A kind member of the forum also pointed out that the origional picture I had used for my profile, was in fact advertising another poker site - oops.
Hopefully when the new picture is approved it will no longer have the offending logo. I am sorry if this has caused any distress to anyone, it was purely accidental I assure you.
Thanks Pat appreciate it. A kind member of the forum also pointed out that the origional picture I had used for my profile, was in fact advertising another poker site - oops. Hopefully when the new picture is approved it will no longer have the offending logo. I am sorry if this has caused any distress to anyone, it was purely accidental I assure you. Thank you once again djblacke04. Posted by Woogie8688
My poker life is in ruins, as it would appear that I am no longer a member of Team Hit Squad. I was reading the thread on the forum "Real Life" and a post by the Captain Hitman_RV in which he named the members of Team Hit Squad who had already posted on the thread. To my horror & my huge dissapointment my name was not on the list.
I know that my performances in the monday night DTD have been nothing short of useless & I have to admit that if I had been the manager I would have substituted myself by about 8.45 last night but to be axed from the team completely, oh the shame of it.
I didn't even get so much as a phone call explaining the reasons why I had been left out of the team, I had to read it for myself on another post on the forum, I can't think of any other reasons why I have been omitted outside of poker, no impending court cases involving my brother or such like so I guess I wll have to make myself available though just in case of injuries to the squad, but I wonder if at my age that my poker career isnt finished & new players will be brought in to win the DTD for Team Hit squad
Whatever the future holds tho I will always be a fan of Team Hit Squad and support them as they try & win the forum DTD.
Looks like thanks to my agent VespaPX my poker career might be on track again. The Captain quoting "Old age & madness" as the reasons for my omission from the team.
I hope Roy Hodgson doesn't try & come up with the same excuses should England find themselves in need of a centreback during the next few weeks.
Looks like thanks to my agent VespaPX my poker career might be on track again. The Captain quoting "Old age & madness" as the reasons for my omission from the team. I hope Roy Hodgson doesn't try & come up with the same excuses should England find themselves in need of a centreback during the next few weeks. Posted by Woogie8688
Please send my fee in the post ! Cheers Keep The Faith!
In Response to Re: POKER IN MY LIFE : Please send my fee in the post ! Cheers Keep The Faith! Posted by VespaPX
Hi Mick,
Speaking of your fee I need a word in your shell like, the jubilee/ bank holiday weekend has been a bit of a disaster poker wise therefore as a result all available funds are needed in the poker account. In fact June 11th & c4p payout cant come quick enough.
On a brighter note i am glad to say that my widget is showing signs of recovery (that will please the missus) the pink line is growing & I have already got rid of the big fat £0 in fact with a little bit of massaging I would hope that this month it rises to an all time high. (which at my age is no mean feat)
Tonight sees the Orford timed challenge again & I have a horrible feeling that this could well be a case of after the Lord Mayors show. Also if GregHogg reads this, I am sorry about the rub m8 you really did great. ( I was only jealous).
Still you have to be in it to win it so i will give it my best shot tonight.
I need to play more as i've never got to the 500 point mark yet ! I didn't have a very good bank holiday either on the tables but there's always another day.
Glad to hear your widget is getting better but probably too much info thanks ! :-)
Hope you started to run a bit better now the festivities are all done & dusted Mick, or in the words of the Captain himself, you now "Run Golden". Yesterday was a really nice feeling to get the early payout of c4p from Sky & am sure you will crack the 500 mark soon. Personally I haven't set a target for this month but I have had a sneaky look at my widget ( you have a filthy mind by the way) & I hope that £42 for 3,000 points is achievable :-)
I did play the Euro freeroll Ian, well for all of about 3 hands lol, but I will try again tonight tho. Might as well use the points somehow, I have loads now & I guess your the same. What do you use yours for, if you dont fancy the £50 or £100gtd freerolls ?
Yesterday was a much better day on the Dym tables, and by the time i had posted a couple of good R.O.I.'s in the Orford TT challenge I had repaired most of the damage from the W/e & bank holidays. Good luck to Padzz77 in tonights 12k BH,(another player who seems to be consistent at the TT's). With not winning last night its no BH for me tonight (as if lightning was ever going to strike twice) , but I am looking forward to the new Lucky 7's mtt instead.
