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  • edited June 2012
    Congrats on your lucky 7's win last night !
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: POKER IN MY LIFE:
    Congrats on your lucky 7's win last night !
    Posted by VespaPX
    Cheers Mick, 

    I think it was watching you Monday night defend an impossible position that gave me the inspiration to get the job done. Wagons circled but still managed to fire a few bullets lol
  • edited June 2012
    Nice one

    I'll be in the lucky 7's on Thurs after winning a Tikay comp on here yesterday.
    See you at the tables.
  • edited June 2012
    Very nice bink, well played.
  • edited June 2012
    Congrats fella!
  • edited June 2012
    Thanks guys,

    Its not really sunk in yet that in a few short weeks I have managed to take down 2 decent tournies here on sky & that my bankroll has grown from just £10 to £449.21 I have to keep checking I am not dreaming!! It also feels that I am now properly rolled for the £11 Dym's which is a big relief. Really enjoying it here (which is no suprise) thanks again.
  • edited June 2012
    congrats on your win i forgot to register as the overlay was great nice 1 welldone :) 
  • edited June 2012
    well done Mike,
    good 2 see at least one of the "Devon Mafia" is winning   lol

    keep it going m8,

    (*  *)
  • edited June 2012
    Cheers guys,

    Dont know what you mean Dev, I reckon we are both winning & now you have your 2nd monitor there will be no stopping you. Let me know how you get on with it ok ?
    IDCU I have never heard of that site & I reckon your mum will be just fine without me railing as you will make enough noise no doubt :-)

  • edited June 2012
    Huge thanks to Llamas, 
    who has created my fantastic new Hit squad Avatar, and its such a shame that it cant be used to replace the avatar's used on the tables, I am a bit fed up of looking like the american golfer Davis Love III.
    You never know it might be one of the changes Sky bring in, but there again if they don't sort out the issues with trying to connect to or being disconnected from Sky there might not be anyone here by then.Mind you I was lucky today it only took 3 attempts to connect to the login screen.
    Anyway less of the moaning & back to the poker, before I start moaning about that as well.
  • edited June 2012

    Event # 47 at the 2012 WSOP Has come under scrutiny after fellow competitors claimed that a player had taken a banned substance (Advil) which had allowed him to sleep his way into a cash in the Pot limit Omaha event,

    Mr Anthony Kendall of Ilkeston, Derbyshire UK ( a part time analyst on Sky Poker) if found guilty will recieve a minimum of $2,957 

  • edited June 2012
    hi mike,
    not heard from u 4 a while...
    hope u r ok.
    still been grinding with my challenge,just seem 2b going backwards atm.
    stepped up to £5 last night which was great for c4p..386 in 1 session.  lol

    liking the new avatar btw.
    best wishes m8,
    gl at the tables.
  • edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: POKER IN MY LIFE:
    Huge thanks to Llamas,  who has created my fantastic new Hit squad Avatar, and its such a shame that it cant be used to replace the avatar's used on the tables, I am a bit fed up of looking like the american golfer Davis Love III. You never know it might be one of the changes Sky bring in, but there again if they don't sort out the issues with trying to connect to or being disconnected from Sky there might not be anyone here by then.Mind you I was lucky today it only took 3 attempts to connect to the login screen. Anyway less of the moaning & back to the poker, before I start moaning about that as well.
    Posted by Woogie8688
    Great New Hit-Avatar Mate!!
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: POKER IN MY LIFE:
    In Response to Re: POKER IN MY LIFE : Great New Hit-Avatar Mate!!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    Cheers Dave,
    Can't wait to see yours hit the forums as well. 

