Last night just proved what a game of extremes poker can be, from miserable dejection to jubilant elation in a couple of hours. A little longer than it took on sunday going the other way round as a Man Utd fan.
Played Dym's during the day at my usual tortoise pace, up a bit down a bit usual stuff. Then in my inbox i got a call to arms from the captain, Hitman_RV, to play in last nights forum DTD, having built my roll up from the starting £10 this would be my 1st chance to represent Team Hit Squad.
So I duly registered for all 3 deepstack events, ready to do battle, but wishing i had a bit more practice in deepstack tournaments than 4 days in the afternoon league. These fears would prove to be unfounded, however I wasnt quite prepared for what was to follow.
I had also qualified for monday's survivor from the previous day, so suddenly i found myself trying to multitable 3 tournaments at the same time (Easy for a lot of you i know ) All of a sudden each of the tables seemed to be pushing to the front demanding my attention, and the noises coming out of my speakers was like bleep central to me.
It wasn't long before 3 bad decisions later, 3 flips lost. The survivor one really hurt as I had enough chips to coast through & all I had to do was fold!!. I was by 8.10 looking at the lobby. Well there was no chance of me doing well in the DTD tonight I thought, not feeling too well with a blinding headache I seriously thought about calling it a night and de-reg from the Take on Tikay.
Feeling that I was a failure but one thing I have never been is a quitter decided why not play it for the experience & after all it was only 1 table. So with the only light in the room from my laptop & the speakers switched off Woogie went on a journey to Boogie Wonderland.
I apologise for not wishing players "good luck" in the chat box or joining in the banter but it was very difficult in the dark. As the evening progressed & this time I was winning the odd races I started to think oh well if I make the final 20 get in the money then I will get my money back & had some fun. The deeper you then go your sights alter & you take another peek at the payout structure, top 10 finish & i will have doubled my buy-in happy days :-)
A message then appeared in the chat box, congratulations you have made the "final table" Ok time to switch the light on, at this point I thought wonder how many people were now watching as all of a sudden names appeared from nowhere in the chat box. It's a shame that on the table information it doesn't tell you the number of observers.
At this point i was probably 3rd in chips & thinking don't blow it when all of a sudden I found myself all in with 2 other players, bad move I thought as the cards went over, by now with the light on I just typed "oops" in the chat box so i had no real idea what happened but all of a sudden there are 2 empty seats & I have a huge pile of chips. Some good cards followed & I found myself heads up with Engy. By now the adrenalin is really flowing, it doesnt matter what the time is & for a little while the headache is forgotten. An enjoyable heads up followed but Engy was short on chips & his attention was also on the FT in the mini. (Hope it went well m8)
Eventually the final race was run & Woogie was in Boogie Wonderland.
Thanks to all the railers who made it even more fun, to all the other players who never moaned once, if i put a bad beat on them & congratulations to all the other winners & those that cashed.
So i learned three valuable lessons in my poker life,
Nice post above Mike and very nice result last night in the TOTTY!
Not sure if you have ever used mini view yet but it is a god send when multi tabling. I always use it on a Monday DTD night plus I also have each lobby open (but minimised) so I can check on progress/stack sizes etc, if needed.
The banter/rail on reaching the final stages of these tournaments are something to behold on Sky.
I hope you manage to play again in these DTD games as it is basically a fun night for a fiver, plus sometimes an added bonus like above of some return!
Great post and very well done Mike for the win from a fellow squaddie. I was in the 3 last night with varying degree of success. Came seventh in one , was hoping for a final table spot but my A10 was beated by a A7 ! Other two: Straight beaten by a Full House on the river! sigh KK beaten by QQ - 3rd Queen came on the turn! sigh Keep the faith! Mike Posted by VespaPX
Cheers m8 & fellow squaddie, nice to know you liked the post, its appreciated.
Sounds like a tough but standard night for yourself dont you just hate the "Sky poker river"
Nice post above Mike and very nice result last night in the TOTTY! Not sure if you have ever used mini view yet but it is a god send when multi tabling. I always use it on a Monday DTD night plus I also have each lobby open (but minimised) so I can check on progress/stack sizes etc, if needed. The banter/rail on reaching the final stages of these tournaments are something to behold on Sky. I hope you manage to play again in these DTD games as it is basically a fun night for a fiver, plus sometimes an added bonus like above of some return! Well done again. Posted by MAXALLY
Thanks Maxally,
Not a very nice result, for me & my meagre bankroll it was brilliant lol.