I must find out if there is a way I can self exclude myself from Sky Poker on weekends & bank holidays only, as I don't seem to have the willpower to avoid logging on.
The other thing is I wont do a Tikay or Rich Orford & ask people to comment if they are reading this :-) as I am enjoying the writing I am going to carry on anyway.
Until last night I would have said I didnt have any lucky or unlucky numbers, or in fact superstitions in general. The only thing that would remotely resemble a superstition was that if I was playing any sport I would always put the left article of kit/clothing on first. This probably was only due to the fact that being right handed it was natural to put the left items on 1st, but having scored my 1st 100 at cricket you look for anything that might give you an edge in the future, so what had previously been an unconcious action became a superstitious habit.
Poker is a game so full of numbers that to me it would be unrealistic to have a lucky or unlucky number. I cant imagine for example having 27 as a "lucky number" and feeling that I had to be in every pot where my hole cards were 2 7 offsuit, I can imagine it wouldn't be a lucky number for long.
After last night though I might have found my unlucky number. At 8.45 I was registered for the Euro freeroll & the new lucky 7's tournament. First table to open was the freeroll & I had to do a double take at the players because this was a 50pt freeroll & I am sitting on the same table as one of the sites legendary cash players, RUNITSRANN I even did a player search, just to make sure it was one & the same!!
Seconds later the lucky 7's table opens & sitting opposite me is the legendary Dazler , someone I had posted on his thread earlier wishing him luck & saying I hoped we met on the final not 1st table in the new tourney. I also found myself with another legendary Sky poker player on my R/H/S scotty77. Like any fairly new player to a poker site you always want the chance to see how your game stacks up against the better players. I was soon to find out!!!
First hand in the tourney & I am dealt pocket 8's, scotty77 puts in a 3x raise, all of a sudden I am thinking of all the hands I have heard him analyze on Ch865 so I promptly reraise, I am not going to show weakness so early in a tournament, everyone else folds, I am then faced with a 3 bet so decide to call & take a flop I can always reassess at that point. The flop then comes down J 2 4 rainbow & flops dont come much better for my 8's. It's at this point I start to suffer from as someone called last night "Non believers disease" The c-bet I was expecting came so hopefully with him on something like AK or AQ I reraised hoping that this would bring about the fold. Wrong !!! By now I am beginning to feel rather worried & having passed what I feel is the point of no return all the chips find their way to the middle. Bad news I have just walked into pocket Q's 1st hand of a brand new tournament. Ace on the turn & 4 on the river don't improve my hand any. So no sooner have I said "Hi" & "Goodluck" to everyone I am now saying "Goodbye".
Credit to Ryan, he did try & make me feel better by saying it wasnt the worst play in the world as you want to get off to a "fast start" in tournies, well I didn't & he did!! I also felt a lot better when later that evening on Top of the pots Sam Bayliss had to analyze a hand where he lost a £1,000 + pot with 99 x KK. All of a sudden £7.77 didn't seem so bad for one hand of poker.
For me it won't be a case of lucky 7's but thanks to scotty77 in the £7.77 tournament, 88 will always be my unlucky number.
I didn't mention in the previous post what happened in the Euro freeroll either. I managed to last longer than RUNITSRANN but only because he was all in with AJ v A10 & the opponent spiked the "10" on the river. (Guess he was after a fast start as well).
I eventually lost a race with the better hand pre flop, so my evenings poker came to rather an abrupt end. Which in hindsight was probably no bad thing, as it occurred to me that had I finished in the top 16 places & bagged a team for the Euro's, that team/country would probably only ever score "Own goals". And therefore I would end up owing Sky Bet money
Watching Ch865 last night via the webstream on the laptop was also almost unbearable, not because of the show even tho Anna wasn't presenting. But whether it was due to the weather conditions the picture breakup & someone continually entering 865 ( I am on cable & dont need reminding of the channel number) it was a surprise that I actually made it to 12.00.
Its a shame really that the webstream for a broadcasting company isn't of a higher standard for those of us that dont have Sky Tv.
Satellite into the £10,000 BH Semi at the 2nd attempt & completed level 6 of the ladder challenge (£11 level). So its into unchartered territory now, I had just got used to that level which is a really nice feeling after having only having a bankroll of £10 some 5 weeks ago. £267.64 now but I have got to buy in to the £16.50 level next.