     Sometimes maths & statistics can be misleading, a couple of years ago I had the dubious pleasure of a factory visit in Germany to the company that made the fitted kitchens we supplied and in all honesty it was a complete waste of time watching bits of wood & materials moved around the only thing the computers couldn't do was figure out the best way to load the lorries. On leaving the factory there was a graph on the wall that amused me, with regards to performance & efficiency, you would think if there was no wastage or production time lost then things would be running at 100%. Nope think again only the Germans can have a chart where you can achieve 105% 
     In my early days of playing poker, on the other site where you can dress characters in things like burgundy jackets or even knotted hankies on their heads, thats the beauty of online poker you can wear what you want in the privacy of your own home. They had a very useful display that showed in "all in" situations the odds  of you winning the hand. There was one occasion in a $5.50 SNG when I was dealt KK & the flop came down KKA, all the chips went in  & the villain showed AK that gave me odds of winning the pot as 100% flopped quads it doesn't get much better!!
     I didnt really look at the turn & river cards as I was typing "unlucky" in the chat box when all the chips went to the other side of the table??????  Ace on the turn & Ace on the river, so much for me being  100% to win the hand, just goes to show that mathematics doesnt always show the true picture. And I think that was what is known as "A Bad Beat"
  • edited July 2012
    After all the aggro of monday night it was good just to play a bit of poker yesterday, but again my journey on sky poker is a bit like letting the wife map read, just when you think you know where you are heading you  end up taking a totally different route. Have always spent my poker life playing Sng's I suck at cash & I have the attention span of a newt when it comes to mtt's or so I thought. For some reason yesterday I decided to enter the satellite to the semi for the main event & somehow after Solarcarro had reduced me to 155 chips after 4 hands I somehow managed to get a seat for the semi so I am well pleased with myself & like a dog with 2 tails.The semi satellite was just like a giant Dym with 23 seats which I managed to get without too many scares & not much difficulty so mtt's are growing on me.
     Again having won a £22 seat for £1.60 I have to enter the mini for £3.30, which is more the buy in level I am used to in mtt's. Both tournies were going ok until within the space of 5 mins I crashed out of both to a mixture of "why did I do that" , "I dont know how they could call down the streets" "Typical 2 outer hits on the river" & a few expletives I am not going to repeat here but again i came away thinking I could do ok in these in future.
     Was then talking to Lambert 180 on the Hitsquad Facebook page with wacko90 about soft tournies & Paul mentioned a £5.50 rebuy starting in 5 mins, so having been bitten by the mtt bug I reckoned I would give it a bash, managed to make it to the Add on stage without having to rebuy which was only because NIHIGUN & I swapped our stacks when both times the worst hands [totally  dominated] managed to catch the river. So I am know playing an £11 mtt with 27 runners & top 5 places paid, things progress quite nicely for a bit I am mid field for a while & then the table gets joined by GREGHOGG he is SB to my BB & the man is a complete nightmare to play!! I was even able to have comments written in the chat box knowing he was gonna raise/reraise/go all in every BB. Next time I see he is registered I am outta there. Eventually Greg gets busted somehow & I find myself on the final table again. Easy game being short stacked in this situation there is not a lot of thinking required, which suits me down to the ground. One by one a player leaves & now I have cashed £36.90 then £76 & at this point with 3 players left & me still short stacked I get pocket 5's on the button, so all the chips are shoved in happy to take a race if I am called, until the chip leader & big stack calls  & turns over AA .Big oops  never mind happy with the £65 profit, that is until the miracle 5 lands on the flop, & I type an embarrassed "ul" in the chat box but really am grinning like a cheshire cat. His luck returns & he soon takes out the other player so its now heads up £110 locked up & £176 to the winner. Having played 1,000's of sng's I have been HU loads of times but wonder how many mtt players on here have experience playing that part of the game, but all of a sudden his style changed & he became so passive, just let me have too many Blinds for free until I had a small chip lead until I shove his min raise with my A6 hearts & I am happy to see pocket 3's & its a race at least I have 2 overs & the flop of 566 kinda helps a little, now a small sweat but Q on turn & another 5 on the river seals the deal & £11 has been turned into £176.00 Happy days!!
     So now my journey on Sky poker is going from A-G I really have got to get a new map reader or better still if anyone know the best Sat Nav for Sky poker please let me know !! Am not complaining that I have turned the £10 of 3 months ago into £492.95 with £51.00 c4p to come but i cant play mtt's but 3 wins from 3 x final tables in tournies i am confused. I just wish I had some of Tikay's Advil tablets, and I don't mean the sleeping pills!! 