I have used the mini view but there is no chat box on that option so I decided on the main option as there is more chat in tournies than your average sng. I think next time tho I will give your method a try.
And if i am not playing the FT again, I will join the fun in the chatbox.
As you know your way round sky m8, Is it possible for me to find out what happened in the hand that 3 of us went all in ?
Congratulations, that's an impressive win, the DTD games attract a tougher field than usual for the buy-in. It would take a long time to win that much playing DYMs, are you tempted to dabble in MTTs a bit more often now?
In Response to Re: POKER IN MY LIFE : Thanks Maxally, Not a very nice result, for me & my meagre bankroll it was brilliant lol. I have used the mini view but there is no chat box on that option so I decided on the main option as there is more chat in tournies than your average sng. I think next time tho I will give your method a try. And if i am not playing the FT again, I will join the fun in the chatbox. As you know your way round sky m8, Is it possible for me to find out what happened in the hand that 3 of us went all in ? Thanks again for your nice comments Mike Posted by Woogie8688
Yes. Go to 'my sky poker' tab above and click on hand history. A screen will then come up where you can search for your hands. Select 'holdem' in type of game, and 'tournaments' in format and hands from last 1 day. Then look for Take on Tikay hands and look at for a massive pot near the end. I hope this helps.
AFAIC, I think you had AJ v KK v A10 and you binked a straight on the river. Those are the flips we need to win to go on and win tournaments. Also remember this hand the next time your KK gets cracked and it softens the tilt. Unfortunately, players never remember the 'good' flips but go off on one when they lose a 'bad' flip. As it was a DTD game, Mr KK man actually took it in his stride and said nh;gl in chat. (whilst playing volley football with his cat no doubt!, lol)
Ok woggie has been woogie for 2 weeks playing on sky poker, & the biggest difference is everyone is British!! This may sound like an obvious statement, but it makes Sky poker a much harder site to play on than an international site, playing a 6 max sng you could guarantee that 3 of the other players would be donks/fishes/clowns/muppits or even when i started fronks (french donks). In other words if the line on your fishing ro d was strong enough, cashing was fairly easy. To the French playing poker was secondary, they just loved their avatar to make as much noise as possible & rejoicing in the misfortune of other players. To everyone's dismay the French government decided that they could only play on French poker sites, therefore a lot of easy money was removed from the tables. When it comes to the Greeks, you can see why the Greek economy is in desperate trouble if it is run by their poker players, to your average Greek any rag ace is a monster hand & they can hardly conceal the delight at any pocket pair, with great cheers & laughing out loud. The Australians are like a nation divided , the men & the women. The A ussie male treats poker as an ego trip & once they are in a pot they never let go regardless o f their holding. Aussie women on the other hand are a joy to play, quiet unassuming & always apologising for the actions of Aussie males & therefore refusing to bet unless they have the stone cold nuts. The Dutch are very much a nation of gamblers and seem to take no notice of odds at all, or the possibility that other players in the hand may have something better & there seems to be a glitch in the Dutch software which turns any call/raise into "all in" The Germans are very much as you would expect, the minimum of fuss & risk taking so if in a pot with a German & he bets, you fold. The other main obvious difference between Sky & the 3D poker site is a lot of recreational players who basically enjoy pressing buttons, as a result there are a lot more tells available including that a players cards are face down to himself & others are able to see when a player has to remind himself of his own cards, as the avatar will also take a quick look. Sky is also a much faster site, which therefore results in there being fewer comments in the chat box, basically nh or ty, whereas you would think with the other that you had dropped in on some International dating agency. I am really enjoying my time on sky poker, however, my fishing rod misses the action on the other site. Posted by Woogie8688
A few sweeping generalisations but either way this post made me smile!!
Congratulations, that's an impressive win, the DTD games attract a tougher field than usual for the buy-in. It would take a long time to win that much playing DYMs, are you tempted to dabble in MTTs a bit more often now? Posted by GaryQQQ
Hi Gary, thanks for that
When i first started with the initial £10 the idea was to build up the roll playing dym's as time isnt an issue for me & less variance .
