I,d just say - whats the rush? Your going along quite nicelely -
It seems you live at home with parents which until you move or get kicked out you may not realise how good you,ve got it.
As Scotty pointed out the hours which are best for playing (nights and weekends) and someone else pointed out how boring it can get and you don,t want to be stuck on your laptop 24/7. You wil burn yourself out
In your position i,d probably up my volume , try a higher stake of DYM,s for at least a few months and if uve still got the hunger for it then talk to others who have gone pro before deciding
Thanks for your advise everyone i really appreciate it. I reliase this is high risk but i have the hunger and desire to succeed. Basically for the last 2 years all i do is eat sleep and think about poker i think about it non stop and i mean that. I lived in america last year and worked for Disney and 3 or 4 nights a week i would go to a 1/2 underground cashgame with a guy standing at the door with a gun as security for it! Basically if i go broke with the 2k i can always get a job but i believe i can succeed and failure is not an option for me. I have relatively cheap living costs so if i went broke i would be able to deal with it. Yes i won a big tournament last week and yes i was lucky and i know that isnt going to happen every week. Dyms is were i am going to be able to grind a solid roll as i know mtts are very high varience. With regards as to how this may impact my lifestyle this is not a problem as i love the game! I plan on investing on a good poker set up my friend plays full time for a living since last september so he will be able to advise me on what monitors and so on i should get then i can increase and play more tables.
In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary] : How about you take the time to give him advice, we all know how much of a top pro you are . Posted by WHOAMI196
do u know what roi you can realistically achieve at £11 dym's? off the top of my head there is only 4 winning regs at ~£11 dym's that still turn a profit after rake, and have done so over a decent sample size
do u know how many points u can realistically achieve in a month and therefore how much C4P you will be getting?
welldone on your bink can tell u on a high and can understand y but be carefull so easy to get carried away and think ya invincible because u havent had a downswing its gonna happen its how u deal with it that count amount of times i have won 300 over a weekend and think this is well easy a easy game this aslong and then hit a brick wall for a few weeks just get ul cant hit a thing and lose half my bankroll just stick to the small buy ins and make a steady grind my opinion dnt play big cash tables just grind on 20 nl and dyms i see u play 100 nl before to get on tv to show your hands for a image bad idea imo to play 100 nl with 2 k bankroll if u want to play fulltime anyway good luck whatver u shall do from steve
do u know what roi you can realistically achieve at £11 dym's? off the top of my head there is only 4 winning regs at ~£11 dym's that still turn a profit after rake, and have done so over a decent sample size do u know how many points u can realistically achieve in a month and therefore how much C4P you will be getting? Posted by SHANXTA
Are you one of these 4 Shanxta? I'm intrigued to know who they are (I don't expect you to name names), I only have a suspicion who one of them is...
if you are under 20 and living at home just go for it!
but be honest with yourself and if you aint good enough then get a job.
also, dont underestimate how much money can be won playing cash. i would assume you will be better off learning how to beat cash to be profitable long term rather than dyms (purely speculation)
I am prob not the best person to be giving you advice but from what little experiance i have i would say that playing cash games are the way forward with a few MTTs thrown in looking for that big hit.
Just try and choose your tables carefully and then when the game starts filling with regs just leave and find another good table.
By the way mate you have done enough advertising on the tv tables now so start binning those 2 7s and tighten up cos im sure you will get the action you want for a while now
Best of luck mate. I am prob not the best person to be giving you advice but from what little experiance i have i would say that playing cash games are the way forward with a few MTTs thrown in looking for that big hit. Just try and choose your tables carefully and then when the game starts filling with regs just leave and find another good table. By the way mate you have done enough advertising on the tv tables now so start binning those 2 7s and tighten up cos im sure you will get the action you want for a while now Daz Posted by _ARAZI_
Thanks buddy appreciate the advise. The thing about cash games mate is all the regs are there and whilst i aggree with you that there are still some recreational players i believe their is more of an edge playing sitngos and mtts. I have played cash before on various other sites and live its not that im scared of cash because im not i just feel there is more of an edge elsewhere.
