo on way, if the wifi permits.
Players taking their seats, looks like we will start bang on time. Ish. Almost. Sort of.
PS - Giant is tall.
Play has COMMENCED, @ 2.02. Not bad.
Level 1, 25-50, they have 20,000 chips each, 1 hour levels, break after Level 2, Dinner break after Level 4.
"Countrywide Flame" won the first @ Chelters, 33/1, oooooooooooooooooh.
Told you he was tall. Or maybe I have shrunk.
No Photoshop here.
This is, surprise surprise, Giant811, real name Ulrich Rettig. German, wonderful bloke, works in a Hossie in Southampton, loves Sky Poker. Don't we all.
Sorry chaps & chapesses, can't seem to get the photos to upload at present.
If we can't, we'll revert to the written word.
Major internet issues here @ Walsall, I think the Live Steeams are nicking the bandwidth.