Last 10 transactions in the last 14 daysBalance Change Date & TimeProductDescriptionAmountHeld FundsPlatformDetail09 Jun '12 at 13:43PokerDouble Your Money£9.00£0.00AHand History09 Jun '12 at 13:33Poker£10,000 BH Semi.£0.00£0.00AHand History09 Jun '12 at 12:31PokerDouble Your Money£4.50£0.00AHand History09 Jun '12 at 11:44PokerDouble Your Money£2.70£0.00AHand History09 Jun '12 at 11:43Poker£10,000 BH Sat.£-1.05£0.00AHand History09 Jun '12 at 11:38PokerDouble Your Money£1.75£0.00AHand History09 Jun '12 at 11:37Poker£10,000 BH Sat.£-1.05£0.00AHand History09 Jun '12 at 10:38PokerDouble Your Money£0.85£0.00AHand History09 Jun '12 at 09:47PokerDouble Your Money£0.40£0.00AHand History
Why is it we are all very good & giving other people advice, yet when it comes to taking any notice of what that little voice in our heads ( or the evidence of the last few weekends) tells us we just ignore totally.
Ok I did try & satellite into some of the bigger mtt's over the weekend (all in the hope of an hours TV time) but I managed to lose over 50% of my bankroll in 2 days & in the end I was a bit like the football team that goes 2 down, & in trying to get back in the game end up conceding another 2.
However last night was one of those I have occasionally, where going to sleep isn't an option and playing poker is a nice distraction. and in this instance proved to be a profitable one. The minute the clock went to 12:01 it all changed & was glad to cash in the next 9/10 Dym's, so I managed to repair a lot of the damage caused by the weekend, who as JohnConnor had said on another thread were supposed to be soft ( I beg to differ )
Speaking of whom was on every single table I loaded up for the next 4 hours ( watching the WSOP apparently) which meant that now there were only 2 cash places left in every game, its quite daunting to open up a table lobby & find him already registered like a predator waiting for its prey.
So next weekend if I haven't got the will power to self exclude myself, I will have to come up with an alternative, I wonder what Sky Bingo's like or better still the blackjack tables??
Tonight tho see's England in action & the Forum DTD and I have a horrible feeling that the chances of success in either are pretty remote, I might be better off just catching up with some sleep.
Your right Ian, I don't mind at all & as I have a memory like a sieve please do me a favour & remind me Saturday night its Sunday the next day!!
Have to say that last night was better than I expected, both in the football & the DTD, happy enough with a draw as long as we can get 4 points from the last 2 games. Busted out of the 7;15 deepstack with 99 v JJ on a J9x flop pretty early which probably was the reason why I lasted a bit longer in the other 2, where until I was about 10th in each with 30 left I lost a couple of crucial flips AIPF but with the better hand both times. I just wonder whether its the right moves to take those races at that time, but my way of thinking is its the only way to go deep in these rather than just settle for a min cash. Anyway it was still a great night for the Hit Squad with Harding10 taking top spot (congrats buddy) & squaddies dominating the top 10, cream rising to the top we mullered it.
Dym's for a bit, wish I could find those players that were on ch865 the other night if that was an £11 table :-). Then tonight its another bash at the Lucky 7's, I must be a right glutton for punishment.
Was a good night last night for the Team , managed a final table in one and came 6th :-) As for taking the flips when down to last 30 i think you have to in MTT's, that's why the variance is so high in them. On another day you will win them all !
I started off replying to Devonfish5 on his thread but decided after 20 minutes of typing I might as well put my thoughts in this thread. Now I can't even remember the question, let alone what I had already written. Its a good job the cards are always face up!!
Over the past few weeks I have been playing the £11 dyms' but as I only 1 or 2 table at a time am never going to get rich & the variance is gonna take months rather than a couple of sessions to average out.