One of the things that 1st attracted me to Sky was the quality of play in the mtt's & that they were 6 seater, my game is not suited to 10 seater mtt's. So yes i hope to play more mtt's as the bankroll allows, given that I am a bankroll nit & to be honest have not enjoyed the added pressure of playing any game with more than 2% buy in at any one time.
The result last night means that i am happy playing mtt's or dym's with a buy in of less than £3.
I also know that 3 games at any one time is a no no lol so I reckon the strategy for a bit will be to play a dym & possible 2 table with an mtt if it appears to have the value.
In Response to Re: POKER IN MY LIFE : Yes. Go to 'my sky poker' tab above and click on hand history. A screen will then come up where you can search for your hands. Select 'holdem' in type of game, and 'tournaments' in format and hands from last 1 day. Then look for Take on Tikay hands and look at for a massive pot near the end. I hope this helps. AFAIC, I think you had AJ v KK v A10 and you binked a straight on the river. Those are the flips we need to win to go on and win tournaments. Also remember this hand the next time your KK gets cracked and it softens the tilt. Unfortunately, players never remember the 'good' flips but go off on one when they lose a 'bad' flip. As it was a DTD game, Mr KK man actually took it in his stride and said nh;gl in chat. (whilst playing volley football with his cat no doubt!, lol) Posted by MAXALLY
Thanks just found it, no wonder I typed oops!! it was also runner/runner to bink the straight.
My cat knows better than be anywhere near me when I am playing poker (only joking). Given personal issues am glad to say that a "Bad beat" at poker has never ranked very highly on my list of things to be upset about.
Poker is there to be enjoyed & last night was made even more enjoyable by the peoples reactions & comments in the chat box.
hi Mike, well done m8 looks like you are off 2 a flying start here at sky. b/roll is looking very nice. did u play the £11 dym on your ladder attempt? or did u take the money and run? either way,well done anyway. think i would have been tempted to "take the money" lol best wishes m8, as always :-) dev
hi Mike, well done m8 looks like you are off 2 a flying start here at sky. b/roll is looking very nice. did u play the £11 dym on your ladder attempt? or did u take the money and run? either way,well done anyway. think i would have been tempted to "take the money" lol best wishes m8, as always :-) dev Posted by devonfish5
Hi Ian,
Thanks dev. Yep I listened to Lamberts "duff advice" & failed miserably lol
I will keep trying tho you never know & at least now if i get there i wont be quite so tempted to take the money & run
Hi woogie well done last night. To win one event out of the 3 on DTD night is a tough ask with size and quality of the field. With regards to 3 tables it is something you get used to quite quickly. I was like you only ever played 1 table and was advised by ScouseRed to try 2 tables (DYMs so it wasn't too hectic). My first DTD of 3 tables was chaotic at first but within 2 or 3 weeks it was no longer a problem, and I'm sure you will soon get used to it.
Hi woogie well done last night. To win one event out of the 3 on DTD night is a tough ask with size and quality of the field. With regards to 3 tables it is something you get used to quite quickly. I was like you only ever played 1 table and was advised by ScouseRed to try 2 tables (DYMs so it wasn't too hectic). My first DTD of 3 tables was chaotic at first but within 2 or 3 weeks it was no longer a problem, and I'm sure you will soon get used to it. Posted by FlyingDagg
Hi Dagg thanks,
My 1st DTD wasn't chaotic but to start with was an unmitigated disaster lol, It wasnt helped by being in the Survivor as well which I play as it gives good c4p 10 each on Sunday & Monday if you get through.
It will take a lot more than 20 mins like last night, before I feel comfortable & get used to it :-)
Am sure you are right & that with a bit of practice I will get the hang of it.