  • edited July 2012
    Morning Mike,

    Nice read as usual and very well done on your win ! :-)
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: POKER IN MY LIFE:
    Morning Mike, Nice read as usual and very well done on your win ! :-)
    Posted by VespaPX
    Cheers Mick,

    Just a shame it can't be for the Hit Squad, lets face it if there was a lower rank than private, I would be getting demoted !!
    Hope you running well bud :-)
  • edited July 2012
     Wow, had to go back to page 15 to find where i had left this thread its been that long since i last wrote anything on here. Not because I have nothing to write but because I seem to feel more comfortable as i get to know more people within the community & therefore contribute to other threads like the WSOP one which I have to say was the best that I have seen in my short time here, it epitomised everything which is so good about the Sky poker community.
     I don't intend to start a war over which is the best team but to be a part of Team Hit Squad is the "absolute nuts" and to anyone who isn't in a team, get yourselves involved its such a help to your poker & its enjoyment. 
     As far as my poker goes Dym's at the moment are a thing of of the past & flavour of the month seems to be mtt's, with the exeption of Monday night which is DTD night ,( & please don't anybody suggest changing its name, it is beyond me why some people get enjoyment out of aggravating/antagonising others just for the sake of it...moan over... ) I am now trying to satellite during the day into the main events as cheap as possible, otherwise its the smaller buyin mtt's & Timed tournies which have been quite enjoyable & helped me maintain a stable bankroll.
     i was a bit dissapointed last night when I sent in a hand from the main event to the show & Anna announced that because of another players alias it couldnt be shown, I had moved tables so I had to check my hand history, and when you are sitting next to "oneyedcock" she had a point, although at times dont you feel like that player is somewhere on every table!!
  • edited July 2012
    Hi Mike
    Couldn't agree more about the team thing and the Monday night DTD, its great.

    It amazes me how people get these stupid/rude alias's through the system (doesn't anyone check?).

    I'm having a really bad run at the moment , so my house move next week will be a chance to take a break for a couple of weeks.

    Probably be back on sometime in August.

    Good luck at the tables buddy.
  • edited July 2012
    blimmey mike sorry i havnt read up on your page for a while and have a lot of catching upto do so still reading but very wd m8 on your wins thats fantastic, your br is BOOOMED right up nicely really chuffed for you and long may it continue. :)
  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: POKER IN MY LIFE:
    Hi Mike Couldn't agree more about the team thing and the Monday night DTD, its great. It amazes me how people get these stupid/rude alias's through the system (doesn't anyone check?). I'm having a really bad run at the moment , so my house move next week will be a chance to take a break for a couple of weeks. Probably be back on sometime in August. Good luck at the tables buddy. Mick
    Posted by VespaPX
    Thanks Mick,
    Hope the house move isn't too stressful for you m8. Look forward to seeing you when you back on & am sure the break will change the run your on at the moment.
    See you soon


  • edited July 2012
    In Response to Re: POKER IN MY LIFE:
    blimmey mike sorry i havnt read up on your page for a while and have a lot of catching upto do so still reading but very wd m8 on your wins thats fantastic, your br is BOOOMED right up nicely really chuffed for you and long may it continue. :)
    Posted by Dazler
    Thanks Daz,
    Its partly due to your initial advice on what was best to play so thankyou. Am so glad you binked the SPT seat & you get things sorted okay, be great to see how you get on.
    Run good & enjoy m8


  • edited August 2012
    Wow, its been over 3 weeks since I last wrote in here, the WSOP has finished , the Olympics have come & gone even the football season started today. Its not that I have had nothing to write just dont seem to have the time. 
    Our very own Sky Pokerlympics were great fun & Simon & Lisa did a fantastic job getting everyone involved & it organised. Personally I had the pleasure of captaining the Hit Squad "A Team" & eventually finishing in 3rd place, thanks team a great effort.
    I think I will be playing more Mtt's from now on & if anyone watched the other nights live show where I was seen to triple barrel bluff with A2, that was purely because it was a timed tournament & hoped to be able to get a fold from any non Queen hand. Please note that is not my normal style of play :-).
    Big congratulations to Devonfish for his achievements in Dym land, as and when he gets to the £1,000 mark I reckon a complete break is required, the poor bloke must be seeing Dym tables in his sleep.
    Hope everyone is running good & enjoying their poker as much as I am.

  • edited August 2012
    hi Mike,
    well done with how your br is growing,great effort.
    looks as though going down the Mtt route 'suits you sir'  lol
    i have to keep playing every day just to stay ahead of you.  lol
    yeah,have to agree with you i will be taking at least a day off if not 2 when it's all over.   lol
    it's just getting to the stage now where i can see the finish line ,well almost hear the bell ring anyway.,
    so am putting in a big effort whiles't i'm on a roll atm.
    keep up the good work yourself m8,
    best wishes
  • edited August 2012
    GL Mike & Ian!!!