I have just remembered the question Ian!! . I 100% agree m8. Flips on the bubble. That is the biggest problem I have found at this level and more often than not you find yourself on the bubble with blind levels of 300/600 or 400/800 & you are having to decide which are the best spots to commit to & as its easier to shove than call, I hate having a premium hand and finding that you just made the call v AA or worse 34 off which invariably makes it :-(
However much I prefered Sng's and the "Heads up" element with the payout structure top heavy & their lack of popularity on sky you have to play Dym's. You also have to play the "regulars" as they are on virtually on every table you load up. Within the notes I record how often I have sat at the table with people, its a shame I can't see the notes in the lobby as its too late to do anything by the time the table has loaded. Honestly its quite depressing then to record that you are just playing JohnConnor for the 56th time. But it will be quite a while before I can make a table selection based on how weak/strong I percieve the table to be.
The only good thing about playing £11 Dym's ( If there is one ) is the c4p's, already I have more than I achieved in the whole of last month, I am not going to mention my widget again as certain people have filthy minds!!
If you were to ask the players that I am against in the Dym's very rarely do I limp. Having played the Timed Tourney's & given Rich Orford grief in the chatbox for limping in a hand, I was horrified when my 1st ever televised hand was shown last night. I only went & limped!! I have now completed the 100 lines " I must not limp" as I didn't fancy going into Tikay's office and being " slapped round the face with a wet kipper".
Suprisingly I am actually looking forward to tonights football, however after seeing last night's game I reckon we really need to win the group 2nd is no good. Also missing TommyD's Euro reports this morning, coffee doesnt taste as good.
hi Mike, nice post as usual m8. agree with u about having to play the regs as they are there most of the time,especially peak times. so you mention c4p which is good .do you think for example in my case that it would be better 4 me to go up a level or 2 and earn extra c4p or should i be happy playing £1 & £2 and winning sessions more often than not? also feel i,m playing alot more risk free @ those levels. have a good day m8, enjoy the football. ian
Nice Posts Mike!! Have messaged Emma, LLammas, about your Ace Spades HitSquad logo, She does them mate, she said will try a couple, see the FB Page mate & Run Golden with them Flips, LOL!!!! Posted by HITMAN_RV
Cheers Dave,
Thanks for setting things up will be keen to see what yours looks like as well.
Well thats another DTD Monday night gone and have to say 3 tables is getting easier I even managed a min cash in the Take on Tikay. Congrats to Waller02 taking it down & Spornybol winnining overall, commiserations to my teammate VespaPX who had the dubious pleasure of taking over the seat I vacated & being surrounded by guys from TPT who were very loud in the chatbox, but every dog has its day.
Tonight sees England in the football, no doubt they will put us all through the full range of emotions, I just hope the final one is that of relief & celebration rather than despair & what might have been.
My widget stormed (well more like stumbled) through the 3k c4p mark yesterday so thats £42.00 & climbing, but the way the dym's are at the moment I would be happier if the bankroll was up rather than down that much for the month.The weekend is out of the way now so hopefully the damage can be repaired, its a good job I am easy going otherwise it might be the computer that has to be repaired. Would be nice if the other member of the "Devon Mafia" Devonfish5 has a better day on the tables today as well, otherwise players will be thinking we are a soft touch.
Congrats on your cash last night and a HUGE thanks for railing me. As i said in the chat box i felt like Gen Custer being surrounded by the TPT mob! Your were right i should have been firing bullets instead of rounding up the wagons but just didn't get the cards last night. To be honest i was quite impressed to finish 10th given that i was was pretty card dead all night. Having a break from the tables tonight to watch the footy , don't know what's more nerve racking!!!
hi Mike, could do with a good day m8 as u say, otherwise going 2b back around the dreaded £200 mark again lol not feeling 2 confident atm though if i,m being honest. hope you enjoy the footie laters... :-) ian
Well what can I say a really good night & the football wasn't too bad either. I had settled down to watch the game with ch865 on the webstream but not actually playing poker.Happy at 1/2 time and having made a coffee heard Rich Orford say that the Lucky 7's was about to start so i just wondered how many runners it would get with the footie on, when I saw it was only 78 which meant a massive overlay of about 50% on the entry fee (finally had 94 runners) and as the football hadn't been exactly riveting I registered.
The next hour I didnt really play the poker I watched the Tv & for what seems the 1st time I can remember we actually got the rub of the green, decisions & other reults all went our way even Rooney didnt get sent off & we avoided the Spanish in the next round. Having watched the Irish game the night before I cant say that I wasn't overly impressed by the Italians, so the levels of hope & anticipation keep rising.