BOOGIE WONDERLAND Last night just proved what a game of extremes poker can be, from miserable dejection to jubilant elation in a couple of hours. A little longer than it took on sunday going the other way round as a Man Utd fan. Played Dym's during the day at my usual tortoise pace, up a bit down a bit usual stuff. Then in my inbox i got a call to arms from the captain, Hitman_RV, to play in last nights forum DTD, having built my roll up from the starting £10 this would be my 1st chance to represent Team Hit Squad. So I duly registered for all 3 deepstack events, ready to do battle, but wishing i had a bit more practice in deepstack tournaments than 4 days in the afternoon league. These fears would prove to be unfounded, however I wasnt quite prepared for what was to follow. I had also qualified for monday's survivor from the previous day, so suddenly i found myself trying to multitable 3 tournaments at the same time (Easy for a lot of you i know ) All of a sudden each of the tables seemed to be pushing to the front demanding my attention, and the noises coming out of my speakers was like bleep central to me. It wasn't long before 3 bad decisions later, 3 flips lost. The survivor one really hurt as I had enough chips to coast through & all I had to do was fold!!. I was by 8.10 looking at the lobby. Well there was no chance of me doing well in the DTD tonight I thought, not feeling too well with a blinding headache I seriously thought about calling it a night and de-reg from the Take on Tikay. Feeling that I was a failure but one thing I have never been is a quitter decided why not play it for the experience & after all it was only 1 table. So with the only light in the room from my laptop & the speakers switched off Woogie went on a journey to Boogie Wonderland. I apologise for not wishing players "good luck" in the chat box or joining in the banter but it was very difficult in the dark. As the evening progressed & this time I was winning the odd races I started to think oh well if I make the final 20 get in the money then I will get my money back & had some fun. The deeper you then go your sights alter & you take another peek at the payout structure, top 10 finish & i will have doubled my buy-in happy days :-) A message then appeared in the chat box, congratulations you have made the "final table" Ok time to switch the light on, at this point I thought wonder how many people were now watching as all of a sudden names appeared from nowhere in the chat box. It's a shame that on the table information it doesn't tell you the number of observers. At this point i was probably 3rd in chips & thinking don't blow it when all of a sudden I found myself all in with 2 other players, bad move I thought as the cards went over, by now with the light on I just typed "oops" in the chat box so i had no real idea what happened but all of a sudden there are 2 empty seats & I have a huge pile of chips. Some good cards followed & I found myself heads up with Engy. By now the adrenalin is really flowing, it doesnt matter what the time is & for a little while the headache is forgotten. An enjoyable heads up followed but Engy was short on chips & his attention was also on the FT in the mini. (Hope it went well m8) Eventually the final race was run & Woogie was in Boogie Wonderland. Thanks to all the railers who made it even more fun, to all the other players who never moaned once, if i put a bad beat on them & congratulations to all the other winners & those that cashed. So i learned three valuable lessons in my poker life, 1) Never multitable more than 2 tables 2) You have to be in it to win it 3) 4 hours is a long time in poker. Posted by Woogie8688
Well done and congrats Woogie ...maybe you should change your namt to 'Boogie Woogie'. Cheers
In Response to Re: POKER IN MY LIFE : Well done and congrats Woogie ...maybe you should change your namt to 'Boogie Woogie'. Cheers Posted by profman15
Thanks prof,
Considering the problems my origional alias caused & getting it changed, there isnt a cat in hells chance of any more changes lol
Tremendous thread, just read the whole lot, love the 'generalisations' as irene put it!!
Welcome to the Squad, I hope we can add to you poker enjoyment!!
Great win on Monday nite!! Enjoyed railing!!
look forward to checking back on this thread, have not been on forum much latley, time pressure at home 7 work, but will look in much more often, esp here!!
Mike!! Tremendous thread, just read the whole lot, love the 'generalisations' as irene put it!! Welcome to the Squad, I hope we can add to you poker enjoyment!! Great win on Monday nite!! Enjoyed railing!! look forward to checking back on this thread, have not been on forum much latley, time pressure at home 7 work, but will look in much more often, esp here!! N1 mate!! The Hitman Posted by HITMAN_RV
Thanks Captain,
Or shouldn't it really be Brigadier General?
I have never really thought of poker as a "Team sport" but I have to say that it increases the enjoyment of playing poker, a bit like golfers playing in the Ryder cup I guess.
Wd on your win in the DTD woogie keep up the good work m8 those mtt wins are great to take down and great for your br Posted by Dazler
Thanks Daz,
Am glad you winning more than your fair share of mtt's as well m8.
Which mtt's would you or anyone suggest to be the best to be playing given my £150 bankroll & therefore with a buy-in of £3 or less?
Am not sure what i mean by the word best either, more chance of success, better value, more enjoyable??
Really I have spent my poker life playing Sng's, Dym's where really its only cost & table selection (who is sat at the table) that determines what I play. Mtt's to me are a bit like trying to have a conversation with a Scotsman!!
