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  • edited March 2012
  • edited March 2012

    153 begun, but this is all that remain, squeezed into a corner. We are H4H now.

  • edited March 2012
    come on jingle
  • edited March 2012

    Updaters corner.

    The other lads are the Stream guys - think there are 5 of them here in total.
    That's my peg, nearest camera, on the corner - pole position. If you want to Update, follow the Germans on the beach thing, & arrive early, to nab the best spots. Never fails. I was here 2 hours ahead of the rest this morning, & so I get pole. Quite right too.

    In Vegas, we grab our little corner @ 7am, & set ourselves out hunky-dory. The stragglers arrive @ midday, then do the moany-woany thing because there are no spare wifi cables or leccy sockets.  Of course, I am very sympathetic. Not. Early birds & all that.  

    Not cheap, this updating lark, & nobody wants to pay for it!

    Would YOU pay for a Live Stream? Nope, did not think so.
    It is, of course, a promotional tool, but an expensive one, & I'm not wholly convinced it is cost-effective. Nice though.  

  • edited March 2012

    Sooooooo puke...

    WP Jingle.. you did us proud

  • edited March 2012

    Oh dear - OUTO.

    3 outer, too.
  • edited March 2012
    Just seen Bubbled :( AK v AQ Q hits 

    VUL Jingle, great effort hope you enjoyed it and have another shot soon! GG
  • edited March 2012

      very ul jingle WP
  • edited March 2012
    soooooooooooooooooo unlucky jingle but hope you are proud of your efforts VWP
  • edited March 2012
  • edited March 2012

    Oh my, what a game poker is, eh?

    But it's better to go home knowing you went in ahead, & lost, then going in behind & losing, somehow. Sort of. He made the right play, & the right time, & that's all there is to it really.
    Variance sorts it eventually, but variance is long term, this is short term.

    Young Simon Deadman was the villain, almost a consolation, as he might take those chips all the way, & is a genuinely lovely kid, few nicer lads are in poker.
  • edited March 2012
    Thanks for all the updates TK. Take care driving home, as they say in the Walsall area "mind the `oss-road". 
  • edited March 2012

    Jingle is a bit down, but fine.
    He needs a drink, so went & got himslf a pint of Guinness! Wanted to get me one, too, top bloke, but I'm teetotal.
  • edited March 2012
    yep many thanks tikay

    get home safe and sound and rest tommorow

    blinding work
  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: TSP GUKPT @ J10 LU FTW:
    Thanks for all the updates TK. Take care driving home, as they say in the Walsall area "mind the `oss-road". 
    Posted by pilgrim07

    a big +1

  • edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: TSP GUKPT @ J10 LU FTW:
    Thanks for all the updates TK. Take care driving home, as they say in the Walsall area "mind the `oss-road". 
    Posted by pilgrim07
     +1 they've been superb
  • edited March 2012

    Sadly, I am the world's worst cameraman, so pardon the shake, but you get the message - cheers!

  • edited March 2012

    TY TY.

    OK, that's a wrap.

    Been a GREAT 2 days, & some new Stars of Sky Poker have arrived on the scene.

    We all know about Sam, Ryan, Wayne, Dan, Penguin, Yoyo etc, but we found some new Sky Poker heroes this weekend.

    Who can forget Jingle Jangle, little Lum Min Kwung, Tayseer, and that awesome GIANT? 

    They'd better turn the chat off when next on Sky Poker, the "wp wp" will fill the chat box.

    Gotta love Sky Poker - for the players as much as anything. Awesome.

    Am gonna drop our man off at his Hotel now, then head down the road, to home, with a bt of peace & quiet for company. Can't beat it.

    Night all.

    I'm done.


  • edited March 2012
    thats one horrid bubble ul jingle ma

    but us spurs fans are used to bad beats innit, were made of strong stuff, like that guiness

    wp m8, better luck next time!
  • edited March 2012

      Just wanna say it's been Great watching the Live Stream & following the Updates on this thread VWP TO ALL OF THE SKY POKER PLAYERS
  • edited March 2012
    Great play by all the Team Sky Poker guys and especially all that made day 2.

    Thanks for keeping the update thread running with constant updates tikay.

    A well deserved day off tomorrow.  Better get the camera battery charged for a nice quiet walk somewhere.
  • edited March 2012
    Sick beat on the bubble, but well played everyone
  • edited March 2012
    I'm home! thanks for the all the good luck messages, pretty disappointed to play for so long and not cash.  In foresight it was bad play by me to shove A7 under the gun, I think it would have been fine in later position where there would have been more chance I could get it through or called by a worse hand but UTG it was poor even with my short stack.

    It was annoying having to play a short stack for so long ever since my AK was beat by AQ when i'm so used to playing cash with 100BB+, the small stack just really restricted my options and I was forced to sit and wait for hands for the most part.

    Oh well but I had fun, I'm still very inexperienced in playing live and felt I learnt a lot, apparently I raised a few eye brows with the way I stack my chips so i can work on that for a start.  Back to playing online for a while now until UKIPT Nottingham where I expect there will be quite a few Sky players involved

    Good luck everyone
  • edited March 2012

    Wow, just caught up with this thread.