Anyway back to the poker, as I said nothing memorable happened until with about 30 runners left I was in the BB with absolute rubbish & the big stack at the table in the SB just limped in so I raised it up he called, Flop & turn he checked so I bet but each time he called, when the river came down I only had 1 choice & as I was playing the board I shoved all my remaining chips in the middle. Can imagine we have all been there eyes closed, fists clenched, praying he folds and already annoyed with ourselves for making such a stupid play, but the prayers worked & this time he folded. 2 hands later I got QQ raised it up & the same player maybe tilting shoved with A7 which I snap called & won the race so I was up to 7th with top 10 paid.
Having shocked myself & the blinds getting fairly steep I didn't really do anything for the next few orbits but with 1 eye on the lobby I was surprised how quickly people were being knocked out and then I was 10th of 10 & in the money. Getting QQ again at the right time meant that I actually made it to the FT but of the 188,000 chips in play I had the pathetic amount of 7,450 so I was well short stacked but happy with the £70 I was about to get.
No pressure then which probably was no bad thing. Now with the footie, Vegas the sun shining there were no familiar faces on the the table so maybe it was a bit of inexperience that one by one they started to knock each other out. I felt for ACEDUECE who was massive chip leader but virtually lost the lot having AA cracked twice in consecutive hands so I laddered my way up hanging on by my fingernails even winning the odd pot here & there. In the end I was heads up with a 3:1 chip deficit but as my opponent was in a hurry to go to bed or something he was shoving really light I just picked what I thought were the best spots & was Happy/Chuffed/Ecstatic or to use a football analogy "Over the moon" to actually win it.
After pinching myself & checking my balance 3 times just to check I wasn't dreaming, I couldn't resist a post on the forum telling Rich (who was in so much pain as he will miss all the rest of Englands matches) that I didn't need the competition prize as I already had free entry into the next Lucky 7's as I had just taken it down.
Just goes to show that even in mtt's the tortoise can beat the hare, I entered the tourney with no expectations & very little hope so lets hope the same is true of England in the football. All in all the POKER IN MY LIFE just gets better and better.
Run well pal.
Keep The Faith!
just turned on pc,
my c4p has gone in.....yiiiiiiiiiipeeeee
I didn't have a very good bank holiday either on the tables but there's always another day.
Glad to hear your widget is getting better but probably too much info thanks ! :-)
Good luck in the Orford thingy later.
Cheers Teammate !!!
see u r not entered in the Euro freeroll tonight @8.45pm
50 pts to enter....
don,t know if u have enough points?
ok m8,let me give YOU some advice,i know thet you won,t mind.
i will keep it simple so you don,t forget it,
don,t play with any more than 20% of your bankroll at any time
drop down to £5 dym,s on sundays,if you do play any.
lol lol lol lol lol
(* *)
Was a good night last night for the Team , managed a final table in one and came 6th :-)
As for taking the flips when down to last 30 i think you have to in MTT's, that's why the variance is so high in them.
On another day you will win them all !
Run good and see at the tables soon.
nice post as usual m8.
agree with u about having to play the regs as they are there most of the time,especially peak times.
so you mention c4p which is good .do you think for example in my case that it would be better 4 me to go up a level or 2 and earn extra c4p or should i be happy playing £1 & £2 and winning sessions more often than not?
also feel i,m playing alot more risk free @ those levels.
have a good day m8,
enjoy the football.
Have messaged Emma, LLammas, about your Ace Spades HitSquad logo, She does them mate, she said will try a couple, see the FB Page mate
& Run Golden with them Flips, LOL!!!!
Hi Mike,
Been lurking for a bit and enjoying the read. That is all.
Congrats on your cash last night and a HUGE thanks for railing me.
As i said in the chat box i felt like Gen Custer being surrounded by the TPT mob!
Your were right i should have been firing bullets instead of rounding up the wagons but just didn't get the cards last night.
To be honest i was quite impressed to finish 10th given that i was was pretty card dead all night.
Having a break from the tables tonight to watch the footy , don't know what's more nerve racking!!!
Cheers buddy
could do with a good day m8 as u say,
otherwise going 2b back around the dreaded £200 mark again lol
not feeling 2 confident atm though if i,m being honest.
hope you enjoy the footie laters...