This was obviously another one of your "duff ideas" Paul,
Just spent some time playing £3.30 Dym's managed to win 5/5. Looked at the bankroll & it said £160.30, so as I like things nice, neat & tidy I decided to use the odd 0.30p & give the challenge another bash.
After about 15 minutes I had to check that I hadn't registered for the £33.00 one by mistake. I am not kidding this was one tough table.
Have all the big mtt & cash players on the site decided to have a go at the challenge, or have all new players been made to read John Connors guide to Dym's ?
It was if all the players had to have pass some poker proficiency test before being allowed to play. the bet sizing was good & the positional play was there. Blinds up to 150/300 & still 5 players in all with stacks between 2k & 3K. In the end managed to cash (just) so its all good :-).
Am glad now that I am not joining Sky as a beginner & trying to start at that level, they must wonder if the lowest levels are really this tough, is poker a game for them!!
I agree Mike , with the laddering challenge going on there are a lot of better players to be seen on the DYM tables. Still if we want to improve we need to play against more experienced players. Not helping my BR at the moment but still learning. Mick
In Response to Re: POKER IN MY LIFE : Thanks Captain, Or shouldn't it really be Brigadier General? I have never really thought of poker as a "Team sport" but I have to say that it increases the enjoyment of playing poker, a bit like golfers playing in the Ryder cup I guess. Cheers again for the kind words & support. Mike Posted by Woogie8688
Great Analogy been looking for summat like that!! Brilliant
I agree Mike , with the laddering challenge going on there are a lot of better players to be seen on the DYM tables. Still if we want to improve we need to play against more experienced players. Not helping my BR at the moment but still learning. Mick Posted by VespaPX
All learning comes at a price Mick, you seem a willing & quick learner so am sure it won't be long before you reap the benefits of these lessons :-)
I might not be the brightest bulb in the box, but reading this on another thread my enthusiasm for the forum was dimmed. I sent Trip5 a message asking for illumination, however I am still in the dark. Please help relight my enthusiasm with an explanation.
Chill Mike! It wasnt you she was reffering to. This was a player with a similar name that 'sort of' kicked of in the chat box when we were playing a friendly £1 forum SnG. He didnt get the team banter and started dissing everyone.
Hence, the non invite for the next one.
Irene will explain this again to you when she gets up! (she is a night owl)
Chill Mike! It wasnt you she was reffering to. This was a player with a similar name that 'sort of' kicked of in the chat box when we were playing a friendly £1 forum SnG. He didnt get the team banter and started dissing everyone. Hence, the non invite for the next one. Irene will explain this again to you when she gets up! (she is a night owl) Posted by MAXALLY
Cheers Maxally m8,
Am now as chilled as the milk in my fridge :-)
So thats another reason to change my alias again lol, & hope I might get an invite if the next 1 isnt at 1.00am Irene might be a night owl but I need my kip!!
I was in the 3 last night with varying degree of success.
Came seventh in one , was hoping for a final table spot but my A10 was beated by a A7 !
Other two:
Straight beaten by a Full House on the river! sigh
KK beaten by QQ - 3rd Queen came on the turn! sigh
Keep the faith!
Congratulations, that's an impressive win, the DTD games attract a tougher field than usual for the buy-in. It would take a long time to win that much playing DYMs, are you tempted to dabble in MTTs a bit more often now?
well done m8 looks like you are off 2 a flying start here at sky.
b/roll is looking very nice.
did u play the £11 dym on your ladder attempt?
or did u take the money and run?
either way,well done anyway.
think i would have been tempted to "take the money" lol
best wishes m8,
as always
Tremendous thread, just read the whole lot, love the 'generalisations' as irene put it!!
Welcome to the Squad, I hope we can add to you poker enjoyment!!
Great win on Monday nite!! Enjoyed railing!!
look forward to checking back on this thread, have not been on forum much latley, time pressure at home 7 work, but will look in much more often, esp here!!
N1 mate!!
The Hitman
Still if we want to improve we need to play against more experienced players.
Not helping my BR at the moment but still learning.
Great Analogy been looking for summat like that!! Brilliant
PERFECT!! Slightly embellished for effect too!! LOL!!
First: 30/11/2009
Last: 19/5/2012
But wooogie cant join.. He just doesnt get it!