    Great Job Captaining Hitsquad A in the Poker Olympics mate, been noted!!
  • edited August 2012
    Once a Woggie but now having listened to Anna say the name a few times last night I am rather pleased to say the least, that 5 months ago thanks to Tikay Woogie was born. When Tikay was kind enough to get the name changed, so that any input could be read out on Ch 865 as it was then, no way did I imagine it could lead to a night like last night.
    It started off as a fairly normal Sunday just relaxing pottering about & playing a bit of poker, cashed in a bounty hunter & then managed to get a seat in the 10k Primo semi in a £2.60 satellite. The gorgeous weather pesuaded the females of the familly it would be nice to spend an afternoon at the beach, but as I thought they had gone I heard "Dad quick we need you" The ex wifes car had a flat tyre. Previously I would have changed the tyre but now I had to try & instruct 4 females in what to do!!! Enough said but I was knackered. A couple of hours kip was needed.
    When i woke the evening then became something I couldn't have dreamed of. Playing the Primo semi had a really good start & seat in the Primo (which at £55 buy in I can't afford) became a distinct possibility, at this point the THS Donk-a-fun started & although playing Omaha is a nice fun change not to be recommended when playing a Holdem satellite to a main event. Still managed to scrape a seat in the all in shove fest at the end so again I registered for the mini as well.
    For about 25 minutes I was in control & reading the show thread on the forum for some reason I posted That my " Ideal Sunday" would be playing in the Primo & having my play analysed now as Carlo would say "Be careful what you wish for" because yes at 7:55 Anna announced that in the next hour the show would be following Woogie in the early stages of the Primo with Jen & Adam. Now I have to apologise to my fellow players in the Omaha & explain why I might be a little slow at the table. Slow wasn't guite the right word because when the main & the mini started I virtually stopped playing. Its quite a strange experience trying to play 3 games of poker & at the same time having 1 eye on the web stream having hands replayed & discussed. It might be normal for the likes of GregHogg, TommyD & other TV table regulars but for me it was quite bizarre. I actually felt sorry for the other players on my table who unlike me hadn't volunteered to be part of the show. half way through the hour I had managed to fold in the Omaha to 3rd place & a cash, so I may try that tactic again in the future as the best way to play the stupid game. 
    I look forward to watching the replay tonight of the show,( How I wish now I had sky+ & not Mr Branson's lot as my tv provider) but I don't think I did anything particularly stupid & having AA hold v KK with all in pre flop helped me to at least last the whole hour!!  To have Jen Mason calling me "Our Hero" was absolutely awesome, but I was somewhat deflated later in the show when she put Adam in his place saying " Our Hero" was only a term. 
    I managed to finish 65th when my luck finally ran out in a flip with Sam1986. No cash in the mini either but who cares to be honest, as Sundays go that pretty much was "My Ideal Sunday"

  • edited August 2012
    hi Mike,
    nice post as always.
    i will deffo watch your antics on the re-run show tonight...
    should be interesting  seeing which hands you play & also how you play them.
    i will put myself into your shoes & see how i would have or poss have not have played them.
    best wishes as always m8.
    be lucky
  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: POKER IN MY LIFE:
    GL Mike & Ian!!! Great Job Captaining Hitsquad A in the Poker Olympics mate, been noted!!
    Posted by HITMAN_RV
    ty HITMAN RV

  • edited August 2012
    In Response to Re: POKER IN MY LIFE:
    hi Woogie welcome to the forums nice first post. My first games of poker was playing 5 card stud with my cousin and his m8s and we used to make a fortune and get all his m8s to empty there penny jars and took the lot, but me and him used to make the rules up as we went along lol in our favour, they didnt have a clue but didnt wanna look like they were stupid :) GL with on here. Do you know what you will mainly be playin yet?
    Posted by Dazler
    Is this his first post as it says 666 posts ?? or have I got wrong end of stick ? Still its a good read Woogie though.
  • edited August 2012
    Very nice post Sir and I have always enjoyed our times at the tables. I will also watch with intrest your hands lol

    When you knew they would be showing you did you change how you play or feed off it? Just always intrested as people we are so effected by many differnt things.

    Good luck and I am sure your bankroll wii keep growing :)
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