In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary] : Thanks buddy appreciate the advise. The thing about cash games mate is all the regs are there and whilst i aggree with you that there are still some recreational players i believe their is more of an edge playing sitngos and mtts. I have played cash before on various other sites and live its not that im scared of cash because im not i just feel there is more of an edge elsewhere. Posted by bearlyther
Best of luck to you whatever you decide to do mate.
Only you yourself know where you feel most comfortable and where you maximise your profits.
Will be good reading your daily ups n downs at the tables (hopefully more ups than downs).
BTW mate. When i said leave the tables once the regs start sitting that dosnt apply to all of them because alot of them are very beatable and robotic in their ways so profits dont only come from the recreational players.
Was supposed to be going to the cinema tonight then the tickets were sold out so decided to grind. Played a few dyms won like 4 in a row then win 2 lose a few think i breakeven in that today. I then decided to play in the £11 bounty hunter which started at 12.30 and i managed to win it for £164.14 there now. So off to a good start in my quest to seriously build my bankroll need to keep it up.
In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary] : Didnt play a big lot yesterday around 12 or so Posted by bearlyther
Not being funny, but I think LadyFinger's point was, you're going pro and intend to be playing DYMs full-time, and yet you eneded up playing 12 DYMs and an MTT... and this was a day when you couldnt go the cinema so said you decided to 'grind'
Everyone's put their opinion on here and personally I agree with the consensus. However I don't want to start telling you what you should or shouldn't do with your life. The only advice I would give is always have a legitimate Plan B that can be implemented at any point. Tightrope walking without a net looks incredibly impressive right up until the point the tightrope walker becomes pavement pizza.
For what it's worth I would never and have never advised anyone to go pro, regardless of who they are.
You're going to need to play over 100 games a day to make it worth your while and move up to £22 games at least. You will also need to devote lots of time to improving your game off the tables, particularly as you are so new to the game. Not sure how many training videos or literature there are on DYM's, but review sessions are a must. Try and get friendly with as many winning DYM players as you can so you can discuss strategies etc. It's not going to be easy for you mate but if you have the desire and apply yourself there's no reason why you won't succeed. All the best!
In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary] : Not being funny, but I think LadyFinger's point was, you're going pro and intend to be playing DYMs full-time, and yet you eneded up playing 12 DYMs and an MTT... and this was a day when you couldnt go the cinema so said you decided to 'grind' Posted by Lambert180
It was a legit question, but when the answer was inevitabley a low number, this was going to be my follow up post.
Also if you want to be pro then gg going to the cinema, you need to play a tonne. And if youre only 4 tabling £11 DYM's then that means playing for a long long time EVERY day. You say you have the desire but to be honest only playing 12 DYM's in a grind session is not indicitive of that desire.
Don't mean to be harsh, but sometimes you need someone to level with you.
Didnt play a big lot today due to playing bowls in the afternoon. Played a few dyms tonight just to keep me going while watching the highlights of the fa cup final. Tomorrow will be a big grind day. I will be playing in dyms all day and willl also be entering the satellites for the £110 bounty hunter and also the £55 primo i will not be buying in direct for these tournaments if i fail to win the satellites as i have to manage my bankroll properly if i want to make this work.
cinema and bowling your a man of leasure not a poker pro doing this lol but even the pros have to enjoy themselves (what did you see by the way). You do say your gonna be grinding the dym yet your playing in planning on playing 2 mtts if you make it through the satalittes, prob with this is likely hood your gonna win the mtts with the high varience in mtts is slim and very time consuming to say the least. Imagine how many dym games you could play if in the 4 hrs or so it takes to play mtts that you may or may not cash in. Just sayin! I like your spirit though and truly wish you luck you have the oppotunity to make a nice amount of money with your br ill be watchin with interest
cinema and bowling your a man of leasure not a poker pro doing this lol but even the pros have to enjoy themselves (what did you see by the way). You do say your gonna be grinding the dym yet your playing in planning on playing 2 mtts if you make it through the satalittes, prob with this is likely hood your gonna win the mtts with the high varience in mtts is slim and very time consuming to say the least. Imagine how many dym games you could play if in the 4 hrs or so it takes to play mtts that you may or may not cash in. Just sayin! I like your spirit though and truly wish you luck you have the oppotunity to make a nice amount of money with your br ill be watchin with interest Posted by Dazler
Yes mate i reliase mtts is very high varience so i only plan on playing the main events each night, satellites for the big 1s like tonight and the odd bounty hunter tournament occasionally. The reason why i will be playing the main events is because in a dym essentially you have to play like a complete robot where as playing in a tournament i can play normally so i need to still play 1 tournament each night so i dont turn into a robot!