    I'm genuinely overwhelmed with the level of support and good wishes from everyone, thank you all.

    It is gut-wrenching to bust on the bubble, but what happened @ the Spurs - Bolton game today puts everything into perspective - Here's hoping Fabrice Muamba can pull through and make a full recovery.

    My exit hand was fairly standard - EP raises to 9k with the blinds @ 2k-4k, antes 500. Mid pos flats and it's folded to me on the button with AK. I shove, almost already counting all that lovely dead money I'm about to pick up (big mistake!), when EP starts to tank. This goes on4a bit until it seems it is more than just acting and I feel a bit of concern about what's going on?

    I remain as impassive as possible, drinking the latte which the nice waitress had just bought over, when EP man gives a little speech: "This is a Tikay move isn't it? He's told you to start shoving right?" I almost break into a smile, but remain stonefaced and carry on drinking my coffee.

    Ep man finally sigh folds and I think I'm home free (bigger mistake!), but mid pos (who I later am told by Tikay is poker pro Simon Deadman) starts to play 'carry on tanking' & I'm thinking, "don't be a hero & call with your small pair, it's just not worth it!'. Then he asks for a count, slides in a stack of chips and flips over AQ!

    The rest as they say, is history. The dealer does her thing, flops him a Q and doesn't let me counter-bink with a K. I think both players were also suspicious about my earlier squeeze and felt I may have been shoving light this time. (I think Simon may have folded KQ the 1st time, the way he was talking about me possibly having KJ before folding).

    Never mind, c'est la vie. I've had a truly fantastic time and look forward to taking part in another live event with TSP if I can grind enough points by the end of the month to do so. (I think I should just make my target).

    The whole team have been great and Tikay is every bit the legend he's made out to be - thanks to Scotty for his kind words and support also, filling me in on my table draw before the start of day 2 and Sam for offering me a lift home all the way to Wood Green! I'm staying back with a mate in Walsall so may see a bit of Brum on Sun before coaching it back2Lon on Mon. Also special shout outs to Ulrich (Giant) and Lum min for coming back to rail the survivors on day 2.

    NB - 4GregH &any1else who cares, my Sky poker screen name has a very geeky back story. I am a huge fan of Sir Jackie of Chan, and his director of photography for all of his Hong Kong films was a bloke called Jingle Ma (yes Doh, it is a real Chinese man's name), so one of my nicknames became 'Jingle'.

    Until next time, happy pokerz all and take care of yourselves, it's a crazy world out there.

    Goodnite! :)
  • edited March 2012
    Very unlucky Priyan. It can be such a sick game sometimes.

    Well played too, Sam. Sure you will go deep at UKIPT too, and hope to see you there.

    Big plus for me was the fact that there seemed to be more respect than ever for us Sky players.

    As for me I am very disappointed in my play. Day 1 had gone totally according to plan, and day 2 started okay as well. Found a few good spots in the first level, and had started to suss out the other players on the table.

    Then the table broke, and I couldnt find a weak link on the new table. Every time I made a move I was quickly cut down. And  every time I did get some cards, I ended up 3betting Simon Deadman, dying to get the rest of my chips over the line. And he tank folded every time.

    So despite the fact that I was still creeping upwards, I got frustrated.

    Had no reason to play 9 10 suited OOP. And having been called by a good player with a big stack I played it poorly. 7 9 10 flop looked pretty but pretty wet too, but my betsizing was awful, committing too many of my chips without acheiving much.The 8 on the turn was the killer. He checked behind with his idiot end straight and I wrongly thought he then was making a move on the river.

    Anyway back to the MTT tables today. Sitting about 30th in the league as I was last time around, and need a few points !
  • edited March 2012
    i can tell jingle that whooping i gave you in hu comp must of spurred you on!!. ul pal great poker and at least you can say you went deeper than all the other sky players! wp    phil
  • edited March 2012

    Yeah Pod, it was all the motivation I needed. ;-)

    Shame there wasn't a last longest bonus4TSP!

    Ul aswell Tony, u played great2 - I'm sure we'll make it next time.

    Right, I'm off4a Starbucks!
  • edited March 2012
    I just got back home and checked this thread first thing as I didn't have a chance to keep up with the forum while in Walsall. Here are some random thoughts on the whole experience.

    When the cards where in the air things where rather disappointing. I flopped a set of aces first hand, but only got 700-ish chips out of it. A bit later flopped a house and rivered quads, but once again no second best hand to pay me off. Lost chucks of my stack with KK and TT in hands that didn't go to showdown, then run my QQ into Sam Grafton's AA. The lovely variance twin was conspicious by her absence (not the first lovely lady to shun me), but I may have to get an injunction against her ugly evil sister, quite the stalker.

    3 of the guys from my first table are still playing (seats 3-5). Just saying.

    It was great to meet all the other guys. I'm not going to name names as I might forget someone. You will be amazed to learn they are all top blokes. Shocked me as well.

    I really want to thank Sky Poker for running the TSP promotion and giving a small stakes player like me a chance to ply in such a big tournament. I wish I had done better, but despite the disappointment it was a once in a lifetime experience I wouldn't have had otherwise. I can only recommend to everyone to give it a shot.

    Also thanks to everyone railing on the forum!

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