Ok so i started a session off there around 1 and i am now taking a break for an hour before i go back on the grind. Been playing 3 tables of 11 dym and 1 16.50 table. I had planned to play solely 16.50s today but had to settle for 3/4 of 11 due to little of the 16.50s running hopefully it will pick up later on.
In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary] : Yes mate i reliase mtts is very high varience so i only plan on playing the main events each night, satellites for the big 1s like tonight and the odd bounty hunter tournament occasionally. The reason why i will be playing the main events is because in a dym essentially you have to play like a complete robot where as playing in a tournament i can play normally so i need to still play 1 tournament each night so i dont turn into a robot! Posted by bearlyther
yea dym can get a bit tedious thats why ive given them a break at the moment and sticking to cash tables. Ok to be a robot as long as your the terminator and not metal mickey lol. GL tonight in the main hope you run well. Which film did you see by the way it wasnt a re-run of i robot was it
Is that a picture of you with Jesus Chris Ferguson?
In Response to Re: Going Pro [Bearlyther's Diary] : yea dym can get a bit tedious thats why ive given them a break at the moment and sticking to cash tables. Ok to be a robot as long as your the terminator and not metal mickey lol. GL tonight in the main hope you run well. Which film did you see by the way it wasnt a re-run of i robot was it Is that a picture of you with Jesus Chris Ferguson? Posted by Dazler
Thanks mate will give the satelites a crack anyway. Yes i dont mind being a robot as long as im in profit for it! Was going to see the american reunion but it was sold out. Yes that is indeed a picture of me with the man in hideout! I lived in america last year working in disney world Florida on a 1 year program. I went to Las vegas in March last year and the NBC National heads up championships were being played in ceasers palace and i got a lot of pictures and chance to meet the big players!
Fact is it's yr 2k.. my advice would be take 1500.00 then see if you are good enough to re-spin the remaining 500 up?? Always a good indicator.. plus it didn't cost 2k to find out!!!
It seems you live at home with parents which until you move or get kicked out you may not realise how good you,ve got it.
As Scotty pointed out the hours which are best for playing (nights and weekends) and someone else pointed out how boring it can get and you don,t want to be stuck on your laptop 24/7. You wil burn yourself out
In your position i,d probably up my volume , try a higher stake of DYM,s for at least a few months and if uve still got the hunger for it then talk to others who have gone pro before deciding
GL with the thread
Don't you make quite a lot more from poker than you would with a normal job?? So you can take more time off
Surely it's much better for a social life as you can choose when you play
but be honest with yourself and if you aint good enough then get a job.
also, dont underestimate how much money can be won playing cash. i would assume you will be better off learning how to beat cash to be profitable long term rather than dyms (purely speculation)
I am prob not the best person to be giving you advice but from what little experiance i have i would say that playing cash games are the way forward with a few MTTs thrown in looking for that big hit.
Just try and choose your tables carefully and then when the game starts filling with regs just leave and find another good table.
By the way mate you have done enough advertising on the tv tables now so start binning those 2 7s and tighten up cos im sure you will get the action you want for a while now
Best of luck to you whatever you decide to do mate.
Only you yourself know where you feel most comfortable and where you maximise your profits.
Will be good reading your daily ups n downs at the tables (hopefully more ups than downs).
BTW mate. When i said leave the tables once the regs start sitting that dosnt apply to all of them because alot of them are very beatable and robotic in their ways so profits dont only come from the recreational players.
congrats on b/h win,
nice 1.
best wishes :-)
For what it's worth I would never and have never advised anyone to go pro, regardless of who they are.
Is that a picture of you with Jesus Chris Ferguson?